Sr-TnE IC$lGAN DAILY R I I III , _ nor AT 40 The Place To Eat. For information relative to dancing, or music forreceptiono, banquets, or dancpg parties, call on ROSSG RANGER 310312 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-6. Granger's Academy, Office and lesidence. $ YOU CAN GET A Hot L unCh; At Tuttle's, 338 S. State 4,ESONS IN $ 24 -..DANCIN.9. UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street OHI0 CENTRAL LIES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO10COLUMBUS ParCor Caran .oail Traies BOYS if you want FINE SHOE REPAIRING Go to CAPT. C. H. MINNIS, 606, E.William St PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM' AND BOWLING ALLEY. 707 ,N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE. I Spring Co Sjrin Ready for ats Ig suits Cravenettes yonr inspection. i t 1 1 1 1 ALFRED t t 1 1 1 BENJAMIN ! ! 1 .01 y.y l 1 1 1 ! ! TAILORS t ! ConmlF Spring Hats Staebler & Wuerth GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. fluence over future Freshman ban- Intercollegiate strengt thest compe- quets, the adoption of the following titions have ,been dropped by the Na- rules to permanently govern these tional committee of directors of col- functions,-their action in the matter lege athletics,,because they.were won to be considered the concerted action by men who knew a system of tricks of the undergraduate body. by which they could. obtain a higher Rule 1. No underclass rivalry ox record than their real strength would strife of any kind, whether by moral warrant. persuasion or physical force, shall be- gin prior to 48 hours before the ap- A complete representation of the old pointed hour of the banquet. campus at Yale, including the build- Rule 2. No agents of any kind logs, old fence and gates, will be sent which would tend toward the tempor- to the St. Louisa exposition. ary disfigurement or injury of either party shall be used. This shall in- Chicago has a track meet scheduled elude the use of weapons of any de- with Princeton on May 18, at Marshall scription, wires, chemical compounds Field. of a harmful nature, etc. Rule 3. No underclassman captured Edwin G. Cooley, the present super- by the opposing class shall be tied, intendent of schools in Chicago is andcuhffed, or have his personal liber- mentioned as the probable successor ty restricted by any pysicalh force of Pres. Draper of Illinois, whose res- for the purpose of public exhibition. ignation was recently accepted. Rule 4. These rules shall be inter- preted and applied by a committee ap- the Junior Council at the Universi- pointed from the two upperclasses by ty of Chicago has asked that a detec- the presidents of the same. tive be. appointed to trace down and Rule 5. The intentional violation catch the gym thieves. of tese hrules shall be considered haz- ing and will render the offender lia- Bush, '06, has been elected captain ble to removal from the University. of the Wisconsin foot ball teamn in place of Vanderboom, who resigned. The Cornell relay team recently won the four mile relay from Yale The total receipts of the Junior and broke the world's record. The Prom at Wisconsin were $1,768.00 and time was 18 minutes 20115 seconds; 16 the expenditures $1,752.33, leaving a seconds better than the previous rec- balance of $15.67. ord. An Intercolligate Bowling League is NOTICE-1904 ENGINEERS. being planned by Chicago and Wis- Measurements for caps and gowns consin. The winning team in the fra- willshortaent MicassandLoveso tenit"y leue at"Madison expects to wl e taken atMiss ;LovTll'sday terityleaueat adionexpctstoState street, Monday and Thursday play the winner in the Chicago series, from 4 to 6. Don't neglect this. The Vigilance Committee at Cornell CAP AND GOWN COMMITTEE. composed of upper classmen drew "p the following resolutions in reference Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry to future freshmen banquets: Store. tf. Be it resolved, That we recommend to the class of 1907, which will be Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry most affected and will have most in- Store. tf. State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, W. J. Booth Jno.V. Sheehan LODIT. Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan I'~~sT Jas B. Wads R F.oBler CHOICr CUT PLOWrR5 & PLANTS Jna .och Prof.H. S. Carhart Chapin St., between DaronS t. and Miller Ave. frank P. Glazier Christia Martin Phone sea. N[W YORK. COFF E MOCHA, AND JAVA Our Own Roasting Always fresh 28C per pound 214 Main St. DEAN CA CO. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I have ust received the largest and finest line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. Pine Lonches in Connection. Everything Nest snd Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. I TURBINE A CLUETT COLLAR QUARTER EACH, QUARTER SIZES CLUETT, PEABoDY & cO. MAKERS OF CLUETT AND MONARCH SHIRTS THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor Row LAUNDRYj 326N. th ve.Bel Phne 57 EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES IN SPRING SUITINGS 2 1i -123 South lMain Street WAGNIER . CO. I;N CALLAUHAN & CO. Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers 114 MONROE ST., CHICAGO W ARE WEV" R UNDERSOD-GOODYBAR'S DRUG STORE