~ Notice to the Public: Dwight . Watkins,
Drop s a card to323 S. Mains St. V
and have us call for your work , y
We, the undersigned, will continue the Clothing ________ __/.
and Furnishing Goods usiness known as the Cut~F~
ting, Reyer & Co., at iog- iii R. Washington St, A. [[E1BLE9j,
Anu Arbor. Mr. Truman Wadhams, who has
etered upou his fourteenth year in conection Forest Avellie Meat Market
with the store, will have charge of the Clothinug Poultry, Game and Fish In Season " ,, 4
Departmeint, and Clarence Gaiiisley who has woii 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 WILOLA 44
many friends by his gentlemanly dealings, will-....-p-HL
Iave charge of the Furnishing Goods Department. COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL ! O L R
A. I;. GREENE, Prs. Under New "ranagement. . C L A S
JACOB LUTZ, Vice-Pros. New Billiard Oufi. Lifliefldand CUFFS
P. H. BPL~SiR, Secy. Chis given good for anwhere 1n
the hose. ARE THE BEST.
__________lree Lunche._
_ -- --________ _____- Barker's Collars are Stamped "Livia
A Word Patent Leather. Shoes ether brnds advertisd ad Sold a, o, r,.
To C u e kAL E . U Z Sold by Wagner & Co.. 2 fok 25 ci.
Yo t5555505551 ALBERT5L5551
T ro 'e;sens ltnorcusr ******** *
R h oe r makehis t o R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of 0 we arc soiwig te fiest selection
o c,aI. 00 toweaoeei Cown IMaker of Photograph Framing, Call on Renshler, + ' of exclsie patterslan
), OsorIt 01o r is I Phone 389-r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. +
E -y,t i l O for 0
mrn old 0000''''4Know''''*' '0*0*******' SPRISG NEGLIEE SHRTS
INI. ytI,'heNOTICE. IMPORTANT-SENIOR LITS. hndle. Geoeraly seaking the
., Ie a o Probably the mot ambitious under- Cap and Gown committo mets ab- patters lan toward dark colors,
th, . Ii io-to taking for the present theatrical sea- solutly for he last time Wdnoday bt the neat coservatve, samll
Phamacutb ial eel cnd I, n (utl ie and Fridays, March 16 and 18, from lnes and stripe arcaways i
ate to r cmento u le 0,1, ete olta a'on wll ndoubtedly be the appear- 4 to 6. Every order whether for new demn. iWel hae thems all in dif-
speioreedy i l cs ous ne 5ere o1 John C. Fishers stupend- owns or rental must be pae hs frs et 5seos asa,
es otms e ,om ene l for -reeil ispae ti eetlegho levs uf t
shlif's snf00' -ycm c 00, tnoIio oils (05musical production, "T5he Silver week or gowns won't be on hnd in tscedilor separate,
erese tis achit, h dc;op c I10S55 lper," which ran for over a half a' time for swing-out.
hot andi'.sse tia.l oils cod I ]
in mdcnlin-r c,,io ota year at the Broadway Theatre, New ROBERSON.
cluockyan. iil l l-, , 11 11 0una York, for he past season. This com- WAGNER & CO.
tion, leorin teirhii od ri fi' frlom
stais.IThrio a.s s t 001 iu1e oany will number 100 people, and will Your eyes examined by anA
'r ha.,' ei magiclyt~ oio iC ti. t require for their transportation a spe- exprt optician. All the at- Haberdahers ,$ ..sHaters
la'tieIyptitis oil th1.w c eeroytbotte cil train of seven cars, three of which est approved appliances and methods________ ________________
ite positive u i enr lee 10cl i il lave devoted to the scenery, etc., and known to the profesion areemployed.
o,tiofaselt ~ inIf 0 idoes notyoI can retrnP
the. boite anid we wi rfun oiluor money fir for the company,. They will ar- New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- ... ... iehr y n ro airaad.aefaesrpie.HalrsJw
Quarry's~ Campus, Drug Store the local passenger agent has received ary Store. tf. ----
______full instructions for their movements.-
"The Silver Slipper" is without x- FENCERS' CLUB MEETING.
t FNb. ception the mot pretentious musical Important meeting of the Fencers' U C
Pictres and ranes prodcton that has ever toured the club will be held in the trophy room THElU LIEXO
United State. -he presentation here of the gymnasium on Friday evening
Pltlre il Fafi will bp identical to that given at the atend', Al1me-2er urgedto $5
DEI E '53jff5AR~T TOkf, Boawy Theatre, New York City. ted F. T. NAGORSKI, rs.PRE$50
217i S. Fourth Avenue. 'hoe girls of the Junior class will Unvriytuesdsrngos-
-"" - -- --iv-a"DuchTrat-at--rburgy cure positions to teach will find it to A 19-ounce Kodak for
P O O R P S from S to 6 o'clock Saturday after- their interest to write to James F. 3 .'1pcue
Hf''C R P S noon. The girls are urged to bring McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi 31312itue. It has
candy, peanuts, and like edibles. A- ago. tf. the Kodak simplicity, yet
CALL AT ter the "treat" class yells ana songs ______
will be practiced. - - - - lacks none of the essen-
SE"U' TDO The Christian Endeavor Society of Co01 111b ia li~eslj tals of good picture
316 S, riain St.
the Presbyterian church will give amaig
soian h church parlors tonight at GRADUATE SCHOOLS Ie Faclties ofl~It
Poli- - - sca nte etranet icaleePhilosophy ad Pre senece of. No Dark Rom
S oclock. Special etranetwileraidrasge of ousrss leadig to the d-
Sometling New in be provlied. tgee of A. M. aed PhI). Gradates of ct
Something________ es or senetfic schools are admitted wih- RqirdNow
st exin iato.Rqie
Michgan illows Bath supplies of all kinds at 811 SCHOOL OF LAW Three-year corse. Cao-n-__
ddates fo admssion mst e gr dates ofa
M d ial rio sprices at Cuhing's Drag store. tolguesscetiic school or show evidesce
Ioe ival et traiis'.
Lost--Gold watcih and fob. Please SHOLOFMEIIN ou- e- p fC lk n
cadiatsmus aecopleted one ,year of
AtDrig&Malleaux's return to 219 . Thayer street, wor i a college or cietl~ceshool, or mst
p'__thsatdentrasce eamiatio,
----- -_------ --_-__-_----_CHOLO APPLIED SCIENCE ASP ACHI-
TECTUE For-yearooares is Mining, et 324 S. State St.
A. J. WATSON Found-A gold watch. Call 1227 allrgy, Chemistry, SCiil, Eetrial and
a Vladtret.Mechanical Engieerig and Achitetre _____________
WVolland streot. OS raduates olle1ccs iir ses tilleshol ca
W~~II P~ber Pdint~~ sally eter these corsen with advanceded____________
Chaffing dishes at Hier's Jewelry Stndlc ..«________
TEACHEES COLLEGE Professoal cores
an , Store. tf i Edactiniof varying leghs, ladig01 kassoTxs
dgsanddpoa.Sdntwilrcie Akss credit for wor doe at ther colleges oi eaMxc
26asFlonSre. Store. Forlnformaton apply to the Scetry of and California...
-_-, tf, Colasbia Uiersity. New York,N.Y-
- Are bet reached via
0OLURPO(i)LI CYI> St. [ouis, World's air City,
Thse buldnsg up of a Telephoneo System with every possible mod
a erninmprovement the gvng of better service than was ever thought Iron Mrountain
possible before To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail.
To anticipate requirements. To overcome impedimntus. To be satis- Route
fed with nothIng short of the confidence and good will of every citizen daltrisoClfrn.
in the county. Two~e daily trains to Cxioi.
WAIIN W fl f [~fIO [C. Four daily trains to Texas.
TE~MPORARY OFFICE: Liberty street, near Fourth, Four daily trains to Hot Springs.
______________________________________________________ Six daily trains to Little Rock.
is te pincile f "WRITE ME.
Presi ent 0 jULN. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,
LGYMTAN- 1233 Waohtenaw Ave.,
Suspenders' rlClrn Turke. Ann Arbor, "!ch.e
Enoe boueyGaate.Enjoyed in America. AILJS A. NAL[,
Metal trimming. cannot rant. SPO c ~~ ~~SOL5 Viaw Photolgrsah.
to5for 15 cents. Tiews of city and campas. la~sh lights, In-
CA.EGRO MF.C.Cork Tips or Phle. teriors, G~roaps.
Bo526,Sirey Ms. av teCoupons.. 3ilOS. ain Street, AnArbor
With Seymoar Stadio. 'Phone 019
TAlways Ahead JATMI AD TL, T TT~The Best
InSye.y - ' I W~s~ . of Everything InTaloringi