THE MICHIGAN DAILY the P blic ~ Dwight B. Watkins, iNOt1CC to tTYPEWRITING and ve us call for your work. We, the undersigned, willc ontinne the Clothing oi08cadt32 S. amS. tingdRernis&n Goods business known us the Cut- A. .1[.. + tin, Reer &Co. at 109 iziiE. Washington St., + Ann Arbor. !IMT. Trumain Wadhamis, who has + entered uipoin his fourteenth year in connectioni + Fores t Avenue Meat Market ,' with the store,58will hasve char ge of the Clothiiig Poultry ,Oame and Fish in Season lDcpartnient, and Clarence (ocinsley, who has w-oi50Frs .Pone07 .W 5LUtAM5 4 many friends by his gentlemanly dealings, will ,r " \ a have charge. of- the Furnishing Goods Departmsent. CO HUE ILIR HL.,/ CO L R A. I'. GRE;ENE, Pres. ,fC0 OS ILADHL O L R Unebe ingmn. ie .C 3Luri, Vice-Pres. New Billiard Out fit.araC vz 11'. H. 1li~i,5oic Secy. Chipos given good for anyjwhere in 4.ARE TE-I E ST. the house. .4.444.44 . . . . ..44414 44444444444 rellLUAU). A Word To Students, Patent Leather Sh oes ABR VZ isii wrsioTHE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STHEET t ofR~ rieiucy cociodis .to - ro-Ti()leav epr- 4,- 4~ DR . ',o oon ' c jJ ( r-Tosi-,- ttonl R- E N T S4 RE HTSC ELERFor anything in the lneof +$4 icc-c or h ie,-Ino + Maker of Photographs Framing, Cilin Renischler, 4 TirCo 'l w c1lost1ais I Phone 389-2r. Corner Main aiid [Iliiron Streets.4 T,'.Yii t Oil for a _ rnilyycri no w ii, --, the hig;h Saig, of,+4444 4444 44 44 4 4 4444+i'44 4 ia ยข physician an coi- YeredAphrmacisthi NOTICE-SENIOR LITS. STUDENTS-Insure your Booksand a,,R>., e n recl )f; Wardrobe three years for $300 at a thtt-tI -5Cou-y ;Seiinirs wirhave riot yet ordereI cost of $2. Removal permits granted Tot ici-o oiion o our rai-cde, -hi-ofi a!t he Tiiicalps 1111dIgowTns must doisoT as free. H. G. Sellman, 615 William St. suprio reed inalte-seofsTprains.ri-c-Ieaily as pos oiblin ord iler tohave e. O. d. 124. tlieo fterfloc cc iiio -liii11Tn ) o ,s ole 1Tewns 01thie oeof the swinlguti _____________ -iceise. it s0 h-hali e p11, 1i-i-tiotiiITIoilIT 1 rehe coTmitteeO willT 01et1againsino OIE ToK mediinail ing0i diOnt tT haT~t'icl T,- T omT ("1from 1 to tioTcsdacy aiiiWell- Iiilokly cand allay-all sres IlT-.oTITIndTOOTTTTfioconeday, \Tac-lT-15 onl 16. Miss LoT- -Tii ~ciiis,,,n, gcaa ndof iif ay,-iitykidlfre toseddi in ellwill no- ror- te girlsaTl hoer0store The Southern Club will give a Tic. Colwell's hih Egypianl( atithe11saint101 5. smokesr Friday night at Nichols Hall, MagcicF, tr-ia iTil tatiwecsieIl evrycosttle 11117TI. - TOtlhllSON. :124 S. State street. All Southern. witihii,-the sitivero coo cciii thatT it iiwill givce11100 arc, invited. saiisfoeilo,,. IT it lees not you icon ri-icc, - theibittl-randiwe willreiiniiiourcmoniey. NOTICE-SENIOR GIRLS. Quarry's Campu s Drug Store! -i,, - aecqcoe-Yu-ee xm~e ya Alliionio 1011 girlsarrensd _ expert optician. All the lat- to ril ecosotigoTo o- et~ OT-est approved appliances and methods - PIE- larcir 111,11 t1il~ilrimill111- lv Iknown to the profession are employed. iFE the 1,-tocrsoriois. New eye glasses fitted, lenses dopli- __________amescated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jex- PitrsPEDAGOGY NOTICE. elry Store. tf. 21; S. Fourth Arene. PHOTOGRAPHS S[Y40OLR'95S SI DU Somiethiing New in Mvichigain"rillows At Darling & Malleaux's jProesor Whitney sill metiIls- ______________ classes in TeTlcg~igy titdcy. ( University students desiring to se- _____ _____ cure positions to teach will find it to PrfsorRbc n"!wl. their interest to, write to James F. _____ McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- (titii tiet Ifronm page'oneii.)I ago. tf. no racicaiiinot longer initheic aoacr- Just received 223 Mandolins and ily. tii licii if its allegiance tothi' Guitars that we bought at a remark- 'o lned Statrs, lie si)esirer suggested ably low price and will sell them at Tb, 1 Hawrai i ogtig ito' filled with one-third the reguliar price. This is titr-ioTI peop~le, 1, ; as it is ice urged an exceptional bargain. All Instru- Ib, I hthi-it is vtirI little lunger that ments on easy payments. See our tere will grossw-ia civilicailoithai display in window-Ann Arbor Music riill lbi ac tltrincoe toiuso. Co. +Chaffing dishes at Halier's Jewelry Fountain pens at Cushings. tf. Store.tft. ___..~ ~Ticket for four shiampoos-$1.00. }JOB PRINTING --MEYERS,. 2151 Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- SMain St. S. Phone 281. ryes. 'I Barker's Cllars are Stamped "Linen"~ Othee lra Ihdeisedand Sold uw Lin r NOfesamed'"Whv > Sold by Wagner & Co. 2 for 25 cs. We ar-ei noigtSlhrtiis lcionee4 oftesltsire pittetl-is-iii ,+ SPRINGO NEGLIGEESIETS SIitias osier ieniiur pleas'ito hanodle. Generally spcakig the 4 pa11tte is lean, toard dun, colors btiineto. onseorsali-c. smallT e igas adstiasrps tarc alwiys'sIn dlerad. WIvIrienmall In d1f- '4I ferent lnth of1.0slccves clsoati- 4 -:. WAGNER & CO. j.Habeedashers $ A Hates THE FLEXO PRICE $5.00 A 19-ounce Kodak for 32x32 pictures. It has the Kodak simplicity, yet lacks none of the essen- tials of good picture making. No Dark Room Required Now 34 Calkins 34S. State St. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and Caliornia...t Are eel reached via 4 St. ous, World's Fair City,; the Iron frountain Route -Two daily trains toCalifornia. Three dailytrisoMec. Foui- doly trais to Texas. Fooi' daily trains to Hot Spring. 4 Six daily trains hi Little Bok. e THE EST OF EVERYTINGI. 4 WITE DE. 12331 Washteeaso Ave., --Ann Arbor, Hich. ALfrII A. HALE, Vbow Photogaphse Views of city and cmpus. Flask lights, I- teiors, Grops. ,16 s. Han Street, Ann Arbor With Seymour Stdio. 'Phone 11 A. J 1V TSONTypewriting and Stenographical Bath supplies of all kinds at all A. . W TSO - Work done neatly and quickly. Walter Iprices at Gushing's Drug store. tf. .W all Pa~er Paint # 38L Willie, 1224 Wastenaw Ave., Tel. LotBespiwthntalM.T W alPlePa sC. Return to 425 S. Divieion. tf. and Oils Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis,, Spar- I row's, Huyler's, chocolates a Cush- Chafing diohes at Haller's Jewelry 216 [ast Iluron Street. ingos Pharmacy. tf. Store, tO. OURPOLICY rile buldingii p of a 'Telephione System with every possible umod- er11 imlprovementh; the giving of hetter service than was ever thought possihle before. To he honorable, couirteouls and just in every detail. T'o ainticipaite requnireints. To overcome impediments. To he satis- fed with nothiiig short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in thie county. WA SHItNA W ,"O"rl[ T[L[PHON[ lCO', TgnmPOkARYvOFFICE: Liberty street, near Fourth. P'RESI.DENT Suspenders work in perfect iharmony wih tine wearer's eveey movement. Comfoet. Style and Service ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Teimiminis cannot rust. Preneoead$1.c0, nyseeorenmai,pepsid. BE, lEl. EDGARTON SF00. 00., Box 280 Shirle, XMa,. MOGUL, CICARLITLI Clrokers iniTurkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. -M4OdUL SMOKL MAKLS LcYrnIAN SMOILKI in Ahead MIL WARD, THE TAILOR., Trie Best o. Everything in. Tailorla C