THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEE MICHIGAN DAILY 6 C 2 Entered as second-clasa tter at the Ann Reduction Arbdor Msteatthe Published daily (Mondayexceptedbduring the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, (basementfloor,aisle entrance) Phone8392-3r -- - - - - -- - - - - - this calls up we are not able to say. It is rumored, nevertheless, that the students have invested their extra coins in membership tickets to the political clubs which will make news- papers unnecessary. a I i As we have too large a I stock of fancy SUITIN65 A ND T ROUSERIN S on hand we will wsell them at reduced prices * to make room for our Spring and Summer Woolens. Be sure and call in before you place your order.,otg tt, t G. H. WILD & CO., 108 E. WAflINOTON STREET. The Great Game Exciting fn For Everyone Ar.C i - J I MANAGING IEDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE B. HUSTON EDITORS: Atletics - - -RO BERT K. WALTON News,- - - - - J. S. BALEY ASSOCIATES: Cilfford Stevenson, Roy Peebles, A. M. Graver, Henry P. Erwin A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Brownrigg. I. Waite Jayne. Ges. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. Harry H. Andrews. Alfred B. Ksh. Thomas B. Roberts. Clyde L. Dew. BUSINESS STAFF: C. A. Thompson. Win. R. Lloyd M. S. Koblitz. H. K. Latourette. Thos. L. Fekete. Editor today-H. C. STEVENSON. Subscription--Two Dollars per year, payablein advance. If delinquent after Nov. 1. 1903, $2.0 Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Daily. Address-ROSCOE 5. HUSTHU, Business Man- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. CALENDAR. March 17, 7 p. m.-Meeting of Musical Club in Room 24, University hall. March 18, 7:30-Meeting of Fencers' club in Trophy Room. March 19-Lecture on Parsifal, School of Musi Prof. Stanley. . Marc h19-U. of M. Republican club election. March 16, 4:15.-Meeting of Fresh Lits in Room C. University Hall. March 17--Thursday evening-"The Evidence from Variation," Dr. Pearl, Museum lecture room. March 18-Friday-'07 Lit dance in Barbour gymnasium. March 18-Friday evening-Universi- ty oratorical contest, auspices of the Students' Lecture Association. March 18-Friday-4 p. m.-Hon. H. R. Pattengill on"Boarding r'ound" at Tappan Hall. March 19-Fresh-D. U. S. meet. March 24-Junior Lit dance. March 25-1906 Law social at Gran- ger's. March 25-Varsity debate, Wisconsin vs. Michigan. It is not exactly certain whether the participants or the onlookers derive the most fun from the "house" track meets which are held now and then at the gym. The students who frequent the lib- rary will be pleased to hear that the newsboys will no longer disturb their solemn thoughts by yelling their pap- ers near the library entrances. Two youngsters were shown the way off the campus last night and the others who persist in "annoying" the stu- dents can expect a like reception. Whether it is the "yelling" which is objected to or the associations which GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. An electrical engineering society has been organized at the University of Illinois by the electrical engineering students. Phi Alpha Delta, a law fraternity, recently installed new chapters at Wisconsin and Illinois. The men from the two colleges were initiated at Chicago.' A prize of $100 has been offered at California for the best historical essay written each year by a senior or grad iate student, Columbia University recently finish- ed the most successful basket ball sea- son in its history by defeating Cornell. The ten league games played have all been won by Columbia. The Northwestern Debating team is exerting every possible effort in prep- aration for the Michigan debate. They are determined to win by all means. The reason for this determin- ation is the fact that an Evanston barber has offered them a fine hair cut free if they win from the Michi- gan team. MICHIGAN NOTES. People looking toward the platform Saturday as Mr. Bryan passed out of the door at the rear were much amus- ed at seeing one enthusiastic young man bodily mount the platform, take up the glass from which Mr. Bryan had drank during his speech, conceal it in his hat and then leave the hall with the crowd. A meeting of the Loyal Temperance Legion will be held at Newberry hall at 3:30 today. Nuts and popcorn will be served. A large attendance is re- quested. Prof. Lockwood of the School of Music gave a full piano recital in the Fine Arts building before the-Am a teur Music society of Chicago, Mon- day evening, and was encored to the echo as his wonderful performances were concluded. NOTICE. The University Library desires to secure two or three copies of Vol. II, No. 2, of the publications of the Mich- igan Political Science association. Any one having a copy of this number and willing to part with ittwill confer a favor by sending it to the General Library. 18-19 Sweaters and Sweater Vests 25% OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for - $412 $5.00 Ones-for - $3.75 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. FOR SALE AT Wair's Book Stores. No better than a $3.00 liat should be. The rub is that other $3.00 hats should be better. The "VARSITY" $3 00 . 6iOODSP[ID'8 Hlatters,. lI17 S. lain Si. S-C I Pocket War Maps for the Far East, I Sc. SHEEHAN & CO., University Booksellers Sta- tioners and Eigravers. 320 South State Street. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital OtMe,s $0,000. S rplus, $175,000. Itesources, 0,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTE'. OFeicEss: ObarlesE. liscock. Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vices Pres.: M. J. FritzCashier. [lo ersChoice Cut Flowers S and Plants in seasonl COUSINS & HALL, Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and 12th Stree Telephone 151r. I THE STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION ORATORICAL CONTEST FRIDAY, "ARCH 18, 8 P. . UNIVERSITY HALL. - Regent Levi Barbour will preside. Doors Closed During Speeches. Season Tickets, $1.00 - A Single Admission, 25c GLEE CLUB NOTICE. Room C, Wednesday 16th, 7 p. m. -17-18 Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- Hot faces cooled and ing's Pharmacy, tf. refreshed. W' liam1s' JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 216 Shaving Stie-. Main St. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry Store. tf. fATHENTHEATRL D EAN M. 5CABOLT, Manager Wednesday, narch 16 Saturday, March 19 The John C. Fisher's Great Labor Magnificent Production Play.t .eSilver Slip TheFaoUctory Girl 100 People, Mostly Girl& PRICES-15, 25cMc, Soc. Seats now Prices-75c $L. -$L5©. selling. Seats ready Thursday. TINKERf & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTE-R. 334l S. STATE ST., Phone 3422r.