THE MICHIGAN DAILY DO IT NOW SOME PEOPLE Prefer to pay 6oc a pound for factory made CANDY, one or two months old filled with presevatives to keep it fresh. OUR CANDY is 50C a pound, Made Fresh Daily, of very best materials. Before sending your Easter gifts come in and be con- vinced. ENNYCOOK For information relative to dancing, or music for receptions, banquets, or dancing parties, call on ROSS GRANGER 310-312 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-6. Granger's Academy, Oice and Residence. YOU CAN GET A 0 $Hot Lunch , AtTiattle's, 338 S. State Ni ACADEMY a0 State St. SHORT TERM. } OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS PlOrC.-rn.llT-is MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, (up stairs), extends spec- ial invitation to the ladies to call at heer par os to inspect her new line of hair and toilet goods. Try my Scientific Face Massage and Manicure. PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE. a 1 t f 1 t 1 C 1 I 7 7 I c c r t a L I P i State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, IW. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan LLORIST. Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan las. B. Wade H. F. Mills cmoiCE CUT FLOWERS & PLANTS Y. J. Kyer John Hoarer len. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Chapin St., between Huron St. and Miller Ave. l'ranh P. Giazier Christian Martin Phone 8005. 00NN1Aia!l i lrinq S R 1y Cro Ready for your in - uits avenette& spection. Complete Line of Spring Hats I I } Staebler & Wuerth N, (MNao****" SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB TO MEET AT YPSILANTI. A meeting of the Schoolmasters' Club will be held in Ypsilanti, Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, March 31, and April 1 and 2. A large number of teachers from all over the state of Michigan is expected to be in atten- dance. Many of those from the Ann Arbor grade schools and high school will be present. Papers are to be read by some of the most noted teach- ers of the country. Representatives will be present from Yale, Harvard, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, and ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. Will dance Monday, April 4, at Granger's. Tickets are going fast. As they are limited secure them early from committee. R. S. SCHMIDT. L. .RAUCH. H. G. REDFORD. SENIORS NOTICE. Do you intend to teach? Secure a position now by writing to or calling upon A. Pearce, 615 S. Ingalls street. U. of M. representative Lewis Teach- ers' Agency. w. St. Correct Clothes for Men ETTER late than you've been paying sky-high prices for ex clusive customa tailoring to ge cpyrihtsiA.B .ac. away from old ready-mades, now's the time to repent-and boom your bank account. This label MAKERS NEW YORK is on clothes that differ from fine custom-made only in price; but this price-difference makes all the difference in the world to you, and to us; more to you,the wearer. Equal to fine custom-made in all but price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are Exclusive Distributors in this city. 'CUTTING, REYER & CO. i09-sIn East Washington St. COFFEE MOCHA AND JAVA Owr Own RoastIng Always fresh 28E per pound 214 Main St. DEAN C CO. New Brulnswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I have ust received the largest and finest line at Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes eaer brught to the cthy. Fine Lunches in Connection. Ecvrything Neat and Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY TH E M ARK OF THE BEST CLUETT, PEABODY &CO. MAKE RS o CLUETT AND ARROW COLLARS -J THOMAS ROVE, Propretor ROWE'S LAUNDR 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457.+ many of the other large universities. .o ui tuebst strings ior violin, mandolin. guitar and banjo at A large representatioin of Utniversity Root's Music Mouse. We make a of Michigan teachers will read papers. specialty of the best. Try them. wfs Among these are: Professors Paine aiii WVhitney, Dr. Sanders, Dr. Mead~er, Panterium, 336 S. atate. Cleaning, Professor Reed, Dr. Hulett, Dr. Burns, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- Professor Carhart, Professor New- ders over Cushings Drug Store, or combe, Dr. Pearl, Mr. Davis, Dr. 'phone 582-3 r. Pierce, Professor Winkler, Professor Effinger, and Professor Canfield. Many Lost-Lady's tan, seal purse, con- of the students will, no doubt, go taining calling cards. Finder return down to attend the meetings. or notify 643 S. Ingalls street. Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry NOTICE DEMOCRATS. Store. tf. Mock Presidential Convention and annual election of Democratic Club Ticket for four shampoos-$1.00. officers, Saturday, April 9th. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- tf H. W. McCLURE, Pres. ry's. I , Students-Earn good money during Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- vacation. Trading Stamp proposition, row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- worth $3.00 to $10.00 a day. Exclusive uings Pharmacy. tf. territory in each of 23 different states available. Call and see me. F. J. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS. 215 Glen, 202 S. State street. of Main St. S. Phone 281. Lost-Gold watch charm. K. of C. Fountain pens at Cushing's. t. Finder please notify R. L. Benson, 427 Maynard street. 31-33 Allen's for nobby Spring Shirts. EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES IN SPRING SUITINGS 121-123 South "ain Street WAGNER & CO. THE "5TANDARD" BED HAS EVERY POINT OF EXCELLENCE of the ordinary flat, metal bed-attractive design, comfortable, sanitary, light, strong, rigid. EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE of a folding bed-economy of space, simplicity and ease of operation. PERFECT VENTILATION, easiest to handle, and is Absolutely Safe; Accidents Cannot Happen. Ideal for student's rooms. Especially adapted to fraternity houses. A boon to the housekeeper, no trouble to sweep under the bed. Inquire of Henne & Stanger t Martin Haller Mack & Co. Or write direct to STANDARD METAL FURNITURE COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. /H u NN NN N*et NN N 4 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE