THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sate Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, OW. oothI~cCoCS, Jo.V.Sbhebhan FPLOR13T. flfmi. Arnold DrYV.C. Vaughan JasEUE. E onfalo e DON'T I C .1 no. Koclh Proa.l1.S.Carhart Chaintp eltwn1.1 ouon t nMlrAg Pranik1P. Oiorzi r Christian dartin Phone ill1 I f y o ur boarding house clues uot have just what you want to eat. AT N We have just wht you want, srrved just the svay you want it. TOY pee*@eOeE~e**oeoeemoeoeee@o@eeee**e@eo@e@o@e@oe@e fSpring CoatS Spring Suits Rafr Crvenettes 0ed o yllur inspection. Cmplete Line of IprCng Hats St 01110 1)1Elementary Geomuetry by ('en- ® trttl lrojeetln," fit. A. 1B. Pierre, Uni- verslly of Michigan. - - 2. IDiscussion of the Repotrt; of the tFor informoatin relative tot datting, Commlnissiontt 10 SMlthematlical Coutrses5 ort matsie folrrecet001ions, iba1nq1ots, fotrI te tigh Sehottt ornc tittg; (a) "A general tDiscuttotn of 111e RU S1GAN1R5111r,"Protessor J. L Markley, 1111ve1sily tf :Michigant. 3111-112 May0111111Sf1trlt. tPhone11-4-(i. b)"Tile lDistribultion tof Algeb~ra Graingot' ademtytoOttficedandi land G ioetry," Mr. XW. L. Whit- __________tt- , Saia, li . S.;Mrs. Flttr- en1ce Miller, Detroit University YOU CAN GET A (c1)"Shtall fGeontetry be Made I.,trnch Elective?'' uprtlt1iltentlenlt . . S tebler & Wuerth - SENIORS NOTICE. Do you intend to teaeh? Secure a position now by writing to or calling upon A. Pearce, 615 S. Ingalls street. U. of M. representative Lewis Teach- ers' Agency. iw. St. You will Cund the best strings for violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo at Root's Muoic Htouse. We make a specialty of the best. Try them. wfs Pantorium, ,1a6 S. stare. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- ders uver Cushing's Drug Store, or Correct Clothes for Men IP them open-- you'll never rind greater care bestowed upon ready-for-service apparel than upon that bear. Copyrnight 1903. A..&. t~,ing this label AKES ;, EWYORK This mark on your coat-hanger or inside coat-pocket protects you-from poor imitations. Look for it; you'll thank us for finding it. Equal to fine custoom-sade is all hut price. The makers' guarantee, and 'ours, with every garment. We art Exclusive Distrihutors in this city. CUTTING, REYER & CO. 509=III East Washington St. MOCHA AND. JAVA Alw'say fresh 288npier -ssursd 214 mlaiti SI' DEAN '!8 .CO. New Brunswick Tables Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Clears and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I1have stlreceiede llr; s dfns linle of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes evr iluht Ito11111city. Pine Lunches in Connectisn. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY -- ---- nt :1'.J. Wilson, Adrian. I'Phon582-35 r. At Tsttle'S. 338 S. State Busitaness meeting. 8' ' I ' itW-4 ® 4."omie Elementary Noltiotns of Los-Lady's tan, seal pturse, con- -- - -Il-the 'Theory o(f lGroupsl," Profesotr C. tainintg calling cards, binder return It ( .Villiamos, Kalamazoo College. or notify 643 5. Ingalls street. '/ LESONS IN e hfn dse tHllrsJwl LJ1... N.,N Vb ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. hfn lso a alrsJwly "6".AN IN WVill dantce Mondaiy, April 4, at Store. Cf. t Granlger's. 'Tickets are going fast. UNtIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street As thtey are limsitetd sectire them early Ticket for four shampoos-$1.04. -'fromu commtittee. Sf water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- f--+--s+ --i--a- ao s cmmte. R.S. SCHIMID4T. rys. i LINES. RASICHR. Fresh Lowney's, Aliegretti', Spar- ___________ row's, Hye',cooae tCush- DIRECT LINE HEHROIiRHSR, ng's Pharmacy. tf. TOLEDO TO COLUMYBUS li't11111lt is music for al11 occasions. JOB PRINTING -MEYERS, 216 ParorCar o al Tais lancet'tmuslic 10specialty. Atdtress L.. Main St. S. Phone 281. I) te" s, manage'r,1(18 5. lFourths ave1- ______________ MR. RnTuAN W e, 11. 29tf~ Fosntain pens at tCushing's. tf. The Professonal Hair Dresser Lot.t-A latdy's topen-fac'tilettgld Allen'u for nobbty Sprinlg Shirts. 322 S. State Street, 155 stairsl, eall 11d, 1. 110 wa10,1111w11it ntilas E . ITI., May 11.90, -_________ ial in iletatint 1rilaie Ii0 c11 l la ti11c 11 1 pa1i. Ilease 110111 D S T 'ry a Vibrassage at 'irtjy's. 23-tf Try my Scienific Pace Massage andi _ Sute_____Ren-Lrgesutesigl ?Maicue. eds, btath, gas. ftirttare heat, Itele- paiue ~ IIaro tegassilIa-ihotne. 0110 blttk rommilus. Rew - rolisntgymnasiu~m. P'ersontlfintdistg11011r cu~rtains andticarptle. Enutire PICKWICK lBIIalARD ROOM sam111'lelase retutirs ll513 lhompllson :t2a E. Jefferso~n street. 22-If ANoll orldrtillp11101l. 3t OWIG AaaY.Vibrassage? It's fine at Trojanow- _____ oasl-Latly's goldl watchl. Find~er sca 1C rcall fo~r samet'fro111 Mr. 'lrojanowslai, Catn ihna alr eer 707 5N. IJRIVFRSI'l'V AVotNUR. 1323 Pacard street. 29-38 hafSgt iseretHates ewlr i ., i k THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor ROWE'S LAUND11YI 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. t EXCL US IVE NOhVEL TIE S IN SPRING SUITING S 121-123 South Alain Street WAGN[R e. CO. "z TH "STANDARD" BED HASh SEVERY POINT OF EXCELLENCE of the ordinary flat, metal hed-asttractive design, comsfortahie, salitary, lighat, strong, rigid. EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE of a folding hed-economoy of space, simplicity and ease of operation, PERFECT VENTILATION, easiest to Ihandle, and is Absolutely Safe; Accidents CannoHapn Ideal for student's roomas. Especially adaptod to frateruity houses, A hoonl to Cthe hotusekeeper, ito trouhle to sweep under the hed. Hene -' tanerInquire of - 2 Hne&Sagr 14Martin Haler , Mack& Co. Or write direct to STANDARD METAL FURNITURE COMPANY, Detroit, Michi. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE