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March 19, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-19

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY The spirit of college brotherhood
" ___ ______._was manifested in a practical way
Entered s secn s i tr at the Ane yesterday when the freshmen engin-
R ed cti n hed aly i y xet drngteof one of their numttber, whlo was i
51 tt tttar, tli I+. 4FL gtnstett eetdof pecttniary helpt. The generotts
antimad the fraternal kittiness
S l AGIWNG EItiORt: thsatirotnptetd the action ttf the class
sI ;(titit TittMAStN disttlayed the cotmton and general
BUSINEISS MANAGERt feeling ttf triendshipt that to strtttgly
Asw aetolreaIMSiCUE BI. tUSTtN Itintds all stttdents ttf the tUniversity to-
EDITORS:gether. This otte instance prttves the!
Stock of fancy Alhleticsat -ItOBE K. A ttNemtcrati c sptirit that, pervades outr
* lies _ _ - _ J. S. BALEY great Michigan edttcatittnal institutioin,
ASSOCIATES:t and sotws that there exists amttng
SUITIN68 AND Clffr weenso, lacy tPeebles, college men a deept, geniite concern
I A. l rve, IeryP ri for the welfare itt one another. It is
T ROUS[RI N OlS : .C. Pound A. It. Ftmeyce. this strotngly developed characteristic
* oehY. tto tdar .Mre nuiversity students that will, as
on hndie wi1 ;ell eo. ti hor. Htrol5 . titt. time gtoes on, exert a ctmmendable
onhad e il all ft 11.AnFtrew. Alrttit1. Sttth. infttence on the life of the natton and
them at reduced prices 'Thomas it. Rob~erts. Clyde L. tints make the world itself better.
to make room for our BUINEISS STAFFt
C. A. 'Thosns~ai. in. It, Lloyd GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES,
Spring and S um er l.tI ohlit. Ift. K. Latourette.____
e t ''hos. L. 1ti-ti In.
Woolns.Be ureand-- Gne of the enterprisitng Detrotit daily
foln.B tr ir papers had the following niss item
call in before yotu place sto,.ic eti 'o 'lice u11ice tpe suit', Itoli it zittthe otther day, sianitmwhichcr-
ctttaitie. If (lei hutte,. Juli on. 1, 1903, $2.509 tainly is ntews. Lvidlently the writ er
your order..#j4 j $diesn't kitow tthe differetice between
office Hturst-12:30 to 1:30ad ht30 to 7:30 a bttsket ball gamte attd a relay race:
/ TT ID Q / (p. a. Patty. 'The batsket tall chamiontttshsip at
{. & * , Addre sts SCO . HUSTiN, BusineseslMae- the l'niversity o ich diligan twill be de-
G.H.v & C .' : after, 331 Pactkamd Street. terined. next Saturday ngtwe
108 EI. WASHINGTON STREET. th*.0 a ls oi h ia a
tic for that boner witthte engitteers.!
!!!!f d®! A close gatte is expiected.
c- - "Twit basket ball gatmes tern tilledI
* ~ ____________________________ off( this afterttoon, the 19065 taw class
qt cam tdefeatiitg the 1906 losws, anttihle
oCALENDAR. 1904en tgitneers taking a gatti fro
_____tue 1907 engineers."
The rea Ga e *MSatrci19-Meeting of Parer____o
! cr is in ew ,.ry flail, 7:s00Ii. is' Ctain Fleifrich if the Niirthi t-
* itac 1 iti9:10 S11. Ii.Lt uibiicattClubtiiait Lloyd traininog stiip''I leezigin
electioi . ,_; lilltu 5 hail. fe cilia," tccotttpanieid by hisswifi',
iarchtiii ,t4p. ei.-Jutnitt'girls Iiiii'- second tilticer andilforty caidIts recent-
! iiiiIIBarboit iii.tly svisiteid tieCitiversity of Califoirtia.
P T2 oMuic, Pro. kSailey . . Attiiiti he itiitsttiiits ishere sucn
c1eo~ i t ssfs, coliissfiilIBibile classesi havi'eei'eiily
iMaich 9Frliesh'l..U. S. tieet. teen tirgattizedin tifratenitis ariethi'
Exciting F l or iiveryone lu II2-1 uiort Litdaote'. at lloinmg: Amhert, Mc'iill,Ctrnll,
+ get's. iversity, tiePitn 'ivsersiiy, Itemso
M iareh la5\Varity diebate, Wiscosintt ilrity, IBostott tiveity, *Wesley-
Svs.91Mechigan. Ottutitversity, AlbionCollegeindatihle'
" *8 ______Un______ ttiversity ttf lichigan.
Aln litte iiiher suiggesteid
ihpom uits f irie utiltersity Two-"le Relay Team,
Pocket War 'IIs for The msth e da iiir asfirst'class hotel'-___
li) aly nte citmpius. The inital' (Continued from page one,)
F ar East, ISc. lto o iuh ntioctoeieappteatrs __
th panw ul atit teai rtatihe- sileto heat thtis time. IBesides,
1-1 cccii' uare csel) nenmsylvania's team still li eakelnetd
cainot eeyst unt. tisltye-at-by the loss oitwitotiof itieir
Bowingianytiv nersities, tcttbs
instttons oldimpotan bo tragIn Itreetsndooaeeattiet, liebi
UnvriyBooksellersSta-i tiiitttltbilttg NewcYttk itltic Clubt filetsl
tionert atidnd inthii 1stis derivisdtwiintthetwet-tatle relay I-ace itt the
Etimgras8.0s %.Iloweer, IBeachi 'tn-
320 South State Street. ®theeotil Michiganofiantirstivlasi tiwt-nI
Universitylag nmero sudns tolYorkihlnretic whoititYal
* al ' ani Ilstu itutsrof etietisMesseid the race wrttes that lte dties,
* iicI ii - iNi iiis ii iiiausulsenen oste tiitkthat thse team catt gosanty
____ ITie lint alleys oitin~tabltesaold he faster otdoeitors. Last yiear it svas
CheAn ArorSavng Bakintsaleitdheeit t teatsoiable cost thoug-ht that Yale's foitr-mtile feint
'he ~ ~ ~ ~ n AnAbrSvns an.tiiitmiht be psil ousse the a-as invinciblebttnevertheless, Ret-!
Oapital Stoch, G$5,t0t. Surtlus, $175,000, at nit-site stat-e ,ii lhe'rear tif thle -
tietaurcee, $l,550,Moti Ilogg beat 'fr anelsot, lihn Yale statr, byI
GENEAL ANKNG ISIESS Waertiatsgyt i's its basemsenit for
A GEERA BAKIsniaSNEl six yardis ints finbat milti'attiteri'
TRANSACTE'S, tie plietiti i iiis titatiiaratreaistAsiysMcalt
OFFIERS f ±arls li. iisk c1K PIE. ;NV.1). ccmigh bechas_ -far layngahe cnnonhati.pchapiosh-ptwomie

Sweaters and
Sweater Vests
25 % OFF
For a Short Time Only
$5.50 Ones for - $4.12
$5.00 Ones for - $3.15
Colors White, Gray, Ma-
roon and Navy.
Wahr's Book Stores.
NoIbetterthant tt $3.00
hsat slioulid e. Thle rtil
is Itlat thlers$3.0et lls
sihoilid 1e Ieter. I le
"A stifftpper lip"
is softetieti antd re-
freshed by Williams'
Shavsitg Stick.


Choice Cut Fitt\es iwoutld ntiedoubttibe'glad ito co-otperati
f lowerInNs)amid Planls iii seasoms in such a schiei.
COUsJINs & HALL, fTiessggestioitissttortsy ofcosd
eraiiio atid it is the sieitioent of the
Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and 1 2t1 Stre e Daily that at: eelt effort he made tin
Telepone 151. secuire IUniversity boltinig alleys,

relay ti-am as well.
'There ivill ho a class nicetintg'CTes-
lay at 4 1p. m. in Rftom C, to dlisctuss
claso affaira.
BLAIN, gPresident.

I ~

® rr r



[RIDAY, "rARCHII 1,91P. fI


The S epeeda e $5L1000
Silver upperf
i C t U ,IV-'G ley. o;Bl
cly:101;LwrFor 1:0


Regent Levi Krarboijr will brEsie,
Doors Closedl During Slseeches.
Season lickets, $1.00 A Ao Sintgle Admission, 25c


N Or1i i!® !

v I

! N'~!!!!!!i® .!i!!iii!!!lt


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