THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Straight [ront Varsity .... : uprbSh owins ofI If yon want to see the snalilpiest style ever piroduced in Clothes, ElSper yuwant to see the new H. S. & M. 'Scisight 1±'ront" Varsity. T I I IL ~ /II I~ D yuIn order to see the suis as it really is, you naed to try it on, S P R IN G I'L5tEUk....EIN k.IE [ and stand before the glass, you'll omuch ratber give up the price + of it thao give u1p the clothes. * Beautiful cr eations, cdisplaying in evciry late the +Also a new line of Blacks in Vicunas, 217 lualter milliner's art; ncew dainty effects in soft, Thibets, Cheviots and unfinished wors- ' - \SUI fluffy laces, chsiffons, imalines, light and aiity straw teds, at SOUhi baids, the new siiall flowers wihilung stems, rep j $15.00 to $24.00 A 'SUITl C -:lothier MAIN resenitng this seasoii's iclost poplalcr ideas. r1I1, if a Guyer Huts for Spring Now 12Deady ', ST. j iiii~sf I (ztilfc iifi iiiiiis U14CK Co. 0O " " 4. ",+ + '4 o0 00//f~O04 i®Sl~ 0lll~~o !o NDALL THE, JPHoTUo6GRAPH ER l2Fr E. Washington St. ' J '' 'i srisraJija~' !r rr~s++ i ~rris r r 4 r4~ri~f '~ 1 N i _,. 71111E VWISH to call youi aiteiitiiuiitoi the ifact thatour cii- tire liiie of SPRING XVOIJf'NS is on the tables aiid will further state that we aie iii a poisitioii whiere we caii gel all work osit piromiptly. The vciry finest of tasilorini~g cill pre- vail as usual at our estalilishcieiit. r 1 4 F BUKCIFIELD'S F+INE TAILORING TRADE& 106 Easat Hxzroe Street I II a OSO.d® O ® i ® 1®dl i® I+ 04 ®i 1lA I '=. a .3' l i UNION THEOLOGICAL > SEMINARY 700 Pe.r-k Ave., New Yor-k - iiFuily equippedilfor scheuiaciy aid pri ticai eors, in thistof teii hri iitiaic enterpmrisescof a ~ ea ityi i c-ic-s 0academi reltinswit iteisiebiaIeel iiNew Yoric Usiversitic-,.ofsihiopcpor "=tunitiesfcirti ith;ri-i-cofi1i. D1, .51ii RECEPTION TO DEBATERS. There will be a reception to the imen on the Wisconsin and Michigan debating teams, the judges, visitors and undlergraduiates at MacMillan Hall iminieilialtely after the debate. The re- ceptioii will take the form of an in- trodiietion of the members of the teas it o Michigaii men. It will also give the men ion the teams a chance to misgle and meet oach ,uiher. and Just received 223 Mandolins andj Guitars that we bought at a remark- ably low price and will sell them at one-third the regular price. Thin is an exceptional bargain. All Instru- ments ono easy payments. See our display in window-Ann Arbor Music Cs. LOST-Sattirciy afteroon betiveen State and Mains streets, a ardcciacse containing papers and tickets valciabte j 1 i 1 J 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,. stuidensof alliiliisc-tiainc odiesch-mnateUivriy to the owner, bat useless to aiiyoiie SIXTY- NNTH YEAR __________ else. Finder piease return sauce to Michigan Daily office, or 507 S. Divis- Begl~ras Sept. 28, 1904 KEYSTONE CLUB. ion street. 23-vi 35Adcdrsthiei'resiivuii ofithe __Faculty,_______ ' the 9-11)r '°i About sixty mein from Pennsylvania Pantorium, a336S. state. Cleaning, ReChreCgbelfa ,0.. met iii Newberry Halt yesterday after- Pressing and Repairing. Clothes ", - iiiiiion and after a very enthusiastic called for and delivered. Leave or- miuuicig, iiiganized she Reystone Cliii. ders over Cashing's Drug Soccre, or - n ~ . ,~k IThfolliiwing oifficers were eleceil: 'phone 182-3 r. New Brulnswick TaleOs 1> ~sdent 1. J. Sayo ',4 law. Viii- Presideni-,J. Xt.Reeid, 'ut5ceid. Siic'P'o'iRecit Lare-suciie, siiigle Al'ic. ieids,bahali, gas, Iiiiiiii c iea. tiee REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, iiecietaiy-Gi. A. Cunningham, '04 phoine. Oue blockc coic aicpuis. Nowc Fine Cigars and Tobaccos iengi-eeri paper curtains anid carpuct. lEcisicre JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale St., S. Trecasurer-J. X. Anderson, '06 lawy. 3tH efrtnsrc. 2 Tlicket tsr four obamloos 11.00. Iave ust receive-ielze i ad-fineiii'si, Bath supplies of all kinds at all Soft water. Hiss Vacighaic, lea:, ltsr- lice iof . pricesaCuhn'Drgsoe tf ry. Turkish Cigrettes and Pipes , tCsigsDu cr.~ ys evr i ru i otec ity. Chaffing disnes at -Hailer's Jewelry Fresh Lowney's, Aliegretti's, Spar- Fine Lunches in Connection. Soe Eiverythcing NeacicicilClean, or. tf. row's, Hoyler's, chocolateu at Cicsh- 308 S. Stale SI. R. E. JOLLY loig's Pharmacy. tf. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry JOIRNIG-EES l Store. cf. JB PITN -MYR.26 For information relcivie to dancing, __________ Main St. S. Phone 281.I or omasicliii rieceptioshbanqaets, or dancing piaities, call on $ MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC Fountain pens at Cushing's. If. RO 5G A G R $1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. _______ ROSSGRAN~UR ______________Allen'u for nobby Spicing Shirts. 310-312 Maynaid Street. F'hoie 2-4-(;. We have the original Peg Top To-1 Granger',a Acacieusic, Odic',' aiii sers at Allen'u. Tru ''ry a Vibrassage at Trujy's. 23-t Ri siderice.I ___ __ _ __-- ---____-- ieeeeeeeeeea *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *eeew*eee****4 0 2 'A L L EN' S FO R Q UA L I 'r v" Vuuu 7A-AXi .'arA "4 Money Loaned# °o Watches, Diamonds t (Jrotiiii jiccicuuaucproulcc-cty of v au'a WWtttheyanddela- ' 1GIc-- paid IBarginsini ic atelcci erSicci n1rbrciccicic Ic8 tXciiia X, c t ::17i . li, --o yoi . i l-bc in s e Tiehl tl, JOSPH C. WATlS. OFct cTE ucLEST~ I HAI I TWLIH CLET ANDWARO COLARS. 5. ~ + { lcrcCafinarsiisk,5 4. Elhic.ic cTble iascer POWaZcOa. arc cs c p"C .kn t~ c- k1Cl.'.-.ssi 2-5' C+ h '"s"+fo iii 'A3 'D'j'. eI.+ J'",,':'ivre .:+',:," 4 Win. IIXOFFICIAL, x INTR-COLLIATEibr "Used bly ~all7.h303 edi ngClee ot alPni sae n St, Hot Lunch $At Tuttle's, 338 S. State +f LESSONS IN t UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. State Street i" OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Par-io Cra ot% aliTraih MICHIGAN ,MICHIGAN BANNERS in COLORS LOVELL'S CORNER STORE. AL CHJGAN CEiN~gl "oThe Niagara Falls Ruts' THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chiceags fos St fouls,-Kansas City, St. Paul and the WVest For information and through tickets calc snour writs to W. W. CASE, Agent Ann Arbor. S We give the hest Clothiiig Values, savincg you thcree to icvee chdollars oti youir Suit or Overcoat. Spring hune iiiiccreciyl , $1t0.00 and $ 153.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES ALLEN, 13WI CLOTHIER, MrAIN STREET The Uni versity of Chicag o Law Schools of Mdcn Tiheolog Education Each school has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on requesi. The Courues in Medicine ace given in connection with the work of RUSE MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Chicago, Illinois. June i8-Septembera2 , WLB ARC! NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE~