0 The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1904. No. 116 "rICNIGAN VICTORIOUS. BIBLE STUDY. BRYAN LECTURE. First Reiment Defeated by Score of Inter-Fratrnity Bible Study Associa- William Jennings Bryan Lectured Yes- 42 to.22-Rose Breaks all Amer- tion Organized and Operating- terday Afternoon to One of the iean Records for Shot Put- Fifteen Fraternities Interested Largest Audiences ever As- The Summaries. and over Ninety'Men En- sembled in University Hall. In a met replete with sensations, rolled. Michigan's track team defeated the "When on lecture tours I always strong First Regiment Athletic Club Following the movement started in reserve some time for college towns. team by a score of 42 to 22. The many of the Eastern colleges, notably because I like to address college stu- greatest sensation was the fact that Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, there dents" With these words William Rose established a new American rec- has been started at Michigan what is Jennings Bryan, the noted lawyer, lec- ord, 47 feet 6/ inches, for the shot known as the "Inter-fraternity Bible turer, politicial and public man, began put, both indoors and outdoors. Other Study Association." his address in University Hall upon notable features were Hahn's defeat This is a direct outcome of the re- "The Value of an Ideal," yesterday by Keeler in the dash, Steffins' beat- cent visits of Mr. Clayton S. Cooper afternon. ing Schule in the hurdles and Keller's of New York, who is the secretary of The interest of the general student great work in the high um the Bible Study Department of the body was manifest in a larger degree Rose's work with the shot is easily International Young Men's Christian than was anticipated. Long before 3 the greatest feat in track athletics Association. oclock people began to gather in the ever accomplished by a Michigan During his last visit to Ann Arbor, corridors, and by four oclock, the man. In his last try the young giant a meeting of fraternity men was call- time set for the address, every seat pulled off his sweater and prepared ed at the Y. M. C. A. parlors and an was taken and standing room scarce. to go after the indoor record made by informal discussion there took place, Tremendous applause greeted Mr. LeMoyne, the Harvard freshman, at and in which it was decided that there Bryan's appearance. The Glee Club New York last Tuesday, and not only was a regretable unfamiliarity with responded to two numbers, and then did he succeed in this but also in the English Bible among college men. the speaker of the afternoon was in- breaking the American outdoor rec- Representatives from some twenty troduced by the president of the Good ord of 47 feet made byG. R. Gray, in fraternities were present and after Government Club in a few well chos- 1893 at Chicago. The world's record discussion, it was unanimously agreed en sentances. is 48 feet 2 inches made by D. Horgan. that it would be altogether desirable Expectancy and anticipation had However, Morgan's record was made to study the Bible from a scientific or been with some difficulty repressed in in Ireland and it is the practice there literary view point. itie few minutes intervening before to put the shot from a seven foot cir- Plans were made for carrying out the opening of the address; but when cle, the putter being allowed to jump the idea and committees appointed. In Mr. Bryan rose to speak a quietness diagonally across the square. This is each of the fraternities represented settled over the audience, which, ex- a great advantage and it is unfair to a group class, consisting of as many cept for frequent applause, remained compare Rose's record with Morgan's. men of the fraternity as are interest- unbroken throughout the lecture. Kirby's work with the shot would ed has been formed. The fellows There are but few instances when have been considered phenominal had meet at some convenient hour and in- a speaker is placed in as trying a po- it not suffered in comparison with formally discuss the chapters which sition as was Mr. Bryan yesterday that of Rose. He is left-handed, some- they have taken as a lesson, not from afternoon, lie has appeared before thing rather unusual for a shot put- a religious view point, but from a Ann Arbor audiences so often, and ter. scientific or literary side, as they advancing views which were in a Just as the'shot put was finished, would in studying Shakespearej or measure opposed to those held by the Hon. William J. Bryan entered Milton. many of his audience, that he could the gymnasium and was greeted with The Bible Study Association has not but feel uncomfortable in soie prolonged cheers and the U. of M. been in operation now for about three degree. And further, no audience can yell. weeks and the roll is rapidly increas- be more critical than an audience of In the 40 yard dash Keeler caught ing, both in the number of chapters college students. Such was the po- Hahn asleep and to the surprise of enrolled and in the number of men. sition in which he was placed, and so the spectators beat the little cham- At present there are sixteen fraterni- well did he meet the demands of the pion to the tape. ties carrying out this idea, with a to- occasion. that few of his audience left Steffins, the North Division High tal enrollment of over ninety men. the hall expressing other than coin- School boy, who recently beat Catlin, Each fraternity group class chooses mendation. of Chicago in the indoor hurdles, two men to represent it in the gener- The marvelous magnetism, the mu- showed his class by defeating Schule. al committee and from this general sical voice, the lucid reasoning and However, Steffins beat the gun by at committee an executive committee of the irrepressible humor, which are so least five feet and this lead Schule five men is elected, to carry on the happily blended in Mr. Bryan, can not was unable to overcome although he more immediate work of the organi- help holding the listener ani compell- gained considerably. cation. ing him to see both sides of the ques- Rebstock sprained his ankle while The number of, men interested in tion presented. going to the gymnasium last night, this kind of work, in the fraternities Mr. Bryan spoke in part as follows: and Norcross was left to run the quar- at the various institutions throughout "What. is the value of an ideal? It ter mile alone. Aided by Goodwin, the country is estimated to be consid- brings to mind the great difference who paced the first two laps for him, erably over 5,000. between a wasted life and a life spent "Norky" succeeded in defeating Geo. The effect of such a thorough and in doing good and attempting to ben- Smith of the soldiers, in the very good scientific study of the Bible, will not efit mankind. It is the difference be- time of 54 seconds. "That track of only be of value as a study of the best tween success and failure, and often yours is something fierce," said Smith literature, but it is believed it will of life and death. Life should be after the meet. "I think that we could tend to greatly advance the general measured, not by what we can get safely promise the Michigan quarter character and tone of fraternity life. out of it, but by what we put into it. milers the same medicine that they Only as we put conscientious, earnest gave us if the race were to be run in ORATORICAL CONTEST FINALS. endeavor into our lives can we ex- thearmory at Chicago." pet to gain that which is worth Withey showed his nerve in the Twhile. pole vault when, after Albertson had The members who will appearin "We need ideals in every avenue of done 10 feet 6 inches, and he him- the University Oratorical contest Mar,life. We need them in business, in self had twice failed, he cleared the 18th are as follows:sl hepWesnsdandmin pusites., baron he hir an lat tial Ro- itonGuyof he enir lw cassthe professions, and in politics. The bar on the third and last trial. How- ith an oration on '"The Battle of great success in business, I care not ever, the Chicago man eventually wtraoa;oJ.oG."W e Bttlecof what branch of industrial life it may won out. Saratoga"; J. G Welch of the second be, can be attained only by observing Mall beat Uffendell by at least year law class onThe Twentieth scripturously what is right. This is twenty yards in the half mile run, and tury Reform"; F. H. Bartlett of the true also in politics. There are people finished strong. f rst year law, "The Progress of today who advise young men to keep Keller defeated Captain Kaecke in Peace"; J. F. Halliday of the senior the high jump by jumping 1 feet 11 unated, fbutI say, let us raise up young inches, with apparent ease. cf 1850"; Hugo Sonnenschein of the men of the sort that upon entering Holton, the midget mile Tunner, of junior class, "The Region of Law"; politics will not be contaminateil the First Regiment, won the admra- and B. ,H. DePriest, of the sophomore thereby, bat rather who will elevate tion of the spectators by the plucky class, The White Man's Burden. the political world so that it will rep race he put up. He finished fast and The contest will be held under the resent only what is good and true and almost beat Perry. - aespices ef the Students' Lecture As- resen' olwhtigodadruan Michigan won the relay race with sociation and Regent Levi D. Barbour noble.' yards to spare. The points however, of Detroit will preside. "On will we realize as a nation that did not count in the score. great ideal for which our country has There was an immense crowd in at- A petition signed by 1500 students always stood, and for which I pray tendance at the meet. Huge banks at Chicago asking that the spring va- our flag may ever stand." of seats extending from the floor to cation be lengthened one day was de- the running track had been prepared nied by the faculty. As it is now, .C ty and every place on these was taken. they have four days for their spring The Glee Club at the University 01 Also on the running track there was vacation, from the 28th to the 31st of California is giving a series of out-of- so large a crowd that at times it March. The new quarter opens on Fri- door concerts in the Greek theatre. threatened to interfere with the con- day, April 1st, and the students wish- testants. ed it to be changed to the following At Illinois the Biio, their year book, Trainer Max Beutner, of the First Monday so they could visit at home. has offered a Morris chair as a prize Regiment expressed himself after the The faculty claimed they couldn't to the sorority which hands in the meet as follows: "We wish to extend spare even one additional day in the best collection of "roasts" for its col- our thanks for the royal manner in new quarter and as a result there are umns. Evidently the editors think' which we have been treated. We many sore and disappointed students they know just where to go for the (Continued on page 2.) around the campus. best roasts. BRYAN BANQUET. Democratic Club Gave a Banquet Last Night at the Oyster Bay in Honor of the -on. Wm. J. Bryan. The Democratic Club of the Univer- sity gave a banquet in honor of Hon. Wiliam Jennings Bryan at Oyster Bay last night, Almost a hundred of the members of the club and student admirers of the eloquent Nebraskan sat down to the festive board at ten o'clock, Im- mediately after the indoor track meet with the First Regiment of Chicago, at which the guest of the evening, Mrc Bryan was present After the 'menu had been served, fromtblue points to coffee, the toast- master, Attorney Martin J. Cavanaugh who is well known in local Democratic circles, introduced Mr. Frank S. Sen of the senior law class, who toasted the University of Michigan Democra- cy. Judge Thomas A. Bogle of the law department followed with a response and further review of the Michigan Democracy, its past and future hopes. Ihe final toast of the evening was responded to by the guest of the even- ing, the Hon. William J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan talked of the Democratic out- look in the coming presidential elec- tion from the standpoint of a man who is almost a party in himself. And with his wonderful personal magnet- ism and matchless oratory, inspired his democratic hearers wi htnew hope of a Democratic victory next fall. RICHARD WAGNER LECTURE. Professor Stanley will give an illus- trated lecture on "Richard Wagner" in the Museum lecture room Monday afternoon. P rofessor Stanley is one of the recognized authorities on-the life and works of the great German master and music lovers will undoubt- .edly make the most of the opportuni- ty. The lecture will be fully illustra- ted by stereopticon views of Wagner's home and therte at Bayreuth and scenes from his famous operas, prob- ably including "Parsifal." DEBATERS ARE BUSY. The four literary societies are now busy preparing for the annual cup de- bates which will take place soon. Ony men who have never before tak- en honors in oratory or debating on 'Varsity teams are eligible. The ques- tion, "Resolved, That Labor Unions Should Incorporate," is the same one which will be debated in the Central Debating League contest which will take place between Michigan and Northwestern at Evanston. The finals which will decide the winner of the Detriot alumni cup and also the team to compete against Northwestern will take place May 13. The cup which. goes to the victor is the gift of the De- troit alumni to the University Oratori- cal society. It will become the per- manent property of the society whose members score the most victories in twenty years of competition, RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. All students and others should he interested in the talk to be given by Mr. Takahaski at the meeting of the young people of the Unitarian church tonight at 6:30. The subject is "Tshe Causes of the Rdsso-Japanese War." SPECIAL; RATES. Arrangements are being made by the managers of the Memorial Day Regatta' on May 30th, and the Inter- collegiates on May 27 and 28 so that a special railroad rate may be obtain- ed by all students -and graduates who desire to attend these very important and interesting sporting events. Har- vard, Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Cornell and many other col- leges will be represented in one or the other of these events and it is the aim- of the managers to get the rate so that visitors may' leave on Thurs- day and not be compelled to leave Philadelphia until after the 30th, which will be the following Monday.