THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Ne ,pii In ta O ds ,l Sew Ann Abor Sore, I I S rtin [New-Boko,3ros MOGUL TCYTIAN CIARLTTtS Qprok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. 0MGLSMOKE MAKES LG'5'1TIAN SMOKERS" Sve te Couons. COLOL FBASEBALL and all other college sport is folly covered in text and illustra- tion by THE ILLUSTRkATEM)SP'ORTING News, which is the ONLY publication giving spei(lill otioil to college s80csjes:t~s Send Us One DoIlaranweillsdyo N~ws each week for 16t wieks, which will cover the spring +season of outdoor sport. Address, + TIME ILLUJSTRATED SPORTING N[WS, 7 W. 22d St., New York M NY LOANED ON !~ Arkansas, Texas, M1exico Watehes, Dians, " and California... J ewelry, ad all High 't Class Chattel a n d r etrece i Collateral Secenrity. r bs rahe i BUSI NESS STRICTLY CONIDENTIAL.+ St. Louis, World's rair City, W. J. LOURIM. Opposite Cook lousseh ..'a+2.++3+I...Route )IIrIAN GENinA4, a.75e Iragara Falls Route." THdE SHdORTTlINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct ceonnecttons at Chicago for St Lous-ansas Cty, St. Patl and the West Foer information and through tckets call on or write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor. D,, Y., A. A. & J, RAILWAY 3TANDAPD TIME' For IDetrott half hourly from 6:15 a. m. unttt 6lit p. m. Thee hourly until 11:t5. hFor Ypsi- lasti outy att12:t5a. m. and 12:45 a. m. hFor .Jackson hourly from 6:15 a. m. untit 7:15 p. m. Th n att 15p m. and11:15 1.m. Waiting Room. Huron St.. W. of Main. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 SOUTH "rAIN ST. Xo. n. KNNnARRISON souse President. V. Prestdent. S. W. mLAnKSOt, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. " R E NTS CH L ER For anythingin thetline of ++ Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, +. " Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. "THE HEAD WAITERS." 1906 LAW PARTY. { Au informal dance to be given at When Joe Kelly shows us the third Granger's, Firiday evening, Starch 25, edition of "The Had Waiters," at the has been arrantged by the Social Comn- Athens on Friday evening, it is prom.-nittee of the 1906 law class. Excel- toed that an al-new entertainment wilt tent music wilt he tarnished by the he found new in every sense, music, Academy orchestra. Thtat a large songs, fun, wardrobe, scenery; all crowd of class membero wilt be pres- have been onstintingly provided to cut is assutredl from the unuosualy maintain the trademark of this favor- large advance sate of .tickets. Thosse ite comedian. It is this spirit of en- who wish to seettre tickets shtould ait tertainprise which has ptaced this or- ply to the members of the cotmmittee ganization in the front ranks of most- as soon as possible. cat comedy attractions, and Manager MURPHY, Whitney is wide awake to the import- PAULDA. ante of keeping fon fresh, the music THOMPSON. new and jingling. and the scenery and gowns bright and pleasing to the eye. NOTICE 1907 ENGINEERS. The company this year bombers thir- On Wednesday. March, 23. at 4 p. m.' ty people and the choral adjunct is in Room 10, of the old building, there [nearly twenty strong. The principals wilt be a meeting of thec 1907 enogi- of the company are: Jack Vincent, neers. The reports of several out. Edna Wellington, Dolly DeVyne, Low standing committees wilt be heard and other businesswithtrnaed Kelly, Pierce and Roslyn, Chas. Burk- ________ hart and the Great Comedy Foote NOTICE-1904. Qoartette.,'There will be a ciass intsoing Tues- day at 4 p. m. in Room C, to discuss "A HOT OLD TIME." class affairs. Women like "A Hot Old Time," BLAIN, President. which will he the hill at floe Athens Tour eyes examined by an Theatre on Saturday evening, becausss expert optician. Alt the lat- it is uproarous with fun, but entirely eat approved appliances and methods free from vulgarity. It is a well known to the profession are employed. known fact that the fair sex will flock New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- to the theatre when they can see an cated, frames repaired. Hotter's Jew. attraction which pleases the sense of elry Store, tf. sight and hearing, while not offending the innate modesty with which every University* students desiring to se- true wotnan is possessed. In "A Hot cure positions to teach wilt find it to Old Time" they get a singularly beau-~ their interest to write to James F. tifut and new production, elaborate McCutlouigh, 639 Fine Arts Bitdg., Chi- and beautifutl gowns, funny jokes, clev- cago. tf. er specialties and delightful music. The company is a very large and ex- Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis, Spar. pensive one, and includes many per. rnw's and Huyter's Chocoates at Gush' formers of international reputation, ing's Pharmacy. S 'I's: iidailt r uati',to t ilisot >i bi' otitly IluLtoTllxas. Il Four d iltra ~ ins tollaixSing'.4 SX lad1013tr',insl'to iltttle I Loc. + TE BST OF EVERYTHINOG. WRITEME tD. Armstrong,T.P. A.," 12:133 WSashltenat v. Ann Arbor, Mich. SPALDINGC'S OFFICIAL I INTER-COLLEGIIATE FOOT BALL4 Used by alt the Leading Colteges FootBallPanlots-I .ce'front:l. lica:curledilhair 1a111 thighs wtllase strips. A. G. SPADING & neOn. New York, Chicago. Denver. . for 1190:3. edtdla: y 1Wa1ltrsCa p. . Prlce 10 cents . 4 school Daysa are someteimes filledlswith suffeeing. The steensl lsife'of tbe 10 ereo s tent bringesits seies frl'stas Ponsd's Extracet--the :o1llsla~i,l1ldoctor-oflers qu~ick relie'f anld care for all eel: ills. The studlent elt::I::haslbslllesoft'ond's Eat al~ll~t hn so ellprovtid:edstoote- brusises, burs~e; stops bleeding; re. livsearaches, ltthacel, rlheo:sa.- tises 01d11asltpains 00if by inagie. Soothes and f reshoeris th~elace after shainstlg. tor seer 1601years it loas 010010hfloe fanct::ily remiedy that - :hs:ever disatpointed. PrceSlet& Wtered 5Witch Hazsel, it, walsoloutiso-some- time:1s ofrered tin place of tend's Extraet-has n9 o m:edicinal value-is r positively worithless. *a .PodsExtract CUllEd -therefore is priceless. " oldoitsly in:set1led bottles ACCEPT NO SUBJSTITUJTE. CAPITAL,' ' - SURPLUS AND FROFITS. - $t00,000 $40,000 Forest Avenue Meat Market. Poultry, Game and Fish in Season 530 Forest .Ave. Phone 407 A. J. WATSON Wall Paler, Paints and Oils 216 East Huron Street. Cra Cein tny BAILEY ft EDMUNDS. Ub ATHENS PRESS Salted Peanuts, Rot Buttered Skate Grinding Prirnters ' t Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh daily. 121i E. Liberty St. 2r Zd Floor.. Atke Th,eatre lds. Cany Ktchen [5 Oh..[R' ' )1+++np+++.i++.+.l Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHVH'S, 207 £." Wash ingjtonx. BUX[[R'S PHYSICAL TRMNING IN WRITING, the boh for'altithe pie alt the time, ins all vocatloeos; for bows improvement. 10 pp. illustrated, price ii. 'Tsted 23 years. Three moantos' correspooodesce course by ILauthor $7. For a brief time I wilt send the bosh and course for 01. Will lecture on pianlStlsrein fonra5'idwrtitng. tndts11)alo reotaiswed o -. eas ie o eas lth'a an ph stalte cnugeforad writing.for010. o sod ol fo retai 1. CBu s ire t hemalthn 000 lesson,. 50 Addross Prof. 0. IttERt, Mud soa St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, .l flOGKINOiVAL[[Y f.~ n c~ ---YOU WILL PIND- [OUR TRAINS DAILY FROM 101190 Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Steeping Cars on Night Trains I$ UNION DEPOTS IA TOLEDOM[US. N6. 1. A. L.ND CANMANG. TSA,,Detroit Always Ahead 4u Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR.. The Best' of Everything in Tailoring