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March 25, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-25

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IF YOU WISH To IHAVE. Dwght E. Watkins7j
A SitDrpiacadt32S.MiS.r
A Pair of Trousers
An Overcoat Forest Avenue Meat Market r/
Made to your eteasure and a fit guaranteed, go to Poultry, Game and Fish in Season l -
5 30 Forest Ave. Phone 401 -
Cutting, Reyer & Co. ~ pllIffp ~lA~HL
.~Under New franageme. L[ne
Who Have just received a large line of cloths f runm New Billiard Outfit.ne and CU FF.S
wichl to mk a seetin Chips given good for anwere ARET E B S
maeslcinthe house. A EACY E B S
.....k.....444+0+~b4+4+ . . 4++++ 4.4. [ree [unch.
____Barker's Collars are Stampe "'1 ncr
Word Patent LeatherSh e NOf tmtme" .uI-e ndol
Sold by Wagner & Co. 2 for 25 ct.
lto students ALB13ERW T LUTZ, J .,
Y' rIn r t,,, retorremro(edis top
DR. L W E LLS onasrletio.k eLis 0 R E N TSOH L ER For anything to the linoof 0 soxlusive patternsin
- b oever hove kowol Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Retschler, i
D o r. cloll's )Iluric I 10 Phone 392r. Corner Main sd Huron StrEeets- SHIRT
Efgyptian il fee, 2 PIG ELGESIT
oi ro ilsyoses e s e W LIAMS MEETING. 106 LAW PARTY.a crIt 155((( ai erir
YPTIJAN IL. 0510(1 (d(015 em-0X11,
.o ,.,,. bee sdpirosiis of- - An infornal dance o be gvon at 4. 1( l it sse eat osee~aiO ,s sol]
tiee Issonosso((sooy (Continued from page one.) Granger's, Friday evening, Maroch 2, 1 150 an00. p -.ar0ag 55i
ihe oeccm e toour trad(1 e 0e L s (1 .s ahas been arraeged by thc oii on * I i IsI.s (05sl(((5
superor e meeoedy 1in oil ass od spra ies1 s - ,cs, (0(5 10 1 Q15 th( e east, and(1will tell o;iraitte of the 1905 law clss Fcl- iS Per nt1e t o f ce s s s ,~t' u
pcio ees osos los loososses s i s oeoIa slg liories astCil s 011lot music will be isrisis" 5b1sthei e~
eease l l ets gwsss dcliee ss raio l a;-1hsl 1'ibtreslet onIitieocollege 1m101. Hs Academry orchestra. 'hil, sot 1 ego
Ios ansd ssssss (loilos d sothsingOslsdIs, a.1- will Italsoas 1lis subjs~et "A Fnda coe fcasnsmor 'W G E
q isso , alloyeiss l se l(( s O( poool nti ssrd fr m th iuyai
so. lAssissisno siss ossol c.assisin s din sss Iisigoi ssistt siots t li 'lage asvane ale of tnlisisci s Iisss Haberdashers 4 of Hate
rie.I nslse l 50 g pt anOloli. tako il ot runiotverss s o h e ime(ho l ose wish to secure ice;se l ssd ais
its hav els eoolids cora 11 i. Cslw ll si te(iso bIts sole si will let outin 1 ll h om er iteoisote
sYsi to aOlog (55 (1 t se sell esey hbe p o h em esofteco mte
wrin ue ~ onrv; arnt hasst iwst-ill pletof t51imesfor mns o et tsl o tnss lia05soon 00 posible. (
soosi sos. Pit isdossnot yo 000returne Cs Sal fo o1ettof he 4
blo((tI ods rllrfo (oos sy isaingise. reo -wil be special luer-PAUtLDA,-
Qarry's Campmus Drug Store olic music. THSOMPSON. ____________
FN-JUNIORS vs. SOPHOMORES. Your eyes examind by an!
-PINE-expert optician. All the lt- Kodak
r! The econd of ths seis((C basket et approved appliances and methodo
P tu s nn L Frme bal gdmes will be playd of Fisy known to the profesion areemployed. m
Pa~t~ IIL11R fternoon bletweii the Jinios aid New eye glsseso fitted, lenes dupli- Tim
D~PL.5 A~ .TRSophomsoress. Both loams a1r eIi ood ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew ®
shps and an exciing cotest 010n alry Store. f.
217 S. Forth Avenue. icipate. 'lbs ime fortoehe gconiso __________
atC oil. STUDENTS-Insure your Bookand
Wardrobe three years for $300 at a It is tille to ake a look
PHOTOGRAPHS NOTICE TO FENCERS. cost of $2. Reemval permits granted
free. H. . Sllman, 611 Wlliam St. at hslnet Kodaks.A
TIry out1, 1o cose men Hho lt will e. . d. 124.fesinrvcetsti
CALL AlTlpatcipate in ornaenlt, wiiibe bld fewimprovementsthis
[IO R'STDO intCu enIcing erooma sICWteeman Yuwl idte etsensfe yar 111a11make them et
gymnasiunm, Stuedaoning at,15 violin, mandolin, guitar sad bnjo OC erti l evr.Evncil
31 S.frlinSI. ss'los soep Al feceo bll lI. Rootos Music House. We make a
iy orderi of Pesident. specialty of the bet. Try them. wslo Browsni $i and $2 maliks
Something New in SNOSNTC. Hoe you seen hs new Vbassags
Do you intend to teach? Secure a macine _AsthmaatTroy's_ i
uei~iNposn nowarcby61wrIngtocallinget d rdtce, tAlns
Mic ign Uillo s psitoA oPea rce 1itngorcallioteet.eligeCoat, Shirts, Culs attach a k n
At&Malleaux's ~Upnof M. repreentative Lewis Teach- o eahd tAlo'
AtDarling &Mlew ers Agency. w. st. University students deirng tose
-core positions to teach will hond It to 2 S SiIIc .t.
Lot-Pi lBsa Phi froateniy pin, their interet to write 1o James L' ,2
A. J.ATON Flindeeleassecetrn1(1 406 Packardeaet McdCllogh, 69 Fine Arslg hd-lb
Wall Paper, Paint~shotte, and receive resard. I-I aego..
" ~For a fine pair of Peg Top TrousersI Fresh Lowneys, AegrtssS Sa
an is go to Allen's.j rows and Hulylers Chocolotes atons Is 4AkldSTeaieti
216 East Iluron Street. A fll line of fancy Vests and Nockds- lg'4hamcyantd aflri...l
- - --wer at Allenos. Ask Trojanowsi oe a Vibo IS ag5-I
Ar hes eachs.ssvi
0_UR ________S__tute_._______ tic1( it

f 0ern il e Iis sr -. lo v1; f !) trsvc;t1 po ile10 ) io 5lsrsihlc Cs) it Ii t, 11, 1 jUSol Isls5'5.
tgo asiticsi s ~ers. 115 i llO-1 . To s) 5.'s i,.o1 u111 il issa s
fled w511ithngaig 11103SorI 0f thu osllfi 11150 sisilsul sclll ((5k-(551}tC
121 the Counity.

P :

t'IORhARX 0]
work in perfect harmony with
the wearers every movement.
Comfort, Style and Service
Trimmings cannot rust.
Prme ndss$1.00,any store or mal, prepaid.
Box 2s6 Shirler, Mess.

~I~cEt: fLiherty osteet, Itil 1-ouiit.
Gjrok'n in Turkey.
Perfected in Lgypt.
Lnjoyed in America.
Cork Tipsaor Plie.
Saesthe Coupoes.

11 s U"'II iig) _
f 's st"ri li lL i-Is ~-
T Il t1, 5055 !1411 5-l1 1 .1 1 10r"K
~ 1D. Armstrong,IT.P. A.,
121:1 W-sssIzetI Aso .
Ann Arbor, linch,
VoiswsotIiCty sans csampus. Ftaxslilots, Is-
ts.eiors, lGrous.
316 S. Mlain Street, Ann Arbor
wihsSeymsour uSudlio. 'Iloos819

so J I-

Always Ahead
In Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailoring

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