THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arrriv- 4 7 Facory- Styles tIa~s 1 i, i F i ' F 1FP i4 r i i mmodut t j 1I ilk" 11 1 C1IARLTTLS Q~rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. LSMOKL MAKLS LCYP'TIAN SMOKEK5t Cork Tip. sr Plin. Sae the Cupon. The W. C. Keril Co. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Cape and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and fraternities carried in roc-k Clss Pins, (lass and Teamr Capos SeenafrwrC atalous. ~MONEY LOANED ON + )srrslr r rrdasll ligr 1 *a tltrsir,ttad a.rd teI + BSINsEnSSSTRICTtY tCttPIDEIAt ' W. J. LOURIM. Opposite Cook louse ;+ rr )Bi er otrs rrtor11i:. 1 rsor4: . + ' rr -0 to 3 f_ A ' Sf 4 Yr1 ." Ate, _.._ ... _-._-IiY XICH1GAN CENTPA1. 4444444s5444 4r4iu44444. 'The Nitagara Fallsioy erutc R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of 4 THP1111'17T ANE 4+ Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 4i 0 Phone 389-2Ir. Corner Main and Hacon Streets.4 ANN ARBOR to 4 CHICAGO 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 44 44 4 BUFFALO BRYAN BANQUET NOTICE. lt-s Yousr eyes examined by an NEW YORK expert optician. All the Il-t AND BOSTON This eenrrsing 55att'n otch, ii rr'eat approved appliances and methods dtl e ihKietcne in tCiaofrS.''ce a lc ' i~l" )1 e y lse rfsinftelne ourrb a ceresnitrS..oraurandse W oe st.hardyslie rt re a 1 rirIo. nw o h rfeso remlyd I.rrt.lsotstr.o.'utse ieWs.'ilesoa s'Irr r 'rlis olrr e y lse tel essdupli- roornfrtrrrarir thro trrsrliieeseritooc Storesor Siate sirest.iorrIfrom Ale('lsrrt, rated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew- rrGr.O.OSS gn.ArrAbo. Ilednery, ItiooWto, \ ifirIlo sr. 'sti',elry Store. If. D, A A( RAIWAY Lehmoarn, Prier, itzigeraldi, Abbottri, D1 Y., A . &( j Walshoe ne, EScror. Just received 223 Mandolins and 5TATID7ARD TIIC tt0l.ieiITT i7~'. Guitars that we bought at a remark- Fror lDerit hlfortlt trry tfrsron ~t 5a. nrtil ably low price and will sell them at 6:r)p ur. en ousooy Oarii iA:15. lFor'Yrisi- BRYAN LECTURE NOTICE. one-third the regular price. This is Iltirroniy,tat1-r:15 aM. anrd 12:45a. urt. otrp Jarc tls orly tcssrrs5:i5la..rmounti ,15or. rut. -o n exceptional bargain. All Inatro. r'isn .t!):t5 in. and triIt ti )r. a. 'isoa ft etnoonrsatisfourso'cilkiouments on easy pyet.See our Waitig su, Baon t. W. Man.ltiv'ersity hail. 'ie'ts fort"esered display in window-Ann Arbor Music seals omoy 1ish'iatos Cu(irstti-le's rg Co. IYA N R G S O E r's'redeon re tstr'o'cl it Bath spplisof all kindo at all 21 c NOTICE.pices at Cuohing's Drug store. tf. e7V~ M OJI 'AIN Pi TelDai liBoard il tc n chii ts- Losrt-:Br'east pin with initials M. T. Es. i). rINisertrrrsr trr.e ttSO O 1 'clock'i. P'residtet. V. P'esi'enrt. ________ Ticket fsr four shampos-$1.t0. S.W tCRu KC(}t s htlier. FIS AIO A A KSENIORS? SENIORS. Stoft water. Miss Vauoghan, near Quse OtF A'uNN AR151ii! t1ti'll . tio eou inttsu to ts eaeh? Seesrea CAPITAL, $100 se,oo00isositiontnotw bt ryiti'lng i toor eallinrg 'haffitug dishoes at Hailer's Jewelry SUtRP'LUS AND PROFITS. lists00 po A. Pearce., 0l S. lttg'sll's stre'e'. Store. tf. - -- - -tsPU.of. reptresetative Lewis 'Peas- A. [[E"1LE[ ero' Ageney. tier. St. JOB PRINTING-MsEYERS, 2t0 'tainu St. S. Phone 281. Forest Avenue Meat Market. NOTICE-SENIOR LITS. Tpwiig at ingalia Poultry, (lame and Fish in Season Seorss whit hav oust ys'torderedl Work done neatly and qruickly. Walter 030 Forest Ave. Phone d07 tlheir capss ansi gowseu rs.sitsott as I. Willis, 1224 Woobtenaw Ave., 'Pe1. early aso possible in order tsr have 387. tf. A. J. WATSON gowns at tire time tsf the swingost. h -l T* 'he crmmittee will meet again in Fresh towney's,.llgretti's, Spar. Wal a~rPan sroom C lurem 4 to 6i Tuesdaty anti Wet- rowos, Hutyler's, chrocolates at Cush- nesday, March 15 ansI 16. Mtiss ionv- ugs Pharmacy. tf. and Oils elol will measutre lhs girls at iher sster at the same horr. Chaffing dishes at Haller's Jewelry 216 East "uron Street. 114-117. ROBE51ISON. Store. tf. CreamilChewing Caildy, BAILEY tom. V-m 7t S. : f &e ATHENS PRESS Salted Peansuts, Hoot Buttered Popicorn, Crackerjack fres ®Sk t Grn a( l ady thn //+ + 11E ie-yS. } 2dFl r. AkfTetr3 30d.aly. I.RV E Lb i O + .0 ">"+ i~~~r H4*+i~f~~f"" t +I" i s t a t a s Arkansas, Texas, Mexico ' and Calitornia... Aebeat reachedl via St. ouis Word'sFair City,$ Iron frOUntdir, x Route 0tltu dily ttainstot C'tlifo'ria. 'fines' ldaily ttais toMehlo'. * ou doatily' traios to Textas. t Si. dai r ains to Tt~itle IR o k. THE BEST OP EVERYTHING. 4 1 , j WRITE ME. Hi. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,; 12:33 tWashiteeaw Ass'., } ~Ann Arbor, Mich.+ ,+9.lh SPAZteNt'OFFePICIAL INSlTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL 4+ 4+ Usd oaregs bynl thar teading + FootBall Panta l ,ace fronst,± sips atotd tor' s paddedt'tlwith fie utar'ldrhiirsandlthighsn wills esnestripsn. 0.0G. SPALDING & BROS. + NSew York, Cbicago, Denver +. Spatlintg's Ot~tiittiFrot Ill Gidet -; tfor' 19t3. editedl by NOattu sr-Otusp. 4 P rices' cnts5+ S .0 Senior Junior Sophomurore or 5Frethrman-firstdayat tcoo rots astt.,roost.ire u st s l a b le to acerlent :inr[ir nret at.grettneed of Ponrds E'racttheus aminlyrdoctor-to reliteesiou.lTrere sorut tny illo that yiil ikrsers' ictsr us moring ite.u ee. Post ovnrdsoears itlhasobeen thel lrottotgremedy l~intshlesoldttfamilyuinedi- enes'chest-'tsrst aid'"ill emuegenu- rues. At 5 oole..o or nnscool, os troll us inteluome,ttsctntedaunecessity. Soothe rs het.utluns ethue ftc-sate shavirng. If ernsthlieonever used P'ond'stebetnnct your miy noistefutr 'Oatered WitchtHaeitlthentislofeed .rc yo s ubstitute;lit youte useo on'd's l''to teeatutitue-u eror wil inrsist ourPond's r xrci. bor barns, erp i us rur, es, to stop bleedinugsd driveeway ,w ssoorrig, hearling rema- usrEC T dapositive cuero. ^Cca a O a+ 11ii ner buiffsowrappe. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumebing and Strum WorE. All at ReasableRaesanas First-Class Oruder at J. F. SCHUH"S, 207 E. Wasingtonx. PHYSICAL TRMUNING IN WRITING, thehbofraltlh theIepleltt oie, ioal)vtonsu; torehroe improeeneot. sO pp. iisstrsuted. paileo 1. T'tlod 3 asThr'lue'wrmoihr'cosrerepltooiy;e'orse b ty author 01. FIda'bitef 'treItwill sond tire boolnds 1course ftroV5.Pill lecture on physicalItrauininug inrupid writitsrr 'lol,,ortso s ee'isfor 5 )0.0.Orca uivegtorilthr ad prodtivocuafoes 0 netting. todiidualiw e t uir 'I Sslno ema n anesieson, I10- Addresotra. 0. 8IEu, rislisos t.& OgeAve., CiagoIll. I UlII1 OGI'N6 0VA IL[[Y Ry.Continues Its Excellent J TRAIN SERVICE -At ---YOU WILL FIND-- FOUR TRAINS DAI[Y FROM TOILDO Carrying Parlor Cams on Day Traina Sleeping Cara on Night TrainasroA UNION DEPOTPS IN TOLE5DtO ~ I'MAJ 6 1.AE~uEOl AN1D COLUMBUtS. [. W. LANMAN, T . .,Dtri V A lway. head In 'tyles. MILWRTHE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring