THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - - ------ - ---- - - ---- - ----- - e n C- 1. b When you put your pipe aaide light up a MOGUL Cig- arette You'll be surprised at , th e delightfulness o f th e change: MOGULS are the real things in the cigarette line. Try one for a little change. Ten for 15c. Plain and Cork Tip. The W. C. Keril Co, 411 E. 57th Si., Chicago. Caps and Growns made to ce - der and rented. Pennants for all coileges and fraternities earried is stack. Class Pies. (lass and Team Caits. Send fotr Catalogues. IUHIII6N CiNTL "The Niagara Falls Route." ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK ~ 3 AND BOSTON kihrivr.c e tins. a t i e isfor St tio s e nite City. Stt'Iti ta d the (Wet I°o nonlto td tirtteettttt SinzelllO twrt.ite-\. e AS. Aet. jinn Abor. IOthers Claimf Them, We 4. iSien(y stetlan in. ti l nitt tttst 4 The only strictly First Class Short ,. .. Order Diing Room in ltheCty. = Wimlts, The caterer a itynisitey inoitie 1i;. 310 S STATE ST. New Brunswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prp. 312 Stae St., S. Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Fioe Lnches in Connection. 308 S Sate S. R. E. JOLLY. t. The School fors SGranger's Academy j YOU CAN GET A 0 $ Hot Lunch+ #At Tittle's, 338 S. State +uOANCI 1.N, tes, $3 ter Tirtittft12 iveks UIERSITY ACADEMY, state Street POESSOR SOT, PINtIPAL IHighest Cash Price pidit for second-hand cloting. Shoe repairing while you wait. (Goods called for 5.60 ODSIIN. PHOTOGRAPHS Cl on ~7(SEYMOUR'S STUDIO 316 S. Main Street. 0. M. artiDIRECTOR. OSice 209 S 4th Ave. Phone l8. Ree- dencee :02 ti. 5th Ave. Phone 14. Ambulotce on cl. 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS P.Otne Crs n lttTrnsn Money Loaned OTN Watches, Diamonds Or othter ptersontal propterty otf value. Watches anil .esvelry I' s- paired. Bargeains in linstibe and lDiatmonds. (lfiies at residence, 33181+. T~ib- erty Street, Ann Arbor, Michi- gas. tltuirs 8 tt 11:31) a. i.. I tot :t:30It. itt. All BuisinesConfit dentitti. JOSEPHl C. WATTS. BULLETIN. NOTICE. M1y seminary thtis semester will sin- dtertake stuities ill tranispotrat ittt in- stenadl of Amel-tran it nnatce. It will mteet fotr rgantizatictntin iTppan tI-Ititl Leuetttre Ilusucti, lrtitay, Otobeur !), at itp.nt. Studtetnts itay contstult.tDr. Smiatley it regtardto ttthin coutrse. 1t1011 I. C. ADIAMS. NOTICE. All aplicrat ittnsittr tpermissiontoii lakt wortk inth Liti11ertry Depatrtmteti siitiishol eleft, iit;teSecretatrystOt- lice immend~titely itttrider tt receive PETITIONS. Allttiuiitittts tttefacultitrtcivedi lie Sicrut ary. 1t0-.>it. SECOND-YEAR CLASS. Oi11accotittiof the lectires this week at 4 ottlockti by thle Ettgtisit jtit ist, tiii rlasses intthie Stody of Great Orators will recite aii 1 it. tn. j rTHOMAS C. Tiiti+3,001)D. THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. 501t71i[ Ntt10iii No. () i:ti . t Nt. i mi t -9:0A. i. No. °--list33A. et. No. Sn 1::t30 t. . N .4-8.5,r.5m.ittt . --ti 4:nt 3t I'.tiutit T-rttinstrN.5nd(; ucn.btwe n AniArbo Universityj Notices. NOTICE. All candidttes fttr 'Varsity squtads rituut . inttotgs as stitnas tpossili, Tit1ttiAS iB. lttO-iEIT Mtcaottg-r GLEE CLUB NOTICE. Alt it ttittttts ofi te li90:;:(fiei Cluit wvotti u n itcotllege tiearttpltiase send tt thtei t lne ndat ddrotesttes to t itt. I:. FItIA illS FR, Letader, 610iLasenttutSt. SWEET, Pres. NOTICE. Ait:tdnitts tdtsiritng tto uonpet( Mtihignttility repoiritttWtthieittsintoss teInat it. l ;3 akr sreti Lot-(,ldit tctritantI rhait. Ri- All irt Styeasr its sitd iEngineers Itn toitStce ttarty'sotiei. emutstibe exarittiitttpthysitually iteftut JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 flurs forexit.itio,2t, .m Maitn St. S. Shone 281. I InENE InT/IATRICt(. S. L. A. t trittts will ite ottsale at. (lass eetin 1tit 05 .L t., Wedniesdiay Casintig'.s trteStucre,.36S i .State.,: it : it.Ottt1;i.tiittRoom(i atnd irocwn's, :Main tstreet. 11. SONNENSC ii FN.. It. 5S.lDAVIS, --__ _ Treasutrer. CLASS TEAMS, NOTICE! _______________________ In taccrdanice vittenutes gotv- otir ciotes itresseti andticleanetd inning rctuss teattts, til ttries,Itigitit- slid yoiur eshoes shinedi for 25c a wreek. er wit5 atcotmplete list ofilayers, Pantoriom, 336 S. Stats St. Imuisitibe ihandeto me byi tyhliimantt- -girs ibefore six oitcock Wednestiday' Los--i etaPh pn.Plesere ivettingtOct. 1th.i, Nit freshtitei LO~iiilt uca lit~tn. icse i-tettms willtie atllowedto iientetrtte [urns to 4468 Packardi Si. anti receive re cilies seriesase lie atitietic tmantage ward. fmetititanetI'Vaisty coacht havieei edi that the luestiiterests ittfotbtall Sweet Cuter, fresh from the piresee.inttetineuiersity tdetmandt that the itt-. for sale, Cornter Main and Madison terests itt all freshmeti classes tie cyn-tes.1 ' nraedithAlFehtam 4 IIARIRY M.tI. VER, Bath Supplies of all Finds at all 604 Madison Street. prices at Cushingos Pharmacy. INOIEFRSMNCA E. In order to develope the Aul-Fresh Youtr clcthes pressetd and cleaned football team to the highest possible said your shoes shined for 25c a weep.. degreetiters will he no freshmant Panteriom, 336 S. State St. teams in the class sehedule. All first' - , year men who are football candidates We stoltd your Grandfather goods shoultd rettort for the All-Fresh team atid did his repairing when he attend- to Cotach Johtnsotn every afternooni at ed school here. We sanetito keep it 3: 15. tip atit do yours. Halleros Jewelry TIOS. B. ROBERTS, Store. Football Manager. Lest-A blac silk watch fob with Roots Orchestra, Phone 832. Strict. small gold locket having initials R. S. ly utp-to-dlate antdfhrst-class. Any com- G. Findler please return tot 548 S. hiniationt of instrulments desired. Traits State street and receive reward. 8 and song hits a spectalty. MONEY LOANE ON itery,tsiatFit igh tlouse iattttula nii .. Cllateat S iitty . BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - ittu ltW. J. LOURIMt fTHE 'PANTORIUlYICLUB o jCLEANING--PRESSING-SINE 3uS. sosSTe a ee ---ON tLEOkC AN,' :- E LECT IC kAfi1NDo5 j S liectric Table Lavn~ptu3 5 o, nie, tiinnye t ,,..n tuh e ... ++ +WA514TPN~AW L614T & i X POWLOK COMPANY 5 5TAMD3ZD "'IM ' -5 . Th u1," y61 1i o ' Ni ' Intinly Watni t. i n d 1:A, .t.i.nn ou D.e a1, p. . & J RAILWAY n! Waiting Reem, Huren St., W o Main. Crackr Jack,Crtam Cetwing Candy, Ptanuts, Bttred Pop Corn' F, B. CILIl f. 3013S 5v. Seeatrct BALIY& f:DPUND5 FISH NETS POll DrOCATlEO. 121 East Liberty Street. Cluett-Peabody neglige shirts are made first for com- fort, but style and elegance of material are in them too. Cluet Shirts, $-50 up :Monarnh Shirts, $1.00 up Cluett, Peabody & Co. GEORGE BISCHOFF, PLOk13T. CHIOICE CUT FLOWR5A & PLANY5. thinc tuet sit u ittc llhutRt ct the.4 ATHIENS PRESS A Prinlters S2nd Flee.. Asisni Tttec 551 ""ALLECN'S FOR QVALITY." [all Suits now Ready $10.00 and $ 13.00 B~est in the world VNION LABEL ON EVERY GARMENT ALLEN, THE[ CLOTHIER 113 S. "AIN STRIEET __. Z I. P.,,,.ii iiN i~ii f fii f +++ +'I t.e5P.Fen +e54.s4.t~i #45.5,' WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE