THE MICHIGAN DAILY Notice to the Public:. TPwRee~ ~. Drop us aecrd too323 S. Maien t. and hves call fo your work We, the undersigned, will continue the Clothing and Furnishing Goods business known as the Cut- A. [[fr1BLYL, ting, Reyer & Co., at og-o olo H. Washington St.,+ Ann Arbor. 1 Mr. Truman Wadhamis, who has Frs eieMa akt entered upon his fourteenths year in connection FoetA n Ma Mrk. with the store, will have charge of the Clothing Poulry, Game and Iish in season ( Department, and Clarence Gainsley, who has won P30 Forest Ave. Phone 407 ~ many friends by lohis gentlemnaly dealings, will 4 have charge of the Furnishing Goods Department. CO OS ILADHL O L R A A.E. GREE~ux, IPres. Under New Management. + JACOBl LU Z, Vice-Pres. New Billiard Outfit. Linenfl andQU F FS F. H, B SIR, ecy. Chis gvengood for anwhere F.H.Esciu, ey. Chls ~vnthe house. A RZE THE B UST. ~ Free [armb. - ___- Barkers Collars ae.Stamped "ildme A ,Word Patent Leather ShoeaeNf tampeddv>doeSl ~ Sold by Wger & Co., 2 for 25 cs. To Students A LB E R T LUVTZ, It ., i ur uutoi THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET \DR.oLWE nS ; a4,~vil hjc 4, RENTS8C H L E R For anything in the lieofot4. c. ls epatus 4.mon Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 4 }{ , .. im le ~lcl' ci4 Phone 3892r. Corner Main ad Huron Streets. to S". S-eieOi o .4 PRIG NELIEE SHIRTS EGPINOL 5>5 NOTICE 1907 ENGINEERS. NOTICE-7904. ra:ic Gnellyc psknte :YTAI ae1n5laoil ai rilakcolorsi 111110 nThere will bee. cuaso uung Tes. 4raitellea on i> i lly mal Wendy,\adl2,t4Nr day at h4. in in Room C, to disus toeclass affairs. ,uiasa wil e eein f he197eni-a e I. we suatem alle i isf vevoriiss edh i r d- eer. 'I he-reportsorl f seveal, t>. BAIN, President. .9 feralnii 11,0111of vies,uefli at- mjila01ion .fi, 0 olviv u , h iv tes- tanding coiniilleeu wilt be heard and -tcc rspt~to I vvliu.ii li+ I________ A lady's gold pin in the gymnasium. f i iii leIrli levl il i iiiiiii ii -i NOTCE. Owner can have the same by atlig f WAGNER & CO. vius. ii u~e iv iiiosiove vi uly liiuuiuveil iiiat Director Fi-patricks office. Hbdehr.4 4Haen ir. fe ll vi i gi : c Ill3 sec-ia relilllet.Miss Edna M.- e lilee.Svslev l iats.Cluelli Jackevoi wil repetli-l very interestig Your eyes examined by an 3' ii uii litovl t hvu ale l-t iiuwll ise 1 1 le uit nexpert optician. All the lat- uiolluiu. Inif toes iuil you cano t,-Id-urEvation before the Young People et approved appliances and methods theluiile ei iiii ifui IliO 5li 6-30i.i iTiheaeideaurchitohatalknown to the profession are employed. Qurr'sCmps r9 toetalning in le piitiic schools. New eye glases fitted, lsen dupli- _____cated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew Floe a filseipair of Peg Top Trousers eiry Store. t. -- FIN - goto Alie's. Pictres and ram s Th Acdsm orcesta ha foty- University students desiring to e- threienaeenoi llat ranger's cure positions to teach will fid it to TO ewntsdaendJe th.hirneettorteo:amsF DE PkIL5 AR~T .5Tt}k., 'thres niit a week that Mr Granoger McCullough, 63 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- PRIC $5.00 doesio, initroulce some new muiisic. 1cago. t._____ 217 . Fourth Avenue Dlly Duttoin ad Magoilia wso-e itro -___________ wueFit i h tandweeve a 22r Bath supplies of all kinds at all A 19-ounce Kodak for PH T OGRI~ A HSTC prices at Cushing's Drug store. S.. 3x321 pictures. It has sor at Alen's Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis, Spar- thKoasipctyye CALL AT - - - - row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- lacks none of the essen- S[Y"UIR'S STUDIO D, Y, A A. & J. RAILWNAY ing's Pharmacy. tials of good picture 316 S. Plain St. STANDARD TIME' Found-A gold watch. Call 3?27 making. Liiirii eioi hlfiho uruly fCmtaiit.0m05until Volland street.. lanl olyat1215_,_._ad_2:4_am.__ No Dark Room loue suus luhou ly from 6: I.5a I.utl 71 t . Somtethinug New in Chli 95itui5 ).ma o d Sp wfMin Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Reqired NOW sii Roos, Hurost. .ofMi. iM ihnjn Pillows MANN'S TDRUG TOR Chaffing dishes at Haler'sJelr 1ILU~IJIU T EStore. f a k n At Darling & Malleau's $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC 23 S UH " I y 1 N RO UI O .213 SOIIII rUAN ~* $1 AN AROR MSICCO. 324 S. Ste St. A. J. WATSON -"- Six photon for 25 cents at White's 01aemlePapooro00Paillisn Stdio Snday.- Preslleiit. V. Presiden. __________ . i. 50AiKOi :s hller. < .+ - --r" - +. -+ dn "isFRT AINLBN Picture framing done at White'sleaexc OF ANN ASRBOOR, MCl. Arkansas, ~xsMiio 216 East Huron Street. CAPITAL, - - - $00,00 We have the original Peg Tlop Troit- and Caliornia. SRtUSAN PROFITS. - .4,, ser at Allen's.- D Are et reclhd vie (.7 U 1? l0L IC V1St.Louis, Wr [' air City,; The buimldig rp of a Telephone System with every posithte mod-; ierni improvemecnt the giving of better service thanoas ever thought 0)Iron .0oufl .dl) posible beforeTo be honorable, courteous amd just mm every detailr_ Pu anticipate requirements To overcome iopediiieoos. To tbe satis-t " \ fed with nothinmg short of the confidence and good will of every ctizenoslt p+ini the coeuty* 'ra daiy toan to ( liloorna WA tTEA OM ELP O E O9 Three alyintos to xas.xo TMPORARY OPL tcg::Liberty street, sear Fourth.tioeoidaiy rins to ht Sins. ____ _______________________________________________ Six duly emraons to L itte Bok THR REST OF EVERTHIWGO. PRESIDENT WIESR Cj fl M W9 Armstrong, T. P. A., 1 Suspenders M CMIN13 a~tnwAe. work in perfect harmony with .t CIGARtLTTLS AnAro, t~h the wearer's every movement. GrolvArbin;Turkey. Comfort. Style and Service Teectd i _______________ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED (Lnjoyed in America. AM US~ A. H1ALE, #r'"MOC~SMSOKL MsAKLSLCYrMTAN snmas Trimmings cannot rust. ~Ve Pfesoand$.0m,nysoresomi,pepaid. 10 f4O~ s ..Viofc foty aiiiOcampn-s Flaslh lights, Ino T11R U. A. EDGARTOIP MPG. o, - ~Coek Tpsor'Plai. -lurs, Bx26Sily as aeteSopn. 1 .Mar riups. . o55Ss~r in.Oe h e.31 .PanSreAann Arbor Witho Soyuour Studio. 'P'hone 819 Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. ,The Best of Everything in Tailoriag