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March 23, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-23

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heMichigan Daily
"One of the Strongest Teams Ever Arrangements for Friday's Debate Freshman Toastmaster Sheared After Distinguished German Visitors-Fred-
Sent Out From Ithaca" Says the Nearly Completed-Team Hard Good Natured Struggle in Lib- erick Warde's Shakespeare Lec-
Cornell Management-Some at Work-Men of Experi- rary-Struggle Promises to be ture-Stagg on Football Rules
Their Performances. ence in Debate. Short But Merry. Committee-Fresh-Soph
The sale of reserved seats for the Final arrangements for the debate The hopes which the fresh-lit class
Cornell meet opened with a rush at between Michigan and Wisconsin on have cherished for weeks yesterday Chicago, March 21, 1904.-Five hun-
one o'clock yesterday afternoon and Friday night are last nearing complet- received a death blow when the sophs dred students and members of the fac-
by six o'clock over seven hundred had tion. The men are working hard on succeeded in cutting the freshman ulty gathered in Hutchinson Hall Sat-
been disposed of. The line of pros- selivery unaer Professor Trueblood's loastmaster's hair. The clock had just urday night at a dinner in honor of
pective purchasers began to form dur- directions and have received some struck 11:30 when the readers in the the ive distinguished German visitors
ing the morning at Myer's News Stand work on rebuttal from honor men and general library noticed the entrance to the Fifteenth Convocation, now tak-
on William street, and at one o'clock fellows who were in the preliminary1 of a crowd of men. They proceeded ing place. This dinner marked the
when the sale opened over one hum- contests leading up to this debate. directly to the rear of the room where formal introduction to the University
Bred and fifty were in line. Every one of the team has had con- the toastmaster was quietly engaged of the foremost German educators of
To prevent extensive purchase of siderable experience in debating andI in study. The fugitive was closed in the day, Professors Meyer, Kohler,
the good seats by speculators Manager oratory. They have taken part in the upon from all sides and at once lost Ehrlich, Hermann, and Delbruck. That
Baird enforced a regulation that no society debates here and have been to view. The faint sound of his futile the students appreciate the presence
more than six should be sold to one prominent in their preparatory.schools. struggle was followed by a sigh as he of these men at the convocation was
person. In spite of the big demand Short biographies of the three men felt the scissors close over his much shown by the large number present,
there are seven hundred good seats will give some idea of the work coveted locks which soon lay in a as well as the cheers and applause
left at Myer's which will probably be which they have done, heap on the floor. In less than a min- that greeted every speech. Professor
closed out today and tomorrow. But Charles E. Blanchard was born at ute the deed was done and the perper- Shailer Mathews, of the church his-
all of the downstairs seats are includ- Galesburg, Mich., in 1876. He was aors fled as quietly and as mysteri- tory department, acted as toastmaster.
ed in the advance sale and since the graduated from Adrian high school in ously as they had come. Short addresses were made by Profes-
gallery will accomodate but a compar- 1895. In the fall of the same year The freshmen have been zealously Iasors Terry and Thomas of the faculty,
atively small number the management he entered the literary department o guarding their toastmaster for more and Dr. Wilhelm Hermann of the Uni
has advised that tickets be secured at this university and remaind two years. than two weeks. A body guard has versity of Vaburg and Dr. Berthold
once. He then taught school for six years, accompanied him to and from classes Delbruck of the University of Jena,
The Cornell entries have not yet the last two of which were as princi- and upon all occasions when he ven- for the visitors. Dr. Harper, who has
been received although they were to pal of the Wauseon, Ohio, high school. tured out of doors. The sophs real- recovered from his recent illness in
have been mailed on Monday. Some in the fall of 1903 he entered the law ized that unless exceptional measures time to take part in the convocation
advance information they have sent in department with the class of 1906. were resorted to, they would never exercises, appeared for a few mo-
regard to their representation shows He was active in debating and ora- be able to capture him. The toastmas- I ments at the convocation reception in
that all predictions as to the strength tory at the Adrian high school and ter was taken to the library yesterday the Reynolds club house, following the
of the Cornell team are well founded, was chosen orator of his class there. expecting to remain there until noon dinner.
The letter received from, the Cornell As a teacher at Wauseon, Ohio, he when he would be escorted home but
management is as follows: organized and conducted a debating his classmates were not to have that Frederick Wards, the famous
"The Cornell aggregation that will society and was also prominent in opportunity. The sophomores felt Shakespearean actor, on Thursday af-
meet University of Michigan at Ann discussions . before teacher's associa- tthat this might be their last chance ternoon addressed the largest audi-
Arbor Saturday, March 26th, will be tions. Be is a member of the Jeffer- so executed their coup d'ebat accord- ence that has faced a lecturer on the
one of the strongest track teams ever sonian society of the law school. in ingly. campus this year. The unique person-
sent out from Ithaca. Though the the trials for the Wisconsin debate, ality of Mr. Warde, together with his
team will be without the services of he won a place on the law depart- LECTURE 0 14fERGER. intimate knowledge of the characters
F. M. Sears, '04, the sprints will be ment team, and in the inter-depart- Ihe portrays, ensured the cordial recep-
looked after by H. A. Gould, '07, a for- ment-debate won a place on the Uni- Prof. Wilgus Addressed Large Audi- tion his remarks received. He is even
mer Battle Creek high school runner versity team which is to meet the ence Yesterday on Supreme Court more interesting off the professional
who has developed exceptionally fast University of ,Wisconsin, March 25, at Decision in Northern Securi- stage than upon it. During the course
during the last few weeks. In the Ann Arbor, ties Case. of his address he said some very strik-
quarter mile, H. G. Halleck, '05, a Don B. Colton was born at Vernal, ing things about Shakespeare and the
Chicago boy, is Cornell's strongest Utah, in 1876. He prepared for col- Yesterday afternoon in Tappan Hall uiversaiity of Shakespeare's art, 11-
runner. M. C. Overman, '04, who ran lege at the Vernal high school, and lecture room Professor Wilgus of the lustrating his remarks with finely-act-
the half last year will be his running spent four years in Brigham Young law departmenta dressed an audience ed selections. Mr. Warde has appear-
mate. Both men are experienced run- University, and the following year which tested the capacity of the hallt ed before other college audiences, not-
ners and the Wolverines will find they taught there, at Provo, Utah. For two Every seat was occupied and standing ably in the West, and everywhere has
are up against two game racers. In years he was principal of the Vernal room so hard to find that some were mate a welt-ierited impression.
the half mile, C. F .Magoffin, '07, of high school, and gave educational ad- forced to stand in the open door. The
Mercersburg Academy, who won the dresses in many parts of Utah. He uncomfortable crowding, however, re- Thomas J. Meek, a law school man
mile at the Yale, Princeton and Penn- soon became active in politics; was duced in no way the interest in the and a member of the sophomore class,
sylvania meets last year, is the fast- county chairman of the republican lecture and the closest attention was has been chosen to represent the uni-
est for this distance. Barrett Smith, party of Uintah county, and did con- manifested throughout. versity in the Northern Oratorical
'04, who has represented Cornell siderable stump speaking over the In his address Professor Wilgus first League contest this year. Meek's ora-
against Michigan for two years with- state. In November, 1902, he was outlined the history of the Hill-Mor- tion was on "Alexander Hamilton,
out winning an event is working hard elected to the Utah legislature and is gan, and Harriman interests in the Practical Idealist." The winner of the
to make his last appearance a memor- still a member of that body. Pacific trunk lines, speaking of the university contest receives $50 cash
able one and hopes to run better than In the fall of 1903 he entered the extensive mileage involved in the and a scholarship for one year. Meek
ever. law department of the University of holdings of the conpanies, the u. represented the university in theHam-
H. G. Halleck, '05, and M. C. Over- Michigan. He became a member of crease' in th i value of their property, iton Club contest. He is a member
man, '04, may also be used in this the Webster society and has been ac- and the conditions which lead to con- of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity.
race. W E. Schutt, '05, T. M. Foster, tive in the public cntests ever since solidation. He then outlined the in-
'04, and D. C. Munson, '06, will run he entered colloge. le was chosen tresting struggle between the Hill For the first time in the history of
the mile. All three ran on the team one of three torepresent the law de- and Harriman interests which culmin- football the West will be represented
which broke the world's record at the partmient in the annual contest lead- ated in the formation of the Northern on the Rules Committee this year.
New York Athletic Club games re ing to the Wisconsin debate. In the Securities company, and the entering Professor A. A. Stagg has been un-
cently. Schuis race with Kellogg inter-department-debate he was chos- of the suits against the company by nanimously chosen to represent this
last year insures fast work for this en a member of the University team the state and federal governments. section of the country at the meeting
event. which is to debate the property tax Professor Wilgus expressed himself of the committee in New York. This
Two intercollegiate point winners question with the University of Wis- as favoring the decision of the ma- is the result of the action of the con-
will represent Cornell in the hurdles- cosin, March 25th. jiority of the supreme court which de- ference college association at its meet-
Capt. L. T. Ketchum, '04, and E. Verne C. Ameberson was born in clared the Securities company unlaw- ting last fall. At that time steps were
Cairns, '06, the former won third in 1883 at Blissfield, Mich. He prepared fiul and drew the applause of his audi- taken to intimate to the Rules Com-
the high hurdle while the latter won for college at the Blissied and Adrian ence when-after drawing a hypothet mittee that the West desired to have
second in the low hurdle. Cornell's high schools. He taught school in ical case similar to the merger case- a voice in the matter. This fact was
great trio of high jumpers, G. Ser- 1901-1902. During that year he was he declared, "My own personal opin- communicated to Paul J. Dashiell, of
viss, '05, H. G. Porter, '05, and E. a memer of the Btissfietd debating ion is that these men should be sent the Naval Academy, who is chairman
Cairns, '06, who cleared the bar at six society and was a member of the teas. to jail, and if so there is no reason of the committee, and Director Stagg
feet and over in the dual meet with which defeated Adrian high school ant why others who are riot exporters was chosen as the man best able to
Michigan last year are stilt i good. Raisin Valley Seminary. He entered should not be sent to jail." represent the entire West from his
form. L. J. Porter, the Ithaca giant, the University of Michigan in the fall The enthusiastic manner in which long experience and high position in
victor in the shot-put event in the of 1902. He allied himself with the the lecture was received bore out Pro- the athletic world. Chicago is great.
dual event for the past two years, is Adephi sticiety and entered the de. fessor Wilgus' assertion as to the ly pleased with the choice of Director
looking for a third victory over theAes, ndsoeandre nteredat e general interest in the merger case, Stagg. We think the Rast and West
Ann Arbor heavyweights. Porter is in the inter-department-debate of 1902. and manifested also the especial in- will be worthily met.
not likely toscorehisanticipatedthird- tIn the spring of 1903 he was a mem- terest in his pre-entation f the his-
her of the Adelphi team which won utory of the litigation. The annual indoor freshman-sopho-

third victory as he will have to go up. the Detroit Alumni cup. - 1906 LAW PARTY. more meet tooky place last- night in
against Champion Rose, of whom he In the preliminaries for the debate An informal dance to be given at Bartlett gymnasium. The firist-year
evidently has not heard. with Wisconsin he won a place on the Granger's, Friday evening, March 25, men won the relay race and with it
"J. B. Phillips, '06, who has recent- literary department team and in the has been arranged by the Social Com- the meet, by a score of 46% to 39%.
ly defeated Gardiner of Syracuse Uni- inter-department-debate was given a mittee of the 1906 law class. Excel- The contest was practically devoid of
versity, intercollegiate champion in place on the University team. lent music will be furnished by the features, the freshmen winning the
the pole vault is in his last year's He is president of the sophomore Academy orchestra. That a large meet in the distance runs where they
winning form and can be depended up- class and of the Adelphi literary soci- j crowd of class members will be pres- scored 18 points. Eckersall, for the
on to do consistent work." ety. ent is assured from the unusually ' freshmen, ran half of his quarter in
The teams will consist of fifteen large advance sale of tickets. Those the relay with one shoe off, finishing
men each and the relay race will be NOTICE. who wish to secure tickets should ap. fifteen yards to the good. Lightbody,
two laps for each man. Michigan's Men students of all departments in- ply to the members of the committee the freshman distance runner, won
team will be announced tomorrow terested in the formation of the Penn- as soon as possible. the half and the mile, besides run-
morning. sylvania Club meet in Newberry Hall, MURPHY, ning last in the relay and winning
Thursday, at 7 p. m., to form a per- PAULDA, that for his team.
Allen's for nobby Spring Shirts. manent organization. THOMPSON. (Continued on page four.)

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