THE MICHIGAN DAILY U 4- ItIl I --l-t IUIIUIC214411 1r~l No tic e to the Public: We, the undersigned, will continue tihe Clothing and Furnishing Goods business known as the Cut- ting, Reyer & Co., at 509-III E. Washington St., Ann Arbor. Mr. Truman Wadbams, who has entered upon bis fourteenth year in connection witb the store, will have charge of the Clothing D)epartment, and Clarence Gaiusley, who has won many friends by his gentlenmanly dealings, will have charge of tise Furnishing Goods Department. 'A. E. GREENE, Pres. JACOB LUTZ, Vice-Pres. F. H. BELSER, Secy. +4+ ^tS +'WVVV ~ h-^'ir"rE i Dwight E. Watkins,~ iS TYPEWKITIN0 ' Iropua card to 323 S. Malrs St. and h veus canll foryour work. A. [[LE"[SL, Forest Avenuie Meat Market. Poultry, Game and Fish in Season 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL + Under New franagemenl. New Billiard Outfit. Chips given good for anyjwhere the house. Free Lunch. tS g /// 51j> r_ / COLLARS Linenpand CU F ARE THE B ES . Barker's Collars 1ff Sltp c!f - -47I I ~ II I +44 A Word Patent Leather Shoes To Students ALBERT LUTZ, IinooucutmTHE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET ok to rec-ommeond pro- . ,i -14~ prietary remoedies to - - 1Yorroe A nS..our patrons, irefer- +Y rf+* tt& +* $+ 11+44* + + + ringto eav ta pu - chsrr to make his 0 R E NT S C H L E R For anything in the line of I however hnve known 4Mkro htgah Framing, Call on Rentschler, 1 Dr. ole cwell's Magic I + Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.4 -'- Egyptian Oil for,4 tic hi--h stonding of 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 x.. Dlr 'it olwell asa- a 5 ;£ p~hysitSOO and regis- CHICAGO LETTER. NOTICE 1907 ENGINEER'S. I.tereed phoartacist. h bA L.ieiiig t hsenior miem- On Wednesday, March 23, t4p n tho cksolpresidi (Continued from page one.) in Room 10, of the old building, there Phorimaeuatical Society. aniitlwesdo not lisi- The womn of the University hold will be a meeting of the 1907 engi- tate to rieomno ouri orcadeo his oil as a ne h eot fsvrlot superior ri-cody in oll casesofittsptraitstirais- an indoor meet Saturday afternoon.nea h eot fnerlot no. sore miusclesloIares aiiiforPer ineral apMio'are - standing committees will be heard and plieatiot after gymtaasiumiiiwoirktor riolentis- MssMai Orlmaycr, a junior girl, other business will he transacted. ercise. It is a high graide prelimratioittof alco- captured firot in the parallel bara, ___________ ho n setalol n othn n el gymioasium horse and travelling lad- NTC-94 quickly andt allay all soreties- andt ni deno, tu getting the highest num- 'There will be e laasiinning Toes- tiiinli-avinggthe skin anideliithiing frti-front o stan.Threisnogreseofan kndusdiii her ofpins 15. The juniors defeat- day at 4 p. mn. in Room C, to discuss hr. Cowelli's Magic lEgypiian oli. ed the senior girls by a large margin. Ste have suchiconfidence in D~r. Coswell's RLYH LE.-class affairs. Magic EgytianitiOil thatsee selleery botteBLAIR, President. withi ticpsiivie gutartattee thtat it will giceBAIPr-det satisfatitliii. " if it does niot yiiu ian retarn REPUBLICAN CLUB BALLOT. th bttii oii e il rfodyiarmoie. The ballot for secretary of the Re- Y our eyes examined by an Quarry's Camlus Drug Store publican Club was Hoelbel, 193, Stark expert optician. All the lat- ____________________ 125, instead of 193 to 25, an was print- est approved appliances and methods ed in Sunday's Daily,( known to the profession are employed. - FINE- New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- 'NOTICE.( cated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew- Pitrs a d Fa e 04 lit clans meeting today, March elry Store. tf. 23, 1904, room C, Cniversity ball. University students desiring to se- Dlr t'kIIS ' AR~T .5TaDkI, You will find the best strings for cure positions to teach will find it to 217 S. Fourth Avenue. - violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo at their interest to write to James F. Roots Music House. We make a McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- specialty of the besL. Try them. wfs rags. tf. PHOTOGRAPHS D o SENIORS NOTICE. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettlo, Spar- Doyuintend to teach? Secure a row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- CALL Al position now by writing to or calling ings Pharmacy. upnA ere 1 .Iglssre.SY '1OR'S STUDIO U. of M. representative Lewis Teach -A1 b' T + 316 Co~es Aec. .o. lumbIlif ia Ulliversity 16 , ai S. rs Aenyw.St Bath supplies of all kinds at all GRADUATE SCHOOLsSITher cIeo 'l- prices at Cushlngs Drug store. tf. fiaslSnc, ithifosoynt Precinceof 2etiil ewingresof AM1. .iiinlii)Glraduates ofiroi- Sonthil ewi Chaffing dishes at Hallers Jewelry logles or sientific sihlis ire aidnmiti-il tt- S Store. tf utSCHOOL ~itOF Pilo s f SHOL rLAW liirri--yeatireiirs. Can-t VII~d AIC _________________ diates for adiiissioii musnt libe rtitlottirsiu f M ibi~ n IIIUco-illege- or sc elittiiesehlotrhweinc Chaffing dishes at HaIler's Jewelry if equivalent training. Store.. SCHOOL OF MEDItINE VI-tattriioiurse-. p t 1,__________Ctanidtestnmusth tie-comipli-tediioe yeatrtuf At Darling &Ot li4IauA. oki cleeo cirltcshol rms $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC ptiss thiestatedi-ntice eatinaiuti. - -- - --SCHOOLS OF AIPLIED SCIENCE ASP ARCHII- *1r$1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. TECTURE lonr-yeareoain tlt ii, ti We hve te oiginl Pg To Trts-iS~teltanic-il Enginei-ring i tut reitiitiire. " We havethe orignal Peg op Tro t raduates of cllgeor scsenti h os a WalP p rP it ners atAlnsosually enttr these couirsi-s with adivancedt Fora -in -ofPe-Tp TouerIstaninig. Fo afi e i fPegTpTouesTEACBERS COLLEGE Professiottloure and OiI& go to Allen's. in Educaitiitf i-tryingig thls, letingito ful lneefganyeVntsadaNck d dipomatistudeSniets willreev A flllin o facyVess nd ec- de redt orttwor-kdon ttthetittr cll-ges--or- 26[ tIurnSre. wear at Allen's. schools for thie traininig of tec-ers. 216Eas HuonStret._ oc informiatlio aply tiilie Si-iretiry of Try a Vibrasnage at Trojy's. 23-tf ColunbiiUtiversity. New Stick, N. Y. Utehe bans d, edr.r,,s,' r-Sle NOfS-seemped -I is V'47. Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 for 25 dcs 44.I....ein.O+++4444... .. +2- Se act- sniiwig lie- finist sli-tioni SPRING NEGLIEE SHIRTS It ias eerhien ir pli-asre- to hale e tni-ctlly spe-tking the Sptti-ns letintoad dilc olos hot teieaticoinsirvatie 0small ligttiadsrip ueis tre uniw-.siIn A£ tdtmtattd. 5We-ittt- temttall iiil- 4.ft-ctretetgths itie.vestfs at- Se WAGNER & CO. Haberdashers 5 ,1Holers It is ltime to take a look at the news-Ktdaks. A foss imeprovements this yor that meake thea bet- ter thant ever. Fvece the Brownie $1 and $2 sakes a gottid picture. Calkins 324 5S. Stt St }Arkansas, Texas, Mexico, Sand Caliornia... Are best reached via -St. Louis, World's Fair City,j the IrOD Mrountain. Route Too daily trains to California. Three daily trtinns to Mexico. Poar daily trains to Texas. Four daily traitis to f-ot Srings. Sixaily trains t little Iotk. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. 4 WRITE E. HI. D. Armnstrong, T. P. A., 1233 Washteeaw Ave-., Ann Arbor, Mich. View Photographer. Viewof city and ctanpo. IPlash lights, len- trors,Grup. 316 s. frain Street, Ann Arbor Withi SymouarStdi. 'Phone 81 w -yA O UR POLIC Y The buildineg up of a Telephoese System withs every possible'modot- ersn im~provemsent; the givieng of better service thean was ever thoughlt possible before. To be honorable, courteotsus ad just in every detail. To anticipate requiresuesnts. To overcomse ismpetditnts. To be satis- fied witls eothing short of thse confidence and good will of every citizenl ill the county. WASIIWNAW fHOW1 I[[PION[ CO., TEMPORARY OFICEic: Liberty street, near Foturth. GLive and Take"s is the principle of 4 XU President 0( Suspenders IA .A What one side gives the other side4rkniTrey takes. Comfort styleand service. Perfected in Lgyp:t. Absolutely Guaranteed. Znjoyitd ini America. Metal trimmnsgcannot rust. 5e -5?5OGISMOKL S5AKLS LCYMTIAN SMOt and 31, any stores or mnail prepaid. C. A. EDGARTON MFG. CO. t o riscentse. Always Ahead -MIL WARD THE. TAILOR. IMas The Best of Everything i Tailoring 4.