THBr MICIII-GAN DAILY W 0 -- 0 -- -- 0 9 wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0-40- From tory to i unioan Shoes 4 r Sprinlg Styles Arriv- ing~ E i gE Qrok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. DZnjoyed in America. i "rMOdUL SMOKE. MAKLS LCYTIAN SMOKL"- Saethe Coupons. 1 COLLEGE BASEBALL and all other college sport is fnlly covered in text and illnstra- tion by THE ILLS~CTRATED SPORIcrNG NEWS, which is the ONLY publication giving special attention to college subjects Send Us One dolradw ilsn o x N 'ws each week for 161 weeps, which will cover the spring season of outdoor sport. Address, TH[ ILLUSTRATED SPORTINGI N[WS, 7 W. 22d St., New York. r i ., ... 414--- " 0 0 0 1011- Daily MONEY LOANEDi ON Arkansas, Texas, Mexico Watches, Diarnonds t anld California... Jewelry, and all igh Class Chattel and Are best reached via Collateral Security. " BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. St. Louis, World's Fair City, Ann Arbor Store, 1 I I S. Mahn~f. W. J. LOURIM. the Opposite Cook [louse Factory-Brockton,1'kiss. V Ream 7,Henning losc. Phone 45. i ron fro untain _----- _Route -- ___ -_- ---e ---e -- EN'M Two daily trains to California. C11iHANW 4 R E N T S E H L E R For anything ini the line of +' Three daily trains to Mexico. "Te Niagar Falls Router" I0 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, '' Fou al trainstoTxs THE SHORT LINE-0 Phone 389-2r. Corner Mai an Huron Streets. + Four daily trains to lint Springs. ANN ARBOR to *48 + 44 84+4'4$s +& ° *s'**'4's' ' Six daily trains toLittle'Rock. CHICAGO--- - -- - THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. BUFFALO University students desiring to se- f IMPORTANT--SENIOR L ITS. cure positions to teach will find it to Cap and Cown committee meets ab- WRITE SIR. NEW YORK their interest to write t James F. solutely for the last time Wednesday H I. D. Armstrong, T. P. A., AND BOSTON McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi. and Fridays, March 16 and 18, trom with diroct connectoss at Chicage Cr St.g. gowns or rental must be placed this : 13WatnaAv. LouislKans-a City St. Pal and the W~est. we rgwswntb nhn nAnAbr ih For information sad.throughtchets call oassr Bath supplies of all kinds at all twekforgwnso't witeton. handE innt An-Aror AnnesaArbor,'s rugstrl.h price at Ching' Drugstore Cf.ROHERSON. _______________ D, 1',A" A. & J. RAILWAY Typewriting and Stenographica Your eyes examined by anLIO'SOFCA Wor dnenetl ad uikl. aler expert optician. All the 1at- INTER-CeLLEGIATE STANDARtD TIl2~A I. Willis, 1224 Washtenaw Ave. Tel. OTBL Fer Detroit half hasrly ram 6:15a m. unainl8.'1 est approved appliances and methodsFOTBL 6:15 p. m. Thena hourly snti l11:1. F'a Ypsi- ___387________ known to the profession are employed. Used by all the Leadinig lastlasly, at 1l:15 . ad 12:4d5a. he'r Nweegassftelne ul-Colleges Jacksohasrly rom6:5 5a. m. until 7:15 ..m. NFountainaspensitaedCussingspli-Fot Ball Pants-Lace frest, Thea at915pms. on d 111;D. .Futinpn tCun'.t. cated, frames repaired.. Hailer's Jew / hips adlknees podded with Waiting Rsosm, BarenS t., W. of Main. Titket for. four shsampoos-$1.00. elry Store. If. 0ine curlsd hair aod thighs--- Sfwae.MsVugner a-wihcestp. ry's. tA. 0. SPALDING & BROS. M4ANN'S DRUG STORE LoesAlgttSpr FENCERS' CLUB MEETING. / Incroatd Important meeting of the Fencers' Hew York, ChicagoDevr Fresh oeyAlgetsSpr club will be held in the trophy room Spaldings Official 'et atllIIGuide rows and Muyler's Chocolates at Cush- of the gymnasium on Friday evening far 1903, edited h Walter Camp. 21 3 SOUTI '1AIN ST, ong's Pharmacy. at 7:30. All members urged to at- rc 0ocns Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry F. N. NAGORSKI, Pros. 11 D. 01015E HARRSOSOLE01 Store. f Presient. V. Presideat. NTIE 19f.NIEES SW.CLARaSONCashier.NTCE 10EGIER FIRST NATIONAL BANK Found-A gold watch. Cal1 ?227 Measurements for caps and gowns C lass o Vlland street. will be tken at Miss Lovell'a on E OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. State street, Monday and Thursday CAPITAL, - - - $100,000- ---' from 4 to 6. Don't neglect thee.® SURFLUS ASP PROFITS. - $40,000 PHT OG''/.R'TAPH S CAP AND GW COMMITTEE.'0 Over 60 years sa Pond's Fxtract--the A. [[frBL[, Joel received 223 Mandolins and alohamilyi doto-cameio texistence. CALL AT GutrHhtwe]buhoe eak uing all these ysaro it has bees Guiarstha webouht t aremrk- the leading remedy in school,scollege Forest Avenlue IMeat M~arket. S[YfrOUR'S STUJDIO ably low price and will sell them at ad home, for the relief of all the one-third the regular price. This is palns, aches ad acciden1s of so frs- Poultry, Game and Eish in Season 316 SfMain St. an exceptional bargain. All Instru- queat occurrence A bole should he in the roam of every student-handy 530 Fsrest Ave. Fhone 407 _____________ __ ments on easy payments. See our, for quick use-ad applied befoe display in window-Ann Arbor Music paindrives stody from thehrain. Re- AJ. ASOSoehn Ne in Co. sees earashe, toothache, rheuma- A. J.WATSN Soethin Newin tsml;cares eats, bruises, burns;l stops hleeding from eats and wound,sod Wail aper aintsPantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, sootes all paint~ A wonderfully em- ~*tI ~ jr dn~ Michigan Pi'lows Prosseng and Repairing. Clothes soelous remedy-pore and strong. g Soothes sod freshens a do ' called for and delivered. Leave or- thee foces after ohaving. ind O t ders over Cushing's Drug Store, or Poend'soExtract yomy 21 athrnSre. At Darling & Malleaux s 'phone 182-3rHo ewsnti eredc --__________you have sedhondte'O *. ** ** ** *i IIII+III4o Ex~o4traet youwiillrefuse C an leig Clll, BAILEY l8 EDMUNDS. ; WigATHEINS PRESS 0 obe anysuue Salted Peanuts, Mot Buttered Skate CGrinding " Tf so~nsow PodsEtai Popcorn, ;.Crackerjack fresh s old 0nlyein feled lotls daily. 121 EC. Llbes-ty St. 42nad Floor. Ateha .Th.,eate 3145. iCE1N USIUE Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. -*-- Fluminig and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at P!ULPV .uu 1 .SH HS 0 .Wahsgoi Continues Its Excellent PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the bush Cr all tbsp pie all the time nseule vocatios;sfar hamseimproeent.l65 pp. illustrated, price 01. Tested 25 yses. Three manths' correspondence cours by author $7. FrabrisC time I will send lhbooaaand cmarsesCur 01. Will lecture us ensiclt rainilug io rapid wrtiugfoCa$00, or oewoe oCr $500. Oonducive Is health and puositire cure for had wr111ng. Individuality restaiued. Business Penman aud uno bosson, i10c Address Frsf. G. BIELER, Madison 3t. & Ogden .Ave., Chicago, Il --YOU WILL FIND' FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains l UNN D EPOTsLUBS.IN TOLEDO AllM~ ~I A eri AND COL LU.I. W. LANDE.'MANl, G T .,- eri 1ii_ Ahead 11 Styles. MIL WARD, THE. TAILOR. The Best of Everything inTailoring