THE. MICHIGAN DAILY =fT *J Anew lot of the famous H. S. & M. Black Suits,; ADLTl jIfTTN I T J IN~7U in=Vicunas, Thibets, Cheviots and Worsteds, made fDiorothh D S UAUI[SOS [HN in singleior; double breasted. ~ 1 L Varsity and :Regular Sack Styles $300 lO)AD[ $30 Weo haealftae T The only shoe in the world designed by a Weiceall izes in fluck ~ow and can f Iit f frACI( women--- for women. Cal ndinpet1he. 2.1 SouthbMain Sreet. MICK& Co., - -prole Agents +++'+4I4 i . ~iNHi N'iN4iN NN 4A RANDALL,' THE 121 V Washington St. J~E WISH to call your attention to the fact thsat our en- tire line of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tables and Iwill further state that we are in a position where wc can get all work out promptly. The very finest of tailorinig will pre-4 vail as usual at our establishment. j BVRb.CHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 106 East Hxaros Street UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 700 Ponrk Ave .N York 'iFatly eqaipped for scholarly and prac- ;tcaiwoe, inthe midst ef the Ohri tsae oseprs f a great city, in close academic relations with Columbia sod 3UNe w York Universities, oflers oper- 3rtunities-for the degrees oflB.D, A. I. and Ph.OD. Opeoneual teremsto stadentsofa all Christian bodies. n SIXTY-NINTH YEAR 75 eglie sSept. 28,-,1904 iiAdd i the Pesidet of the Faculty, 5the us-s1n30 ci Rev, Charles Cuthbert flail, D.D. New, Brullswick.,Tables Ar R EID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tsbaccoss JAS. W. REID, Peep. 312 State St., S. rtIhave ant received the largest and finest linen!f Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes eer brought to tlae city. Fine, Lunchein Cnnection. Everything. Noat and Clean. 308 $.t State St. R. . JOLLY. For, information relative to ~dancing, qr jmusic, for receptions,, banquets, or dancing. parties, ,call" on P.4)55 GERANai[R 3t0-31l2 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-f6. Granger's Academy, Offie and Residence. NEWS FROM CHICAGO. (Continued from page one.) at the first hurdle, which caused him to lose second place to his team mate, Friend. The meet showed an unmistakable thing, and that was that Chicago, has a dangerous relay team; this year. With Cahill nut of the. race on ac- count of an injury, Chicago best the fast Wisconsin quarter-milers by ten yards. Tommy Taylor defeated Poage in the quarter by a terrific sprint in the great time of 53%, ran second to Breitkrautz in the half in a fraction over 2.04, and wound up his sensa- tional performances. by running Poage off his feel in the first quarter of the' relay. He demonstrated very decis- ively that he in the colored man's su- perior at the 440. With three out of the four indoor meets won. handily, and the third lost by one point, Chi- cago faces the outdoor season with some satisfaction, The main, thing now is for some of our speedy ineligi- bins to make up their conditions and flunks. Then we can begin to talk "dope.' RILEY H. ALLEN. University students desiring to se- cure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write, to James F. McCulloug#~, 619 Fins Arts, Bldg., Chi- cago. tf. Prof A.. I., Lloyd will deliver an ad- dress on Ethics and its history in Tap- pan Hall. Lecture room Wednesday, March 161 at 5 p. m. Everyone is in- vited. 17-18 NOTICE.j There will be a meeting of the Fresh Lit .class in Room C, University Hail, Wednesday at 4:1t5. The assemblies given at Granger's Academy under the direction ot Mar. and Mrs. Granger will continue throughout the college year-reports to. the contrary notwithstanding. 17-18 Bath supplies of all kinds at all prices at Gushing's Drug store. tf. Typewriting and Stenographical Work done neatly and quickly. Walter 1. Willis, 5224 Washtenaw Ave., Tel. 387. ti. Fountain pens at Gushing's tf. Ticket for four shampoos-$L5.00 Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- ry's. I t Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- lug's Pharmacy.. You will find the best strings for violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo at Hoot's Music House. We make a specialty of the heat. Try thcm. win Chafling dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. Fouind-A gold watch. Call 1227 Volland street. Chaffing uishes at Hailer's Jewelry Stsre, tf. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. Wq.-. .,.- ..-. 4%wlgwlqhl.-.r1%W-1 O I MA N ...N ............. At Ttxttlo'e, 338 S. State .DANCUN6... $ UNIVRSIT ACAEMYState Street 0O110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE ,TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Pastr Cara .h il Trin MICHIGAN , i MICHIGAN' BANNERS Cf COL OR S IOVELL'S CORNER STORE. A ILCHI(OAN CI NTRAL " Tir4 Niiagara Fall Route."' THE SHIORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO NW YORK AND, BOSTON wihdirect syipnneiona at ,Cfilcagp fur St. [Lsuis,.Hansss City. St. Past and the Went. kFee isf9ormatlen and tharougihtichetneCall oner write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ass Arbor.' " AL L EN 'S F OR QU AL I TY" We give the best Clothing Valties, saving you three to five dollars ons your Suit or Overcoat. Spring line now ready $10.00 and $13.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES -ALLEN, THlE CLOTHIIER,- "AI.N STREET The University of Chicago Law Schols ~ Medicine Thueolog Education Each scheel has gapsetal $Circular of Informnatisn which will he sent en request. The Csuegep iA gSedicine are given is connectin with the :week of RUSE liMEDICAL. College. THE UNIVERSITY. OF Cf1ICAGO, fSUMME8R QUART-ER Chicago, Illinois. Jane Sl-eptembers2 Money Loaned Watches, Diamonds Ore ithieripesnal I'll li~Iyof valueN. Wathes a ee s islry ,-- -paired. Bai-gaiuc in Wathch" atid Diamonds. Offilce at reiene.l31 L:. Li.~ erty ti-et, A niiArbr.flius,-.8 to 11:3111. ti., I o 3:30p111., 7 to 9 p. Il. All i kIto'. to'. niti tia. JOSEPHI C. WASTS. 4. 5&+44.+.4-1" r~*n i.54t.54..5 a~+A :«:- IELEICTRIC PAN5 Electric CI-asfirg Dishe5 Electric Tale Lmsos In {f, ne.iyihi n'.toi tn p.0your s"'. room. Call in an'. +eo' idiniy..... 4+ WA.SHTENAW LIGHT & 4' POWERICOMPAN'Y. Cr. .Whin'. .05 505 kA.Ph.'.,Z7 t PADIG'S erFIrIAt , u . STE-COLEGIATE - - FOOT BALL + - Used by al te Leadin Clleges Foot BalPans-LIi-lerl. I I. GY a . SPLING & see. Sew ok, Chicaco Denver [or 11)0. -iti by '.'.ot i C' 1 sNt. Phone 582 3R Cleaning. Pressing. Rewririg. 336 S. STATE ST. (Over Cusniirg'a Clohes called for and Delivered. Phone 582 3E CUETT,&PEADYttC. Pbone 667. 303 Z. Sate $tI WE.,, 4RE. NEJR UNIW/R S OLD----G"TVODie YEAR ':S'DRUG STORE