The Michigan Dail
No. 119
In the Semi-Finals in the Relay Races Metal of One Million Times Activity Class Orators Will Speak in Universi- Professor of Political Economy at
Yesterday-Final Race Saturday Purchased by Dr. R. H. Stevens ty Hall, Friday Night-All Men of Dartmouth to Speak on Topics of
Night-Officials for D. U. S. Treatment of Cancer-Story Great Ability-Their Work General Interest-List of
Meet. of the Discovery by Prof. in Oratory. Lectures.
and Mrs. Curie of
Once. again. the class championship Paris. The final oratorical contest to de- Frank H. Dixon, professor of politi-
in athletics lies between the 1906 en- cide Michigan's representative in the cal economy at Dartmouth College,
gineers and the 1904 laws. In the Radium of over 1,000,000 times ac- Northern Oratorical League for this will deliver two series of lectures up-
semi-final races in the inter-class re-
lay series yesterday afternoon these
two teams again bested their oppon-
ents and won places in the final heat
which will be run off after the Fresh-
man-D., U. S. meet on Saturday night.
The first race yesterday in which
the 1904 law team, consisting of Hahn,
Walton, Hyde and Gernert won from
the 1907 engineers, represented by R.
Keeler, tdmney, Workman and Bart-
lett. It was so close that it re-called
to mind the memorable finish in the
final race last year between the 1904
laws and 1906 engineers. Hahn finish-
ing for the laws won from Keeler by
a margin of not more than twenty
inches, and it was only those directly
at the finish that could do more than
guess at the result before announced.
The 1906 engineers, consisting ofi
Stewart, Norcross, Kahle and Good-
win, had an easier time of it with the
1906 lits, Barkley, Hodgen, Laub and
Smith, but nevertheless were forced to
exert themselves to the limit, winning
by fully fifteen feet.
As a preliminary to the relay F.
Keeler and Warner ran a half mile
for the place on the Freshman team,
against D. U. S. Keeler took the lead
at the start, but fast pace told on him
an Warner won by a good margin.
here was no official timing of any
of the races, the only watch which
was held on them being one that has
never been tested and which proved
itself sufficiently inaccurate by regis-
tering, but 1 minute 56% seconds for
thehalf mile.
The events were witnessed by the
largest afternoon crowd seen in the
gymnasium for several years.
The Detroit University School en-
tries will be announced tomorrow
The officials for Saturday's meet are
as follows:
Referee-Archie Hahn.
Starter-Keene Fitzpatrick.
Announcer-Thos. Bird.
Clerk of course-Sid M. Millard.
Assistant clerks-V. C., David, C. E.
Hayes, M. M. White,
Track judges-F. L. Dunlap, J. M.
Thomas, C. E. Dvorak.
Field judges-W. C. Cole, J. H. Mad-
doch, Duane Stewart.
Scorers-Frank Rain, Shirley Smith,
M. A. Hall.
Timers-Dr. S. A. McComber, F. W.
Schule, Dr. Geo. A. May.
The law library of the University of
Michigan is one of the most complete
and up-to-date in its files of the law
itself and books of comment possessed
by any legal school in the United
States. It has had a most wonderful
growth in the past few years and very
few shelves are at present vacant.
A few figures will show the increase
in the number of books. In January,
1902, there were 18,360 volumes in the
library, and in January, 1904, there
were 19,632, an increase of 1,272
There are also 19,769 reports in the
library which shows an addition of
137 volumes in the past two months.
A large number of Canadian reports
have been ordered, which will com-
plete the entire set. With this addi-
tion the shelves of the library will be
completely filled and new shelving i
room will be needed at once to ac-
commodate the various statutes, re-
ports, session laws, etc., which are'
constantly coming in.
Very careful attention is taken to
provide the library with the most re-
cent publications on legal matters.
As soon as a state report comes off
the press the library is supplied with
a copy. Session laws and digests are
also furnished as soon as published.
The students are thus provided, not
only with books of comment on law,
out also with the law itself.
Both the old and up-to-date laws of
every state in the Union are thus ob-
tainable in the library.
tivity has just been received from year will take place Friday night as a
Prof. Curie, of Paris, by Dr. Rollin number on the Students' Lecture as-
H. Stevens, of the Medical depart- sociation course. All the contestants
ment. It is some of the most power- have had considerable experience in
ful radium in this country, public speaking either here or at oth-
It is almost pure bromide of ra- er colleges, and have well-written ora-
dium, and some idea of its power may tions.
be gained from the fact that the ra- A different system of judging the
dium Dr. Stevens first secured last orations has been rendered necessary
November was only 7,000 times activ- from the fact that in the inter-hollegi-
ity. Dr. Stevens is quite fortunate in ate contest a new method has been in-
getting it, for radium has nearly troduced. There will be no separate
doubled in cost since he placed his judging on thought and composition,
order for this four months ago. but the same set of five judges will
"What is meant by the activity of decide on thought, composition and
radium?" repeated Dr. Stevens as he delivery at the same time. Professor
held up the little hermetically sealed Trueblood said yesterday in an inter-
glass tube about an inch and a half view that the result of this system
'long and a quarter of an inch in diam- had been to select the speakers who
eter at the lower end of which was had the best combination of argument
the radium hardly an eighth of an and delivery.
inch in thickness, but which is so Short sketches of the lines of the
precious that even that much is worth orators show that their oratorical pow-
about $275. It looked like a fine yel- ers were early developed. Francis H.
low sand, and even in the daylight it Bartlett, who will be the first speaker,
emitted a pale blush light. The 7,000 is from New York state. H was grad-
times activity which he had in anoth- uated from the Dunkirk High school
or tube was almost white, and looked where he represented his school in
more like pulverized sugar. debates for two years. He came to
"Uranium is taken as the basis, and Detroit, entering the Detroit High
this radium I have here is 1,000,000 school where he was a member of the
times the activity of it. Radio activ- debating team which met the Toledo
ity is the property substances pos- High school in the spring of 1903. He
sess of giving off radiations which was a member of the House of Rep-
have the property of passing through resentatives of the Detroit High
opaque substances and affecting a pho- school.
tographic plate. The rays are the Milton W. Guy was born in Louisi-
alpha, beta and gamma rays. They ana in 1873. His father was a colored
are invisible, but they have the prop- minister and his early education was
erty of affecting photographic plates, obtained in the various towns where
and the gamma rays are very similar his father was pastor. At the age of
to the X-rays. of eighteen he entered the U. S. mail
"Radium is secured from pitch- service where he remained until 1896,
blende ore, and it takes a ton of pitch- when he enterd the Ann Arbor High
blende to yield a grain of radium. Ra- school. He represented his school in
dium was discovered, you know, by several debates, and in the state ora-
Prof. and Mrs. Curie by the effect it torical contest in 1898, winning second
had on a photographic plate, and it place. He is a senior law and a mem-
was an intensely interesting process her of the Webster society.
through which they kept reducing the Broadus H. De Priest, also comes
pitch-blende ore into its different ele- from the south. He was born in Cleve-
ments until they discovered it contain- land county, N. Carolina, where he re-
ed an element which was so minute it ceived his early training. At the Jud-
was not capable of chemical or mi- son Academy he won the annual dec-
croscopic demonstration. After reduc- lamation contest and at Sunshine In-
ing through crystalization processes, stitute he won a medal in debate. Af-
they finally found that radium was ter teaching district school for a short
closely associated with barium, one of time, he took to stump speaking for
the elements of pitch-blend. This ra- the Republican party in North Car-
dium which I have of 7,000 times ac- olina. He spent two years at the
tivity has therefore considerable ba- Western Reserve Academy where he
rium with it. won a prize in oratory. In 1903 he
"I have had very satisfactory re- was a member of the Alpha Nu debat-
suits in four cases of concer which I ing team.
have been treating since Nov. 1, with Jas. H. Halliday is a native of Mich-
the radium I first secured. This ra- igan. He entered Northwestern uni-
dium of higher power I hope will ef- versity in 1900, but changed the next
fet a cure in those cases. Lead year to Michigan. Mr. Halliday rep-
screens are used to protect the other resented Michigan at the first Hamil-
parts of the body while the cancer is ton Club contest which was held this
being exposed to the radium rays. year at Chicago, winning first place.
"Cancer is enormously on the in- Hugo Sonnenschein is a six year lit-
crease, and in fact it is almost run- law, at present a member of the Jun-
ning a race with consumption. We ior lit class. He graduated from West
have not yet learned the real cause of Division High school of Chicago,
cancer, whether it is due to a parasite where he took active part in the de-
has not been determined, nor has a bates and oratorical contests. At
cure yet been found for it. Cancer is Michigan, he has been a representa-
now occupying the greatest attention tive in debates with other colleges
of scientists and medical men, and I and in society contests. Lately he
believe a cure will be found for it in had the honor conferred upon him of
the next 10 years. Radium has ac- election into the Quadrangle Club of
complished wonderful results in the the University.
treatment of cancer, but we cannot Jas. G. Welch was born in School-
say yet that it is a cure for it." craft, Mich., in 1883. He graduated
from thevillage high school in 1904,
A MICHIGAN CREW and entered the literary department
The agitation for improving the Hu- at Adrian college. At that institution
ron river to an extent great enough to he entered the oratorical contests and
allow the 'laying off of a rowing in 1902 represented Adrian in an inter-
course and thus removing the hither- collegiate ' contest. As Michigan's
to unsurmountable obstacle to Michi- represntative he won the inter state
gans possessing a crew, is again in probihition contest last year, and will
the air and a story is going the rounds compete in the Grand National Pro-
to the effect that enough Chicago capi- hibition contest at Indianapolis June
tal is already behind the project to 28th.
insure its ultimate success. This will
meet with the heartiest approval from MUSICAL CLUBS.
all Michigan men and women as well Important meeting of the Musical
as the state at large. clubs will be held Thursday, 7 p. m.,
in Room 24, University Hall. Man-
$5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC ager's report. 18-19
on different phases of economics. One
series will be given in connection
with Professor Adams' course in In-
dustrial History, and the second in
connection with the course in Corpor-
ation Finance.
The lectures in both courses begin
today. The subject of the discussions
in Corporation Finance, will be "Cor-
porate Stocks and Bonds." The lec-
tures in Industrial History will be of
a popular order. There will be nine
in all which will be given in the lec-
ture room at Tappan hall on Tuesdays
and Thursdays at 11 o'clock, begin-
ning today. The following is a list of
the subjects of the addresses in this
1. Colonial Conditions.
2. Struggle for Commercial Inde-
pendence 1783-1816.
. Growth of the Nation 1816-1860.
4. Industrial Reconstruction 1865-
5. Economic Development of Man-
6. Economic Development of Agri-
7. Economic Development of Trans-
8. Economic Development of Trade
and Commerce.
9. The United States as a World
Professor Dixon is the guest of
Professor and Mrs. Dow at their home
on South State street during his stay
in Ann Arbor.
Yesterday afternoon at five o'clack
Prof. Lloyd of the Philosophy depart-
ment delivered a lecture in Tappan
hall, on "Ethics and Its History." Prof.
Lloyd began his talk by stating that
he desired to emphasize two things:
First, the dependence of ethics on nat-
ural science; and, second, the import-
ance of the distinction between ethics
as a real personal experience and as
a social profession.
Ethically standards are continually
changing and the question-mark might
very properly be regarded as the sym-
bol of this subject.
Ethics, as defined by Prof. Lloyd, is
the science of practical life. It inter-
prets the conditions of action with a
view to action. It is based on reality.
The subject of ethics formely had
for its problem the solution of the
question, "What ought man to do?"
Ethics, it was said, had been called a
normative science, having little or
nothing to do with the world of sense.
But in this respect the definition was
erroneous, for ethics most certainly
had its basis in the so-called objective
"Duty and pleasure," said Prof.
Lloyd, "had been suggested as ans-
wers to the question, 'what ought man
to do?' These answers were typical
of two schools of philosophy, rigorists
and hedonists. The contentions of
these two schools are important only
as they emphasize the importance of
an ideal. Neither duty nor pleasure
alone would suffice. Man mu t and
does combine in his life both duty and
Theories alone were unsatisfactory.
Men would be satisfied only with the
concrete. The solution of the ethical
problem, therefore, lay in something
concrete, which should unite duty and
pleasure. This, in turn, was found in
the concrete revelations of the
sciences, in other words, in their prac-
tical application.
Cyril Haas will address the Y. W.
C. A. this evening at their house on
N. University on the subject, "Stu-
dent Volunteer Missionary Work." At
this meeting pledges will be received
from the members.
The usual Sunday afternoon meet-
ing will be held at 4:15 p. m. Some
faculty member will deliver the ad-