THE MICHIGAN DAILY. uritan Shoe $3~5 j ON THE SQUARE WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. LET'S SWAP! 111 South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. f,7 5/ r r When the 'hop-dancing, we mean-s ea s on comes around you'll find MOGUL Cigarettes pleasant smokes between numbers. Or, if you sit it out," she wont obiect to MOGUL smoke Dainty as a springtime zephyr. Ten for 15c. Plain and Cork Tip. I P / The W.C. KernlCo. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. C aps and 'Gownosconie to on 1/ fder and itented. Pe:nnants for all colleges a nd T~f inistock. ." roocj ~s fi^ iSned fec ( t alogueco PENNYCOOK. Uof>LAniepicBabe So The Cantfetioner. 310 South State St. -Rt E N T S C H L E R For scything in flhe tine of i} ADB THRO S FieCantfetions. tLunches, ' Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, cADsTSIk lI5 FinePtone 359-2r. tCrner Main and Ifuon Streeis. c c J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. ca osntkl~ lv longt i yil"I' ccc '' '''"K 3 'tcectcc ccc~~cc Face Massage a Specialty. eIce Clreamonca Sod:11ave W atr t. li lcligccy r ecgciasta s al ectis ti eic cloccci e'. 'c' r t tclccc t p~~aek ed to sits( } ou r''ctccsteeii c o isynI ot C ASS h T E A M , N T C !Wilt o s in t e m s o p e e c , A E N A . S l n a c r a c id t h e th e r l e c o vc - s c t li y co ut G r ad ater e w lr * . . . . . . . **** ceeceitegin tet.ci4th.aNitdifreit;; repairing when lie attend IceCram SdaWaer t.1(-LlichriI N Beotce. tles willassbeamall e ntientoer 11cc schoolIere olWe Crime loee it icce 1913 Lt.,Wi Ice rlmy st eethand edVarsit e le o lc ayerii-s tre . GYM. S IS AND ' OAN ct.} 10-- Aeellthat theoeatin_ termestscitothe all padd yus ole' eer Slcin i Uivesity Ha'lich l. e liefoeisriy msix 'l c l eeat dc y cc- tahre. pis f al - a l ci+ iic-+fASi t tA lY. terestsa of all0..®re s 4h.Na las eshcmot-e rcn t(solieeSlacay UnixerleerNotics. temscwilibe allwedttointercteeSwee Ciderfresh______ thpress reIeRSc. m-tletAit iceAtllete A- ecssc'iseri i csaste all leticmte ae- forsale. Corne_ Mainand_ M diso SlceleecoI-ad'Vrit lcahl ae ecd srtt. ~ 0~ t cccii - Ilcti Seiiritiy~ c'1. tc'r ednat ts-day e4dacthoae Strtt. ascieytcsreieciersesctes fis'fho'tbsetll :MONO ttoA-lce' iloilicict c1c11 ti-iNElial ccii te-ac in tAll liaver it s e ansiha eng inr ath up36i5e s tate isI atal $100 FO NT IN PE ? ccecii'o. S'~iI2, ro e iestsliefealfeshen hsally cosifi price t uhn' hray Netdosos~wrl iottsae etrctedier theAll-Feshoutetla ctr.mci.lites lrOoi scicens Try n'sLkSthoiINvr A nulmeTin;o teAtlti s DoY AT A(Ot alS. .atdyctowibe osaleat 1tocr youcr shoes shinceidfor 25c a week. MKann's Drag Stare, 213 S. Main St. tCcelttcc's )ice lgiScore,11(CS. Sateasci 7 to 9 5. m. Pantorium, 336 S. Stale SI. ccci l~siwec, ltctic olcet.KEENE FITZPATRtICK. c. sF . Kccii ita IcO o ccii-R.tS. IDAVIS, te- hlip'Far Rent-toe large sligle rooime I--Treaaieri'r. f't. andlidates for lcth illlis t'ass*- Ciior cc Ien e cn;all moeccrnc iisir a.W ii iuino:.Csir Scolarshilps will be exaiediii ciit;S;t .Ii ci.I FIRST NATIONAL BANK NTC FRESHMA";N CLASSES. Saturday, O1t1. 17, icercotus2, Taanie __________- N TChail at 9 a. ne. Aplciationstcfur this K LA F h alr f0l" ANN A1llit lt, H I I irsereeto slevele ti'e All-Fresh examcinatioie acoei e ieKt ce'Li SLicron Th . alr cnpTTAT._ucaa-ua football tease to lice It istposaible is , Fi110 Huro.St. SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 tclogs cc there will ice cii freshmcacn tcuc. cccntheclas sch seduei. All firat State Savings Bank' year smenc who arc' football candidtates \v ., o~ tpc~rs. Jno. VitoCoaclJohsloneeevery aftecrnoioceat int rldttiricsV (. Vt ccci ci Ja.i. N'clii' E.. 5.Milis-,THOS. 13. IROBERTh'0S, XN.1. K-yirJh l ae JoliIoeic Prof. 11i. Carc'cctr -iFootball Manager. Frank 1 Ic1. (litir Chrtisitian l cin III I'll e aean"S omee. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. sapitali Stock.t$50.000iiii ' tic s , $i175,00 A GENEtAL BANKING BSINESS TRtANSACiED. OFItCER:iiChac'icre i.. I ticclk. Pres.;Vi. 1). ccccrii t ce- Pres c. . J. Friz,.Casieric. NOTICE. Alt studtents deisiricng to competi' for plae ces licte business staff of the Muichligcsne Daily re'port to ltce busines mnagter at 331 Packard street this week. M. L D'Ooge, Chairmacn of turn. Bath Supplies at all kicnds at all pricea at Cuhingas Pharnmacy. JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 213 Slain St. S. Phone 28(1. Your eyes examnced by an expert optician. All the lat- eat approved appliances and nmethods known to lice profession are empiloyedl. New eye glasses fitted, lenses duspli- cased, teames repaired. Hailerns Jew- '--ery Store. + .Suppiies t Towels 'Wasle Rags * Sponges I. Hard-Water-Soap Loofalco s1. Teoilet Waters x Borax ' 4. Everything you teced to make 4. your bathe enjoyable-Oulr S prices are always lowest. I&t4SPALDING'S OFFICIAL F. Give us an opporfucnity to figure on your list. H 7INTER- COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL PRIC[S TALK. Colees -4ndhat h edn We canl save you Inoney o Foot BalllPAnIs-Careifrott-.. New Tack, Chicago, Denver. 1'4 f ImpoGHrteCMPAYrs. ~ ai 4Siccediaets iitlii'ci i-'ioit Balu iidecli14.t4dMONROE STREET, CHICAGO. Pres ents. zo c. ANN ARBOR BRANCHl, 3do State Street, Opposite Law Building Z + 1 +* +4 ' + tt~vv++.S-S-4 4 i0 1N Nf N NN Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumhing and Scram Work, Alt at Reasonahle Rates and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHVH'S, 207 E. Weshirigtoas. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, she tbooct o tics ii plegat' it tediiimesii. ice ell'itocactions; Cutorissceicpose'scsisstit0 pp. -lliiaccteii price "l . 'Testedi!.-s-iers. 'ltece mciictls' c-rresoneuici cousir se iy atheorc$7. Four a is icc-e ai'will -scndi lie dnook .acid coureri' tll iilecturee sit Iuiyslca traiciislrin idiscwitinig ce 5usd. orisisweekle $5e005. f'ccciscis' s ci ethi audi positive-cce fusebadwitinsg, iivcidualcity cretuaid. iasisnscs-eman at d o tessr ic. Addrltess Prof. G. BIXLER,M adisonr St. & Ogden Ave., Chicaga, jIll. . {.H$. . . .. # '. ! iir~y"8 i~i Pft +fi +fsfi~4 (i+H*.i~.$ilf s~i~s~i. S.+ #' RANDALL, THE 1IPHOTO6RAPHER Ci lt--II it -t i _.IclOE~sI~sI. W shgont.Itt. S t. I I IIIl Always Ahead The Best Always Ahead In Styles. MIIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.