THE MM[C I AN DAILSY A new lot of the famuous K. S. & M. Black Suits, J L~IINin Vicunas, Thibets, Cheviots and Worsteds, Made Dorothy Dodd's FAUTL . ITIN in single or double breasted.I Varsity and Regular Sack Styles o O AD~ $* ±$15, $18, $20 UT The only shoe in the world desigjned by a ehave all sizes in stock now and can lit you U QTZ~eoe--frwmn ncl.Call and inspect thema. *~hi~ sli: it -14ttI M 21 ot 1inSre lCK & Co., - - SoIe Aqents .RANDALL, THE JJHOTO6RAPHER I 1721r E. Washington St. 7IMT, WISH to call your attention to the fact that our en- tire line of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tables and will further state that we are in a position where we can get all work out promptly. The very finest of tailoring will, pro. * vail as usual at our establishment. BVR.CRFIELD'S FrINE TAILOILING TRADE 106 HMaolmStr.t 1 r :, . ........,..%. r,- %,";, MEETING OF CLUB HOUSE COM. is claimed to be second to none. This eUNION attraction carries every stitch of seen- TH OL GIA committee which is developing cry and stage paraphanalia, used THEO OGIAL itheideas of a club house and an an- throughout the engagement. SEMINARY nual banquet, met yesterday in Pro- TH CU DEA . lessor Scott's office in WVest Hall antI H U DBT. 3 0 orAn, ~.Yok nganizetionia definite basis. The . Fully equippedlfor-scholarly and pra purposes of the committee are: to As the time draws near for the pre- tcal work, in the midst ot the C'hris tian enterprsesof a grest titymanclose turns a studenits' union along the gen- liminaries in the Cup Debate the .~academic retatiosswithbotumbisa and ;.mrl tines itt similar organizations in .3.New York Universities, utters opr =mmeso h orltrr oite In tune ortedgre fB It A A., Hrvard University, the University of mmeso h orltrr oite ad Ph.'11.Open ii ((ltemis to Pennsylvania, andl the British Univer- are beginning to work upon the dues- - tudienttis0oft'lhieia (lies sities ; toi take steps to procttre a club tion for discussion. It is the name an SIXTY-NINTH YEAR house whtiect shall be the home (if this that to be used in the final intercol- ,esa Sept. 28. 1904 union, andtiot arrange for an annual legiate debate in the Central Debating ''Addlrestic- 're,-st ciIof te Ftuniity, - I nieraity lianqut, to lie attended by Lau ewe ihgnadNrh 01 , ~all students, alumni, membiers of far- western, and reads: "Resolved, That Rev, Charles Cuthbert Hll, D.D. ulty anti miemtbers of the Botard of Re- lbrntsn hudicrirt. h do ~ --------- os incteteilits tiemainenane naterial upnitm the question seems toi _____________________________and extentsioin of MVichigant spirit in be rather scant, bitt what material is OurfI~ midst. available has been set aside in the li- 5,fBrunsick abes Thecomite elected the folwn brary for those who desire it. DIl~w~ioffcrs Protessor Scott, chairman; The cup was prtesented by the Dc- t A"Ir.F akr secretary; Paul Jones, troit Alumni Association to the Gui- REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS,, treasurer. Committees were appsoint- versity Oratorical Associatio in May, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos e to consider swayo and means fotr 1898. It is coimpeted for annually, acid JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. raising fitnids, atid to matte arrange- the society that wins the cup the mens fr (ie irt anua lineot. greatest number itt times in, twenty I ase ust received the largest and finest. years is In holtt it as a permanent line of "GREAT LAFAYETTE." trotphy. 'The finals in the debate are Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes 1 held the second Friday in May. In ever brsnghlt tsotie city. C The "Great Lafayette" anti hio own these contests students who have pre- Fine Lunches in Connection. bi opn stenx trcina iul o nvriyhnri e Eerything Nest and Cleaii. bicopnistenxatrcinavistwtoIivsiyhornd- 308 f. State St. R. E. JOLLY. the Athetis Theatre on Monday. Mar. bate, or have been memtbers of a win- 14th. It is said to lie one of the larg- ning team, are ineligible lt compete. GRAN ER'Sest and best attractions on the road. ORA GE'SThe Great Lafayette is a whole show Chafiing dishes at Haller's Jewelry ACADEMYl ORCII[STRA in himself, but let it be tunderstood Store. tf. that he does not attempt to give the Anna Arbor,. 'ich. whole show himself. He is assisteid 0ree--A beautiful collection of best Offie ot thei Academy on MayasSitreuet, bya larte company itf capable mcii, old songs will be given every pur it ,an.t-- women and children, including his chase of one dollar at Root's Music ROS GRANGER, Manager celebrateid Banid and Orchestra. which[ House. wfs. Money Loaed ON3 Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of value. Watches and Jeweloli- paired. Bargains in WVswhdke and Dia~mond. Office at residence. 331 Ef. Lib- erty1 Street, Ann Arbor. Hours 8 to 113a.m., Ilto 3:30p. i., 7to 9 p. m. All Boiness Confiden- lal. JOMPU C.WTT. ILICTk IC PAN5 Electric TAI at+3~ In {act, .npt Nis t. ligt~.h pyr WA.5HTtNAW LIa+tT & POW~k COMPANY. SALDIIY'S OFFICIAL INTER-COLLEIATE FOOT BALL Use by anl IheLeading Coleges Fot BaliPans-Lace front, hips and knees padded with tine curled hair ad thighs with ae strips A. G. SPALDIN & BROS. Incorporated New York, Chicago. Denver Spalding's Official Fot Ball Gude for 100, edited by wahtercamp Price 10 cnsta P antoriu i. Cleaning. Pressng~s. Rearng. * 336 S. STATE ST. Clothes called for and Delivered. 15 CENTS, 2 FOR 25CENTS BkalscaLletnd osracsh isde Win. 1x'cfbrcn, .. %anitavr I~1me, steam &, &Z litter. *bolsc 667* 3Ot 5.s tole5t $YOUCAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tu~ttle'&. 338 S. State 24 ..ANIG. UNIVERSITY ACADEMY,Ste Street OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMVBUS MICHIGAN .MICHIGAN BANNERS lfl COLORS LOVELL'S CORNER STORE. IdnIGAN CENT~A "T7e Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis.Kansas City. St Paul and the West For inforsmation and through tickets call snoar write toWV. W. CASE. Agent. Ass Arbor. "A LL EN' S F OR Q UA LI TVY" We give the hest Clothinig Values, saving you three to five dollars on your Suit or Overcoat, Spring line now ready $10.00 dnd $15.00 TROUSERS, ALL PRICES; ALLEN, THlE CLOTHIER, MrAIN STREET The University of Chicago Law Schools of Mdcn Theology Education Each school has a special Circular of Information which will he sent on request. The Courses in Medicine are given in connectios with the. work of'RUSH MEDICAL+ College. THE UNIVERSITY .OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Chicago, Ilinos. 'Jane8n-='Septenmheru2 WE .AtRE ~N'VEJ? UNJNER$OLD--GOUD YEAR'S DRUG STORE