THE MICHIGAN DAILY ST' A new lot of the famous HI. S. & IM. Black Suits, a3 flLTL55 IITUN J U in Vicunas, Thibets, Cheviots and Worstedo, made * JJU DoohJ od HE in stogie or double breasted. Varsity and Regular Sack Styles $300 [OUADTS $30 e aeal$15, $1t8,o$2UTZ + The only shoe in the world designed by a We niceiy.l sines in stock now and can mfCithiryou wme---frwmn ncl.Call and inspect themi. M fACK & CO., - - Sole Aqents 217 South Mlain Street.!9g IRANDALL, THE 4. IlPHOTO6RAPHER 121r E. Washington St. wHN o a H 11s . s oes s s NS s tHS ®,.. " " e hT' WISH to call yoor attention to the fact that our en- tire line of SPRING WOOLENS is tin the tables and will further state that we are ini a position where we can get all work out promiptly. The very finest of tailoring will pre- vail as osoal at ouzr estalishiiient. BVKCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 106 East HIuro.m Street isg*®*o*@**e"f4@*e®@o*@*@.s4O4O4@*@4@4@4 s4@4o*@4 RE GENT MAKES A PREDICTION.fI uJust rsrehtw ogceived 223 Mandolins a nd k UNION In his presentation speech at the ably low price and will sell them at AL oratorieal contest last night, Regent one-third the regular price. This is THEOLOGICA Levi L. Barboiur spoke or the maniy an exceptional bargain. All lnstru- SEMINARY -. points at whieh the Ulniversity wasmetonas pyet.Seou ltouching the humanity and presentedlmnse aypamns e u 700 Par..k Av..New,,'York , a vivid contrast of conditions now aind display in window-Ann Arbor Music Sui eqipetiforirialetymdpea -in his own college days. He recalled Co. tciat work, is the midst of the tChtis-' the days when the oratorical recita- ia enteeprieof a greatrcityis close" tion room was known as "the cave itt Pantorium, 236 S. state. Cleaning atcademtic eelatioes with tColtumbiai andi the Winds." Mr. Barhouir prophesieudPeoig ,n epiin. Clte New York Univeesities. titers super-3Prsigad Rprn. Clte 2tusities for the tdegrees of It R, A. M, " that before tong a music departmentcaldornd eive.Laeo- Snb11.1ii. lpenitoniequal terims to ;, would he added ito ihe t'niversiiy.-esoe ahngsDu tro studensoif tll C'hristian ies. Professor Stanley rentderted several SIXTY-NINTH YEAR " selectimns on the ipie orgaii which 'phone 582-3 r. eg~rn Sept 28 104 swere receivetd with mtichiaptptlase. Begis Spt. 8. 904Typewriting and Stenographical Atdtrtsstttel'resitdent of the actty ENGINEERS ASSESSMENT COM- Work idone neatly and quickly. Waiter It1e"i 130 MITTEE. I. Willos, 1224 Washtenaw Ave., Tel. -"1 Rev, Charles Cuthbertibflil, D.0.-"-7tc. ,At the class meeting ott the 19(07 ein-__________ Money Loaned1 ON - Watches, Diamonds- tOc other personal piroperty of ealit'. Wateluesanti Jewelry' Re- liaireid. Barigains in Watches Ofit', at resitdence,31E.' Lib- - ec.ty Stett, Ann Arbor. Roars 8 - 9, p. t. iAll lUst te.s C onfidlen- tiail. JOSEPHl C. WATTS. m ° +.£ .r+ tt+ i .+'t+ + +LECTkLC PAN.5 ElcticCkaf irtyDisvhes + Electric Tabsle Lans t h iuact, .syittihq ito ~tei usi'ass 4+ r ot,. alina s e ou dis l. tay..... + WA3H-TIH8AW LIGHT & POWER COMPANY.± pU o. Washt.isi eto sict- As,. Pk.h527a ' New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccou JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale SI., S. SIaveeustreceived thielarges indlfiiest linesof Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes evesrbrttughttothle eity. Fine Lunches in Connection. Eerythineg Neat andClteain. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY F~or informiation relative to dancing, tic masicfori'ricepitions, btanquets, or dancing parties, call io RA) 55GRA NG[R 3tLO-312 Maynard Street. Shone 2-6i. Granger'sAAcatleiny, Offite and 1-tesiideiice. Hot Lunch At Tuttlie's, 338 S. State j24 LESSONS IN 3 UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. Scate Street OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS MICHIGAN inMICHIGAN BANNERS inCOLORS [OVELL'S CORNER STORE. k AICHI6A3 N CENIRAw, "The Niagara Falls Rsae' THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct consections at Chicago Car St Louuis,.Kansas City. St. Paul cod the West For informsation and through tickets call us or write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ass Arbtir. was appotintedl toicollect lie'assiss- mint lttliefray ithe expenise's oitwoIetoft their classmiateswholtt i tolt Iroutile aol fall. 'The asasessmntolwiis levedt ly a tunanimotts yule oithet class aiid t'very niember shltithi ls iduy ty haying iitprotmpttly. 'rhe mommittee is comosedtatif tthe following men: L. W. McOmbier, chairman; C. T. Foser, M. 'H. Stat'., I-Sl. A. Cultvin, T. C. Willlims, J. S. Curtis. J. flirschiman, St. R. 'tterc, It. S. SJeaib antI 1. J. flicacli. Fountain pens at Cashing's. U-. Ticket for four shampoos-$1.00. Soft water. Miso Vaughan, sear Quar- ry'o. It Last-CGoldtsatici antI fobi. Please return to 219 S. 'Thayer street. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- row's, Huiyler's, chotcslates at Cush- ing's Pharmacy. tf. PROHIBITION CLUB. JOB PRINTING--MEYERS. 275 Thefolowig i th prgra fo IMain St. S. Phone 287. Stintday afterniooni, I3 p. in., ini lie Chafing dlishes at Haller's Jewelry Christian :Memotrial church: Store.° ft 'rhe Oasis of Covernnient Monopolity, _____ E. E. Myers; 'The South C'aroliina ias- l ptensary, F'. C.tCootk ; Morual S'hase oft r7 tosi'six ftic i atoli te (e ttuIi- the D~ispenisary System, .. .Welch ; a ii teui's Situdii. 0)eniii Siltii atll 'The Disptensary ant i tiics, tMr. Wort- lay. sham; tGeiierallDiscuissioni. __ Seniori'rrtes, $250 perilidoien. \Whiie Allen's for'nobbtiy Sprin. Shiits. Sitiot jA LL E N' SF OR Q U A L I'V" We give th~e best Clothing Valties, saving you thriee tos five dollars 051 your Suit or Overcoat. SptringR line hiots relidy j ~ $10.00 and $131.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES ALLEN, THlE CLOTHIER, "lAIN STREET 644444 444444.44444 44444444efeeeeeoeeeseeeeeeee4 The University of %Chicagro Law Schools of Mdcn Theology Education Each schssl has a special Circular uf Information which will be cent an request. The Courses in Medicine are given is cunnectios with the work of RUISK MEDICAL Cllege: RO U N DTA B ARROW BRAN D /15 CENTS, 2 FOR 25 CENTS ~ SPALDING'I OFFICIAL ',tINTER-COLLEGIIATE FOOT BALL ' Used by aSS the Leadihng ~Colleges. /Footall Pant tsire fronet, his aitt1 II, i tt-is dtttlttwitth A. t. SPALDINt &5B5O. /I ntto'ttr t ed. Sew Torh, Chicago, Denver. Sj-d it ' s i' liiz iiott ali G id . for 190:3. edi i iedb WaterCasmp. Plsonesc582 3R o nto rinu in. Cleaningj. Pressing. Rcj~airinq. 336 S. STATE. ST. -(O-v'r -CssniI~rg's) Clothes, called for and Delivered. Phone 552-3R Win, lbochrein, *altaX l umbev,1 steros&Gainiter. O1botsc 66I7. 303 Z.S.tale St THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago, Illinois. SUMMER QUARTER June s8- Septembher 2 WE ARE NEVER U.NDER SOLD- GOODY.LEAR'S DRUG STORE