.1i rus NYA) TII'S~T SNECKWEAR BATH F DE( 1*7 1I ,NE 1~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. R, UNDER\s ROBES, SW~ CORATION; WEAR, rEATERS, 0 S FOR ROOMS, ! "VACK &) CO.'s ' 6a4a4a4a4a4a4a404a4as4a4B4a4a4e4a4~e4e4B4siS4stt* smear ®' t r I n v _'®vwY rvr er rvrea iV O'V®YW 'f' ° 'V'w'w5 Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Ea; Burchffield's Fine Tailoring Trade We are prepared this season to mest e-(r'N-iderl ((ars 1 we have increased the number of worksi.. A, ru>hhcrAblesh Fri oe Cigarr!:e s sort ToaI ros JAS. . REI W.Pro . \312ESl At[t, S Turish Cigares aandTPipeso ev r itr t it unity, Fine Lunches in Connection. 301S.Sate St. R.E. JOLLY. Y The .school for ,IT , Grariger's Acndemy YOU CAN GET A 0 0 Hof Lunch 0 dAt Tisttle's, 338 S. State PALACE &' PARISIAN ,,LAUNDRY AGENCY..11 "r If. DOW[[R, Aqt. -a.*.a .0-r +*.r*ir~i+a+a~> >r*rr ~i+* ~ri >>t~+4>ati ai' >ti it t+ ;*>+ r 4 Fall vits and Tap Coats > THE Y' RE READY FOR YOUR . a INSPEC'TION. ALL THE NEW4 s AN!) LAITEST C R I-,,A'TI 0 N S ;- > ~ IN FABRICS AND)WWEAVESt - $12.50 10 $25.00 St iaebler ft Wuiertli, -. SOUTH MI TET OCTOBER CLOTHES of quality bear this famous mark ed ej Im MA KERS I NEW YORK BENJAMIN Fall Suits and Over- coats ready - for -service are tailored to please in every par- ticular that a particular n-an requires. Broad, concave shoulders; band-made, cltose- fitting collar; pockets that won't rip; shape-retaining in- sides;-arc made mellow and serviceable in the BENJAMIN shrinking -plant. Perfect fit, MINNESOTA GAME. wher-etbeginnetrs willite insttructed't because measured over your Cuiltinne rom page r nt- e, 'earhs lur.,figure-model. Custom-tailor- tit-_5--'ii-'t ing, because the handiwoirk lio~~f il c ro t te lihianIN MEMORtAM: of salaried spec'ilit s. idim' 021 ttitthiir S1t.At Sa ntMetingtofitt ii trttitt st fi.thie _________ _- Tee ttill uestinlytute i'stttl'ttitt t1906tLt.r c(lassthies-foiloweiig n'siutti- The prtte ts right. Yaurrmney nsee n' ti t obtttte'r ,twsesthe ion sewere Irawsn till: back it anyhtin o gses wrong. snv t itcam ssih. Somebo'drtiy its rrg Antn Arbotr, ichrt., DOct. 9, 1903s. BENJAMIN Falt Sails and lisp tit ii uin t il t lii T Sti-tas Sirli li rttti'sitltt Coats at this stare --no other. ha se fttormoe rnt) 1, + UL's" ^w EYE &CO caii silt tairaitosroftn t i onri sti dearr too theeembernr dr s f lt he l 109-ll GastWasigtRoSE vttitte amSShuw silt t i t't i' i t-moe nd I sho orlirt erary h atstt hs o hs 1 t in'D- R. & d R ~ A unin itr i ll beu r ihtsa in lins t olu dYist-' .siitaitt'109ss"itt it tit' tEiast is iii t att sit trst utu tr ittoissitylit- h Micttt'ltilutt' JosephS t. (_) t'It- l tth' W stertiti n C th NIp isiu wth tg ,te rfatiyrutbetrimt litstllt' tIs i i t ttit ins i iti ta alia~. W ih wl t, e? T t un-i' sol vedhy Thait inits l d'athil' tt'ttt it ti .s u i~ r AIQr a ''urn t' in dtrihosl arehinnwtha tn t tsdyYssph m r s ost. -ass t ste fr-iad i , Es1t.IarnoS.!W i Mt h sitent wth he ich- tar s ." tRslveThnsstat ee tn. oteb - V)rOlol1111 1m . r}1 .Tt 1 T he 1,0 ur i ti i d nu s sitl Nlistsot' tearetre tvedutaetil fntitrIslty olmatt he1'i-s .Il '1t1 1 nr4111i 1 ss ll ntit t tonly.:11 -t'ins71r,' midtIi rtusitu it lt- t-st ii11lt' ality u titenrt sinussltroutott tit t eitrsr erts sympa t t ~y t twth -l ich c 'mes sfront rthe ae ti h~ '1~,i 'o 617 I ,11tl±t,1.1 turn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o sioii'ctsr is ttsl ltitrtttr ht eaitts-rtstlheniots9:1its-.till.t;istii-11:51 ita iii e a a o y f ol11'' nit tartet ldt'r' t tt's- ttt sswhictth ut i ee l~ttt5 sellon titbteli'tttsen's I.t'IPt tS thfa ilthata: "cm " N, li' ii - tg iitt ry t~t'tt-srtrn tesoied'ol teg e 1551 ccyeorthewilt tutitut ti'i-.rw hst t u s s s t e n b e re tst ost hti l ti l yta ruw l l i hezt' trts'rsutne'rs Ist e l l ,nt~s-s Iteise ltl itoily n deat e ttas 'iti on rutters capt tin cpy itt lit-edSllses'urtimint es syn A , gndia's the e ni. Is i t tac tide rten tst t. t sersolteivs bat pth ishtedting wislit srtsogrioters i stpeiyresredr u oleepaes slt sit 'tjig Si at aiiatseLty CrtIr of Scear. t'Junt T is, i kentit'l t-hiss ofthint as a losyalantI allth 1 s'its't'iitmusetles if lt'eibody. I'Te clublhopesutoi' iarrangee a cotst - - with"Cornell, and finally gain th tiesis sgitiii oflthe Athletic associatiosn, 1 I ts-us ecomintg -a tart of un~iversity * O CN C * ili-",. athtlt irs is te feninitgclubstare itn Ic terntnt ivernsities. Eve-rybodyI'is I s t'tss$3 trrItr mof Ittt'kyh a UNIVEESITY ACADEMY, State Stroll invtt it cotttlo the tent-tigrooms PRFSO Prr SCOTT, PRmsINCPAL Is e eyes. fromtn4:350 to 5:30ttp. mt., We have received a very nce linesu'tiandi$2.5 itp!1 osf Oritental rutgs in targe sires, as swell intit5 stlt t itt N as intshte'snmaller strts. They art' ihoniti;Shtti1. tutu .in chosice secimcens, andtlanyonse inter- stut'e lte °cnitt; estedl in the Orientat rug qutestion is stint si n itl cheerfutly inviteut to call antIoo --teIoert1it ehtowiys MARTIN IHALLEtR, rows anti llsus 112, 114 andtl116 E. Liherty Sit. ice's Phuarmiacy. 'St, i* i~ i o rntiti Attn ens' insSptar' f'hust'ssatous at fush- ANNUCI1N We are pleased to annsounce to oar friends and citstomerst that we ihave completed arrangemnts with teIBarrios Diamond Company for tlhe exclusive sale of thecir goads ins this city. Barrios Diamnds are positively fthe finest imitationS diamndis on earth. eThey have steadily growvn int popllnarity sintce thesir first introduction ito America seven years ago. Thaey are not a fat; they have stood the test o1 actual weatr. These stoues are warranted to retainth ieir btrillitatncy forever. This will betenmtost msagnificent display of semi-precious stones ever slhowtn in this city. 'P'lie designs are tire exatt copies of the latest popular Nesv York and Ptarisian fanscies, costing originally hunudreds of dollars. Tine goos we will showo arc finishted with the satne exquisite care that characterizes the m~ost expensive jewvelry froms exclu- stve manutfactutrers. Barritss Diaonds are worttattd admosired hy thte most fashionable people the world over, atnd tor meet thte dettanth ~e Barrios D~iamontd Comopatty tas stores in all the principal cities of Amserica, the capitatls of Eutropie atttl ontit Amnerica. The sale of these famous stones amounuts to over three milliou dollars annunallyt. We cordially ittvite oar patrolts to call anid see the magnificetot wittdow display and examine these ptopular goous' B ARRIOS 1DIAMOND "Co. :06 South Hrain !street, with J. [.CIAPrAN, tbe Jeweler. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR 'S DRUG STORE