THE MICHIGAN DAILY p rt n Shoes _ __ _ IU I IU IPerfected in Egypt. MGULMOL MALSLCYTIAN sMOLPS" ~~Fro~ll .. 7/ ~ Sprillg _ _ __ ___ _ _ $ CO[LOLBASEBALL Styles and all other college Sport is flly covered in text and luta FaC - Jtion by THE ILLUSTRATD SPORTING NEws, which is the ONLY pblicatioin giving speetil ateition to college srebecfs ILLUSTATED SOTN Arriv- :1 NEWS each week for 16 weeks, which will cover the spring to season of otdoor Sort. Address, LVng THlE ILUSTRATD SPORTING NEWS, ,7 W. 22d St., New York. Arkansas,TeaMxc Daily Money Loaned d leaMxc ON°o a d California... W#atches, Diamonds Are besi reached via Or other personal property of St.Lois World's Fair City value. Watches and Jewelayp%1,- 3. OUS paired. Bargains in W R~tYs Ann Arbor Store, I I I S. Main.l and Diamonds. House 01fcc at residence. 33t E. Li- erty Street, Ann ArorHus8 Io un dr Ioclry-roctont 9p. m. All Business C ofden istat. JOSEPH C. WATTS.Ro t ~* ~ ~~ * * Two daily trais to CalMeioni (TCH6ANIJK~IiiA e NTSo LERoEayhiginte ie fThree daily trains to Mexico. - "Ah aOaFlsRue" 4 RENTSCHLERFrantigi*h ieo $ Four daily trains to Texas. 11eNaaaFal ot. Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rensher, . Four daily trains to Hot Springs. TOE SEaORT Li NE- 4 Phone 389-r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 0I Six daily trains to Little Bock. ANN ARBOR to 4 CHICAGO ~~4TE BEST OF EVERYTHING.} BUFFALO In the presentation of the great La- our eyes examined by an WRITE ME. NEW YORK fayette Production at the Athens thea- expert optician. All the lat- M.D. Armsrong, T. P A.,i AN OTNtre next Monday night, there will e est approved appliances and methods 128Wshej with direct cneosat ChiGcgofor St theatre a fashioableand tshigh polarNweye Nwtoteglasses professionlenses dupl- Ann Arbor,frMich. For informationsa throughticisets can or entertainment of excellence. "The cated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew- _______________ write to W. W. CASE. Agent. As Arbor. Great Lafayette" is a noted imperson- elry Store. t._-~ ator and an exponent of ledgerdemain 444 1: dIIL' --4I D, Y.A A. & J, RAILWAY and all that is alluring and attractive Just received 223 Mandolins and 5ADIO5OFCA TAAIDTP ly mgcladnytros Guitars that we bought at a remark- ITRCOLEIAT Per Detrit hafulsturlyeeny from 6iE15a. m. stl Laayette's extraordinary versatili- ably low price and will sell them at FOOT BALL 005 pF.Tiotey si 5kPr Ypsi- yeslshmI onfo u- one-third the regular price. This is Used by all the Leading aserip frees 60 m.Snd 1l4 a. m. Fr cult and mystifying conjuring to light a exceptional bargain. All nstru- Coleg. lacsnhously, atom26i15a. m s. sad p.m.coed PFoot all Pat-Lacernt Jatsh i.ssi 7b . s.cmey.Hi taesrio n onteets on easy payments. See our blpssend kees padded with Thnat 9:t5inim. andi11:15 i. m. f ai . H retreandJothern secreahinndtih Waitng ooes.Heron S. . o ai.Phillip Sousa, Sig. C tr adohrdisplay in window-Ann Arbor Musicitcrdhianedti - ---well known and leaders are both ra- Co.h ane5tri0. AON 55 l DR GS RE litc and marvelous. His perform- __________ Incorprated. surOne is audacious and full of recur- Bath supplies of all kinds at all New York, Chicago, Denver. MANN'S DurpSTORs. piesa_______rg _tre f :Sadigs fiia oo alju _______________fer503. editedy Water Camp. Price 10 cents. - 213 5O1J11'U fr1AIN 5T. The 1907 Lit class will give an in- Lost-Breast pin with initials M. T. 44in'4it*444 forumal party at Barour gymnasium C Return to 4215. Division tf - ----- next Friday evening. Roots Orches- K. . KIcanE nARRISuiOSct. tra will furnish the music. - . W. c.asSOs. Caste. Pnoim 3 .Mt.Cenig IS AINLBN h asmle ie tGagrsPressing and Repairing Clothes 4 FISTNTINL AK h asmbis iena Gagescalled for and delivered Leave or ay Aaeyudrthe direction of Mr.desorCuhnsDg OF AN ARORItlIti. and Mrs. Graner will continue phone 82-3 r. Soeo CAPITAL,AN - - OIS - $ $4oe,00en0 throughout the college year-reports _________ SURPLUS AFrRFISo-m5,5 to the cintrary notwithstanding. 17-18 nvriysuetdsrngoseH n A. LEMBIF papercure positions to teach will find it to /m e A.bfre Takahashi is to gv ae their interest to write to James F away feem iii tender slieitusOars Forest Avellie Meat Market. foe anth church youngda people ofvthe U nitUa U r- McCullough, 639 Fine Ats Bldg. Chi of Moterachol-stiuyng hard, Poutry, Game and Iish in Season 6:30, on " times hapena It at hourether Japanese War."wolusPodsEtathedfmy 30 Frest Ave. Phoe 407 dv,-rdtepi oldso aihi.FutinpnwtCsigs teeidjusy Ponsgtr-he dFor ixirf6 A.JWASN$5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC Ticket for four sampoos-$1.0. ya- thejr s heeaiePeraeveraeo $1. NN RBORMUSC CO Sot wter.Mis Vauhan nea Qur- eare nsthrnsandbeasepls wand A.J-ASN $1 N RO USCC. Sr-wtr isVugna ury'slie-Ponis O eeatnd haveianhtevwithe walrypr'Pins. ypwrtigan PosuapicidsEaitenitndThrvsnevreen ~41 ~ Pojer Pdint% Typwritingian wtnorahia diappine init Thaereinobtieed Workdoneneaty an quikly.Waltr Frsh Lwney, whihetisiipats-heitspac ottehdy Is. an is 1 il 24Worenat aqickl.,WaleroFrshnLowuey'sChoAlterettishpa- qiRe.Shoteh e amd 387. tf. ins Pharmacy. Ibsohtheng. after 216 East Huron Street. .... Witch Haee-a weak slutionsomietimies IIL d *.-*..-.-~.-*4-4+~.'-offered in pieeof CramChuig a nd A1oda xtrt-hsne iU lfu V BAILEY f . EDMUNYD, ~b ATHENS PRESS mdiina viei Salted Peanuts, Hot Buttered .u Orindifi ,g.t' eeistprirtces Popcorn, Crackerjack freoh f_* °° "'Prod in i satdso tins ,, uert on pe. daily.FT 121 L2. Liber-ty St. f rdFor tesTetr is C OSBTTT Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Worke. All at Reasosuble RtsadFrtCasOrder at fOC I IVA tY R. onnseIsExlet ___ _ I TRAIN SERVICE s BIXL['S I--YOU WILL FIND-- FOUR RAINS DAILY FROM TO[LEDO PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, Cr nDyTan the beoh for nil the pepple all the tome, is ali roeatilesa for home improvement. 10 SleepingPalrC Cars on Night Trains 5 pp.' illustraied, price $1. Tested 2 years. Three months' correspondence rearse by Sepn author 7 Fora brief time t will send the hoot and course for $1. Will lecture en ph siltrininrace dS writingfr0, odvid nl pwetek o 5 odusi e o ea thnd NINDPOTS INTOED and elsitrniniurgiioradiiwriting. fndv0101iteretaweedfo.l Busi t henmnaltnd IN EOA ND COULBS L. W. LANDMAN, 0. 1. A., Detroit one leuon, 10c Address Prof. 0 BIELER, Mslloo at. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sle. MIL WARD, TETIO The Best TniSyku T I O .Of Everypthing inTailorin