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March 27, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-27

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IF YOU WISH TO HAVE.. J D igtE. Watkins, i
Al Suit Dousacl)1-3SSMi. s t.
A Pair of Trousers :COHU 1~ADHL
An Overcoat Under New tanagemen. r
New Billiard Outi.
Made to your pleasure and( a tit gularantleed, go 10 Chils given good for anwhre - °S
fthe house. s WltuAS5' ,
Cutting, Reyer & Co. _reLnb
l1-it E. Wahingtson St.
Who have just received a largeieO ltsfoForest Aene Mat aretL[ne ,>dCL p 'R
whiclI to stil ~ Poutry, Game and Fish in Season AR TH F3 S
----130-F-est-Ave. arker's Collars are siiipo -Ii ti~
A Word Patent Leather Shoes NOkI; a mp ndv~r l ~ nI .tn
Sad by Gagner & Ct. 2 .for 25stn
lo Student v ALBERKT LUTZ,
11,isno t O u+" 10505 __
chasertotmlakte((00f nhiOir.CrnrSret.4 wae. 'ptein~sle
R ""~he o ~ RNSHLRFrntigi b ieo i own snit(0Lion Ie 0' Maker of Photographs gaming, Call on Rentchlerc eeaoigte ietseeto
Manaduo of ecusie pttens in
e I 's . fari j
4, 4( rcvn taur fl r 4" . . 4+tf l 4+ ..
noe, Otsnedlkhow + .'..'4k...4*'4*4 4444.4.444 PRI1II NEGLIGESHIRTS 4
I t 6 thic ct adng of 3' __
I r Cl s ly l1in and rtt,'l- LE MOYNE NOT TO COMPETE. I Your eyes examnd by an It has ee been orsplsnre to-+
IN L t'nd S Oieloat't(. ihe ___exert optician. All the 'la' handle. Oterally seaking ie .
eot, Csty n heprfesin samteeittnoue at-
,...,.,...e....,.. perladThesfolowngdisatc, hie hs et approved appliances and methods pterns teatl toward sakcoors,
Ph arot oesutical-society. ted we do no 1loo- appeared in recent papers, will be of knowntthrfsin areemployed. 'gae
I, tob rep unflLo l o ourtradehis ol as , Ne eyeglasss fftedalssesndplstend es areare always ifin
supetior roeisy in al cases atfsprints bruOsc I trs o University of Michiganieninglasses demapllii-i
es. sore musaces. asent s and to.' geeal p- students: ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew ferent lenth of siers, colts sl-,
pliaion fery (I t.iusO woktor ' ets'ex- ('afbr"idge, Mass., Mar. 24.-It has elry Store. tf. lce rsprao
r-S usialsiols cepre,.tion of alto-ta
host and esesole I itis cnd soot latwiheal- bieen decided that Harry Le Moyne,
inc messcioltt inredintisthatpeetratelI who unwittingly broke the intercolle- Have you seen the new Vibrassage 4,
kis, leain. the sin ,n tigfnefo it thei ue asitr b ahie s h ana rj'.t
,t si. ''r is s no reass'tfttnylkinsdlusedliln td
)r. C dwell's tiaclo EyptanOIi. compoing in an open meet as- the j Haberdashers .dl 31 Haterso
Modaaesgytan Old(a enel Drs.iwl's abe ewr .M. C. A, gymnasium Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cuffs attach- -1
'ai I~tte ositguaateekioseitrillblo e will not be allowed to compte in the ed or detached, at Alen's.
taiisfssct iss. if i1 tos nopyo can reurn intercollegiate track games at Phila-
th btte ndwewil efndyor ony. dephia it May, The deision against Feh Lowneys, Alegrettis Spar-
Quarry's Campus Drug Store the famous freshman athlete leaves row's and Hyler's Chocolates atCush-
Phray Harvard badly hansdicapped in the igsPhray
---- - weight events, as Le Moyne was con- AnTraowifraViasg.
SottllgNwsidered an almost certain winnr in Ask __________fora_______ ge
the shot put, and to have a chance Uiest students desiring to se- Kodak.;
Mihg f Plo sfrpoints i h amrtrw cure positions In teach will find it to
~'tich~ n rilows for in heammalerthrowlr their interest to write to James F.
Chaingdines t Hile's eweryMcCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi.
At Darling & Malleaux's .Store, v
$5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC Just received 223 Mandolins and
--PINE- $1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Guitars that we bought at a remark.
We hae orgina PegTop rou-ably low price and will sell them at I slnet ae ,io
Pictures and Fra e esW thv h rgnlPgTpTola thenetktlo i onethird the regular price. This is11aexptolbrgi.AlIsu-k.-A
STABAT ~~ments on easy payments. See our fosiurvtetshs
Ot r'i(1t5 AZ~T .TOkf:,___ display in window-Ann Arbor Music
Co erta aetenbt
L17 S. tFo irth Avenule. Rossini's Stabat MVater will e re-yerttthaeiellh-
petdin St. Thomas chtrch Sun- ics tr thaitevr Even the
cat edeigMrcL7,ao8oclc. -Pi Beta Phi fraternity pin.
dayeveing Mrch27,at5 oclok.Finder pleae return to 46 Packard Browie $1atiit$nakS
A. J. WATSON ( ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUn. steft, and receive reward. 3t-8l a gotictuttle
r an s ,rn ac Monday, April 4, at
Wall Paper, Paints Grners Tickets are going fast, For a fine pair of Peg Top Trousers
As they are limited secure them early go to Alens.
Rn i ~ fo omte. A full line of fancy Vests and Neck-
216 Est Huon Steet.. . RSCM. wear at Allen's. c fk n
-__T-H. G. REDFORD. Bath suppies or sn kinds at alla k n
PHO OG APH _ -prices at Cushings Drug store. tf. ' 324 S. S. 0 SI., _
PHOTOGRAPHS _"Of P~"k~ +3. f3"" k,+pt..S'2,3.g _ -_ ___' -
SEV-114)l'S STUDIO t k teO in a q P'n er Arkansas,.Texas, Mexico
121;n 1E4 ~ . Liberty St. Oftd od At h.Tk..rt 1, j and Caliorni...
/ i++++ Are best reached via
O UR P OLIC St. Louis, World's fair City, ;
The bil 154iI cu of a T,,lphiSoe Systetmi with every osbel tdj rn.f~ u ti
crn11 llvtti5 .u. the glivin of htter serviceo than wa-. ever thoulghll
possiiiie hc re t"o ho hosorhie, coirtao s ilat just ini every dt'aiiRoute
T'o autilipte reytlremztiili To oircomelim pedl(a'i et, T lie sais-RK V
fled iiti hiiig1111 short Of the ctofideinice aid godt will of every ciizn ! a aitt1tllsi il~lk~
111 the Ctonal\.q t ' ' i' ty tainw 's i I ais
wfAs U 'ThAW UV'frTIELPHlOvt Co., FPrine lyat int-Ts., n
'P MOARY OFFICE Liberty stree, iear tFourih. / For dsiy taills t S ping.

President 4 23 Iib~n" v.
Sup n esCZGARLTi ' Ann Arbor, Nich.
Orolon, in Turkey. -
Whatonesid evs th oter idePerfected in Lgypt.
Absolutely Guaranteed. Enjoyed in America. AL" U S A. HALEh
and $1, aoy store. or maillprepaid. l0foris tn Vie wofi cty and 'snptn. a Ili 'li 'Ists. Is-
C. A EDGRTONMFG.CO.ork is. ?lutextnt,. npm.
Box 86. hin, Mas. ave he onpoL B16 S. klein Street, Ann Arbor
With Sieymour fStudio. 'Phtone 9's1
A lways Ahead 1 W~xARD, THETAILOR ? The Best
in Styles,.,.trEverytigI a~r~

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