The Michigan Daily
No. 127
Climax and Wind-up of the Indoor
Track Season Tonight When
Cornell Meets Michigan-
Some Surprises in Store
-Officials Selected.
The Cornell track team, fifteen
strong, in charge of Trainer Moak-
ley, arrived in Ann Arbor last night
and were sent early to bed to get
a good night's sleep in preparation
for the coming dual meet in Water-
man gymnasium tonight. They are
confident of putting up the best kind
of a fight in every event and expect
to capture their full share of the
The reserved seats are practically
exhausted, there being less than a
dozen left last evening. The man-
agement has made elaborate prep-
arations to take care of the crowd
of reserved seat holders and there
will be a large force of ushers on
hand. However, it is physically im-
possible for the ushers to seat so
many people at one time, and as the
events will begin at eight o'clock
sharp the head ushers request that
reserved seat ticket Iolders come
some minutes early.
The doors will be opened at 7:15
p. m. and as soon as the gallery is
comfortably filled no More general
admissions will be sold.
As to the outcome o the moeet
itself, the chances seem to favor
Michigan by the smallest possible
margin. This is the result partially
of the handicap an unfamiliar track
will be to the Cornell men.
Trainer Fitzpatrick looks to see at
least one record broken, and possibly
more. Rose will make another effort
to raite the world's record in the
shotput, and the fierce competition
in the runs ought to result in some-
thing noteworthy. A letter reeived
by one of the 'Varsity men two 'days
ago from a friend on the Cornell
squad stated that the Easterners were
planning some surprises for the Wol-
verines hinting that they had a
couple of new men who might prove
world beaters.
The officials for the contest have
been selected as follows:
Referee-I. N. Swift, Yale.
Starter-Edward Ryan, D. A. C.
Announcer-Thos. Bird.
Clerk of Course-Sid..W. Millard.
Assistant Clerks-V.. C. David, C.
E. Hayes, M. M. Uhl, H. W. Holmes.
Track Judges-F. L. Ducharme,
D. A. C.; Homer L. Johnson, D. A. C.;
W. C. Johnson, D. A. C.
Field Judges-Theo. - Luce, D. A.
C.; Dr. S. C. Gurney, D, A. C.; John
C. Lodge, D. A. C.
Scorers-Frank L. Rain, J. H. Mad-
dock, W. C. Cole, C. M. Dravo.
Timers-John Moakley, John Owen,
Keene Fitzpatrick.
The second game of the basket ball
series was played off between the
juniors and sophomores Friday after-
noon. The teams were very evenly
matched and both played excellently.
The passes were well done and the
baskets, although in every case well
guarded, thrown very straight.
The first half resulted- in a tie.
Miss Broadbridge of the sophomore
team made the first basket, and Miss
Snover on the junior team the sec-
ond. The interim of five minutes
was occupied by the supporters of
both teams in lusty songs and yells.
When the teams came on for the
second half the play went on more
rapidly than before. But when time
was called the score was still a tie,
Miss Boadbridge having made a sec-
ond basket for the sophomores and
Miss Shafer another for the juniors.
Dr. Snyder announced that two min-
utes would be taken to play off the
tie. Over anxiety, however, resulted
in wild playing, and when time was
called again the score still stood 2
to 2.
The junar literary party Thursday
night was a pleasant success. About
40 couples were in attendance. Dur-
ing the evening members of the
Glee Club sang rousing songs for .the
splendid entertainment of the guests.
Eminent Scientist and Medical Au- Two Judges Decided in Favor of the Sophmores Meet to Conclude Hair-
thority. Visited Michigan-Lec- Visitors-Hard Struggle-Both cutting --Resolutions Adopted-
tured .to .Medical Classes Teams Heartily Cheered by Large Number Sign Agree-
Thursday on Immuniiza- Large Audience. ment-Ban on Scissors
tion. for Two Years.
By a two to one decision Wisconsin
Dr. Paul Erlick, director of the The sophomore literary class h Ad
debaters won the hottest contest from a meeting in room C yesterdy after-
Imperial Institute of Frankfort, Ger-a gyetryfe-
many, and one of the foremost scien- Michigan last evening that has ever noon for the purpose of considenug
tific men in the world, lectured to been held in University Hall. The the hair-cutting question. A lengt:y
the medical students Thursday morn- question under discussion was "Re- discussion was the result in which
ing. Dr. Erlick is makihg a brief solved, that the states should relin- the class unanimously voiced e a
tour of the United States and inci- quish the personal property tax." opinion that the ccissors' hazing
dentally visited some of the larger Michigan upheld the negative. The should be abolished. The following
universities of this country. members of the Wisconsin team were resolution was drawn up:
The lecture Thursday morning was Messrs. Hagenah, Minahan and 01- We, the members of the 1906 soph-
a partial exposition of a theory of brich, while Messrs. Blanchard, Col- omore class of the University of itich-
immunization or anti-toxin treatment ton and Amberson represented Mich- igan, do hereby resolve to discon-
of contagious diseases. Dr. Erlick igan. tinue all hazing in the form of hair-
is the exponent of the most tenable The best natured rivalry existed be- cutting.
theory, of this treatment. His talk tween the two teams throughout the "(Signed)
was given in German and was greatly debate and the audience cheered the "COMMITTEE."
appreciated by all of the medical visitors on every prossible occasion. It is anticipated that the other
faculty and students. Dr. Huber was Michigan did lper star work in re- classes will take similar action in
a pupil of Dr. Erlick while pursuing buttal where enthusiasm was aroused order to do away with all freshmen-
a medic5' course in Germany several to its highest pitch. To the audi- sophomore strife for this year, in the
years ago. During his stay in Ann ence the outcome was much in doubt way of hair clipping at least.
Arbor the renowned visitor was 'the and while the decision was a disap- The petition which was open for
guest of Dr. Vaughn. pointment to Michigan, still her op- the students to sign in University
Dr. Erlick came to Ann Arbor from ponent was worthy of the honor. hall yesterday has received- the sig-
Chicago, where the honorary degree Michigan's team was somewhat nuatres of 184 freshmen and 200
of Doctor of Laws was conferred handicapped because of the fact that sophmores. It is hoped that all the
upon him by the University of Chi- C. E. Blanchard, the leader of the men loyal to 1906 and 1907 will at-
cago. He left this city yesterday for team, has been seriously ill for sev- tach their names today if they have
Detroit -to visit the laboratories of eral days and yesterday it was not not done so before. The petition will
Parke, Davis & Co. The medical stu- known whether or not he would be be found at Quarry's drug store. It
dents consider themselves fortunate able to participate, is headed by the following:
to have had the privilege of meeting The judges were Judge Mack, "We, the undersigned, members of
so eminent a scientist as Dr. Erlick. George E. Cole and Hon. Merritt the classes of 1906 nd 1907, do hereby
Starr, aI1 of Chicago, while Gen. agree to stop hair-cutting during our
WILLIAMS AGAIN TONIGHT. Henry M. Duffield of Detroit acted as college course, and to endeavor to
presiding officer. prevent the same, provided the fac-
"Yale" was the theme of the talk A reception was tendered the mem- ulty modify their action in regard to
at McMillan Hall last night when bers of both tea msat McMillan Hall Frank E. Snow and any others ap-
A. B. Williams, who graduated in the after the debate. prehended for participating t the
class of '98 spoke on "A Funda- recent hair cutting."
mental Law of College Life." Mr. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. All laws of the i antI '( classes
Williams has traveled for four years lllwohe'5_n_'6clse
are also requested to sign the agree-
among the colleges of the Eastern The Michigan Academy of Science ment. The committee also ask that
United States and Canada in the posi- will hold its tenth annual meeting in all freshmen and sophtmeres pertse
tion of Eastern Travelling SecretaryaAfnsArdsrhThursda
-1- .,,.f Ann Arbor Thursday. Friday and Sat- the above carefully and see if it is
of the International Committee of
Young 'Men's Christian Associations.
He has just returned from an ex-
tensive trip among the colleges of
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania,
where he has spoken to many col-
lege men. At Dartmouth and Johns
Hopkins and also at some of the
Southern colleges he reports big
strides ii Association work. At Char-
lottevill. the University of Virginia
Asssoctation has just been presented
with $4,000 from a wealthy New
Yorker, for a building; at Brown.
Rockefeller Hall has just been ded-
icated for the social and religious
life of the Providence University; and
at several other of the Eastern col-
leges big strides have been made.
Mr. Williams believes that the As-
sociation should be a representative
university affair and should provide
adequate means of unifying all inter-
ests. Where this does not hold, the
Association is weak and is viewed as
an unimportant and unnecessary ad-
junct-not as it should be-a mould-
ing force of prominence and influence.
The talk tonight will follow Mr.
Willims' plan of presenting the claims
of the Association to college men of
all classes. It will be at McMillan
Hall at 7 and will be dismissed in
plenty of time to allow the men to
get to the meet.
Will dance Monday, April 4, ' at
Granger's. Tickets are going fast.
As they are limited secure them early
from committee.
The first year law class gave an
enjoyable dancing party at Granger's
Academy last evening. The attend-
ance was light owing to the stormy
weather, but all present spent a most
pleasant evening.
Try out, to choose men who will
participate in tournament, will be held
in the fencing room of Waterman
gymnasium, Saturday morning at 10
o'clock sharp. All fencers turn out.
By order of President.
urday, March 31, April 1 and 2. Spe- not " up to them" to assists in secur-
cial section meetings will be held ing a reconsideration of the faculty
Thursady afternoon and Friday morn--action.
ing for botany, zoology, geology and COMMITTEES APPOINTED.
sanitary science, at which papers will
be presented on different phases of President Seatterday of the senior
these special lines of science. law class has announced the following
Besides these specail section meet- committees:
ings, several sessions will be held at Banquet.
which will be discussed topics of in- E. E. Person,
terest to the general public. On Fri- C. A. Fisher,
day at 3 p. m., in the west amphithea- F. L. Rain,
ter of the new medical building, the C. T. Winegar,
question of the "Forestry Interests of J. C. Bills.
the State" will be considered. Among Class Day.
the speakers will be Hon. Charles W. M. W. Townsend,
Garfield of the state forestry commis- C. G. Bailey,
sion; Prof. Filibert Roth of the Uni- W. S. Wheeler,
versity; Dr. Clark of the bureau of Joe Smith,
forestry at Washington, and others. A. M. Cochrane.
Saturday at 9 a. m. in the same Invitation.
room, the "Fish and Game Interests of E. R. Ringo,
the State" will be discussed by F. N. E. F. Seebirt,
Clark, superintendent of the fish 1. L. Brock,
hatchery at Northville; F. B. Dicker- H, A. Wieder,
son of the fish commission; State F. B. Hammond.
Game Warden C. H. Chapman, and L. Souvenir.
Whitney Watkins of the Agricultural R. L. Harrod,
College board. M. B. Slick,
The president, Prof. F. C. New- F. J. Bowsher,
combe, will deliver the presidential M. J. Robinson
address in the west amphitheater of Frank Radigan.
the new medical building, Friday, 2 Cap and Gown.
p. m., on the "Manner and Means of a H. M. Thompson,
Biological Survey of Michigan." H. B. Redford,
The annual address will be given J. H. Gernert,
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, Friday, E. J. Hawbaker,
8 p. m., on "A Neglected Naturalist,' W. M Heston.
by Prof. John M. Coulter of the tni- Memorial.
versity of Chicago. Earl Heenan,
F. A. Wagner,
Rossini's Stabat Mater will be re- J. W. Hawkins,
peated in St. Thomas church Sun- W. W. Franch.
day evening, March 27, at 8 o'clock. C Cb ns
C. C. Coburn,
J. W. Brining.
Do you intend to teach? Secure a Senior Prom.
position now by writing to or calling C. H. Hayden,
upon A. Pearce, 615 S. Ingalls street F. A. Baker,
U. of M. representative Lewis Teach- J. R. Offield.
ers' Agency., w. St. The following committee is ap-
pointed to carry out the provisions of
University students desiring to se. the petition circulated in the class
cure positions to teach will find it to last week:
their interest to write to James F. Roscoe Huston,
McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- W. C. Brown,
cago. tI. J. D. Robinson,