THE MICHIGAN .DAILY n4iI++++++nln, +4 I 0OS 0U,,4O,,,S,@@~S.S@*@4@@~4@#804ia~9~,4. The btralqbht Front Varsity . Ifyonn Want to see the snappiest style e, you want to see the new H. S. & VI. "Sl~f In ordeur to see the suie as it really and stand before the glass, you'll much of it than give up the clothes. Also a, new line of Blacks in Vicunas, Thibets, Ciheviots ad unfinished wors- teds, at $15.00O to $24.00 A SUIT Guyer Huts. for Spring Now Ready Sri Sepe-b Sh o wingd of ;ver piroduced ,"lothes, iaighu Frost" A- 'site. x: , ~ h L ~ L llE LF b is, ounoclte ry it on, a * I G IL I ER rithier give ap .he lirice j3 21' Be,: tilsil cieationis, displaying in every line * nia, "rrniilliner s art; new dainty effects iii g SOUTH flf, laces, chiffons, iualiiies, light and sh y st 3 ha-,.5, the iicw smsall flowers with long stems, {Xothier. MAIN 4.® resw Piing this season's mtost popular ideas. A JT. 0 isis (C. eisssolhcji'ice~s "rAC the soft, raw rep Ill sit A & Co. yp r +4 i ' ? t wit wi.~SsO5in4-,5 *~w9@9W~t. ~ SRANDALL, THE jPHOTO6RA Ek 4 4: + '$i 000*0 . #0*0*q 4 0 is 9 4 0 is 9 4 0 S I 0 4 WnlE WiISH to call your atteiition to ilie fact that or ii- ~'tire linie of SPRING WOOLENS is oii the tables anid will further state that we are in a* position where we can get all work out proiiptly. The very finest of tailoriiig will [ice- vail as usual at ouir establishment. BVRCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 106 East Huron~ Street r21r E. Washington St. 44+44444n44+4nSn44~ a y'Fn 'f'~ow....aaoao',- MRS. JORDAN ENTE rTAINED. UNIOThe girls oc the senior ciass wereI > THEOLOGICAL entei amnad ibriday aftcs n ites cgymnasium by Mrs. Jnrs,? n pt i SEMINARY of the rain quite a nuimt were pres- tOOankv.N'Ynnk eni at the reception. T_. girts speint I 70-akAeN wYr th e time chatting until Mrs. Jors i.nIc F ully equipped for seheiarly and peac-"se tical wark, is the midst afthSe Cria' seved chocolate aiid cream puff.Thesa ti san enterpriseseof a greatscity, in clase L receptiun broke ip by ais asdjourn- ' 3Eacadesmie reiations with Columbia, and c , New Yark Ujniversiiies, sliess opor ; mint in the baskuet bail gansa. Stunities far the degrees at B. D0, A. 11,ii iad Ph. D. Open en equal teresa to . . .ANOIE Sf students ef all Christian boesY.W C.ANOIE t " The Y. W. C. A. meeting toi ha helsi .i SIXTY-NINTH YEAR = Sunday atterneon at 3o'clssck will Begs.Sept. 28, 1904 have toe a speakuer ibis week Miss ,