THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rod ucijo I Sale I.As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITINGS AND T ROIJSIRINS Ion hand we will sell I them at reduced prices * to mnake room for onr I Spring and S n in in e r Woolens. Be sore and call in before yon place yonr order. j tr,E f G. H. WILD& C065 108 E. WASHINGTON STREZET. SThe Great 6uu-ae" IExciting [un for Eeyn 4bu4 IPocket War N'1aps for the Far East, t1Sc. " ISHEEHAN &CO.,8 I University B >oksellcrs Sti- tioiiers and Engiavers.I 320 South State Street.S C. IM AJOR e COMrPANY Specialty of Fine bcriorDeortina. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entredt as second- class ateter at the Ann Ar-hor Post Ofie. luolisted daily (Mvonday excepied) during the college year. atl117 K. Washington street,I (basemernit flor, side enirane) Phone se2-3r MANAGING EDITOR: 'S. EdOilY 'TiIOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: RiOSCOE 13. HUSTON EDITORS: Athletics. - -RunER K. WALTuN Ale.- - - - - J. S. BALEY ASSOCIATES: (Clifford Stevenson, iRoy Peebles, A. M.Graer, Henry P.Erwin A. C. Pound. A. 11. Ortmceyer. Joseph Y. Herr. Stoddard S. Mare. Ida M. iirouweigg. I. Waite Jayne. Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Sm~iih. iiarry 11. Andrews. Allred Bi. Koch. Thuoasii. iRoiberts. Clyde L. Dew. BUSINESS STAFF: v.A. Iioaarrpe r. Wmo.IR. Lloyd PIN. S. ifallilo. H. iK. Latourette. rThos. L. Iciclte. Editor Today-A. M. GRAVER. 'riioeliioi TooOlaro per sear, payalin ( advance. if deliaqueai after Noe. 1. 1903. $2.50 OilieHours:-i2:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 Ia 7:30 p. m. Daily. Adiress--ROSCOE B. RUST SN, Business Man- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telepihone, 461. CALENDAR. March 16, 5 p. m.-Philosophicai elub. Lecture by Prof. Lloydl on "Ethics and its History," in Tappan Hali. .liaic h_.)-U. of M:i. tepublicean nlub electlin. ,.larchl 16, 1:15.-Meeting of. Fresh 1.Lit i Roam C. University Hail. {March. 17--Thursday evoning-"The Evideceofronm Variation," Dr. Pedrl, Museum lecture room. Mdarchi 18-Friday-'07 Lit dance in Barboar gymnasium. tMarchl it-Friday ovening-Univeri- ty oratorical contest, auspices of the Students' Locture Association. M'arch 18--Fridlay-4 p. rn-Hon. H. Rt Pattengill on"Boarding r'ound" S at Tapplan Hail. M\arch 19-Fresh-D. U. S. meet. Morcl: 20, h p. m.-Iiiustrated iecture on "Parsifal," by Prof. Staniey, at Scihool lit Music. \Iarch 25-1906 Law uociai at Gran- ger's. M~arch 25--Varsity debate, Wisconsin vs. Michigan. Some of the Sunday newspapers tclni fort: with (he statement that Sbase bail at Michigan was dead, but 1111 numell'r of men trying for the 11001 would seni to indicate rather I ihe oppitel. \Ve certainly have as -1100y meii trying folr the team as the ini'jcciiy of tiie coileges have and a gioldniany nmore lhau quite a fow can boast if'. Last year the oame taut GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES.' To ct down the large number of S e tr n stags who attend the Senior Prom at Nebraska, a man must pay twice the regular admision fee if he is without aladiy. __ Sweater Vests A lou of Yale spirit i feared on acount of the large number o men who are leaving the campu to room 25 % OFF in hoteis and private cub. Thuin epeciaily noticeabe in the sopho- more cas which has but few men liv- For a Short Time Only ing on the campu. As a result it is claimed that interet and spirit is- becoming less warm. Some time ago the sophomore societies were abolish- ed in an effort to overcome thin seem- 50Oe o 41 ing lack of spirit, but without any ap- $.0O sfr-$4 2 parent result. Now it i planned to set aside one dormitory on the cam- pus for the exclusive use of the sopho- $5.00 Ones, for - $.j The- "Sewer Diggers Union" at Oakland, California, were considera- bly wrought up over the tudents La- Colors White, Gray, 1Ma- bor Day at California. Many of their, number wanted to send resolutions of addpoett h nvriyfralwn ona Navy. their legitimate work to be done by the students.. The girls at the Univerity of Chi- cago will have a relay race in theirFO SAET gymnaium meet to be held soon. There will be two teams, one the jun- ior and one the senior college, and Walir' kStores.. each team will number eight girls. At Lehigh University they have a dramatic club which goes uinder the --- - name of the Mustard and Cheese cib.Bo s Its mission in life is to preset some Useful, Law rBooksd ec ea ndti year a travestry on "Romeo and Jo -_____________ iet," will be given. Fist ear. The "W"men at iscni',aein's :Commetiaries. Srls-........ $90 The "" me at iscos~n re Williamnusieal Property.Htcelhins ed 3 25 planning to form a sociai clb to fur- iilicesderer's llacttone's Elemets her clean athletics in the university wiit eihars- - - --......5......300 and to bring the athete closerhIo- McCadless Otines f I ei Propery.. i150 0ipace's Aridgemet of Bachstne..- 2 25 geiher in a social wa. Criminal rocedre r-imaris- --......i.5 Iilay's Crimial ILaw - --......... 3 00 Owen:' Law Osuicer, 2. sbjets.....350 It is stated that spring, foot bal practice will be instituted at the Uni- Second Yea. versity of Pennsylvania this year as a Stepen's Digiest of Eridenee-.......20 y y ~Marhal irs Crorartins........I...iO0 part of the ed and Blue's new coach- Clar-h on Corpratios..- - -S50 ing policy. The work will begin some Wilus' U. S. Steel Corpor~ration.....1. 250 time in April, and will ho under the Wil us Cases oi Eience......- - 1 50 seenman's "Art of Crss Eaiatin" 120 instruction of Captan Torrey and IeieeEiatyleadis,,- - -e6ii Head Coach Williams. Dyer's Law and Procedure of U. . Curts.... -........2 75 ' -~sedfslclt. Elements of amages -.. 2 50 Six members of the University of Sutherland on Damages3vl....:S : b 5 00 Pennsylvania's Board of Graduate Sedili.onu Damages. 2 ols-........ Oi0 ICrtis I. S. torts.. . 1 lw Coacheo have been selected for d.194. Mcowaniad Booof Federi Practice 10 They are George . Brooke, Dr. J. Third Year. C. MCrackten, Dr. J. B. Carnett, Sam- Lng n Irifatio----------------... .5 90 uel Goodman, Charles Wharton and Morison Mining Law- - --....5.... : 300 William Morice. These are six of the 1white 00 Mines and Mining Injuries.... 7 50 most famouso foot ball laers ever Med Iriatio Insiutios . -.....1 25 PY Berdseye's Abott's Forms f Covey- turned out by Pennylvania and their ancring.- - - - --...i.......... A0 selection has received unanimous ap- oes oems of Coveyncing-...... 016 roval from both the undegraduates Cowder oems and Precidets - 6 9...a0 P ~~~Att's 1ilic. Pracice. 2 _ 0 and the alumni. Cllier on Banrupty1l.......o..-5600 ____Bluon lBsnhrupcy- - --........ . SOl5 Ellitt on Insurance....4 ii Cornell athletes are having dreadful iReese Medial Juisrdence -a..... eo0 times with the Ithaca crfew law Law Dicinaries, alarzer, Etc. which makes it obligatory on them to get off the streets by s oclock. The C. E. BARTHELL trainero hail the inovation, however, LW&11ElA OK It gets their men to bed early.LA &MEI LBOK No. 326 Souhs State Street The Duluth Boat crib has accepted ________________ the chalienge of the University of Wis- consin Crews, and will row them a series of races at Mtadison in July. GLEE CLUB NOTICE. Room C Wednesday 16th, 7 p.a m. ou fc Fresh Lowney's, Alegretti's, Spar- far Us Wilm' rows, Huyler's, chocolates at Csh- shaving Stick. log's Pharmacy. tf. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS. .21 SMain St. S. Phone 21. DCIAN M. 5I2ABOLT, JManager Wednesday, ,"arch 16 I Saturday, ,rarch 49 The John C. Fisher's Great Labor Magnificent Production IPlay Tke Silver ,Slipper 1he FacoyGil 0p oeo,kst~y irls f -'RICES--ase, 25c, 3Me, 5e. Sasnw Pie - c$.0 1.0 Iselling., Seats ready, Thursday. f'rPainst tIl lin r islheiiis. Ito belpretit' isely all season. More Pains, iltaui Uaetiriiu enIthu~siasmiithian ever has been shown 23 E. Washingtan. Phone 237, this year among the candidates for tic tamanditurndotibtedly the aggre- U f ,A dasetc -re So gatioin that trots out on the diamond to represcent Michigan this spring will AND BATH jkO4lt.5. be capable of putting up a good article J. R. TROJANIOWSKI, Proprietor, of base ball. Face Massage a Specially, Lost--Gold watch and fob. Please 322 SOUTH STATE STREET return to 219 5. Thayer street. ITHE[ SUDE[NTS' [[CTURE[ ASSOCIATION I ORATORICAL CONTEST [RIDAY, "rARCHI18I9B,8P. M. ReIt[ciBrou ilI. cic Dor1lsdDrn tehs I I P t F I F Season Tickets, $1.00 , 4 ,4 SinlIe :Admission, 50c TINKER & COlMPANY. FURNISRERS AND -H&TTERS. 334 5. STATE1 ST, Phone~ 342-2r.