THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ll THE MICHIGAN DAILY AIIIIO~ln effArbtr ANYIo)t ofce Announcem entF S.lJ MitY I IOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: Iocsc-cci-;1I. lliITiN EDITORS: The Lar~gest and Host A:ti,. --- uiesccv K. WATON Complee, ut of A.ze, - - J . . sAnt ASSOCIATES: (iilodsee n:s:-:e:: MurierA Hllct. A. W Gater, hisi . Iais. ' L~ V V * ~' Edior Today-B. H. DePRIEST. :it :t5::cc :::: ctt:'oiu~ ~r iu, plta::cc::ht: in Ann Artbor: witl.tbe tfound Ofice Hours: 12:3 Io 1:30 and 630 to 7:31 at (U. H. \'WtltdA&in,108P. i. Daily. Elw4stVasthi:gt::i: St. treat Address -ROCO B. HUSTO, Business PMan- lcaincs hav:e tbee:: t:ten :inaer, 331 Packard Sree. th eeto f lsiigTelephone 61. for this season.s H, ILTc d ONOR SYSTEM. 18E. Wash. St. body~ ag:i,. I:attt ueartments there are: a reat ier ceni ttthe nmemiers s:::itrogyi:favo:rcit atopiting some sstemc:but i chttellithavenot bee: Yae I t:i:::toe::ndciiWest Virginia Z H ~ A1 'S wI iI mo tetr iivrsites inte codctn xamin~:atins, aditiei- (ih t it t i 5 i'in -:::ysem -bar tieir iam es. thi 4 i allitAt NYaethe ::studentits remina: in tic: is uittis ccirooint:: whicc t h eamin: a tiont cc:is le- in chl, ytemcseves, nithier i- yju zr tie::r cssist ccts bintig ireseic. I~~fl1UIIVOhe1117 : rhthe tccstudtets lisa fiiedhis U111Y~J~1L ® ccii it sins ccn:hi altt-r l htave: Univitsity A ci t it:nor eied id"tt,''ThFis 9 ~ ~ ~i 0 11s itti rquisccred fcirs tt:, asitucii- [ex1t- aBoks iCcire lcit'cihe eamccicationcaih- is cc it c it lavei-the:e ricito:as itt OkS nccas liecdesires; ite-is restrictedclicc ccn cc as it cn ie senthiat ie is tgents tfor placdeireit: ly upoIhas ihonocr. West Kelffel &Essers Drawing Fn- gtictnics sysemcdiffers icc that i- In s t:act ittsIiig papeiirs, tie tudnt strllhlelts te-ccelets f ru:: co-urt, tic w ocn -V occ-sc-c': ccintgyutefai easiia Itis lie- Waema' Ideal Fontain Pens poittd-::dteydectire atcis ihr- Watermals c cin tstacilite cmtted otto thce f- 1'ryour enthi c I: e ci cm :cRys aiing y :hircc liis::on. A: Priceetothe oei One Dollar Fountain Pls is:::gunfiranei~c:s is not reiorte, S cmiostsch acciil:itextectilac, he 5 it:i s ist tnibleto cc tat:' tp a ces- SH I- 4HI -AN Arn iic c isoomcciccitc'scoocl, LI iJ.LA.Li11I~k~ UTheJplan:doicccedcinicctic'eical de- pa c ct t iccthe iUniesity f IMici- Ssdens' Book Soe.e a u diner:s hill:lit tefmti- em.I cin T' 3201Sothtat Streeuit rsencciclas tts Iha ccsytemc iy swhchlii: jury csiiocitsix men- N NN N icc c ber , acpprovedc-t Iy i'the fculty, is a:- INtLi tils James Whitcomb Riley, Oct. 10 MadacccC elaw - tlIlAbbottI P Ires Northcrup of Minncesoa F. Hlopkinsons Smith Walter Wellmcanc Henry Van Dyke a aOratorical Contest Isabel Beecher I Opel: Numcber. Tickets Reserved at Cushing's Drug Store, 336 S. State Street, on Thursday, at 8 A. M. Liberal commlfission for sales offered to students. Apply to R. S. Davis, Cushinsg's, o-cc a. in., atnd 4-5 p. In3. UT LThe Clothier, pointed who trios all offenders, The offendero, if found guilty, are reported to the faculty, andl they decide what the punishment shall he,- There is no way or knowing who the wrong- doers are, except as eaeh memher itt che class pledges himself is report any misdemeanor he may chance is see. In the sophomore class, when a mcan is suepected it is reported tic the lees- ident, who immediately calls a meet- log, and che entire class decides wh~at course shall he taken. The honor system has proven a. suc- cess in hoth classes, and thce freshm~an class will doubtless fall i lice :and acdiopt it also. GOSSIP OF COLLEGES. At Madison the townspeoiple demncadc that the Thanksgiving clay fiiotball game he played there instead cit at Mitlwaukee. They advan~ce alnmost 11ce same argumments thmt we heard tromcc Detroit last year at this timne, as toi attencdance, accommodaticnc if lice criowd, etc. TIhe new swimmincg poocl iccthlii',hii- fags gymnasiu~m will sot:::lit'iopened't. It is a marhle tank shout sixty ti-ct long and thirty feet wide. Instrcionc icc swicming nowcv forms Iar tt tfithe requciredc physical ccclitcre. lThose al- reatdy ahle to: swim will lie taucghctrc- incg, fancy swimming and water pllt The Sultan of Turkey has giret-che~ university of Chicag:: thcecluscive right to excavate the rinm at. iiccya, in tentral Bdabylon~ia. Pcio. It. F. :ll::r- her, who: is It: take chcarge ci thle wocrk, leaves at once It: suplerintencciiopecr- ationss, andclexpcts Ito rerma~inatcl its- mcya focr at least: tecn years. Thcc unc- iversity has set aside enou::ghlmne::y cc: excavate focr ithat tmeand e xpetcis to: receive mo~ire aditiion ots his: cfundc. The greatest authoriites ccc Assyrianc hisitry Ibelieve ithat Iisocy:i te icc1-nt' ci the city which is knowin io histcri- ancs as Isin:, oneiif lice motimplrtan~ct~it cities icc Cantiral Blabyloncia. It, is c- ptected that te excavatin~g willibc-at- tendied sty danger frio:mlBedocin~s icc thai regionm, whco are regardlcdcIaccve-ry dlangeroucs. T'lieTucrkish: gc:vernment-c~, hotwever, wvill fucrnishc soldiers enouigic to prtlect 1the workim ntfro: any raids., Ninteen men were awarded I "" track caps5 at Illinois recentcly. ® Your Entire Needs in SLawr, Medical aild z all [liiversity * Text-Books. New and Second-Hand. S Engineering Supplies A. Specialty. The Right Prices Always., *Second-Hand Books Bought and Sold at WAH ' g" BOOK STORES, *" fUP TOWN DOWN TOWN..j f4 iUniiversity Books. LAW DEPARTMENT. 1 FIRST YEAR. A1ca f'u t & 1'c u11Ct '-: In a icnc::-ac~et. i. : si: tic f Bclc-:e:::-.C ies, ic an tl .> * STHIRD YEAR ht:riy'ct. .5 hL 'c c, t hi 35 a cit ::s:::: c . 10 ® c ,ccBti ctnie t i d ::::i-. N ctShi 1 a s cii sC mnL awc Plead- I 325 5. Stalein. of eco d Ftiloor Y o) it r face will be fair if youa use Wil- liams' Shlaving Stick. N N oNONNNNOONOO fNfooooosooN4N000ooNOO e DEfANt 1M. 5ABOL'T, lManager Week of Oct., 51LRetuirn of thle Favorite TO" " ~ARKS CO" PANT Presenting the following Well-Known Successes in the Order namedl. S FRIDAY -----The Little Minister- ---FRIDAY S SATURDAY----The Defaulter----SATURDAY High Class Vaudeville Between the Acts. PRICES,. - - - - 10c, 20c and 30c NOTE-Seats may be secured now toe any evening daring the entire egagement at Stofflet's News Stand, neat door to Theatre entrance. I N NNNNNOSN N Oe O O e 999 111111 till III' I4ll?- i*itfit Ill f*tit H~ New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUn1BUSf Leave Detroit ID, Michiganc Ceticlrsl. Leave Toledo 12:30 NightI, Hockimng Valley-. Arrive Colulmbus 6:50 a. in., Hockimng Valley. 4 PARLOR CARS ON THlE DAY TRAINS. Say "Hocking Valey" to the ticket agenst or write+ HENRY & KVER, ME3RCIHANT TAILORS , UIEkSTY, AVE.