THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________ 'I State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHIOFF) WWhere are Wm h Tno. V.Sheehan P~LT W.Arnl Dr V. C. Vaughan N. Jo.gin Kyer Cohn Haarer Yo gin, 1 o.Ko~i Profade. S. CarhartCICC c t. bteeur on St. n& 1leAv. My purettv brank 11.tilaier Christian Marton Poneei 8sat9. Mle IAe maid?'' * I' mu goingI to PENNYCOOK'S, sail. May I go with yon, * My pretty maid?" "If you FbupY slit'sail. For informa tion relative to dancing, or musvic fo)r Iecetioa00, bcinqats, or dincing, partices, call coa R , SGRANGER 31031 ti N iid "itircet, lPhoiie 24-6. G'rngjn'- AcoleOfin ilieaiid R-iclene. YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At T,ttle's, 338 S. State: 2...DA NCINGi... $ UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, oup stairs), extndspc-ii ia ivl-lontote aies cic a all catcher cPci iccrsicciisptrneciloinof hiricccsci mimi ~odcs. Try my Scientific Face Massage and Manicure. PItJKWXIC'K BILLIARI) ROOM' AND BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. iTlVieSl'1iTYAVENUE. pSrinqgCoats Cravenettes r Ready for your inspection. Correct Clothes for Men lIEfamoushouseol * ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. was estab- lished in New York City in 1875. Then came a new era CopyrightI iiiiAd.&tf o. in the clothing trade-the beginning of the end of old ready-mades. To-day this label LA fed Deniamin &(o MAKERS NEW YORK identifies the highest grade men's ready-for-service apparel that the world produces. Equal to ine custom-made in all but price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We arc Exclusive Distributors us this city. CURfING, REYER & co. iog..iii East Washington St. Complete Line of Spring Hats Staebler & Wuerth THE MARCH ALUMNUS. Just received 223 Mandoiinu ant ______ ~ ~Guitars that we bought at a remark -_________ (Continued from page one.) ably low price and will sell them at of as being "in some respects less ene-third the regular price. Thin in COFFEE elaborate than in former years but an exteptional bargain. All Instra- ali the more attractive for the lack of ments on easy payments. See our I 1H l'TI A Dsm ofteldiegashs"Adspyinwdw-AnArrMuc /j J V brief report is given of the lectures Co. Ou- Owm a atsg cit Professors Tanner anid Hart in If you wish tic have a Suit, a pair Aiwats f.-esh 28C per- pouud Anmeican histocry. There are separate of Trousers or ans Overcoat made to 2i4 Main Si. DEAN ft CO. relwcrts cif Alumni banqucets given re- cently in Chicagoc, Piitsbuirg and Mit- yonr measure, and. a it guaranteed, go wauee.''he ronspiec isa iccltoCUTTING, REYER t& CO., 109 and N w mns ic abe pagephotgrap of he mmber of111 East Washington Street, who hav ice law class cit '9I whio attencdeid their dust received a large lice ofcith cls euinheels cmnemn urm which to make a selectinc. p AT class rentiherlast onaencemnt -atrayatenonbtwe REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, wnnh t~lie ilccoratons rt-a tho OSTSatrdayattrncccnbefeen Fine Cigars and Tohaccos ideapb of h Prof. J. H. Davis, associaie Slate anid Ittai strects, a card case JAS. W. REID, Prop. .312 Slate Si., S. clean cietncgineering department, 1containiing icaupers amid tickets valicable a pictue of the cheniical buildimig, and Icctobth owner, biuticseless ticamnyone tiaeat5escdIeicgc ci a ccicgah fHcer oair-else. lFindher please return same to ince of ceccly deceased, who for mnmy years Michigan Dtaily office, icr 507 S. Divis- Turkish Cigarettesa and Pipes was emplcyecd by the iuiversity in cinstreet. 231-26 ee rcgc c i iy ecilectng te wsi epaier sattredFine Lunches in Connection, abiccicthlie canctucc by the stucdents. Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, . iEerytiig Necctccictecici. Presning and Repairing. Clothes 301 5. Staie SI. R. E. JOLLY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. cacied for and delivered. -Leave or- -- deco over Ciushings Drug Store, or . Manager Staircd has about cnclcided 'phone 582-3 r. arranigementIcis ccr ike t14 fotb alt schccducle. Albcicci is mis.sing acid Suitc ''c To enct-Largce suite, sincgle Kalancazooictakes thec'place of Itie bedcs, calhiigas,tfrciace iceat, lyle-, Mthodkccists. Nothinicehas bceicnlicarcdihcce u1lcc rc~cnpuis. New frocu tClumia abcocut thei''i'hccncisgiv- caper crtains and carpcet. li~ctuire in.-; lay game,,bhid Ike cipi~ is still 321.N. Jeffnrson streci. :32-tt . cin lMiichiganc's shccuclder waiticig ftccr11c'Fresh Luwneyns, Ailegretti's. Spar- Nc-u Ycrcers ti ckici it ccff. Tihe l- row's, Hucyter's, chocolates at Cuob- ~ * locwing arc' lii'eccaicis arranigecd for ig's iPkarmacy. tf. fR IOI utoticcce': ________________ N Otn. l-t-Casei. Ticket for four shampocos-$1.00. ARRW BRAN D Oct. 5-OhcioNornmal. Soft water. Miss Vaughan. near Qciar- 15 CENTS,2 FOR 25 CENTS Olct. 8-Ralancazcci. rys. y-i CLOCT. PEAODY & Co. Oct. 12-Physicians andilSucrgeccns. ___________MkeolcoetadouchSis Otc. 15-0. S. 1U. at Colcumuis. i JOB PRINTING- MEYERS. 2156 Oct. 22-West Virginia. Main St. S. Phone 281. " OIct.-I-2-Wisconcsini at Macdisocn.THM SRWPorer Nov. 5-Dlrakce. Vilirascigi'? It's finc at Trocjanocw- TO A+OEPoilr Nv1-CiaoaAnAro, si.23t OW ' A N Negintiaticcns arc' alsoi iicniogeiss Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry jUI.U JL. U ij with Notie iDamne. Store. tf. ~326 N.5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. -Allen's for Hccibcy Sprimig Shirts. Fountain pens at Cusings. ti. 0--40 EXCL.(/51 VE NO VEL TIES 121-123 South Wrain Street IN SPRING S(. UITINYGS , WAGNER t& CO. CALLAGHA'N & Co. Booksellers, Publishers and Importers I II 114 MONROE ST., CHICAGOI ,~ WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'$ DRUG SO RER