THE MICHIGAN DAILY IG. I. Wild Comlpally Leading Merchant Tailors SPRINO WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you+ our London Serges, Loudon Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Comfpaly i 0 E. WASHINGTON STREET. The Great Gamel s - rITe i Exitingu [n for Everyone I 45c. Pocket War Maps for the f[arEast, ISc. SHEEHAN & CO.,s University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers. * 320 South State Street. 0 C. 1. MAJOR & COMPANY Stecialty of Fine Interior Decorating Complete new line of Wall Papers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 23 E. W ashngton. - Phone-237 U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATH ROOMS. J. R. TROJANOWKI, Proprietor. Face Massage a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE REMUNERATION OF PLAY- WRIGHTS. Entered as second class master at the Ann Arbor tmost Oice. hshedaily r datl Louis V. DeFoe, a New York the- SWv aters and Published daily (Monday excepted) during the arclciiadagaut oe college year, att117 E. Washington street,.atricai eritic, and a graduate a dozen basement ttorside etas-ance) Phone St3r years ago of the University of Michi- MANAGING EDITOR: gan, writing in the alumni magazine Sw eater Vests S. EMORY THOMASON of the University, sarys that the de- BUSINESS MANAGER: mand for good dramas 'is so great that ROSCOE B. RUSTON 25 % OFF osco . s T the successful writers of plays are to- EDITORSt Athletics, - - - '.oBERT K. WALTONr day reaping money rewards of surpris For a Short Time Only News, - - - - - J. S. BALEY ing richness. He says: AssOCIATES: "In New York, the great cenler of A. M. Grarer, Henry Pi. Ern theatrical activity in this country, A. C. Pound. A. i. Ortmeyer. there are forty first-class producing Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. theaters, all of which are in almost $5.50 Ones for - $4.12 Ida M. Brownrigg. I. Waite Jayne. constant need of material for their Geo. A. Osborn. aroId c. Smith. stages. The other large cities, col- Harry 1t. Andrews. Alfred B. Koch. lectiveiy, furnish an equal number. In $5.00 Ones for - $3.15 Thomas B. Roberts. Clyde L. Dew. New York also are organized annually BUSINESS STAFF: about two hundred companies to tour M. . "ltttt w.Kit. Lto rette the country, appearing for brief en- Thos. L. Fekete. gagements, in thousands, of theaters Editor tobay-HAROLD C. SMITH. conducted under the combination plan. Colors White, Gray, Ma- "Compared with the number of dra- Subscription-'wo Dollars per year, payable in, mas which these enterprises demand, roon and Navy. advance. if delinquent after Nov. 1, 1o3, $2.50 the number of atthors who give teir time exclusively to play-writing is ri- Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 diculously small. Probably they will A. m. Daily not aggregate twentyfive at a liberal Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- estimate. The demand placed upon KFORSALE AT Telephone, 461. them for manuscripts is so great that, except in rare instances, their work is hurried and their plays are pitch-fork - llO rl B okD toes A-eed upon the stage in half-finished and unsatisfatory form. Occasionally they turn out a work which bears the un- CALENDAR. mistakable traces of art, but such in- stances are becoming rare in the head March 25, 2 p. in-Lecture by ar. long rush of the profession. "l iool of sigt ni tance to the ex- John Lee Masin on "Modern Ad- 'suessfulmen-ttere a thos r cew perienced trial lawyer, of'inspirinG vertising," in compensation ott of proporti to the itrttt to the youngster in the March 25, 7:00 p. m.-Williams meet- rewards derived from almost any oth1 profession cod of constmilf intter'- ing at McMillan Hall. er form of literary work. Clyde Fitch e t to one alive to the everlast- March 25-1906 Law social at Gran- is reputed to realize nearly $100,000 a . ger's. year for his comedies. Harry B. ing htnian drama.' March 25-Varsity debate, Wisconsin Smith is said to earn an almost equal -Tile CuCAo EVENING POST. vs. Michigan. amount for his librettos of frivolous March 25, 7:30 p. m-Banquet of the comic operas. These men are excep- The Art of New York State Club at Oyster lions, of course, but there are many regular contributors to the stage Bay. whose incomes are equal to the salary March 26-Cornell-Michigan meet. of President Roosevelt. April 1.-Senior Law party. "On the percentage basis by which April 2.-Fencing Tournament. the remnuneration of skilled play- By wrights is determined, incomes rang- The tonsorial activities between the ing from $10,000 to $20,000 a year are FRANCIS L. WELLMAN lower classes terminated last night asmtenm rasge pw ro tt tltt' test e of the New York Bar. abruptly as they began. The rather ceptional cases already mentioned. It unexpected action of the classes came may be of interest to atid that Mr. wIT iTiE CROSS-IXAMIIINATIONS as the result of the expulsion of a Fitch is a graduate of Brown Univer- 01 IMPORTANT ' wITNESsES tember of the sophomore class who sity, and that his first successful com- I N SOl ME CE LE BRAT edy 'Beau Brumel,' was written when Ei) CASES. had been connected with the haircut- he was employed by Richard Mans- ting, and is the manifestation of a field at a trival salary. Of course, this desire on the part of both classes that small group of American playscrights ttBound in dark red cloth, with the half week's good natured rivalry do not have the field entirely to gilt tops, 8vo, $2.50 net, (post- viii not end thus unfortunately. themselves. Nor are all their dramas age i6c.) likely to turn out successfully. Ifttoe It is earnestly to be hoped that a play out of three meets with popular bonafide agreement between the cless- applause, they may count themselves C. E. BARTH-ELL es to discontinue and discourage hair- fortunate." cutting in the future as well as in the present year will induce the faculty to reconsider its decision, and that the entire punishment for the struggles of the past few days will not be vis- ited on two or three men. All are most cordially invited to a Candy Pull social, to be given this evening by the Young "People of the Unitarian Church. Come promptly at 8 o'clock. Lost-Lady's tan, seal purse, con- taining calling cards. Finder return or notify 643 S. Ingalls street. FINAL TEST. (Continued from page one.) Wisconsin has always been a rival of Michigan in intellectual lines as well as athletic. It is for this reason that thosesinterested in thesedelat- ing tuotests are anxiouls to htave a large crowd in attendance to encotur- age Che debaters in their hard struggle. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. LAW & MEDCAL BOOKS No. 326 South State Street "Don't trifle with your face." Use Williams' Shaving Stick. e..................eoeo@..ooooooe 00eeOI !' N NrO ®r ®fO**************** +4 I 2 THE STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION I ORATORICAL CONT[T I FRIDAY, "ARCH 18, P. M. UNIVERSITY HALL. Regent Levi Barbour will breside. Doors Closed During Sbeeches. ATH[NS TH[ATR[, FRIDAY, March 25 B. C. WHITNEY PRESENTS CTHE PIPE AD3 DREAMER JOE KELLY ADOERS in the Big Musical Out-Up . "The Head Waiters" More Music Than A Comic Opera. Price 26 36 0O nd 75 Lavish in Lovelineos e , Saturday, March 26 "A - 10T - OLD - TII[" 35 CLEVER PEOPLE3 3 EVERYTHING NEW, Clever Commedians and Dancers Costumes, Songs, Girls are Pretty. PRICES: - - 25c, 35e, 5 c and 75c Season Tickets, $1.00 ,, Single Admission, 25c m****T*************iii'+ *********************i****IiiNt TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 5. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r