'HE MICHIGAN DAILY '% '$ + '++Ht'+ 'fio# !4"+F' i '+i 'f''' o44 N N0INN i1N NiN N+N The Straight front Varsity ...i Superb Sho wind of If on antto ee hesnappiest style ever preduced in Clothes,~ you want ts see the new H. S. & MI. "Staaight Front" Varsity. S P R NG IL iIN ER Y In order to see the suis as it really is, kous hoed to try it on, + i ~ K and stasd before the glass, you'll much rather give up the price O of it than give up the clothes. f Beatitifuil creations, displaying in every line the +Also a new line of Blacks in Vicunas, - , 217 Owma0tr milliner's art,;nees dainty effects in soft, Thibets, Cheviots and unfinished wore- PU1T SOUTH flufy lcs chiffons, niahnes, light and airy straw +teds, at ; Z w4 braids, the new small flowers with long stems, rep' $15S.00 to $24.00 A SUIT I'he Clothier MAIN resenting this season's moat popular ideas. iift (xt Guyer Hits for Spring Nose Ready ST. s sa 'ooubepie O I _______ ' IWISU to call your attesstioii to thic fact that our cii- 1.1 1 I *l t~; ire liue of zSPRING WOOLENS is on the tbe n S l6 ° Tbe Geatest Game Out Football-Paker hasallthe 5 will futrler sat that we are iii a psisitioin where we Caii get Mimic Football Played with Cards interes st alande iitehae tll Iwork out ipiromiptly. Th'eI ins of tailoriiig will t EaYto Learn-Easy to Play toSac meicnG ames.. FulfrTw u orCod liasofsea uss goalsisll vail asiistial at our estahliahlcit. fumihsdblesudek.A paid. Sampsle .cr ofgaeuefree. Youneg and ldtseasliers, college g studcsts, sciety-eereybody is playing Football-Pokee. 1BUILCIIFIELD'S FrINES TAILORING TRADE "All SHarvard lay~e s iball-i'es-sswsthe rseswih stuents." - a sseis s siesesr-Osssls ise,. isusss. 9106 ]Exst Hli Ortt Street _THE REILLY 41 BRITTON CO.. 84 Adams St. Chiaso, II. MUTI LB ,,,,.a._4 _. BASEBALL P RACTICE. ROCKY MONAN LB UNION Twit wseeksefriim tday the tiaselialt il ace -MONEY LOANED ON L Wll dnceMonday, April 4, at >- THEOLOGICAL =,.i= vl lae scAriirolt Gs ranges's. Ticksets are going last. watches, D~iamonds, ap i.. til. 'liags.WirsnscRa'As they are limited secure them early Jewelryand all High s< ill be played in the oriter nametd.Irnsoimmttete r Cattelcarntd 700 PakA'.-owYr R. S. SCHMIDT. Claea euiy F mlyeuppdpe o'k Awe.. NarlyorkT lstlae basgcpri (iL. E. RAUCH. BUSINESS STRICTLYCOFDNIL VFtyaseetaslltrYsiie51 Harid practicecwill tbc the risle teem H.. J.REDFORD. o Beat warkts.isthe mid~stiof tiii'Cheiss It . EFOD ianussenterprisesuof t grist cityric' stenw' ossas hsitlittle tints'is letllto academsic reatiens witi (ls usi uiit a t wii tierteamsiit rinmtiir lbs game Optposie Cask lsase tuNlew Yr te deseersfIt-I). A1I, with Chicagoc. SENIORS NOTICE. ofc lours 9 o11 :ll I t Is 4 adPh. D. Itnneqis ual rterms 111C11'.s tlehy asdito Insitsothe____ . vetiseliieledI I-NIN H YER -'met-o the lair grositnl again yeste- Do you intend to teach? Secnre a.4+sstooo..~~t tay fit- tke secondtitoutiiir wot-Ifssitinowbwrtgtorcalg ;; - $ tlmrasSept. 28. 5904 thlbsasontt. tOnly a general Iprteticepstonowhwrigtorcalg_______ Afiisre tiePsiidel 15 tiePuatt. ws istelgd lt.'I'te dlhee weeupec A. Pearce, 615 S. Ingalls street. °-AdestePeieto h autt ws nuge n eptches wreC. of M. representative Lewis Teach- t Re he arleseCuthberotwarHallpantIDbs eterg er'Agency. w. at. 3l Re, CalsCther II . miien n the sqtua-d were each givcn __________ m14a.yysyuiis's eveshadtuns atffclt l ist nMd it the You will find the best strings for00CI me-ah t ifiity i etigI- violin, mandolin, guitar and basn at 1111altl tndlpoundedlit illoevery corsnerRotsMic oue Wemk a N w Bu s ikT be ofthellt.tspecia elty Rot ofs the heat. us.Try them. wts ATI'1opcn airhestceftirth, whenever lie S ' P ,- REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, weathe permits. C'oarbh Utley isan Pantoriam, 336 s. state. Cleaning, FleCgrxodTbsa~ iiusIto get sin tol the regular dta- tPressing and Repairing. Clothes LE :" C JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale St., S. molnd at Ferry :Fie-ld as111sooalleaso anodeiverd.Eeav or - - - - ~~~~sitle in ioeder tol give the men pear- ders over Cushing 's Drug Store, or ARWCUT N aeutrcie h ags n iettc nterrsetv oiin. 'hn*523r Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes= NOTICE DEMOCRATS. Lost-Lady's tan, seal purse, con- t ever broaght to tile stty. Molctk Presidential Clonventioin andI tamning calling cards. Finder return Fine Lunches in Connectisn. .a P"-'ae FNI Everything Neat and Cleansi ansttal election of Demeceatic Club or notify 643 5. Ingalls street. LEC~ATRIC LrAN,5 308 S. Stale St. R. E. JOLLY ioffices, Satuseday, April 9th. elcc C +igI ~e _________________________tf H. W. Mct'LtUlE, Prea. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry C'1.i~ is-c For information eelative to dancisigStore. tf. £ICctt'lc Table Lat-e45 or music for receptions, btanquets, Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- or dancing ptiesic, call on row's, Huyer's, chocolates at Cush- Ticket for four sampoos-$L1.0. Isfat.~, ssytbisg ts lighten up c's' ROSS GRANG[R ice's Pharmacy. tf. Scift water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar-r. oom call is aid seesu display..,., 310-312 Maynaid Street. Phosse 2-4-6i. Fountain pens at Cushing's.. If. _________I- Residence. Allen's toe nobby Sping Shirts. Main St. S. Phone 281. POWER. COMPANY. Coe. We~ssiih sd ilAeS Moe.216 7- tii' 1ti1 4 44444 N 4 N4 N N 4N N4 N44 N N N Z I++h ++Io+.S+',+h +2 *b+ o." 3 4,-+ol YOU CAN GET A - SHot Lunch At Tittle's, 338 S. State ; Is UNIV[RSITY DAN -dn CING ACADEMY L 33tICStaie St. J J StttttiT 'ilibi . 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUM4BUS Paelor Cra o l i ~s MICH IG A N MICHIGAN BANNERS ifl COLORS LOVELL'S CORNER STORE. AXIOCHIAN (CinTY "ThM Niagara Falls Reste." TRE SHORT LINE- ANNAROR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON wlt55 direct connetons at Chcago far St tKansas ity, St. Paul ad the West tofe~irn3talsoasd threaghteketacali snoar f ,oW. W, CASE. Agent. Ass Arbor. "'A L IZN' S FO0R Q UA LI T Y We give the best Clthng Values, saving you thsuee to five sdollars on yotur Stilt or Overcoat. Sprinuglhue nowe reatdy $10.00 and $15.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES ALLEN, THlE CLOTHUIER, MlAIN STREET The Univers ity of Chicao, Law Schools of Mdcn Theology Education Each school has a special Cirsular af Informatisa which will he sent as t'equest. The Courses is Eediciae are givea is conaectios with the work of RUSS EIIDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Chicago, Illinois. Jane i8--Septemhero2 + l.44++4tofest,44~o4. 4~4+111 14 SPALDING'S OFFICIAL I I INTER-CeLLEGIATE ' FOOT BALL Used by all the Leading Colleges. Foot BallPants-Lace front, htps.-andtkneesesadde~dwith fisecurled htilead tiughs ± with case strips. A. 0. SPALDING & BIOS. t Iscorpoirated New York, Chicago, Denver. S1 pastdng's Oficti-aliot Balt Guids. fo 1ee03,t edited by Waler Oaauu P'ricel10 ensts. Pantor iurn.M Craoning. Pressing. Rewsiring. 336 S. STATE ST. _____Cush__ ' 1 Clothes called for and Delivered. Fhoe 582'3RE Wm,. bocbretn, Zantary "ltumber, steam & Gas ifitter. I~bone 667. 303 Z. State St WE ARE NE VER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEBAR'S DRUG STORE