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March 30, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-30

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SUIT , Dwight E. Watkins,
Made to your measure and Dopus a 0ardto 323 S. MakinSt.
AT A [&lB [
ut r QForest Aene Meat Market. I/t
1ilhillt ,E1 pi t & 11U Poultry, Game and Fish in Season " ~ si
1530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 k WILLI0N ."
Hatters and Furnishers. UnNw New Billiard Ougmeti. Linen and CUFFS
109 and 111 E, Washington Street, Chips given good for anwhere
the house. ARE THE BEST.
ANN ARBOR Free Lnch. ___
Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen"
A Wo d P ten Le the Sh es Other brods advertised and Sold as Linen are
A Wod PaentLeater S o NOT stamped "Linen" Why?
To S ude ts L E T V ZSold by Wagner &Co.. 2 fo 25 cis
6. o s orlotrttet .Uittofr- +
-riisllaveitepo- ae1,R E NTSC HIL E R For anythitng in the linen of.Co 0i loi
D}R.ICLS onsto tot " 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call 0n Rentcher, * srIoDilchs1we are sowig the finest selecto
however havee known Phone 389-r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.* of excusive pattern to
-J gytiano il for l+ & &SB & '& i& %& &, i Il, &$ +SPRING NELIGEE SHIRTS
A Y the hi hit'orttditg of
hr.t. I ttort t t WISCONSIN JUBILEE. Your yes examined by an I a vrbr o lauet
OPfSIL.toe d aena Iorooi e expert optician. All the la- handle. Generally speaking the
hPIN te ttttei r tor (Continued froimn jigo one.) et approved appliances and methods patters lane toward dark colors,
bee atdiperoiliof{
the loetton ot p{tates, socie~ies, isnterotie, musical1 known to the profesion areemployed. ht the neat.eonserative, small
Ptharmoacetical Society. andtwe-doooi e i- tandtrasoaic cubriiitoii tbe hdisnthe New eye glase fitted, lene dupli- tgaes aed stripes are always In
operior ewoedy mil caset of prototiri- ecenitig. aed, frame repaired. Hater's Jw dfemnd. lenghasvesemfalliti-
t" ore muslsor, lamoetosstondfor _oreralt ott (tisiesicet t trciteo will e ery Stor.een ent o levseff t
aiiosaterli rotwork rvio~t eat- yaebed or sepaate.
bil1e. Iito.ethigrh gi d ir lr aien. of ol<t- ttitd. listThtrdy oatSthe Sbachelrs'_______________
H tole,%I utitilt otcad soohitg adh a-
seg mctetli inlegediets thiti petttrotitycgri will Se coferred il i3s-t5 me- Have you seen the new Virassage
qtuickly i tt l Aaltyl sorenestrandttlitittott1.- bhrsofithe gradatin tg class, whle 20 mahnAktemavtToy.t WAGNER & CO.
sit. 1lhvee i tt erse tO aoy kins etd itt groa~tiura t i tdctsl will recivct- it e 5-______________
C) itltceli aleEypiinnoSli. gee itt idtctrttotplsottphty. ''The Haberdashera J4.0 ..lHaters
we lin dentoe it rC otcell'o ,,Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cuffs attach-
Maie IEgyit ot! itoate selict-ry ittste hoorrySgreeittftitttr iotlaws wltsed or detached, at Allen's.+
w tl te poitte guarantec thtat it will gitt Pt rotterret il tts hirty irotminesnt ______________
alsf lt itts fit dorsnot,iyucanit rnrt
tottttle tie will refustd yourmeyttc. gutsofti the tivcsily. AS a fiting Freh Lowneys, Allegettis, Spar-
dlim, cli he jubile week, he aluml- row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cuh-___
Quarry's Campus Drug Store ni. rcetinassdi Sill will citee he ings Pharmacy. -
- __ ----___ciiiehratint tn Thursday night. f ir_____________
FINE, MDDOG LEVES OLLGE. Ask Trojanowki for a Virassage.
-- F -MDOKLAE OLEE _______
1c U id Fam s (otue conpg n. ninverity students dsring to se- FH uyler s
oI te wrlds reord urepoitions to teach will find it to
Alrisoleihshelcdthhevweg their interest to write to James F
DE FIES RT S OR ,wreAloinPtchampsipthe heyaweigtMcCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Ci rC nie
217 S. Fourth Avenue. ortiwottyeiar. ilostpoplarity aotao f
tecapsli as e gdtprlrregre A full line of fancy Vests and Neck-
ahisu teiplitaeplt' heptiliwear at Allen's.
TT~eI~~fTb~hTTC IofSAtletc Diretr Sfr the year 194
S6viit the Univeriy o Utat Bath suplies of att kinds at all
CALL_____AT_ prices at ushing's Drug store t! Ea ter
Jut received 223 Mandolins and--- a tr
S[YV4OIR'S STUJDIO Guitars that we bought at a remark.' T
316 S Mrain St ably low price and will sell them at CuImiIbia ulllvel.
onethird the regular price. This is JY1St
- --- - ----- ---- -- - ---- an eceptional bargain. All Instru- GRADUATE SCOOs The FacultessfPolit,
-mets on easy payments. See our icalSciensce, Philosophyuandlure Sciene of j
SmtigNew iu for wide r astgs of courss lading to th des
Soutigdiplay in window-Ann Arbor Music Fres s oAMad P'IsD Graduates of col
Isp str siestifecsschools ae admittet with
Michigan Pillo s C SOO SCHOOL OF LAW Three-yesr ourse. Ca-
*u 1e THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA, did tes foradiee srscionmoahegrduts of a
eutlleesr scientie school or o show eidece H
Furnshles nmusieStr all occasions of e iaesaiet utth aftriis -Daln'& aiaxS ac uscaseiat.Adrs .SCOLOI Ittdon ore
D.ates, smasager, 808 SS.sousth aye- wrkin a clleeor soiestle schoo, or must
------------- -- ---t--- - pass te stted etrane examisatin
A. J. WATSON TECTURE Pur-erourss in Mining, Met
For a fine pair of Peg Top Trouers llurgy. Chesistry. Ciel, letrical and
Mehanissicl Enieering and Arhiteture
W lpa e Pan s go to Allen's. radluates of colleges or scientfic schools can -- ---
' ~~~usually etee tese coures with advanced . .
Chafing dishes at Hller's Jewelry TEACHERS COLLEGE Pofesional coursest0
an isStore, t!. lneIducaiost of vryig legths,leading tsi rknas exsUMxc
andrees ad diploma._StudensAriansasiveexa,
due credit os tork doe at other cleges orj
216 [East Huaron Street. $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC sehoosorihectraiingiof teacers. and Calforna...
$1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Forinfrnafrmtonsaply to te Secrety of
ColustiaUsisersity. Neiw York, N Y.
_ __ _ _--:____ ------ Are best reahei via
(I) (71?1 I'OF L IC 1/ YSt. Louis, World's air City,
itC________ the
'TheObssildssg up of a 'telphole System with every possible mod- iron Mrountain
erniimproveent;l the givinlg of better service than was ever thought
possible before To be honorable courteous and just in every detail. Ro~ute-~
To anticipate requirements To overcome impediments. To be satis-
fied with nothinlg short of the confidence and good will of every ciizens Two daily train to California.
in the county Three daily trains to Mexico.
WASIII[NAW HOtW TEL[PHEON[ CO., For daily trains to Texas.
T ieO~ARv 0OFICE: Liberty street, near Fourth. Four daily trains to Hot Springs.
____ Six daily trains to Little Rock.

is the principle of "a ~ I RIESE
Susendrsh. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,
President yrypTIANg 1231 ahea v.
Whatone side gives theother side Terfected in 'Lgyp:t.
takes. Comfor, style and service. Aeia
Absolutely Guaranteed. ' M tfLSMOEL LH CS nL Y?T5AN mec.SMOKLItS AV"U& PHtosALhF
Betal trimmings eannot root. w iwPoorpe
ad0,ayaosormlprp d.iLg' ?"stoe is cents. Views of city and campus. Flash lights. In-
CA.EGRO MF.C.Cuek Tips or ebb. teriors, Groups.
B 26 hre.Ms.Sane the Coupons. 316 S. "IaiD Street, Ann Arbor.T
With Seymour, Studio. 'Phone 081
Always Ahead - . M IL WARD. H ALR The Best
Sr Ctorla0 H T ILU ,AniT UwasPs4issse SIn T-anitass

of rrrywlnK in iatlurmw

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