)IGllllN C~jLT 7i________r~rA~ ,'The Niagara Falls Route," THlE SlHORiT LINE- NECK WEAR, ANN ARBOR to BATH R? CHICAGO DC BUFFALO NEW YORK ®J1VELEG AND BOSTON, wit diectconnectionts at Chicano for St. .Louis. Kansaso City. 5t. taol and to t," t oty Fotr informtationt otdttroso~httkc t ll onor wtco W. \Vw~. p3*Aoot.AttttArbor. * 4**~4,~ _____ -- UNDERV ZOBES, SW. ,ORATIONI NEAR,_ 'EATERS,_ S FOR ROOMS, _ IN NO TV AT klACK & CO.'s $ ® s®® o ses®®s e e e ®o oo THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD~ ANDS STEAMSHIP LINIES. Trins oleave Ann !arborlby Central '-Staar EffectiveOtobe'sr 26. too;? No. E0- :20 AM. No. 1 0:00A. it. No. :-11:33 A. M. No. a i10 M. No.04- :31. t.m. No. 3--:53t'. it. ''irains No. 5and 60rn tween Anion o Otor Ii andttToledo otny. iroins I. 0. 3. 4.3.,andtt6. tdailyrexcet Snday Fr'tee djir carson Nos. tItand4. Wi.'T'. XItt LS. Aoilt. .t. EKIRBY. iG. Y. A. U. of M. Antiseptic Baier Shop + AND BATH ROOMS1. I J. R. TpROJAI{OWSKI, Proprie or. Face Massage a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET* New Brllnswick Tablesl' ,1rzFALL SUITS &1OERCATS ', - "Cravennette"' Rain Coats .t -IF $10 to $25 ~ h~0tt0 BATH ROBES -1-31 ,..GYM SUITS J Hats & Caps Staebler &~ Wuerth rt AT I _ __s ss_' __ *as__ s4____ sss '__ r *st*r aa_ _ REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, The new niedieal buildinig is now it BACK FROM LUDINGTON. Fine Cigars and Tibaccos JAS. . RED, Pop. 12 Sate i.,n. e condition, andtihiis deptartmaent is Late last Satsrday afternoon Coach JAS W.REI, Pop. 312Stae S., . ow mnihtetiboter equipptetifor work, Yosi: and his squadl of husky football 1 aejs eevdtselr l-trgrot titit Thile additlions to the htospital are about men, tinder the care of Trainer Fitz- ,itioi.'l.nibitg gratimrovmet.Patricik, canto bark from Lttcingtott, Turksh Cgaretes nd Ppes All itt the fraternity freohmeni and where the moo have been pitt through 'err ~h Igatrttti itdiPtptoy. toanyiocdepeiidets, are wearing te ee ruh o theciy yavery careful training. With practice Fine Lunches in Connection. 0013adttptetd by the Freshman class of twice a clay the men were readly to Evrt-lilsoNeat tidCit. laot year. this will probably become trot in aboult dutsk for ten or twelve 30 .SaeS. R .JLY one ifthlit established cussoms of the hours sleep. Each practice JLY was fol University ii' it is poptlar, Ibis- year, lowed by a run and a plunge in the . Pifi1*4*HT"*440H~i~illtif*tp/ -i604 t.*i4ff141+i so it is in zltny of the eastern cot- lake, anid as a pilace for training, the Ris Te Snhool fo logos. A stumier of the sipper class- e'pwotrh groatids aro abtiut the bpest .424.menilthikthilat lbs sophoomore dlass yet fitund. The air was fine and crispt +iiIr+ 21nttl hewsritgifiAosantdi uniter the careful eye of Trainer Reir lth bit ee t-;-i 4. 'otis it it is tutlikely ltat this oill Siloltairiek, the men have routndedi Grasager's Academy ''hapti inoine shape. The practice was to >*>* *sf+r.ta s r 4 t*4i~e~4+ **F+ i~t4otrs:it < Matyis tuirootttenlsotside thu a large extent to develop the wind anti camputs' have itten attracting consid- spood of the men~i and teach them to "etattlo otle rube ttntii. Some itew frater" workc ttgether. There acre abrt YOU CAN GET A ilitit i5P ee tne tiI25intte squad antianmong them twere iali, tand tiany if the tll fraterttity a nuinbetr who will prove valutabtle Jm% Hot L u g c to tou siatr5elteen remodeedtlantdtim- men. Aside front tho practice the tel-- ritPove(],'luere is asotaslk of sonmeios all report Lutdingtoin an itdeal Ats 'ttle's, 33 S. State new2 ii, cit pities Iteing started. Ipat-'itrewrtitrcpittfo q. . s w. e ~f A ooniitas possitble the Diywlthem and everyotie in the town showedI ittittlisthoe otatistics which will tin- himnself a loyal suppotrer ot Michigan. titlttt'dy eitieli tnlerslytobeA few days befitre leaving for Atn g largorthait eter itefore, anti proibably Arbtor LCoacht Yost lined the men tip EI IQ' pt: it nearer lie head of ite world's t' hr ciiaeai l id Lsons, $3 ](1- f12 iEieebo ares. * 0 itieingttmn appeiareci on the sitde lines to UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street Ist'' the gamo j PenOeESSRSCOewePetNCIPAL CLARK RETURNS. Nowtw hatthflenten are baclr antI IA. S. tClary, itie poptlar represetsa-hve joied ttese who oere workring - - tVit t' aaeiian & ItCo.,hst re'trned tolt here inder Assistant Cioach Mc. Cracker JackCream Ch11rg Candy, to Anit Arbttr fir the cipening of an- Diigin we will see scime interesting o)hieroliyeat. 'This is Mli lt.Lark's work iiis weekc tn ForrtyFieltd. Pvut, uterd opCorn, olsixtye'ar in Ann Arbtor andthle thirty- FIZEII E14h. HOUlt... , fhfh year :-f Callaghan & Cit.NOIE F, B. CILBERT. it wes reptorteotlaol year that ottb i inoro-siseo h al In oterw isueoftctDil.aslrio woiuld arise ouch as wtttldl bar reliable Caendar will be ectmmencett 301 tor Ile chcagi fim atil is rpresrt-All nttices ot meetings of citllege ttr -iativet' iti seemso that 'tlarkr came gattiztiions will be ptrtompltly ittstrted,. BAILEY & £DJ1UN ,5, btack". A bltletin will alsot be putblishedI cott andb corycsoelts;bshr ti snappy, and supremely stylish. The "Broadway Box": 40 inches long; blacks and Ox- fords; more conservative, but just as correct Both have broad, concave shoulders, hand-padded; hand-made, close-ting collars; unripable pockets. Both are hand- shRICHAD-aRVl"oNred-T. InThe 1pr1icenerigtheYoclmaxne fth thrdart ifliat tas ro"nttwhc Wte p atreEnaluie DparbtonrewIth son tis city.t ie nelitiino fIncteiug lsne tati el maeenitti heo lie regtulr etairsdarmes.Ile is a very expert fexter, iavig wortikd with sotmte'of l theostaires d'arnes in this cointry anti in uo'ptle. Mr. Robhot islsaldtiave an laltirat' scetnic iroduction itt this scc'ssftl biay andtoI tave c o ttet it vtry htandcsomue'y. MICHIGAN MEN IN DEMAND. Altittft'menotf las yarsftftt- tuallttcam have lttdtfattring cfferrs at roarches, nd atntiiy avt' arettet. taplt. "Bust"o We 'ls is rtttac'ineg tet tUniversityt f Kaiss at Lawrettce, Ktansas, oatdterristetin is with te Pialc-it leototScotottat teit'm piact'.bfs rele yis teathinig Itle gatur to~ the Molriigstr' Aateny at Situx Ctyl, Iotwr.PauJtos ishrt' it An Arttotr g'ttg tie tonueghiglichoriul teani in otiotut. while ItetlUngitiis tati- icg care iof theoVarsiy rservets anti helpinugC'oatchiYNost1.Maiy ifthe high schtotts initt'e slta tave' insrutc trswh atptat'' edalitoniclasstams bre tfr roaches. 'Aler yur graidfttaher attt'ndedt Michigant 1_e tratdedt at Haler's Jew. ery Store, etablishteit1b58. The Tyfold Collar The picture thows how the collar is cut out on each side to allow for adjusting a neck tie without springing the col- lar open. T'he collar comes close together in front, it keeps the tie ita place and you don't see the cut-out part. Besdes the tie is retained just oer the button, whirh is also tpt out of sigh. Your summer comfort wivll e imrased if you wear ne, atd 'you'll thank tun fr the style. Dalers scll thcm. Cuen Brand, z5C each Arrw Brand, I53c each Cluett, Peabody & Co. FISH NETS F~O DCORATIEII. 121 East Liberty Street. D,, Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY STANIDARDOTIMEO Forirtit 'talfIhottr ly ft-oot61.Ill unt.il Tei' it 910 . and 11:t1r 5 iit1) t. ot Oto Waiting Roum, Haron St.,W. ofMain. PHOTOGRAPHS Call en SEYMOUR'S STUDIO 116 S. Main Street. ",~ IPantorium-Cleanintg, tpressing, antd o hinues. 3l36 tlate St. S. Simncr' 1850 ce tave solttt the stu- deli iorpotts. clockrs anti jewelry. Hatter's Jewelry Store. Pantotrium- -336 State St. S. Youtr clothet rotessetd and cleaned antd yotur shoes shined ftor 25c a weekr. Roottt's Orchestra. Phone 832. Strict- to- utp-tto-dlate and horst-class. Any com- binatioit of tottrutnents desireid. Traps atid song hits a specialty, A DANCING PARTY for present 'and former putpils and their friends, wilt be given at the Uni- versity Dancing Academy Wednesday evening, SepL. i0. Root's orchestra. alttear ttpotn the bulletin ttoardls of the varitots deptartmntts. It is hoped that this wrill tpoovweestecially valttabtle t. law stittist. KOLLAUF, The Tailor. 1101 1Huron St. E. IHave yiou joined the Pantorioum Clubt? Dring all your repairing to Hailer's Jewelry Store. Get laboratory supplies at Goodh- year's, 107 Main St. S. Granger's School for Dancing is lo- cated one block west of State street storeo, ground floor. Register thin weekr. Circulars at book stores. 3 f . .9 i. '.::f ' F ' as' 1 r! i When you put your pipe aside light up a MOGUL Cig- arett° You'll be surprisedi at theu delightfulness o f tlbe change. MOGULS are thu real things in thu cigarette line. Try one for a little change. Ten for 15c. Plain and Cork Tip. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. r'* 1i rf 'i. * 0 tCap-and tXotns made touor- ~ / 0.1 der and rcnted. * Peunt for all colteget t tn J 11111 Ii 4 in stock. rig r00- rChaos Pius, thuss and -Terti I ... a+.....s....... Sentblur Catsloguoes. 4 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD--GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.