THE MICHIGAN DAILY Too Late for Breakfast ? DON'I GO HUJNGRY ,OA TULL NOON. 4e 4~ Surpassing Coffee or Dutch Cocoa with whipped cream and delicious T o ast e d Rols. Most saisfy- igand only--- enycooke fiRANi[R'S ACADE"1Y ORCHE[SIRA Ann Arbor, Milch. office- at te- Arseany ot MayarlSts-set. 'hState 2 -4-i ROSS GRAGER, aager $ YOU CAN GET A *Hot Lunch #At Tuttl's, 338 S. State 24 LESSONS IN 24...DANCING..Street 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS P1-C- . I T i- BOYS if you wat FINE SHOE REPAIRING Go to CAPT. C. H. MINNIS, 606 E. William St PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND) BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. UNIVERSITV AVNU. k ICRAVENETTES IR New Line ~ Just In $10 to $25 I Glad to have you see themTAIL P * ~ Staebler &Wet b@i r@O .@O.bN @OOOOOM ** os **ooao*****~ t eo**** "GREAT LAFAYETTE." At ptresent the University has the "The Great Lafayette" and his own most extensive collection of Shaftes- big company of over fifty people is stars in the West, if not in ftse entire booked to appear at the Athena Thea- coutntry. A greater tart o1 ihis ettll(ec- tre on Monday, March 14th. This at- tion naumbering 52,263~ volumes, a-as traction it playing to crowded houses thse gift of the lise Stenator Janmes all over the country and this city MceMillan. Nearly all th(e nttre cost.t- shosuld he no exception, as or thteatre ly work-s usetinit the sttudy of Shakres- goers are nut slow its patronizing at- peare were houghst fttr the tUtiversity tractions of mserit. This show is one hyyIhim. of the moat expensive on the road. WV. C. Mceililan has taktenstpsthte There has bteen over $411000 invested wmotkttf his fathaer and has otatdest- in cosumines, scenery, draperies, propl- eral atdditionsalatogtlis line. erties. electrical devices, etc. and Statistics shtow that the gills are abou,,t $5,0tttl mtre inveest in wiltd 1 falling toff eatct year, at it-ast in thest andt tdtmestic antimals. tnumbter otttvoltumets. 'ITereatorltttor _______________________ 1903ttishttws a ftllintgttfttof nteartl- a NOTICE -1904 ENGI NEERS. itttttsatttlumtettttsttve-rlt-eIrevious Mleasturements for caps anti gtowns year. will be talken at Mias Lttvell's o Among lire hentfatotrsoftrtte last. State street, Monday and Thsursday year weere: thte tDtke ttf Lsstslt, tht front 4 to 6t Dttn't neglect this. Frencht governtmenst, -the -.lMacMillan CAP ANt) GOWN COMMITTEE. Ptublishing Co., W. C. McMillans ttt Ge t roit, Michisgan Gas Assciations, tntli- TH E UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. tuttno Civil Enginteerso tf Lssndona Mr. Williasm Vientnttt ofthle Natittnal Cotinauetd frtm page two. Libtrary ttf Frante, Or. Vlatisutr lPap- Last year 8li53 volumes and 1,8001 pafava, ttf Zara, Attstria. NUEW YORK. CO7FFEE MOCHA AND JAVA Os..- Own .Ronn.ast 214 Mattt 51. DEIAN (a CO. New' Brunswick Tables AT' REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Clears and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate St., S. Ithaveeut reetheltrsge-tststdtfiert lieoft Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Fine Lunches in Connection. tEverythsirg Netttt attClet.t-tt 301 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. pamphlets were added to the stockr of books. Of this nusmber about three fosirtha are bottght, the other foutha being an addition in the way of gifts. These pturchases together with the maintenance of the binding cst the Univeraity about $11,000 a year, two- University itudents desiring to se- cure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to Jamea F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. t library.I Fountain pens at Cushing's. If. The Unoiveraity, from time to time, receives gifta from intdividuals in the way of money fotr procttring bottks Chafing dishea at Hatter's Jewelr and material fotr the library; bttt Store. tf. these sums are generally expendetd en -_________ tirely antd are therefotre, not classed Freah Lowneya, Aliegrettis, Spar-PO LA as funds. There are, httwever, three row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush-P PLR very impotrtant f untds which are log's Pharmacy. drawn on for the putrpttse otfbtuy -S H IRT_______ ing sew books ste reptlaciag oltiostc. The last report tf thse treasturer shotws Pantorium, '336 S. State. Cleaning, CLUETT PEABODY & CO. these to be as follttws:I Pressing and Repairing. ClothesMAESO Ford-Messes fond-.....$220134.11, called for and delivered. Leave or- CtUETT AND AR O CtLLAR Coyl fund...........12081013 ders over Gushing's Drug Store, or Goethe toad ...... 212.131 'phone 582-3 r. State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor W.Jot istrcTOitS: Jno.V. ShseehatnsPLOkL5T. ROWE'S LAUNDRV Wm.Arnoid Ier. V. C. Vaughtas lJao. H. Wade g. F. Mills CHIOICE CUT lLO'Wlrf & PLANTS N. .J. Dye ohn IHaarer 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. Inst Koach P'rof. It. S. Cssrlssri Chatpinet., betwe'en its 'st' St. ted Mitts-r-Are. ____________ Frank P. Glazier Christias Martin P'honess-809. ++..r.. EXCL USI VE NO VEL TIES IN SPRING 121-123 South lain Street S U ITINGS WAGNER & CO, N N NN ON:N N N NN s ~ . s®se ®f N CALLAGHAN & Co. Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers I14 l MONROE ST., CHICAGO ii£ II WE IENEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE I