THE MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, Correct Clothes for Men I. ooDlkiCCoitV. S aheehas .OkL5T.r 'w n Arnold e. V. C Vaughan DON T K ICK Ji .We E. F. mills COC U LW~ LN. Jon atr HIC.. CUT r 5. end & LlAre. UT r money in your .111 oRuh Prof. f. S. Caart IChpinSbe twe uo t n ilrA e DON'TaKkuP. ;iki er Chsian Matinm Phoee119. pursebyuin If yourroardingBuy them * house does not have 8 iqCotS right by buying * just what yotn waitj the best without to eat. SIrthem.itspaying exhor- AT N ON CthenttesWhen this label s 4 ATred Denai Reatoy for y our inspecton. a" ________________3 MAKERS., NEW YORK Wepareayou avesthwworl owaserhved just ha I° is on your readyfor-service a?. you wauat vdiitLinestandard. There can -be none yot Spring.. HatJ better. CTH tsY Equal to fine custommade in allbt v price. The makers' guarantee, and _________________________ ours, with every garment. We are- I p N~ 00K Sc\X~urthExclusive Distributors tn this city. * E N C O L"."... . "."". CUTTING, REYER & Ck, 109-111 East Washinogton St. HALIDA FIST. I ust received 223 Mandolins and ~u~4~mm HALIDA FIST. Guitars thai we bought at a remark- ably low price and will sell them at Tie faculty list of the Univjersity5 one-third the regular price. This is--- -- - of Mihigaii or the presetnt year, a xetoa agi.AlIsr- CO FEE msc , dt o eetos nfoir10ation ietasive to dancing,anecpi albr i.Al stu ii ii-1 i .~'~t~,bnquiets, gives lieneofl imire thou three muts on easy payments. See our 1 n ral Ci hlidrd lers~li. O tltseSitran asdisplay in window-Ann Arbor Music R6zSS GRANGE[R professiirs,14 as juiioir professors, 22 Co. IMOCHA AND JAVA 310-1l2 Maynaril Street. P'honee 246. resident professors and lecturers, 7 7 w R stn Granger',,-Aeleirit, Office and as instriicttrs, 96; as assistants, sld If yon wis to have a Suit, a pair Alwysfrees 280 pr posomd Rlesidlenee. 18 as administrative oiers. Ten of Trousers ir aii Overcoat made to 21 Mai S. DEAN f, CO. yearo ago the faculty list contained yor measure, and a it garanteed, go _-- 0vj. .r . 1 , ."but 158 ames, aned tt years agO bt to CUTTING, REYER & CO, 10 and nNef Br YOUaes CANat ahigtn Aee, ,wohaeewBunswick Tables GETU59ANeamTsA just received a large line of cloths l 1I 0I . n cidofMchgnbit hai froem which to make a selection. A hat orn deormned is entitletd to ree Ireat- REID'S BLIR PARLORS, At Tittle's. 338 S. State ment at the holital in conecetion LOST-tatroay afternoon between Fle Clgars und Tbaccos "1 1 . with the nedical departetnt1ffle State and Mbain streets, a card case JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. University of Michigan, proided ~he cotaining papers and tickets valtale _ _ ______ do ctor present at the child's birth will tt the owner, butetuseless to anyone I hae at receied leetergst and fiest ccirtify that he ws o presenett,nt e inder leas retun sa e tolio of an2ls-4- -les-m m sa e t Turkish C igarettes and P ipes 24 .n.I N( N $3. that thechl was br ermied, and Mihgn al office, or 57 S,Divis- that in hsjdmn tcnb helpedio ste .236evrbugtothcty """ANING"" by treatment; sed further lrovidedFineLcrin onectionCles. uniwuesi-y Ac~Everytiaing Necattandmoylean. vNVRTYaaaY tt tet that th ao fte city, tthe lees Panorium, 36S. acte. Cleaning, 308 S. Sae St. R. E. JOLLY denitofthfle village, or ter sutpervisorc Pressing and Repairing. Clothes oItfit townshiptitt which the child called for and dlivered. Leave or- lives wll trdether child carel for at ders over Cshing's Drg Store, or OHIO CENTRAL LINES the hospuital. phone 5823 r. DIRECT LINE NOTICE. Stite To Rent--Large suite, single , TOLDO O here wll be an important meetieg bees, bath, gas.furnace et, tee-_ TOLEO TOCOLUBUS o thue '06 law class at 7:311p.ii,It, pholne One llcktteetm campeus New PO., C.-,- .t T,, em Thuresday Macel 24, ie Rotm C. papecuelet'ins and cart.~t Enquire tRUtDIN, Prer. 31 E. Jeferson street. -ft a CRESWELL" MR.J .TRJNWK, Try a Vbrassage at Tojy's 23-ft Ticket for for slampos-$1,0ll, ARROW COLLAR The Professional Hair Dresser Soft wafer, Mis Vaughan, ear Qar- OATRSZsI ET AH 322 S. State street, (up stas, exteds speo. Have yon aeen the new Virassag ys, QUARTWR aS1 CENT AH 11sf oispesfc 11 h er eie Itf h 1air d toilet Iahee7Ask the man at Trojy' s ft __________CUETT EcABoa & O T~ry my Scienific Face Massage and ;Negligee Coat, Shits, Cuffs attach- rsh Lowey's, Aioclegrclaetti's, Spar- Manicure. ed or detached, at Allen's row, Hyer',colaes at Cuob- ingo Pharmacy, f.HU , . PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM Vibassage? It's ine at Trojanow- LAUNDROW, r Ypito I3WICALLYChfigdishes at Mainler'sPhonee281,ROWE' SLA N R Fountain pens atCusing's, f. 707 N. ttNSV RSIVVY AVNUE. Askr Tojanowki oe a Vibrassage Allen's foc nobby Spring Shirts, 32t N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. EXCL USI VE NOVELTIES IN SPRING S UITINGS 121-123 South Malin Street WANR e. CO II UN ~ NNNN NN N ele~e Nee". eN N CALLAGHAN & CO. Law booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 MONROE ST., CHICAGOj WE ARE NE VEaR UNDERSOL D-GOODYEAR'PS DRUJ]]G m'ST. OREj..