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March 29, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-29

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TheMichigan Dail ty
____ PARTY. __
Cross Country Club Took First Run Annual Contest Will be Held Satur- Today all Freshmen and Sopho-
YesterdayFu MieReaaea s t night the girls of the School of I day-F rate rniti es Have Offered m ores are requested to call at Qua,-
Will Begin Training at Once- Mulsic gave a dancing party at tGrang- Financial Support. ry's Drog Store and sign the following
Fine Prospects for the or's Academy. It was a urcss affair ____agreement:4
Team. and alieut severity couples dlancedl to Thle fift annualt fearing tournament We, the undersigned, members of
the outsit rendeoredi hy the Cloequam- of Ike University of Michigao will he the class of 1906 and 1907 do hereby
(udotrcwrkhgnysedyegon orchestra. The party was one held in the gynasiom Saturday cv- agree to cut out all hair cutting dcowr,--nyetrayg
when a hooch of courageous rrunoers of the most successful Leapt Year cuning, Aprit 2, at which time the ing our college course and to endeavor
headed hy 'iky' Stone ventured out events of the season. champion of the University will be so- to prevent the same, provided that
into the cold world for a short cross FEC LCTR. lected. Francis T. Nagorski at pros- Frank E. Snow be reinstated and tjiat
country ron. From now on those russ FRNHLCUE eni: holds this Ioinor unit will cross the cases now under consideration a
will take place every afternoon at foils with the wnner of the semi-final being implicated be dropped.
4:5 Tanr izatik a ecdd Prof. Baillat of Northwestern Itni- contest of the evening. Every Freshman and Sophomore
4:45.y Traine Fitzptric has lectitre beor
tt give the noon who compledi iii the vOot ildlvr etr eoe twing to certain rules of the ath-,who has not already signed( ik aeree-
Cornell moot a well-earnetd rest, aiod the Cerele Francaiso tn Fritday even ing ble bmoard of rcintrol nio adlmissioni most should do so today. TFle fa atty
at I o'clocko in Sarah Caswell Angellfeca hecorettthscueoswiltnidrheaeo'Susait
they wilt nut tbo calledton io ido any Hall Prof baiea isage an interestingil osie e ae f nw n
work this week. However, all other Hl.Po.BiatsannertngThe expetose of condiicting Ike aintial thiose who are implicated in the hair
cadidates for the four mile relay speke and a large attendance is hop- totirnament has hitherto been horm by cutting one Wednesday. The agree-
team will do regular cross country ed for. The subject of the lecture the cttib hut tttio doles not seem ox- mont mtust he presented at this meet-
stunts every lay tuntil the track at will ho announced lator. actly just in lace of the fact that the Ing. The number of those who have s
Ferry Fieldis 1 in shape. It has not fencing cltib is as much a part if the far signed is ntt sufficient.
yet boon idecided whether there will ORATORICAL GOSSIP tUniversity organizationso as anty ot the-
ho a cross couintry race thio sltring or other ahletic tlubst, unit as, such APRIL [OOL PARTY
not. While mst of tle disitanoce rn- Finals of Central Debating League shioulid receive stuett soirt. This____
tiers will tue out at the ti-aco trainiog Net-Cup Debates This Week- year, plants lor ali tetertaitometot wvhich Annual Senior Law Affair Promises to
for the relay team, yet ihoe are nanny Prof. Trueblood Ill. will excel] anything wchick has ever be Full of Novel Stunts-Pro-
who enjoy criiss coutotry work unit ito Ibeen givein along these lines hiave gasWl ei omo
not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rm Will be iny Form of ea em h etdbt fitrs t h enlibtt tn h xes
nusibt r urterlyta. thdentsioft thae oineriry s tol he bentu u itthe heepnea Newspaper.
In order tii. stimulate the interest of stintofleUivrty wlhoteinvtolved in carryitig them itt off eelct__
these men, the hoard tot directoors of finals in the Central Debtainog League, was iimore t(iaii lie clits felt likie boar-
the C. C. C. will he asketd tui arraiige when Michigait will meet Northwest- ing The followoit" fraternities have The Senior Laws are planning to
fior a race for this spring lit it is im- eri in (Chicagoon Api 1 5, fo th signiflied thei iteiition to support the Imatte the April Fool Party of this
possible to forecast the result tot their chianmpionsohipi. Our team compotsedottf fencers ini "ivinig lis ettertaitnment:yerspasnyotheevrge,
actio. i RppelBillsand Hldema, thesame lpha elta hi, Sgaa.greateamanye- neweastunt nw s have ha toben
acinmHe Bill dfad hicato, tiesam Alph IlaCi ona uIaTe evisedl, and all the features ot the
'Trainer Fittpatricko is heartily ini fa-m owi etetCiao i u ta Pi, Phi Pot, Dtelta Kattpa Ettslon, lance will he novel.
vim tof cotiingio toe cross couontry haDtatwn.Theujetilteo a ''all Boutsa Delia Uplonit K. p The rogram will ho in the form
rotntg phosii"ioaito elIbtLho touo htllIctia Signma, Plot elta Theta Phi Cant of a newspaper, with the datoces scat-
work of the relay candidoates atFrr orate.' Michigato has thet aibmatove mia Cetta, IPli Halopta Pso Psi tUpsi-
Fil.sidb ot toe quiestiont. otSga Alph piobgn h terod through the pages. The readitig
Fiolil 0 oa " osottohog si , h matorial will cotnsit of tews items
Michigatn's four nile relay loam She prelinminaries for the C up De Soinoa P'i, Theta IDeltt Chi, Zeta loai tuuooonsi k ir t
loouiks bietterthbatn toe tor tt" grtat ba~te will he khl in moist of the 0(- }phi Celia [''ho Delta Chi.tnd anoungrits on the faemeo (f
showinog madh- toy "Buod" Perry ini toe c reties this weo. 'The subject s the Havoiog Bien thaus assureid ofi (outside thee class, Arnd monhmmbers of snirlw
mile Saturoday night. 'The veteramn cer- same ao that mentioned above for the aid the tlmb is workinig hatrd not only wil a A fnuther atveieontlain
lainly ran the' taco of lis lif(' anud at Nortthweste'rn odebate. 'Plos deobate 05 to nmatte the contest a succoos as an wl lofn hi detsmnsi
th ino wsalts auu brit'Re tngmog out a rather lamgem numbntoeer anethotaoot etbihi the paper,
the inih wa alost lonsideKel entrtanmen bu als toestalis it The papeor will he called "T. he Sona-
loigg. Stsne wh is conusidmrei a veiny of now nieno this tpear than usual. At-a a social funcston oftho' tUiversity.ii a rae"wl-phoist h
guuod timer, cauught h'erry's tim or liii leiuurscoista t ob u s c ertainly soumethui"g unitquoe uni Th Wrnlec Teedtiasaf
blue roil' as 4.'01/%. If toe comtnutes on lout the cutp, Ad Ihuhi and 'Webster have entirely orgnal at Michigan as the TeWike t.T dtra t
his present fornt, P'erry should hutte utile eahwon it twice and Jefersonian has contests at all of the eastern coslges cossso -h oilcmitewt
tecaraasmnginto gus a nmile eveno faster than he lilt been successful onoce. Alpha Ru has sri' ll charnged fur thne same as the geio n
last ye'an at hoe Pi'ladelphtia naces. nut as yet suicceededi in having her othen athletic exlshitiuos. 'The pl11 tefllwnsaf
It is wourth nouting that e-vety ne uname blt on the cop. t give the ipulse to a iotw niove- Soul Tatlks Will Girls--Cha.
oif Michigamo's fifteen muon in the mreet TeNorthern Oratuorical League ment Cvorsk.
Saturuday ought stun at boast uone point contest is to he hold here this year, A program oat unusual nmerit has boutc o ne Loe or-.H -
and also that Mdichigan svon every onteealearefMant~ om prepared hoc the evenin"' en 00 se dtrAstnL ihr-
secomod place. thus guoes lot showus that IHallay who won the Utnivorsoti O o anet nii ittuty yon- Sasey Eoo-tsi .Rcad
Michigan has assell balancetd team test ovill toe Michigan's rehpresentative. chude feucing bouuuts betweeouthe best Huson. hl Rotumc-R ht
hesidtes laving cii mamny stars. Tbhe subject of this oration is 'Web- incus in the University hut alsou club Hueod EooisE ht
_____________________ slt andu the Coia roiso of 1150 " 'This "'gion" smit swingini" by eaxiertIs intIhtuio wnn.ltsia vl otli
NEW YORK STATE BANQUET is the first timue for seven yeats that this hune andb troiule tumling buy three The nfolrtofinthedtra paper:lai
t___hoe contettst has been held hoee Both inmeurs if the gymnasium, team.tenurofhepe:
'The New York, State Club hehl ohs tmoos that it has been hold here Mick- \Vttat- and Young scll gve an exhi- 'Rogretting ihe groat void prouduced
first boanqumet at Oyster Btay Friulay ec lgan's repuresentative hvos boon succes_ Itioun ini climb workl andb hoesvrlty the withdrawal cf the now defunct
lug, Marchs 25. 'Fle gatheorimn" brought flinou wiusning the first prz. oginalt stunts which boey inotendbto Wrinkle, S C. A. Buletin, soul Mtichi-
tougether' atbouut soxty Now orkii state Itulsu'''reioslsshtn uIuh sp ing. Ibe' "ynaiu team0500 atos al-"u a eiw nlsiibitn h
mnadwscaati/id oh a i 'm sceoweathr fuor several loy, ut iti wysoehnofitrtadame-gneat worko heretofore prefournmed by
miet amut was chum at r sri lay is wagsd sthat'o he will-s sotun bemabesto' those tiubicatons, we feuel that no
tile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~rn fmorus iNeaYuhcliitt usluhuttali sibsin i'soel nv-olonthat stuectatois br. f. A aploigy s necessary for the launching
prouphesy bloat thou club scull hut omit of resumes his colege work. Mlay, thou tx-amoateuru chbampitonm i outhsotuo h fhrirus
the muost successfl ofi its kuid in the -- Amuerica, has oulbruo is sturvices fo oftiaeiuoih e o rges
University. Muusic wcas luuumosluou by INDOOR TRACK SEASON SUCCESS-pr em xhbiuton on clib sainging. ath bsteawks fritsalvfrs e rtsm, w
Schleedle's ocbostra th UL bIluis inteurmingoling" thouso' varouu wil t ains ofdeseciicsw
Proufessor Pattersont acte au so toat FUL evttstsiugByitvt rortith rdcsos whose
eent thogotliurga tewlace weo', humbly fill, ho wprdcssrecked upo
master stou ini a verys efficieoit way 'hu Cortie] meet ctoseuo a nmost enigbtscnot bevcuo' at all th trahru ak-fteHrn
''touche il" stf'hbe various speakeres. ns Teiertofteeeigti neeqstshtifw dn'
sucesstuu inubout- seasoin, both atlbtt ieuni tt'iiirs u leuvnn huteceosbnso k utn
Plrof essuor tPrescott Spoket uttoun the Curll one requestlly is, Dircto fl wete don(,efnaSoub
caby atulhmsncib~, ath iretoraut cmutor ouuuuoI ku imuth oouti ic loease youu you will toll others: if we
value uof the chub to cullege lifeu andb aceut thou wciun'u out thte semi-finals
Ilairdb expresses himself as entirely ito, tell tis."
succindtly pinltedt out the "In(u, of oboe satisfiedh with the result. 'The success antd 1F' TI. Nagorsk, te prsent chiain Thouse who attend are assured that
thumb-to Ike coulleuge mno. bite harticoo- out the seson was home in greal mess- p0000 uf tho' uiersity. For tcwo years the stunts will not interfere with ike
larly emputhasizedcthIe foci that a slut- lrtoheficntm ner inwihlehsscesul eeddhshr
tire to hoe Univereity mausuid retai whic tie bias chio dut ifusphod lois hon
lentiep in fleU iesit resective rtain solwledlancing. Fine musit and punch will
tecrowdus weure hsandlbed, and thfe or miii cnetoo audd toiiui Isisoyet I il enc
snob further, that hoe sthud butt his speedwith whbichi the events were u-ut A thscousite -Hs essary to begin the dancing promtlty
suubport to ansy muovemntlwit off. Ans exceptlion lou this utsual rulea Atuuoot comoustiied out M. . Bo at 1De 1,,n nore oeno h
shouou ld bnit tl utioit n mightbeh namedl in the polo vault. toitt Sigma Nuo E. CDoniellby, Phi rmt tt aroimadt h;R .Buh oApa Delapryt h uls xeti svr
Many coomplaints were hoard turing a ~oI bouhuAlhaieimpurtn t thault etent iethery
loygalty. Ph:adF .Ngrkwl aethe moot Satuurday night concrning Phprnto auusowilhv mptrty. That covernttne bes tihr
Professon Sage choouse lis suubject, the manner in whichi the event was ch are oil liii expenses ou thIe touna- pmmptnyou he chtomiteey ao wishr
"Suoccess," in which ho mnadeo a stroung to nouceht oiivltu vstr
d rawn suit, and it is hoped that some meiwill ho audmitted to the gallery.
plafrhgersadrifchrce,_ans may ho devised that will oho The number of tickets has keen
ho particnlarly disparaged Ike com-NTC OCASI LCTO
away with this bong wait. It has boon NOIET LS NEOUINlimited, aing, to the demand,. and
moo standardl of measuiring a mans stuggestod that the preliminary trials AND ORATORY. those desiring too attend should proc
wort~h by his mooney. behlnteafeno.ltateduetckttocro h omt
Prof'essor Rolsey tatlked upon the bookohe thye' Co~rnelul Inta attn -On aoccoount. oil illness I shall nool he cue ckmposat onfromhhe commit-,
Ubniversity andu in a very forceftub way ac thsyr'Conlmotwsaable too met my classes for severaltocnhuod fShangBvsck
reviewed e rseoftheI riseity. itleufdothee. taniversity,00oter n bluttegawe lays dys MrtN.N . I ly Wiley a th will, ichoarn ndtheon
centering his remarks upon the son- inormo.Aot2111i l oelaw casses andt Hr. Edwardb Sonnen-
vice rendered by Dr. Tappan and oth- se ate 40othsbenonheri-Schein the literary classes. Dr. Ehrlich. one of the most noted

en professons from the Empire state. "'s LUK THOMASS C. TI~tJEBLOOD. scientists in the world, is in the city
President J. R. Williams spoke upon Another commendable and agree- tegeto r agun
able feature of the meet was the pros- Prooso coti npcikcet e Bus or. Eh Vcauproayne. or
the ause tht mae Ne Yok fa-.once of the hand. It sonyed t.o enliven humotesnsgorhot istCinagu sches D.Erihhspoal oemr ts four the medical profession than eny
0. L. Waite spokeo upon athletics in the occasion and smooth over the iwill not moot his nihooofclasses hintilo Wed-, a o iig h frihte
luills between the events. nmsay Mac n areknon Theer hsician.e
which ho maintainedt that a trainednedyMac30orsaekow tovrypsia.
brain should he supplimented by a His home is in Germany. Today he
well developed body. CORRECTION. The Sigma Bolts Sigma is the name visite the medical college and ad-
G. E. Howard, in a very facetious of a now socret co-educational foster- Idressed the stodent in German.
mood, apoke upon floe subject of 'Lad- In Saturday's paper an error ap- nity organized at the University of '
ies." peared which the Daily takes pleasure Wisconsin. The members may bo-
A. E. Chittendon under the subject in correcting. In the report of the tong to other fraternities and sorori- Samuel Itl, of Grand Rapids, Mich.
of 'Why," made a otrong plea for the Senior tLaw committees the names of ties and membership is elective. The is the holder for the present year of
support and cooperation of Now York Mr. Hanonum was made to appear as originators of the now fraternity will the fellowship in ga engineering sup-
students ,its the maintenance of the Mr. Hammond in the list of those 'on not divulge the purpose of the organi- Iported at the University of Michigan
thub, the invitation cmmnittee zation. by the Michigan Gas ASsoiation.

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