THL MICHIGAN fDAILY " 4i0. I M Fr-_ - -- -M See tNew Spud ILast Win- ~Am uita ~ !.' i : :'l , ;_' .. ; i ooo 2i y j - pQ pd t C1QARLYTTS Qrotvn in Turkey. U + Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. f "MOGUL SMOKE. MAKLS EGYP'TIAN SMOKLRS t ~Cork Tip r PlinO. Spring Sae thCoupons. 4 .. . .. .. . . StiesLLEGE BASITALL Syles and all other college sport is folly covered in text and illustra- tion byTHn ILLUSTRATED1 SPORTING News, which is the ONYpublication giv ing sp ciltottevotoa to (college subjects * WhEN an we will send yt THE - Send Us One vollar TdL, A. PtTN S - NEws each week for It. weelos, which will cover the sping in season of outdoor sport. Address, f+ THE ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS, 7 W. 22d St., New York Daily MONEY LOANED ON Arkansas, Texas, Mexico * W atches, IDiamondsc, adCliona. Jeweryand all High an alfrna. 1 USNClass Chattel a n d Are beat reached via Collateral Security. aUINS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL., St. [OUIS, World's [air City I AqC ".sr~in. W. J. LOURIM. 4 6 the +tOposie Cook Clouse - Room'a eningonBloc k. Pone436 '. , lass. Offie 1ours toc.130,1coc 4 :V.Uo f~a1 Route a n Arbor Store, 1I Factory-Brockton, fri XXLHWAN CE2 RAL "~The Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct cennections at ohicao afor St Louis,KaesasCty, St. Pact and theWs bar informateenand thcrough tckets 1coo owrite to W. W. CASE. Aget. Ace Arbor D,, Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY STANDARD TIME'R 1For Detroit Scf otuorly from 6:15ac. M. until 6:3 . ec. Tihen Sourly Yxc- ta ntt only, att12:t5 . no. end t2:45 e.'cc. 5or t.cacksenSaourly from 6:15 ca. m.nttl 7:1 5v. m. Th en at 9:15p. a. ndltctl3p. mc. Waitiag Roam, Harona St., W. of Main. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 SOUTH " ~AI N ST. Poresioct.Vs. IPresicdenct. S. W. CLARKSONCashclier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF5 ANN AtRBOR, ICH'~. CAPITAL, $100,000lco SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,o00 A. L[[fr lB[, Forest Avenue Meat Market. Poultry, Game and Piste in Season i + R EN TS CH L ER For anything in the line of 4 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, + ' 0 Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Heron Streets.4 MICHIGAN SCHOLARSHIPS. Your eyes exatnined by an U expert optician. All the lac- "Thcece is act cxcettenctcppotccucnity est approved appliances and methods fccr ccl tt scccc is ic toicticc gaining new known to the profesnion ereernptoyed.' schotcctccshcipcs or the 1Uoiv ersity; ttte New eye glassen fitted, lensedupti- tptctncis that cctlaets Stlctcccvnc'y, a -cated, frames repaired. Halterca Jew. '015 lawc, cchoc ccrctccccs' iccesatalsh nct elry Store. if. ccciy eigtc$1 501vsccclarschipcs, bcctialso _________________ ccc give $1:11 itc tce Atice'Freetatn Have you seen the new Vibrasagce tPalmccer schcclcccstcipc, andcl$t50ctotth1c machine? Ask the man at Trojy's. tfI MlichtigcantCtiticthtccse fundc. Thc stcu- ________________ detic. suppoccrt is ncecsscary icc orceto'c Negtigee Coat, Shirts, Cuffs attach- gcainthtccse' schtcccarsiits, yetit con- ed or detached, at Allencs. lists icc cccl itcg cccmcre thcnctoicre'qcuest on'sfindt suscietccoicthe tact- Fresh Lowneyn, Allegrettis, Spar- ies htccccc' ur cccecancdct tce Saturctap own and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- E'vening Ptc.scwcicipcaters arccftam- ings Pharmacy.d ilacr encughc cc ccctcct cccwithccct Ifur- ________________ thcn expatctciicon. Thpctrotcosdct tlan Ask Trolannwski for a Vbrassage. is becst. set forth ccccc cl{t'lci ccvtcv'a _______________ tcdtscccti: l liccgattcra Univernity students desiring to se- 1+.ghtSclo~lrshpsat 1libign fracure position to teach will find it toa clclar. their interent to write to James F. W5itch5ccurexubscreition ccvrenoewal McCullough, 619 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- toTeLde')oe ora rTeMculuh f ao axin aypEve'nincgtcosttcefocre' June eg Ist, 190-4t: 1 i ill $1.500intOprcizes, Just received 223 Mbandolins end adccstabihi'cccgt$.15'il ncoashipcs. Guitars that we hought at a remark- Icc acidicticcn I ciii girv' $1 501 ic theabaly low price and will sell them at Alicrem"acccncPaclmcer schoclarsthip, one-third the regular price. This in ainci$1511 to t1c'e'MiciganCtclb Hocuce an exceptional bargain. All Instru- tcccc. cxc5111 cc'ei .511. teinmeets on easy payments. See our ancy 1imcc; sct1 canywvhccre'. Youcchave display in window-Ann Arhor Manic tric'ncis;asic 1ccem. Co. .orncal $1 .0011atoyear. Pocst $1.25 a _______________ yearit. Lot-Pi Beta Phi fraternity' pin. tAMtES 'SteElatDt)\NE+Y, '0)5 Law. Finder please return to 4116 Packcard 3(0 Parcardct Sreet.street, and receive reward. it-8 Chaffing diohes at Haler's. Jewelry( For a fine pair of Pee Top Trocusers Store. tf. go to Alien's. $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC A Intl line of fancy Vents anddNeek- $1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. wear at Alien's. We have the original Peg Top Trou- Bath suppiies 0ofRaI kindo at all I sees at Allen's. prices at Cushing's Drugastome. tf. Twvc daily tralins to Califorsia. Thoree daily trainso to Mexico. 1 Fcor dailiv trains to Texan. Fceor dacily trains to H ot Springo. Slx daily trains to Little Rock. TSRERET OF EVRRYTHING.* WRITR MR. *. l1.Armstrong, T. P.A, 122:1 Washltcnaw Aye., Ann Arbor, 1uch. * SPALDItS'S OFFICIAL I INSTER-COLLEGIATE '~FOOT BALL .1 Used by all the Leading Colleg en =%. FootBallPants-Lacetfront, hiccscond knees sodded with f ine curled lour and thighs with caneustris ~, A. 0. SALDtINGi&aBRS.a Incocrported. S New York, Chicago, Denver. SSpcalding's Officiclotlcct Ball Guide for 19sr eldecitedl 1cy'Wvuter Camp. Price 10 cerots 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407) A. J. WATSON Wall Palecr, Paints and Oils 216 East Huron Street. Away From Home nway pfresoithe tender, soictoua eare of Moothe-at school-studying hard, exersinocg harder, accidents sil some- ticmes hacppeno. It at bhome, mothoer wouldicuse Pod's Extracethceaoldffamily ohctor-and theo pain wouldsoonvnislh -thce injiury sooen heel. Fee over 60 years meothers have eased paine end heccled wousnds, curno and bruoiaeosilk Ptond's l-:trnrtaned have' never been disaptpoincted in it Theretos no remnedy whilchi will tate its plece-eos ubstitute. RKeepa bottle handyrfor qckseoo. Soothoea and nun Oe' reshena the fcesoaoter Witch lHaoel-a seek solution-soometimes effered in plaee of Pocod's Extrat-hasono nmedicicn lnle-ia postiely wortholess. Pffj ond's Eatract CURES, ItoamoS. theretore is prieless. Soldoanly iOs eatd ot- t~ le ecnter bnoforapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Creaueuin~lg CaIndy, AILEY e. EDMVNDS. tGi. ATHENS PRES Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh Skate Oidn Pitr~ daily. # 1[2t E. Liber-dy St. 2nad Flsoor. Attb, cTtetrOdds Cand[Kithen g I[[T.+.+ +. 4i'44O444444444c' Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. Alt at Reasosable Rates and First-Class Order at J. Jr. SCHUH'S, 20 7 E. Waslhiesgtoe. A BiXLIIR'S PHYSICAL TRUNING IN WRITING, the hack tar all the oeplo all the tome, is olils .ctiocoa tar homcec copromect. 55 ps- Illuatled, price f01. fesicod :' gears. Threae motlhs' correip c~eoscourse by nether $7. Far a brief time 1 wilt seed the boocchrad courae for $4K Wilt lecture en asd positre care teerbad writing. tediriduacic e retained ilIasleo Penman and one1 lesson. 10c. Address Prof. 0. IILER, Aisxisus St. &L)Tien Av,, Chicgo, Ill. Hflf(I~e IIA I[VContinues Its Excellent EIOCKII~ ING VAL E.I RY E TRAIN SERVICE ,A --YOU WILL FIND-- [OUR TRAINS DAILY FROM 101ED0 Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains -' Sleeping Cars on Night Trains p UNION DEPOTS1INTOLEDO -AND COLUMBUS. . W, LANDMAN, G. 1. A., Detroit Always Ahead InStyles. MI ADTETAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailortii