THE MICHIGAN DAILY ® IState Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, Correct clothes for Men ff T. J. Booth Jes. V. Sheehan rLOkI-5T. Jlf i. alde rE. C. .N.u l. II ye huS aarr CHOICE CUf rLOWER5 & PLANTS 5ANY men still DON'T KIitter0 ~ '~htRsstu eoss~s sllluAe. ling to theex I f .y o ui r boarding 060M ea"80 tailor, not know- house:esot? l=have 3jing that there is just what you want t es oekn to eat.* of ready-to-wear w.Springi Suits Copyright 1943, A. 13. eQ that is equal in r ~every detail to fine custom-made 1 Cravenettes and costs only about half. The kind we refer to bears this label AT N DON 3 ~~Ready fur your inspection.F fd eam &e1 We have just what j. S NEW YORK theon want veiut f Complete Line of the symbol of perfect style, fit, yyouwatt I fabric, and workmanship in ready way j" Spring Hats for-service apparel. I Equal to fine custom-made in all but * -fR9 price. The makers' garantee, and " ours, with every garment. We aM P E N Y C O O K dah FS tae bler & V (/u trth paeb___ t9 IIhi -'class o .0 upon the death of their of two gra-n-rite tssn Fur :intorin,tioo rela tive to dancing classmate, Jay Freer: ing the East anil the West will talktC I'E 01 music for receptiois, banquets, Whereasiii the sadnuess at the I'place another eveening. lis is to MOCHA AN DIR iir xr or dsni.p artice5 call ounfJyFrewou l~vn be for the ciamspion-ship uf Ameicsa.IIljll M~) d'.L Providlence has seens fit to take friom A hsandsoime trop~hy will hi. pir-esintedi 1 A R055~ GRANG[R us the class of t9t7 in the Deiital D~e- to the winninig team and tachlnd i outsO- O~rlRoastung 3t0-312 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-ti. partmient of the tUniversity of Miehi- vidual will receive a siiitaiili lri-. Alwsn'feosh Z 28 pe- pusuind Granger'r AcademnyOffici. and gan desie to express their deep Grand Band Contest. 214 Male 51. DEAN fC& CO. tRcsidence. sense ofi loss; theretore be it A Grand Hand Csintest oipin to the __________-- -Resolved, that in lie death ot Mr. various State Unsiversiiy liaiiis will Fri-er the class has lotla isember as ea etr.Tlis-iisNiiisiew Drllnswick Tables. alob etr.Teeuie iis whom it honored toe his manly rhse- wliich are sitiiattid tir the moist part YO0A GTA~ acter and sterling worth,- sui loveid in liii-Nest, have exeelleiit miusialAT Hot L u ch for his genial dlispossitioinsait kind- organsizaios, ssnhmering anywhiere REID'S BILLIARD 'PARLORS, z~ L Uf~ nss le t tocfriio:itti30 i ltto 0ad6 itesaSetseiral FlueClears and Tobaccos At-"Tuttle's, 338 S. State Resoilvedt, that we extende to his baniids have signified their intention JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale Si., S. ~~~ ~ ~ ~ li~~ereaved Iparents isil louily our heart-stes-rn, o th ose ss it e f elt sympathy in this housr sit sail affair is assusredl. A eashlizea and a I have isti rieel i-c ed te cil ist n iest .. .._., + . . ness. Be it forther hansome trophuly will be presentedtieo + L[SSONS IN $3 hl esolved, that a espy sit these reso- the best band., Turkish Cigarettes and, Pipes $3D "" lulismns lie sent tic lbe famsily ad assi im 3evrt ,-s- uI tothcf ey. AN IN also inetdithcolgpaer Fine Lunches in Connection. 24- nete3nth6ullH S~Pnlru, . agate. Cleaning, ie-~iasee:5c- A. J. HALL, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes305.SaeS. R.JOL UtSESTYAAEI. lt III ALR called for and delivered. Leave or-_ .- .. .. WM. C'. ELSASER, ders over Cushing's Drug Store, or - Committee. 'phone 582-3 r. OHOCBTAaIES t~hupies ofall kinds at all oLst-Lady's tan, seal pusrse, coo-- OHIOCENT AL INES picesat ushig'sDrug tore. tf. tainisig ealling eards. Finder return TOLEDO J O COLUMBUS MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Prufessionai Hair DresserA 322 S. Stale Street, 1ag stairs)nt eirsp tes- iaivitatiiint eld iceil-s t ll 5 at fier par- sirs to in-eethe s ea line uf hairquditsilet Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. Chaffing disheu at Haler's Jewelry atoue. tf. $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC $1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry Store. f. Ticket for four shampoos-$t.00. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, neor Quar- ry's. - I Fresh Loswney's, Allegretti's, Spar- Pace'nd.Wehave he'orginalPeglTp Triil-at--(Inch-- ~TH MOST TCLUETT PEABODY & CO. CLUtTT AND ARnOWtOts-ARS Try myScientific FceMassage srsaaAnn', - Manicure.. Vibrasoaget It's fine at Trojonxow- JOB PRINTING-MEYERS. 210 f PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM skios. 23-Cf Main St. S. Phone 281,. THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor ADSuite To Rent-Large suite, single Fountain pens at Cushing's. 1. guIo TAIWhV BWtG ALLEY.,, beids, both, gas, furnace heat, tele-LII'~ 11v.. phone. One blocke from campus. New Allenos for nobby Spring Shirts. paper curtains and rarpiet. EnquireI 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457.+ 707: N. VINIVERSI'T AVENUN. 121 E. Jefferson street. 22tI Try a Vibrassage at Trojy a. 23 tt!± n".4" ". + EXCL USJVE 121-123 a'outh Wain Street NOVELTIES IN SPRING SUITING S WAtiNEIR e&CO. : N i N N :N S N. NNN Ns1w4 ®®r aa " : ...*.*.**f*,*****ee no. n***ne I -THE"STANDARZD" BED-i EATEY PINTOF XCELENE of th orinay fatmetal bed-attractive design, comsfortable, saniltary; light, strong, rigid, EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE of a foling bed-econonmy of space, simplicity and case of operation. PERFECT VENTILATION, easiest to handle, and isj Absolutely Safe; Accidents Cannot Happen. Ideal for student's rooms. Especially adopted to fraternity houses. A boon to tile housekeeper, iso trouble to sweep unuder the bed, Inu Henne & St-anger Martin It Or write direct to STANDARD METAL wire of 1Hiller FURNITURE COMPANY, Detroit, Michi. Mack & Co, WE ARE .NEVER UN DERSOLD-GOO1DYEAR'S DRUG STORE #