Event of the Year Saturday Evening- In Tappan Hall Today-Expert in Cor- Series of Basket Ball Games-Class Michigan Versus Wisconsin at Ann Ar
Mile Run the Great Feature- poration Law Will Discuss Su- Enthusiasm High-Two Meets bor, Friday Evening.
Preparations Made for I- preme Court's Decision in Will be Held This Year. I
mense Crowd. Northern Securities- Proably the greatest debate that
Case. The reguar eork has gone on in has ever beni held is Ann Arbor will
iterest, in track athletics will mark theo girls' gynnasium withot inter- take place here this Friday evenig,
ItS cinmsx next Saturday evening in Professor Wilgus will repeat today rption since the Christmas vacation, when Michigan meets Wisconsin in
the yearly combat between Michigan the lectur: on the history of the I liolr the direction of Dr. Snyder, University Hall Wisconsin is sending
sndt Cornell. This event tor the last Northern 5ecrities company higsa-iatlees are being idevelopedi, who, if the strongest possible team liere, and
two5( years los bees the feature of the tiesnvichi he deleivered last 'Ihursiday ot as recirud-reaking is the world is making every effort to wii thc de-
indoor seasoi. to the Junior Law class. The recent of woman's gymnastics as are io, hate. All three of her men are gro-
M ichigaii wiin toth contests, decision of the Supreme Court upois and othrs of Michigan's giants in ates from the literary department at
lie score by a strange coiscidence, be- this ase, carrying with it uch ar mes athletics, yet holi their own, Madison, two of them eing juniors
tng the sanme cacti year. Michigan reaching cosequencts in the inds- anil do the uiersity credit in their,* in the law department and the third
491 /, Cornell 21'2. trial organivation of the coutry, ownqiuiet way. a senior law studet. Probblly no
Onieiof lie' tatcts iintgenerally nmakes this sibject oneof espectia fn 'ITebasket alt season opened last Stronger team has ever b ee ssent
kiiiiosn atbiut Mihiganu rack athletics trest to evryiine interested ini liii rilay afternoon by a gamii' betwee against us. Our opiinents ri' sit ma
is that vi-iting tiamsi liave sever won trust poblem. Professor Wilgis wlisitle freshtmieniasd sophomores result- tre men, well on in their professiiina'l
aii Isidoor meet Many of the ctintests is the author of the text book ol ing il a victiry for the clans ot'6. course. Every one of them is ani
hiave heencsiee bit Michigan's team Corporations, hearing his name, is es- This game was renarkable for the en- honr debater already at Wisconsit
tas always teen successfel in turning pecially fitted to lecture upon the thusiasm shown by the classes for Under the sting of two defeats in the
the ltie ini her favur at the critical Northern Securities case. their teanms, aid the rooting was un- past it is no wonder that they are
ioment. In nit prtvious year has it Tin lecture of last Thursday will isurally good. 'The remaining games coming here this year with a do-or-die
teen moe ificueilt ii)lurecast the re- be elaborated to some extent today of the series are tui be rushed off as determination to break the sting of
salt and all are agre'i'i that on Sat- since, owing to lack of time on Thurs- rapily as posible. Last tear the Michigan victories. Our team is com-
sriay evening Michigan's record will dlay, Professor Wilgus was forced to game latei far into the spring, to n oed of two freshmn in the aw
te subjcted to the severest test. The hurry it some what. Doubtless manyj the distrss of everybody concerned,I department, and a sopnomor is the
nien have been working ard in prac- will take advantage of ths opportuneisi--ptecially the overheatted players. An literary department. If they win
lice eviry Isv in prearation fr the ty and Tappan Htall Lecture room atemipt is tii be iade tt avoid the against such experienced debaters it
respective event should be crowded. The lecture will same' dicmfirt thin year, by finish- wihh e a wonderful feat,'They neeid
Protiably the keenemest Imteret in cen- be given at 4:10 o'clock. ing te series of games before the ah our encouragement, and let the
teretd abiiut the ile run in which hot weather is upen us. An inusualh student body give it to them by a
event Kellogg Michigan's captain and ORATORICAL AFTERMARTH. anont of clas spirit is being shown large attendance and great enthsi-
veteran isutaesl u tnner will again op- , ard all the games but fair to be as en- asm at the date.
pose' Sbuit his old antaginit from There was a slight mistake is the thimiastic an the first one. Most ol When the Michigan debating team
Ciritell.'fhte'listeIir part citmted in markings 'of the oratorical comtest as , the' gane are opemi only toi the co- visited Wisconsin last year they haih
the races at MadxuisonmiSitiare arden reported in Sunday's Daily. Snnen- lege girls, bit, as iii previoti year, a spendid audience timsaeak befor,
two weeks ago winunnng the mile relay Schein receiveud three firsts and two there ri' to be snicm "open games," every seat in a large halthbeing filled
fr Crnli'n 425 which in two sec- fourths is thought; in delivery a first soalled.. hum these gases each girt with standing room only. The enthu-
uuuuus aster tant Kellogg ha. ever a seconud, a fifth uand two sixths, ak-teaitng work in thu gymnastumn is en- iasm at the debate was great. Wi-
tutu. tHowvv,-thueudferinceis tart- ing his ramk :,I-secoinduhplace. tDe itedu'o lI invt attontiouitaageitle-cosin shoutuld not be outdone in em-
fally expltainuelibyti' fatuttthe Priest got a thirud, twitfiurthsndmithnmfrienmittaitudte girls tlaying on thusiasm. 'The suestion fureicsinm
tracts 't Madisonut iiare Ilarden in twit fifths in thiugtht and a second, the basket balt teams may have two is a very live one, "Whether tic nt
msae iotpit-etuers atte the runners two thirtds, a fouurh, antI a fith in invitattionsLtcky the man who is the personal property tax should be
are attune-utoleewear stiikeed shoes, delivery, mking his rants 2-fourth fortn~att enough tue know a gymnasi- reinquish"
thteretyeyri-cttltintoheleter time than place Welch received a seconud, antm girl theti The debating team is upholding the
willtlIeu'Miushgaut trtacik.Witht allow- forth, a ffths antI twoi sixths ithIits year insteadt ittone meet' honor of the University just as mucs
.itreis tir this dfetett-re'e' it in puobabe thought and three thirds amd two chere are lt e two ote btween the as does the footbah team. They have
tat the twitmntin tueheir tbestfirm fouurths in edelivey, mating his tutaIiresheni anti spthunmurs anti the se'- orke d almost as haru 's. it he fouot-
agt rre n mia5 itchi-e 40. Bartlett alsoe received 41, but smit be twetn the juniors and seniors, hatt team on that grat ay last fall,
Manet"'ird-i ma-nitg tpreara- Welch woon fifth tplace by percentage, ande the wines iii the first meet. when the cardinal wa mate tee bite
I its tir i(- largest croewdt it thi Sea- 90 tue Bartlett 002 Botht of thuse meets with pobably the sdust on Ferry Field.
suite tir thee'creming c'ontest. Last The delivery rankings are interet be tetu beore' lethe ping vacation' The jtmdges must all be imorted
year itiwsntI possbule t aitumo ing Haliday 8it; De Priest and The evemts this year are to be more from neutral territory, anti are being
eate altwhsvostught aedmitesti and Welch eachs with 17 point, are tied alng the lineeel the regulam work selected by a commttee of luimni
msaity hdti-ttleeebe trneed sway Detir second;Gtuy 19, fouerth; Snnen one ini Ihi' gymnta siumthIlan wan the two of thee judge have areaudy beemi
stit;et iles tee ouutoouk indicates schein anud Bartett with 211 each, are case' last yeaalien there wiru' ci- schisen, andulthe otherm'willhe electedt
5 slaritece ssit ty'sit this yeam. tied tiumfifthlplae edulede a gieat miany 'stunmt s" atdtfe- fiia say trtwo.tGemera tHery M.
Seating.cuapacelty haete-utlreoviul et final markeigs letthee cotest tore' ive-mt sAy estimiet e as htu thetDufieli ittDetruit, will preside at the
tutu aboutelstxlueu Iteutded ipheoutle by areantillows: -alliuay 16, fit-t; Sre-itIh f the' ela~ive' classes it is deate. -
ext endig the banutks oe eas'ts etrey Sonnenscheimn 31,secomndh; Gtuy 4. hattletuossihle tue maeThe'fresh- The memblers (f thetUnivrity Ora-
ticundItug"mntiium t fitooretithese oil tthird;1De Pmrest-38 fueurthi; Wech 411. oeut hate the atvamitage'oittumbers torical asociatien may reserveets
lie soieetiesite'reiching wee rews 896g ter cent iftlh; Bartlett 21, 82 antI eelseady ptaice but they acitfor 25 centn, whie tthers wilt have
taieve the'runnuig tracts All ets teer cent sixth he lutg traininig eatndlcunhudence of the to pay 0 cemtnfor the saint; privilege.
dowenesltairseeillteeciserved, tckets Since' the- speiakers seren;jugeduontut -ter ciases-s'thee'hbupets uofthee fresht- A' it cstonily 25 centst o tujointthe;
beinugplaeuceltutusule t.itMyer's Nws bet houugtt whetIhey n'si-u;stucetitt t mieucas are itedutheirtem-all-oratriaa.soication it movulthe; wie
tln etoday fuiett 1 hutwhch an mg it sitesrestitg ue uutoimare the rtundetutt tle u 2-ss I'Fttositc' tarey. firtll whit attendelthiueeate wseteeare
u-tr ret g 2 c ensviltie' madei-tmarktigs otutunusctnript.T'heirewere t'le ss it Miss Flia Stark, whoeuhas sut members, to do so, as there are
hut addlti intleoiithis a lnmitedel munther ight, winners of cass cintesets andu eftl tee utversitseysteel e Miss Emily ter cntets later In the year tue
oftel '~neialtiios tswill tee;souldhfitr'twit ittthese swereedroeptped u t inutthis Sak, wo neleujurue her anke, wilt ser-j which the tratorical asociationutick-
thele ya te~-; 1Ihe;uegultrprncu uf 5llwaty ioutsly haututer the; souphoetut;lassI et will give free asmisiuon The
cens. 'rhetfolmlwig were;thi m a ierintg", IfMiss Startris autisti is Suficiently Nrther Oratorical League costest
(wliichudetermneusthle ix bet. Sllt teeltotepermutittther tou stter thie meet, wilt be here this sring for the first
THE MARCH ALUMNUS. atur Simueonef Detroit, rankletd JF" he sotphoumoeere stand an 'tuiodta time in seven years, and specal ar-
thee ite -eli utimlir ittthe. Alumenus Halliday 1, Smumueenehuiui 2, IDs;Priest chanetuit;as aity o iltisclase. The r emgements will enade fur members
titas apeaed-ct co tntain, amnmg til- IBartlett 4, Welchm 5, tuty 6, S. . junir have mntiy athlteus, gouuuthit thle uratorical asociaton
orc thtings levee ietrttg arilesutoneuIHalliuday, 7, 'hruatx . Prof. hEdiwaudstheir lartcitultr inettus:noeuoute; ittthe The seats are now on sale at Cuf-
hiy Ditea it Husnti TmeutheDre' ofuca'titAnarkedtSonnueinsheinu1 Welih 2, IDt 'lass is very g'odintutiiall les and ing'sudrug store n State street
It." ateel tututerio TheeMchiganm Priest s, J. F. Hallimday 4, Guty 5tBart ths s lperuhatussialaatagelur, by As the denand is great. those wish-
0;'si tee eel PublictInusl teru tioI akn et 0,, 5M Hallimday 7,Truax 8 Pruf herulesofte itmetet ths yar, no ing reserved seats souuld apply early
from au ilustoriy iuothu te Uieest y met flui's imarlin werte Bartett 1.,tGuy 2, tutu'" gils aloweltlenter moere thn it thle;week
MicuhiganubyIthe'late'Po . muiA Bns I, Mtalliday , Wetlc~hs4,Truax 5 lmThreevents The 'senmumors haev'the'
dae.J.F Haliday 6, Its IPrist 7.Snnent-sadvaumitage uuf thus'luongest traiing, the THE LATEST TONSORIAL STUNT.
The' rIliten'y Ieaniu tsuhxui sas sdhim 8It will be observedi that the "rs frorn tthuSexiortuchss lute still AnnutArbor may not he quite;sue
reactas apape befoe a ecen meet thre me whowere arke higest: emai faihfulargeynaanm Chicagoe aDetroit, et ort othere
in fthee'Associ'atiommnt American y the tther judges were marklw -aew thu eu'sseteho av always toe large cities but it can boast at least,
'mn eerstmus lee-huhamlYale Uiutvetsty estin this instance well n uathetms (ttthese this o n abrso- ta sawy p
It is a vt-y ineresinug contrihbution to There wan nt a manlits"this cntest year's senior mclass has ate tunuallyofoearbesoppledwthtisalnaye tt-
lieueton eel ioing away with the whou was In last year's The three large' nutmer eto-ateliandceps i whal the tat etopl-
nueutilhuh -te"e-u'system in Amercan nen in the university, who were eli ---_____________ t ap hpliances roaofwteibs leestri
uniersititstmuof. Htudeson traces the tile, lost oeut in the prelminaruis. JUNIOR LIT PARTY ahhttu i i oitra qtlmeeti
dttte i teeeel eelthus'sentment wahuch Prof. Trumeloodmhrgardsn this ans edito_1___tnraleuimnti
brught . . sm xctn rauuis-esi rtecratedm tiy an electric lathery by
IlMiigan.e the'tale's the' tpositimn that ethat has been heldi in manty years. JutnmorLit:informeuah tarthy to be giventwihams xi aigam elh
time' taleorutionuuwaxsonly a new phase 'The following sif this year's contest 'hwhlymetmu ttrtue' cd-fifce mssaehismbtihnable. an he
int thet se-it'smet alterations which mmm- ants will be eligible next: eutneut-tmy.Thus'mmittee have madhe spec- machine in its remits ha. the mol
iversitie' generally have heeni requir- Schein, Doe Priest and Btartlett. tat platus fut the entertainnemet of fashionedh handmi assage distanced sit
sed tim makee hirtm time tom time us re- It i. encouraging tim eveni the lit ugemsts antI ant enjouyaetprhiomgram min far that therishdlromfrc-
spounseitohumhtblic sdemand.lHe gives hblest aspirant for honors tim conidlerhattie's us tpromised. TimcLets muay be1lmrsmt-rish'dymsmfmrcs-
it an his belief that the students gen- the perseverance of this year's win se-iutru-ldrmn (oul li, ilim ar --______-
erally may he trusted to makee the ner. Last year he wimn fifth place ini my Clathkmor Baley. STABAT MATER.
best choice sit courses for themselves the Junior Lit contest.
Such freedlom heuig allowed the occa- I NOTICE. The reprodnction of Rnossini's Sta-
sioen for nuimerotus degrees ceases to NOTICE SENIORS. - bat Mater which was given in its en-
emxmmstt.tmueeting tintMusical clubs
exist. The one degree of A. M there- Senior class meeting postponed to in Rooum 24 in tniversity Halt at 7:20 tirety several weeks ago by the St.
time bestowed upon all who do the Wednesday afternoon, 4 oclockt, be-p.mTedy M.BVIIR Thomas Choir will be repeateid Smn-
rsqeired amount of worku. cause of conflict with Prof. Wilgus'_______ na vnnT evc iltn
The present number also contains lecture. Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cuffs attach-' doubtedly be well attendemd, since
the - iush comments on topics of cur- ed or detached, at Allen's. many failed to gain admission at the
retit interestL The J-Hop is spoken Have you seen the new Vibrasoage , first production because of the large
(Contnuedi on page three.) } machine? Ask the mn at Trojys. tf Ask Troja nowski for a Vibrassage., audience.