THE MICHIGAN .DAILY , ; ffffff~ff THE MICi-IGAN DAILY teams tor their magnificent work.f\ve? f _ esogratulate tise men tronm Wiscesin f EnUU~1 Imfl~ stered a ssondlass nsaller at the Ans because ihey were succestful, aiicksee G, He Wildmu Compalsny *Arborsrt i 1ce. * j f _ zvit vla1U11!_express our gratification at the ciwlit- Published daillyl(Mondays xcpftda ring the able manner' in which the Michigan college eari t 7Fi- E.ltslhiiigtsii street, sien upheld the honor. st the Univer- L eadillg Merchanlt Tailors ; (hasemenitsor, side entane) i te1--,i _tsity. This was tine ofat aeries of f MANAGING EDITOR : udebates tof ichliMichgan has son ________________S_ . tiftilY TII)SiS ON twit, anti ech comtest has hbeen-the BUSINESS MANAGER: closest biind of a struggle. RiOSCOE 1t. IIUSTON ________ SPRINGi WOO[[NS IEDITORS: COMMUNICATION. fAtlticfs,---fiOBERs TK. WALTON SNews,- - - J. S. nAsr.Y The following ecommutnication. ro- Fo utTp ot cd ASSOCIATES: garding csonvenstitons ofthue Students' Trousers. Full dress soils a Olitord Sltveisont, RhitP'lhes, League itt America. wfiich wiff be heltd A:.,Nf. Gctiet', 11etiry' P. hErin at St.. L)iis 'this cutning: summer, omay. specialty. Let us show youff A. C. Potud. A. I. Orimiece. be otf iteresi to Michigan sttidttts:- our London Surges, Loutndon i f iY fee ttdorS.Sus Syracuse,. N, Y., March 21. * Ida M. Blrowsrigg. I. wtite Jtiyne. Cheviots, Scotch Mixturts, : Go. A. Osbotrs. Ifartild C. Smith. Michigan. Daffy, *flutery I1. Andresws. Aifireti11. Kchl. Attn Arbor, Mlich.: Kilowens, Blarneys, High.-*f 'Thomtas ,13. fisberts. Clytde L. liew. Feeling sure that you are interI lands, FdMiuburghs, Drumn- BUSINESS STAFF: outed in she coitnsig cinventiton of f C* . A. 'I Ttimsonit. Wit. It losyd Thc Studtents' Leaguie ot Anierica, tocittys, Mc..ugors, L.otdffit *it S. hoitii. I.ft. . atturett. which is to be befit at the St. Ltlis * Titos. L. Ieee and St. Andrew Flannels, * - - - Exposition from flinet to t 25th, Lodn asieeso Ae- Editor Today-HARRY H. ANDREWS, we tafke p1leastire in sentding. yout an Londn Cssitere or mer : 1 ---. --Isutline ot, the firugram. lcan Serges. Please call arnd ate aance-Ifitl'litti Ottuttlieacr. 1,t103,$.i01If your instittitorn liasatde no _tta.iftatgritiie.0v ,ftI, 2.entries in ft'e varitous coteats. we _______________________Office Hoirs:-12:30 toa1ft3l0 and 6:30 ts 7:30 wotuifli e oigefitd ityou swoiultdcalf the. p. nm. Daily. attentiott otf iba lil nti HTY *7T Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTO, Business Han- other stuidents assoiciatiomns to tis G. ti. ' 'lld ager, 33I Packard Street. ntc.Ilftn tt tl U IjdHJTelephone, 461, sp act in titirfiafter tou this mtter, 08 L. WASHINGTON STREET.* we beg tot remain, f Yursetirtdialfy, N ___f______f efX The Stutdents' League litf America. fOJtilS IIALIIIEY, ------------- - . - .. _._s.etorespotnding iSecretary. { Sweaters and' Sweater Vests:. 25,%OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for -$4.12 $5.00- Ones for - . $3JZ5 Colors White,. Gray, 14a- noon and Navy.. FOR SALE AT Walir's Book Stores. The 6rewt iame I rTI IExciting Fun for Everyone: 45c. Pocket War M1aps for the, SHEEHIAN & CO., j Univetsity Booksellers, Sta- tionters atnd En:gravets. 320 South State Street. *~~~eeeeeo~ ~ The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Ctipital Stitch. $:0,000. siulus, $175,000. fResouarces, $2,000.00 A GENEIRAL BANKiING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OFcntsas Iurfl t fsE. Pciu r':.t l. Haimisas. VietPre.;M. J. ite. iCashlier. IfADChoice Cut dwr flowers i~and Plants itt season: COUSINS & HALL, Cot. S. Untiv. Ave. and 12th5 Streo, Telephtonte I151. CALENDAR. I r t Staturdhay, 7 to t:00t-Vihuiams meet 3 .. .mw luiun .liihaifaf.'htStudtleits' League ouf Ainrica was organuizedilate;lhaltfall. Psi it Suindiay,., : Itt Wilfianis mueeting. lbranches wortetfirmtedi:tinte, known~ Suitayas, 6:3:0-Williamis meetinig. as thu Intercotllet ellranchtobiii-i Mlarchi 26-Cornell-Mbichigan meet. chidte un:ive'rsity anth cull uv inetuit; April 0.Senior Law party. IantI the otiher, the* Intcrschuuhssic April 2.Fencing 't'ournament. tBranchu, titicludetto'suietlis oithe. _____________________ high schototls, niurmail schooulsand iu il 'hei tatitictin whichi the membe.rusat altttueso h rutt of buitsit the lowser classes hiave Purpose.p takentihiofloh the project to stop 'fhe Coinstitutioun readsa: "'helilt= hiair cuttitigshloss a moat coumend- ptuie oath ila Leagtue,;hall he -to' ' able sfpirit. ft reveal~us a whuole- tuther interest ini atudtiti t ivlit its hoartettiessthuat huessit alwaysu heesnltorewsarud mit ititll fililat iiistun moanifetteid bIts'sudoenitsutnder' uimilartdenttlift', andti o incOreaseitefofl cir'cumstanccs. Whtei thietftn cam- i,,otbrothitrhoasu uting t , ' w" meticed buithoclasses gilt oat their tending educationtal instituions scissoursatnd cot hair with a yen- Conventions. geauee. When it waseualaized that I iruaooitti uiht~ t f thi' mtter was gaine too tar, tsttandcdtlIlidStl tii' that one member was ikely to pufftetritsa thoosi ue femil tar thie pranhks of the many, all went r o- he olrht itigitt the Ihticrohherite 1utranclowill Ntalre-llarls toi workh to set thou matter right with ho heldltrans June tL0 tt . 5. That bithe hi lree dollar hat,. the same enthusiasm which has been tOlymphic Colle'ge 'huamluiuuisips tae' disfilayed fo thi' start. 'The coi- phlace on Jusne 21 anidl25, s thatil elf oiperat ion of h studuetnts anud faculty who attend the Conventio eait situ. R I ta he end that a ptopert understand- th-ae swf.'h ieiu t lbhht~:h i inig may be reachsed'itithus affair thdiserthoacteiranh iif ocul art awillitng tou contribute Itoirs'oseshare I ~ I t towsard She- schonaticlconestitaeofnthout Is aeho have been suspfendhed. Intercollegiate Branch, t. ______________ Arranugemetnts are being Pnuate The usntavorableudecisiotn in the wehich will lie the means bribgitsg. ihligan-WViscotinidituate fast een- together thue largest boduy ut sttuhietits - Hatters 1175..frlain Si_., itig is (lie first ret-traeint oratory that veer asaembled. Aa sumanyfliass t Michigan' hs sufereud thiu year. The studentst life as Posisiblefi' e rehire-, .. lansiltoun contest and the Minnsesota satteud. debate bothitell to 0t hut of Michigan Oraiorical Contest. ____________________ twhfileecust decision fast evening There will be a grattul-Oratusricsal itndicautes how doubtful was the out- Contest opltn tel studentoftt alt' cul- comle in the minds cut the ji gv.lvgea.. Thse Leagueito gi ive a cashlu "'-Be fair. , to your While it is alwuys hard tou lose, espe- pize fot this evettwhsichi will tde-, face." Use 'Witliafis'l noaoywt uc nev-cd h hmposi fteTnt'd able reciurd behind us, stiff Michigaft States, and te3?xluisiliuin authoitrities Shavinug Soap. hau alway's treated her opponents, will present variotus avards. itt merit. Sl t hvn whethser successful or not, in the Joint Debate. 'l i hhain ticks,.Ta~ets,. Etc. tam u magnenimouis snjiril.. and She A Joint Diebate betwveen thle ti-ants _________________ Daihy wishes to congratulate both (Continued on page eo S. I: oeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeseeoeeeeoeoooeoee oeeoe oee oN i I l THE STUDEINTS' [[CTUJR[ASSOCIAION t t * ~ ~rnI~1~hI1WE~b * ~I'~'~.PdE~ IllFII~I~WII11IE~k ORATORICAL CONTEST1 [RIDAY, "1ARCH1 18, 8 P. N1. UJNIVERSITY HALL. Regent Levi Barbour will preside. Doors Closed During Sjeeches. Season Tickets, $1.00 .st.stSimnle Admission, 25C 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I L. " F P U OC'AN M. 5L~ABOLT, Malnag. Saturday, March -26 "4 OT101- O0LD - T1it 3 CLEIV[R P[OPL[ >353 EVERYTHING'. NEW., Clever Oommiedians and Dancers Costumes, Songs, Girls are Pretty, . , :f . ,f . _ 2 'f . . .F .., .e. . .. " - PRICES~ 25c, 35c, SOc and 73c- I ..eee~.@eo.w.a@e .oeooeF@@O ,O~ 4 ,w H-ENRY'& KYER, MERCHANT TAILQRSNUIESIYAE