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October 09, 1903 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1903-10-09

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TH Iii R~G AL SHr Gentlmen'sl Furnishing Departumeit
All kinds, all styles, always up A g shi r et o ndv
to date, the most durable Shoe S it edTies
made and always the same MO ~l FSN
=price, $3.50, three hundred and 3 The Effects and Coloingfs .' I
sixty five days in every year.* Are Beautiful
GJ USMnaer Cuingh, RWeyer EIkt Co.*
Meyer'"s News Stand, ZACHMANN & PETRIE T
N~ee® l ea as FRESH AND SALT MEATS. "Eight O'clocks"t
If you have one of ou11
Everything to fMake YorlRoomi oioofiioi"Fo a, Cc 1vivi si
R E N T S C H L E R For anyhing in the line of , Dollar Alarm Clocks t
iU -Maker of Phtographs Framing, Call on Rensher, I
37Phone .8-2r. Corner Hamn and Irtlrc Sree j. 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler,
At LOVELL'S Corner Store .:]ft 44 ,, 0,Q,,4,440'' ,00 ,: 0, v p;ls .Mi t
"tc .+h ^ ^ r~v w~r^r " ."v r^ ;V -_ _- --- ---_ _-_- __.. _- __ . - ~rr- ,... r " :ill .S.;"Maill r "St. rr .
Dwight E. \Xatkins Da~lnte liven in an age cc different C .MJR&C.
TYPEWRITING ap3calte(C. ehiml)we needl to have tile- tIc. I~i tllig 1f ellC'ane orua-.All.ll ll
nucll-.ics: : allIc323 S . M ai nSt oo n topeeo i ier net 1 UVILLLVIDcortor...
prodcled forC usiThisic Mr. Dicsmre'c Ge. S8-Micigan v. Alinl1(cillvfn n cirdo aa n,
booiidoeIby Ipreeniine most1111 c t. 10-el. i hlligan y. IBell. 03 1. vi all i t l I lacis,1.
Charel.e'u coIvnientl frm, let, he original OctI10-1 p. in. Alllel ic Accciaicn
American & European Hotel dolclmentsltik e Datnec flaolc 1e11r ilet11i lhinUiveriy IHall. Candidatec ior teilIlips ltsi e-
Ope. Day aad Nsighs Io Caln trandie, ad llBoceccca1111o cat S~ch lrcillc will bhe lxm~iedl
PiaeIti(uileRoos1and)VinoLtce cc c lecs famonllcIarratle f Dnt e'c lifi; I JAM ES WH ITCOM BRILEY. SlluIday Oct. 17, ill morn ., appan~l
BILLIARD A. ocWlNO AILCY ANDsO ecodly the Ineeecary informationllll Cnimued frm ageoe10. 1. Ia.l a 9 a. . Aplicionlslfor thic
7'fry cr f~am end elin st- feklstileheheewiallcrctetaecositaesteareae
209-211 M. 40h Ave, ii, tClolparet1 tCharle ~Io -tAinte 1C iercealllc aca n h e e an'l ofi~il ce.t ellila Je
ncr he liii retin ofl*the 1111x iffie 1)- 1 11forlll ilie
1ton1,c111dfially tie limos lt att lltab ley i 1 conWl M e111 ((I1. L1 Ooce
f11-S. Mt. A. FINGIERLE, Iamen1li,) II 1111 wm~el n d ildiilrec'- litaonne IfCc
llant~~~~ ~ lietoeo enCh~l'Ite Anoncliemlent.
GY.SISAND BANNERS.c(lay.1and1Lwcel. bWe lae reeivd a very nice line
1he7illustdrat inc wicheiiclueinhrw w ha neary ou ocintri s fi t ii11 1C laee, ac well
'd0lOilt P IrA 'C -.11Al7'. additio~n to prrt rai, csomIe re el TieCicl ii t a si C i ntyhe smac ii lcllter ciue. liey are
gah 11 t eelr src dssfr eie
Next linr toI dwardcsIBroherc, over faleantc dldiagam,geraly furftef S L pa r wl rthitfc oufrs11e.thiceiec-ril-lns, cliiianycne inter-
Sheehans'csiBook Store. he purposlle outh(le boocki.wilc ic d-A m e ine is sled iin 11I( t ri-ntat fll rug quest ic
11,11 ,uteCelrl ct ie cw-l nim e xapl~ e te lId Sa-Ciiityl~l(tIlCal111 111
sindforthe eel pul i accwe CI-rll d y nigh be Jii c heWtiil~~ l ivtd t alad lo
MRS Jor R.TOAOSItgai ilce il l as. Amng col111h111 ((r. 1Il
MRS. . R. ROJAN WSKI le es it 1as Crall ey tacep-tedt forrRtley alpelarc1o 1op1n 11- eres'M RI.H LLR
The Professional Hair Dresser (I aiW lecy ltA hrl- All llllInoCC111I11 (f th1lle lcs e 7 hasIN I1A1.Rt
322 S. Sate Street,(p stairs). e ile tabe c l l- -bIy ederlp-bl~e ielilltcild illn d ln Illobta~ied
111(1 i~ttni vl alli tocl at, i i nat.It rCaks fitelit(1y xc llenea ay drulg str. T i ~hisoltco1(-
logIi (IC ill new linofh irilt f M.IDinmoe'searlier hook, " he - - LOST-IICetll alicwati; owe's
Try my Scienific Face Massage and each~ingsc of I)Dante" whuulic e as at-wt ~l- m.wihi. Pleach retrlIc 14
Manscare. ~~eadly gne thro-ughyllfoulr eiins ill 1 w ith C a n l a pa yig sketh ofcin)le-iCSlaei- ee dl ltreeiveCreward-h. 2
hid cuntilry cr111alice tenehxcetione- lie-. elihrI rIi111,If liii -___ _____
w ~ yiel rceied in Elngla.ic t ed11111oflawill lpritably 11e-thernet 11111- Reams fr Rent-n lotlci wet of
ty Charles A. lDinmrether. tCampus; very ldesiraleh suite, large
____________________________d sll s~in dlgl tells, large cltuihe-
THE STAGE. Godyer fcr drrrgs-107 alo St S i. Cpresssg a letTHErywaha
________________________ stndlt$.2 up(1tIs$.0); reduton to
Ah tle inise fml r eeonght. We are ever underaold-Goodyearsrgtsa et.; ah a n ee
Alh au dm'laossh f rrg Store107 Main St. S,1 ((phon lll~~e;hi lain ed o m v-, dolwe
flu "T e Lit -Aleuin er" will Ia- 111e (f- were____________ late etl t ngll readli(y 21 IE. Jeffer-
- ferng of1Tcm arks' tCo. a he Attention107! Join the Panorim 1sel1 cree.
Mc~u illAhens theatr tisliaevening.'rois ee- Clb. -
i-traledl play hacnevucer lbeelseener len- _____Th_________le rglar meeting If le Cirle
cr111 the fact that it cill eIpreented ,l rarcic will te held Friday at 4 p
sa sat opl prc eslhllor i hcld packle ti he ottca (omer'. - 0., room ci8, Tatpani Ialt. Ele-tin (f
Atllc(~de rmpit tc dmle. (ofier.r
-Alarm cloc, fontain pens, at Hal Fr Ret-Onee large single oon
side. T~rL A. USHERS NOTICE. ler's Jewelry Store. for gnItl-maln; al allern implrve-
PreS dent Teewill be a meeting of S. L. A. mentu; 530))S. liviin- 11
ushers ill Biverity Hall on Friday KOLLAUF, The Tailor,-
Suspend rs_110HuronS,_E._K110 H-urohe StilN.
Sus en er ~ ~noon at ilcuar o'clock. It is mey Fra 110 Huron St. KLAUTE.Tilr
s laceswil be assigned.Frs Lowneys Alegrettis, Spar- Bath Supplies of all kinds at all
are a big Soc worth. Guar- C. G. BAILEY row's and Hylers Chocolates at Csh- prcsa uhn'-hray
anteed "All Breaks Made ec. Secretary. +ingshray reda uhns Pharmacy.
God. All- shopkeepers-- -- JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 21
God. llsopepes ... h ainS5. Phcre 281.
in Ann Arbor U.5. i ycya ilatleie y11un fcsello s dll (liwt(he ucuilgoo
orb ail romC ltheisia5 wdll 150 1sof;odnis"ea u eli justi h e fai e1, I-llo aYur eye examie by an
Pospi ern T II U U fr te kidyrcu l c u-c iuue y 3 Ilhie l n. C lau~ tMir. - expert 11111cean. All te lat-
.A.ECRO MF.C.Yuull (nd ya i
Boa 28, Shirley, Mass. i . t- s pthrve aianes and methods wl of 1e
. ___________________4 ~ tJLI i a l hoc kncwrstoth(le presin are emploiyei.
bicae (thiello taa i 54Nuteye glaced itted, enses dlpli-
OHIO CENTRAL LINES 3; oat. I 4~ u~edfasrepaired. Haler's Jew-
Diret Line between T1.oledo Colcn- RAIN COAS The Clothier, qt Get a
lur, Athens tallipclis CharletonXV.W . I* bHurry-lp
Va., and tile Shut. Ante your- agent iloJrti
apply tn L. P. Lici. P. A.. 7 Port St. uti Get-lp

Ietroit, Aich. HOUeLrONIKVN1R,- 1.Alarm Clock
Derit .P. A. Toledo, . :0 t " , , ; ;" " + +H+5 At Hailer's.
DARLNG MALAEX *NNM.N.N NN.N~fNNN.NN+**+NeRooms for Rent.
DARLING& MALLEUX, jGive ns an opportunity to figure 011 your-list. Oetlockutes8rt a ondfoors.ag
Pillows, Penannts, Fancy Goods j fr A[ I.onti suien irasconels fologors.
and Notions. PRGtAK n ml uie rnbd snl)
±We can save yooney o grate- stationuary washi stand,. hot air
226 S. STATE ST, tcr1nace bath, gas anud telephbone 891.
PALCE A'RSIA LAW j(5y .,, No. 121 F leffercan etreel. ?
(AAIt PRSA New er Secondl-Haund)t FRESH ".AN CAPS.
1 AUDYI C. , CAl~ LL AGA CMAY Lua Pubilihrscaod Cutting, Eeyer & Co., will have Ipressulyoalsisoftefica a
(f el I> t ii s t i oil i sisPoe l&57. 114 M08505 STREET, CHICAGO. ao burnished by them last spring
Wor ale o an 111d11 el ivenredl pImptly ANN ARBOR BPAN(,H, 340 State Street, Opposite Law Building when came was adopted by the rem-
fI . F. DOWLER, Aqt. ne~oSN.10..N ...... mtte
Always Ahead TLATTIA , THELOR, The Best
in Styles.£~ 'V..'a. T O. of Everything in Tailoring.

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