THE MICHIGAN DAILY IUiIUII QU% e Crokvn in Turkey. i Perfected in Egypt. } + !Enjoyd inAmerica. +} M' ESOEMAES EGPIAN 5SMOLRS COLLEGEI BASEBALL a tyle and all other colle ge sport is fu covered inl text ant Ilista .1j Lion by THE ILLUSTRATED SPORTING Nws which is the 4ONLY publication giving speia jl attenitioni to oll( qs subje( .s Sen Us One DoIlar and swe wit send yOn THE ~)11EU I7iSiEATIl)D SPORTING Arriv- NEws each week for Its ieeeA, which will cover the spring season of outdoor sport. Address, + ipg ~ TIlt11 ILLSRAT[D SPURTING NWS, 7 1W. 22d S.; New York.; TOllU Daily MONEY LOANED ON ~ Arkansas, Texas, Mexico 4 4. Jewelry,and all High :4 ± ~~~~~~Class Chattel a n d Aebs ecei Clateral Seurity. BSNSSTRICTLY COFIDETIAL. 3+ St. Louis, World's air City,j $Ann Arbor Store 1 I I S. Mairn. W. J. LOUJRIM. the + IRoute \JdIHI6AIN CENRA1 Iwoa daily trains toCaion. 'The Niagara Falls Rueee 4 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of Theedileran t exits. THlE SHORT LINE- ' MkroPhtgas Framing, Call on Rentchler, Siourdaiily trains to LTeas. AN0RO oI Phone 39-r. Corner Main and Mron Street. * Four daily trains to Hot Springs. 4 NE OKSOCIALPOSTPON E. Gthe LB-TCoo E.u WR7A5i4 Ion1 ITEa AND BOSTON ThChitaEteateSctyo Every member who expets to take H. D. Armstrong, T. PA9 TheCbistanEndavr Scity f heSpring trip resrt in RooimC4 Wit diec conetios thcao foreeS1. the Presbyerian church has postpon- Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.o. New 1231 Wshtnas Ave, 1 Louis;Kauss Cit. St. t n ilte West. Frifrainadthrousgh tickett s lo rcithle stcial announcetd oe Friday men also report. 109-itnnAbo,1rc wrie o W W CAE. A ssAn Arbos. March 11, till one week later, oti ac - _ Ann Arbor, _____ counit o ictingatractions. Bath stpplies of all kinds at all DY, AAJ. RAILWAY prices at Cshingas Drg store ..:...01+- STNADTIME NOTICE. PAIOI' Iy +~~ FrDtothlhoryfinsm 61)a. on. utit___ Los-Breatpin with initials M. T. , - aINTER-CILIttATE t 615mThnhul fti Dl. Fee Ys- C. lReurn to 425 S. Division.t. FOOT BAL ladola 1.5a .ad 3:5a. ein For Tie Sotthern Ctib wilt give a }sed by all the eadig 3 Jako oryfo :5 r nili7:5 1>.'m.smiler Fritday inight at Nichotl's Hall, disheseteJewelr atn Huo ' ,W. af an. ,4S ttesre.Aloten Chaffingdes tHailer's JewetrytFoet Bal ans- acietfranth mten are invited. Store.t. bei eriihal,irad tighols _________________ __________________with cane strips. MA NSD IGSO E INFORMAL PARTY. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 211 GSPING ROS Alain SL.S. Phone 281. New Yor, Chicag, Denver Thuioitr Medical class will give I't ptalis s fitiaFt HallGuid c an informal party on Fritay eveiing -a for ltttttediteditby Wite r cn 21 OUJTH'I AIN T". Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- f Price itt cetsin it this week in arbour gyinasiom. itws and Hyler's Chocolates alCush li,, The party, while given bythue'0 class M"d+v aA4.3 . . xtins, stasoBia e.e isinieaity a departmient ttair". The Ing s Pharmacy. reds w nfxCrt..resiiit hqinainOrietanilttosa Typewriting and Stenographical s . iiiat.i'ati-. the nassir Trieetc 25. cets Wonk done neatly and qickly Walter FIRST NATIONAL BANKI.Wli,12WatewAv o FAN AIOIIG.UNIQUE CUSTOM. 1 ils 24WstnwAeTl FANABR IH 87. H CAPITAL, - - - $000es SURPLUS AND PROFITS. $40,000 (Continuied ront page one.)l - Chaffing dishes at Halera Jewelry A." f1I , showed the completion of 230 eet of _______ar___e smetmes tle[ i tic ffeitS. The nt~ } vene Mat arkt.gravel path, well graded and drained. - Your eyes examined y as 0 entni aieer ftofhe ,i 5i a hr Posudo Forest Averse Meat Market. A reasonable estimate ot the amount expert optician. All the lat I ciii t' t at >--ffsc saved the University by lte students et approved appliances and methods rhi iitti ti ed a e tac ol sch its. ll Polr ,Game and [isb n Season is placed at $15010.00. With Iis ec- tnown to the profession are empoyed 1.h sudent it ho 5-. ot t efiond 530 Forest Ave. Phase 407 cd scesilLbrDy -a a e y lse ess Erct at !radi se prov eided tre sucesfl abr ay wa ws ewey gase hftted, lnssdupli- lioepat.iein, eteeiec. iteiceeuets, mtore r less ot an experiment beore ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew bruise, buers; stistle ledig;ree A. J. WATSON han now passed into a well grotunded elry Storet. lievesarahe, toctieace rleneoa- cCollege tradition Is be handed down __________tim anilalitpains as if br icagl. WallIIPaper, Paints to succeeding classes. University students desiring to se- sothesc andi-reshense f eatrha cre positions to teach will findl it to shaecvicsFo one 6 yaic rsciythat a~nd dI' Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar their interest to write to Janmes F. --- s eever diaipoited. row's, Hyler's, chocolates at Cush..cCullogh,'639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- =ae,ee,ceWtered witth Hael 216"[ast Huron Street. tg's Pharmacy. tf. ago .tfia5weak soutnse BAILEYl Ch EDllg Caildylie ATHENS PRESS i + "" . ndd h xRtra*t cul Saled Peanuts, Not futtered n rn ig~aisnortt5 Popcorn, Cackerjack fresh t k t rn ig pr:~ e 't x'e rv O ' ~xuuate daily. 43aa$E.Labwty SBe8'Z [dF 7or- Au. Te O Cand KiSttcenSt.fsgs UULDEKU 11E LbrySt n lor t* k.eBd. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. 301S. tae S. " 1++-- 1 N +-" N " rdF .>r".Ora'8'8 e~"I8'''''4h4'4....A.d.h. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. +--------.---~-- . .-. _____ Plumbing and Steam Work. All at Rtasoe's atses and First-Class Order at L~~Umrsu~ wa J. F. SCHVIVS, 207 E. WashI.gtoea. 111 l JqKUINiO VA[L[Y Continues Its Excellent Rya TRAIN SERVICE JAt SIX[[R's ---YOU WILL FIND-- PHYSIC AL TR UNING IN WRITING, FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLUJO the hook lice all the p lple all the ti-se, is sicacetSies-c; for homne imprement.60 Carying Parlor Cars on Day Trains lip. illasraced, prime I. taste Il ye.a. Psi-en months' correspond eceroarse bySleigCronNhtTas anther $7. Ftca 0rlef tine I with send the b5 ccan01 <-rete afor 01t. it lecture SepngCrooNgnTris e phlqsic-altlteci s ; nrapid i rita fr llt -Ic.-) u . + l