The Michigan Daily
No.. 120
For their Dual Meet With the Class
of k1907 Tomorrow Night-Hot
Competition Promised-Order
of Events-Final Relay
With Varsity men training for the
Cornell meet, the Freshmen for the D.
U. S.- meet and the relay teams for
their final race, the gymnasium is a
busy place these days.
The entries of the Detroit Universi-
ty School have been received and are
printed below. The team on paper
shows up well and ought to give the
freshmen good contests in almost ev-
ery event except the shot put. This
is beyond question the property of
Rose, who is confidently expected to
hurl the 12-pound shot so far that it
will be found with some difficulty.
The strongest man for the visitors
seems to be their speedy little captain,
Kastner, whose record of 51% sec-
onds in the quarter mile places him
as favorite for that event. He prac-
ticed on the Watermann gymnasium
track last Saturday and took the
turns with no apparent embarrass-
Patterson in the high jump has done
5 feet 8 inches and the struggle be-
tween him and Leete, 1907, promises
to be a pretty one.
Post won the hurdles in the Detroit
Interscholastic meet last month in
fast time and with his team mate,
Malcomson, will make a strong bid
Three Candidates for President in the
Field-New Constitution-Regis-
tration is Light With Laws
Apparently in Control.
Among the various political activi-
ties going on about the campus, is
that in the Students' Lecture associa-
tion field. Owing to the fact that the
new constitution has not yet been
made public, and that the registration
of voters is not known, what has been
done in political lines has been mere-
ly tentative, but as soon as these facts
are known and the campaign takes
definite form, it promises to be a
warm one. It is believed that the
registration is small, and that law
voters have the predominance.
So far three men have announced
their candidacy for the S. L. A. presi-
dency. They are James L. Conley, '05
law, C. M. Holderman, '05 and E. J.
Kenny, '05. Conley is a popular man
in his class and has practically no
competition in the law department.
The two literary candidates are both
well known members of the junior
class, and have both been prominent
in the University in debating and ora-
tory. They both class as '06 laws,
having already completed a year of
law work, and will claim votes in the
law department on that score.
The election will take place some
time during the last of April or the
first of May.
Coach Utley Denies That Base Ball is Will Meet in Annual Contest Tonight
Losing Ground at Michigan-Men -Winner Receives $75 in Cash
Improving-The Outlook for and a Gold Medal-Men Have
Pitchers. Been Carefully Trained.
Although the early preparatory work This evening six trained orators
for the base ball men necessarily con- will strive for the honor of represent-
sists of almost entirely of the same ing Michigan in the Intercollegiate
daily routine, the candidates are oratorical contest this year. The suc-
showing a praiseworthy enthusiasm in cessful speaker will not only repre-
their practices. The squad which now sent Michigan but will also receive
numbers about sixty men puts in an $75 in money, and a gold medal. The
hour or two of energetic practice second in rank will be alternate and
while the cage is up from one to three will be given $50. The contest will
o'clock every afternoon. Indoor base- take place in University Hall on the
ball training can, of course, do little S. L. A. lecture course as usual.
more than get the men in shape for Professor. Trueblood said that lie
the more diversified outdoor work. expected one of the best contests we
However, Coach Utley says there has have ever held. "All the orators have
been notable improvement all along live subjects-the biographies which
the line. The squad appears faster on are generally dry were cut out in the
their feet and surer in handling the weeding out process, so the speeches
ball than they did last week. cannot fail to be of interest. One
If gentle spring does not soon over- good thing is that there is no bunch-
come her antipathy for this part of ing of the good speakers. They are
Michigan, the team will be greatly scattered from the first to last."
handicapped by lack of adequate out- The medal which is presented to
door training. By this time last year the successful contestant is probably
outdoor work had been begun in earn- the finest in America. The die for it
est. Until the recent snow storm, cost $1400. It was presented to the
Coach Utley had hoped to take his oratorical association by the Chicago
pupils outdoors before the end of the Alumni association. The engraving
month. This seems hardly possible on the die is so delicate that it was
now as Ferry Field is low and will nearly impossible to get a firm to take
be too soft for practice for some time the contract for making it.
after the snow disappears. Firms in America, Berlin, Paris, St.
Just where Michigan's pitching Petersburg, all refused the contract,
strength will come from this season but finally the engraver for the U. S.
fo ohtelwadng ude. ~ ~ ii..J~.~.iii- is hr ia iiicriiu C ii+h-i sigmint... . ...,agreeuto.i.o+toe wisr, or
for both the low and high hurdles. REPUBLICAN CLUB ELEC;TION. is hard to determine. in the big mint agreed to do the work outside of
Not much is known of the distance Politics are waxing warm in the pitching staff now at work, there are hours. The die has been judged the
runners but they have been working Republican club. With the president- a few men of average ability. No finest in America by expert engravers.
under Trainer Macomber all winter ial election close at hand the political "phenoms" have as yet developed. The judges for this contest are pe-
and ought to do well. fever is manifesting itself. On Satur- There are plenty of good pitching culiarly well fitted for their task.
The entries of the Detroit Universi- day occurs the yearly election of of- arms but a successful pitcher cannot Every one has judged in contests be-
ty School are as follows: ficers for the club and consequently be judged alone by his ability to twist fore, and four out of the five have
40-yd. dash-Malcomson, Vaughan active electioneering is on with a vim. the sphere. His nerve must hold good judged both on delivery and thought.
and Duffield. A registration of members has been under fire and in this respect indoor The gentlemen who will judge the
40-yd. low and high hurdles--Mal- conducted for some time. Over two practice cannot give the coach a line contest are: President L. 1-I. Jones of
comson, Post and Patterson. hundred members have enrolled their on his colt pitchers. the State Normal, ex-Senator David E.
Heinemann of Detroit, Rev. Reed Stu-
art of Detroit, Mr. Byram C. Robbins
of Detroit, and Prof. F. A. Barbour of
A\X/AP DES TO the State Normal. Hgent Levi L.
< 'r" \ s Barbour will be the presiding officer.
- KThe order of speeches is as follows:
Bt11."The Progress of Peace," F. H.
--~~ - '-2. "The Battle of Saratoga," M. W.
r ? A' "p \s ' ''", Guy.
r 3. "The White Man's Burden," B.
H. De Priest.
4. "Webster and the Compromise
ofi1850," J. F. Halliday.
()N / r iQTY OF -AC \ i \s\ ,,f'' 51''5. "The Reign of Law," H. Sonnen-
, Kschein.
- 6. "A Twentieth Century Reform,"
~-( / -. ~ ~ ~J. C. Welch.
Berlin, March 17.-The court of ap-
_-_-_-_---__--_-_ -- --- _ __ ----__. to the effect that the degree of doc-
440-yd. dash-Kaywood and Kastner. names and it is expected that the list Coach Utley was considerably sur- for of dental surgery, conferred by
880-yd. dash-Williams and Living- will reach three hundred or more by prised at the stories published recent- numerous Amerian colleges, hence-
ston. the time the books are closed. With ly in outside papers to the effect that forth will not be reognized in Ger-
1 mile run-Walker and Stoefel. such a large vote there is every base ball at Michigan was declining many. The ground for'this contention
High jump-Patterson, Post and promise of an exciting contest. in popularity. "We have as many is that the American colleges are pri-
Malcomson. Two tickets ark now in the field. men out for the team this year as ever vate institutions not supervised by the
Shot put-Arthur, Stimson and The nominees are: and their spirit is above criticism. I government and that it is not desir-
Vaughan. 'President, C. A. Thompson; vice- am satisfied that the students will able for the German public to be led
Relay race-Malcomson, Vaughan, president, W. H. Hornibrook; secre- support the team loyally. Of course to believe that the degrees thus given
Kastner, Kaywood, Duffield and Post. tary, H. M. Koelbel; treasurer, F. J. it is hard to turn out a crowd for mid- are equal to those granted by Ger-
The visitors have requested the fol- Clark; marshall, L. D. Baker, J. A. week games, but the Saturday con- man universities, which are controlled
lowing order of events which Keene Ragen. tests have always drawn satisfactory by the state. American dentists in
Fitzpatrick has consented to accept. President, W. B. Leslie, '05 L; vice- attendances." Germany, labelling themselves doctors,
1. 12-lb. shot. president, Mat. Kollig, '06 M; secre- are liable to severe penalties. The
2. 40-yd. dash. tary, G. W. Stark, '06 L; treasurer, L. NO FATALITIES! sole exception to this ruling is the
3. 40-yd. high hurdles. H. Jones, '05. A pitched snow battle between eight University of Michigan at Ann Arbor,
4. High jump. Of course, as preceeds every elec- enterprising sophomore and a large Mich., whose dental degree is recog-
5. Quarter mile. tion, there are plenty of rumors float- number of freshman girls was waged nized as legal currency in Germany.
6. 40-yd. low hurdles. ing around. One, which has not been fiercely in front of Barbour gymna-
7. Half mile run. verified, is to the effect that one of the sium yesterday afternoon. The fresh- PRESIDENT JONES WILL SPEAK.
8. Mile run. entire tickets has been withdrawn. In men posted tickets to prevent in- Hon. H. R. Pattengill of Lansing,
9. Relay. that case, the election will go by de- terruption to the singing meeting. who was scheduled to talk on
The relay race will be four men on fault to the other ticket. The dauntless eight loaded themselves "Boardin' Round," in the Pedagogical
a side and each man will run two The registration book, which is at down with icy snowballs and advanc- lecture course this afternoon, has tele-
laps. After the close of the meet Quarry's, will close this morning at ed to the attack. The singing meet- graphed that he will be unable to
proper the relay.teams of the 1906 en- 9:30. The election will be held Sat- ing adjourned summarily and the reach Ann Arbor in time for his lect-
gineers and the 1904 laws will for the urday morning at 9:30 at the Y. M. C. freshmen rallied to the aid of their ore because of poor railway connec-
second year battle for supremacy, A. building. Only those who have hard pressed classmates. The sophs tions. In his stead Professor L. ' H.
carrying with it the title of champions registered may vote. were finally repulsed but spectators Jones of the State Normal School will
of the University. say that no one was hit on either side, lecture on "Life Development of the
NOTICE. although the chorus of feminine Human Mind." Prof. Jones is a bril-
RICE CULTURE IN PHILIPPINES. The New York State Club will meet shrieks reached the far corners of the liant and logical speaker and has on
An extremely interesting description at Room C, University Hall, Saturday, campus. other occasions entertained Universi-
of rice culture in the Philippines was March 19 at 2 p. m. ty audiences.
given by Mr. Arliaga, a senior engi- GLEE CLUB NOTICE.
neer from Manila, at the meeting of NOTICE DEMOCRATS. The regular meetings of the Glee An address on "The Volunteer Stu-
the Forestry club in West Hall last Meeting in Newberry Hall, Satur- Club are Monday and Tuesday nights, dent Movement in Missionary Work"
night. Arrangements were made for day, March 19, 7:00 p. m. 20-21 7 p. m., in Room C. 20-21 was delivered at the Y. W. C. A. last
a forestry banquet in the near future. COMMITTEE. PARKER. night by Cyril Has.