THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Arbor inst U01lc. 25Pullhed duily (oseds y xcped) dug the cos~llge y a i 17.IWsinSgto stee, le (ba se t i;flor, side c este s) lho e 92- r kMANAGIN EDITOR: As we have too large a - EDITORS stock of fancy 1 Athleis, - ItlIEiUTs K. WAT O News, -i - - - J. . BAEYV A.S.~ ASSOCIATES: SUITINOS AND tOliord Seensonss.,]Coy Peetles, TROUSERIN6S A CiPonsd. A. 1. Ortoeye. osieeilsY Kerr, Stsdard S. Mre. Id M.IBrosnig lg. I. Wsie Isaye. on hand we will [sell (leo.oA Osor. Harsld C. Sith. Harrsy H. Assres. AlIt. chI. es them at reduced prices ThomssiB. IRoblesi. Clyde L. Oew. to make room for or .A BSIESS STAFF: . -Tmsn. We.I. Lloyd Spring and S u n miiie r A. T lsss .K. Latorette call n befre yn plae 0.5. E Thosi. :t,. 1 ket. Lsirt Woolens. Be sre and Editor Today-A. H. ORTMEYER. ~ SseLsss pu~ 's'isiisss litrvsslsicr esr, psissiise ii yor order...,t StsvtOK si.isIf (lei ulnsss ficc Novs. tiii. 2.5 G. . ILD & co.,Z Office ours-1230 to :3 and :30 to 7:30 fAddress-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- ager, 331ieP ackardStreet. 10 OE . WASHINGTON STRET. Telephone, 46i. >The ret iame " CALENDAR. Alasisis2, 4 i. in -114 lit class meet- * sisgIisosmC. ~ * II issis 2 4:I01)isms.Lecssire by Prof. - - 'et, .WilgusceosillThee Northern ISitis Decisiol," in eTappan MIrch.2is iP. 1907 cengieers' E xciting [un [or Eeyn 1 ,.Dnlsno Qattv " anaomy,"in Sra Cawll An- ?march 24-Junioer Lit dance. f March 25-1906 Lose social at Gran-grs Pocket War "laps for the vs. Michigan. Far [ast, I 5C~r t. Mrh 2-Cornell-Michigan met. P I TThe class se f 1901 atthe I University ofSMicigani~, literary ansi engieering SHEE AN Q(X '1s0.1 drtmnst, sdeiedlsto1leave as its SHEEHAN &from te class tax which shuld be University Booksellers, Sta let so tss class teassry after all ts be laesdis y heyisi iresisetand the 320 South State Street. dansseof1ile literary ass en sgineering sisis~deatmentis s, 1torneedsy stesl in the *o*~SOOO@~~~*@* two lepeartmsssseits. Thle alasse in the teasury , $17.6l, Ias alrady been The Ann Arbor Savings Bank.555t5rn eesvr tilthilunebet as this semda laher smsall aiiosnt for so Reesd ousces,$,000.000sls Sts.large'ssclass Is lesveas 11s memorial A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS to5t-he'lesieersiy, liii seretaries are TRANSATE. enclosisg i their leters tss thc class, OrivRSObeoeIiarles E. Hilke, Pres.;eW. D. lask lrmnisslry noteis, ansi are asi- Hriaic hos. . itcashloersilgtemmest ldetndlas oro I hieCtboeste r;ls cs, tee e pioil seosrbefore * loversasidPlano inseas nleyar frosssdose. Nearly one hn an*lati seao rded dlsrs has already been prom- COUSINS & HALL, icd b a oes mmbs and itl Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and oth Sreei increased by means ofsthiis appeal to Telephone 15. the class. .TH[ STUDENTS' [CTUR[ ASSOCIATION ORATORICAL CONTLSTI [RIDAY, MIARCHl 18, 8 P. I 1. UNIV[RSITY HALL, Regent Levi Barbour will Ipreside. Doors Closed Daring Spceches. Season- Tickets, $1.00 .A O Single Admission, :15c I GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. The faculty at Cornell have finally decided to allow the crew to row against Wiscnsin during their Jubilee week in Jane. However, the men most be back at Ithiaca by June 9, when the final examinations for ho semester begin. Walter Steffen, .,e North Division atlete, who competed against Micisi- gao on the First Regiment team, has been unable to compete since the Michigan meet on accousntsit ass in. jury to his foot which he received on the turns of or track. "If God Almighty of the Angell a- briel wrote a poem it would not infer- ct yo.Tosu are nothing but giggling girls. Mlt ot you ought to be mae to pay tuition here." These remarkso are attributed to the head of English department at the IUiversity of Cal- fornia by the Chicago Tribune. While lecturing to a class on poetry the whispering and giggling of some of the girls causesd him to mae the re- mark quoted, e went further, hw- ever, and announced his decisin to segregate the sexes in all his classes. He said the best work of the men is hindered by the wsmen students and feels that hia freedom of speech and criticism of the students is prevented The wosmen are now threatening te boycott all the classes of the proessio they are so stirred sp by his actions. APARTMENT HOUSES AT MICHI- GAN. Next tall when essllege isopessthe faniliar asiect ofStSate sreet will be sosmewehat sltesre. I, is beig planined tos folloew sit he aartmen'It houssse' idea ust several set the eas eri college toiws In arsordance wills the above an apartmet hosse will be built on the corner ot Mnroe ad State .streets. It will be peretly ap- piointed and equipped with every mod- ern convenience., Harvard and ale have adopted this system and it bids fair to become prevalen in Michigan and other middle West insitutions. Several new business bocis are be- ing planned for erection oii State street or near it, which will be ocs- pied by merchants whose places oflI business are now down twn. When all of these improventeus have been cosmpleted the apiearance se thle cam- 1pus neighbosrhoods will have assumnedi a hbsiness-like air. ANNUAL ELECTION. Nominations for ausal electionu of officers-for Students' Christian assci- ation will take place Wednessay even- lng at 6:e45. The present incumbents with Hr. . K. Eswards, as president, and the various vice-presidets, hays' irsoven themselves to be very efficint sfficers as is showin by the large in crease in number ot members and the interest increase sver last yar, The sficers have woked earnestly aid persistently and it will be difficult to fill their places. However, there are about five men.who are being cuonsid- ered as prospective presidents. While the nosminations will take place this Wednesday, the election sot oficers will occur the following Wednessay. There will be a large assemblage of membsers at Newberry Hall between 5 and 6 oclock Wednesday afternoon for purpose of discussing nominations. Sweatersan Sweater Vests 25 % OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for - $4.12 $5.00 Ones for - $3.75 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. SOR S ALP A Water's Book Stores. No better thansa $300 bat sbotl be The rtib 15 that other $30Ohalits shoulsd be better The "VARSITY" $3.00. GOODSP[D'S flaters 1 7 . Plan S1. Ytn ow-c it to yor face to use Willianms' Shlavin~g Stick. N NNN NNN N N NN AIN[NS IQtAIRt, B. C. WHITNEY THE PIPE J OE K DREAMERI in the Big Muic "The Head More Music Than A Comic Opera, P ' Lavish in Loveliness P Saturday, "46A- EOT -O0 35 CLEV[R hP EVERYTHING NEW. Cleves Costumes, Songs, GJ PRIC[S: - 2 FRIDAY, March 25 Z rPRESENTS 'E L y AND 30 sal Ot-Up Waiters"ZZ Ices: 261 36, 60 and 76c . Wlarch 26 LD - Ir[" 9 [OP[U 35Z Cr ommedians and Dancers iris are Pretty. c, 33c, 30c and 73c ----------------------' - _____ __ .. FEZ ___ HENY &KYIER, MRHN ALRN. UNIVERSITY AV E.