THE MICHIGAN DAILY Breakfast ? DON'T 6O HIUJN6RY ,AATIt lLL NOON. 31 SurpassitngCoffiee or Dutch Cocoat withI whipped creil ntdwt deliciousTo a s i .t sic Rolls. Mos1t 'cit i-tv- itg tint] oiitv - - 3CRAVENETTESj New Line -I Just In You will surely need one $10 to $25 Glad to hoive you see them '' Saeblr & uer I BENJAMIN 741ILORS SOin I SOREE DRAMATIC. t. Anitottr 'uno trceau.-Mtte.t tar- _________ringtoin. Ttisc evening at 8 octoctk in Sarah 2. Bonderie Saynete.-Par Mtte. It. Caosctt lAngctt tiatt the dramatic see- Cast. tiiioof tho (ecle Francais will give The price of adtmission is fifty rents. ii t c terfmncane. The program Alt members of the club witt be ad- .air ins woipiris, the first ticing a toon- mit teit free. If, bi ;tiss IHa~rrington attdtthe iiison a ctty. This aectioln of SMALL COLLEGES WON'T COME. ilCtrleis uniter tie iirect antler- visoi f iirfssor dul-ont, who has' ManagerfBairit lionotpetneit negotta- GQANIiii iiWiiitic n cpIiteningtietiroituctiot to Litons with the College of thysicians 1;,N" ~ i ve i i toiiigtit. anit. Surgeons of('hicaofrafobl AC4D '1Y C1WRA ilthitstis tstic fbrst traniatic tier- game to b lttayetdlitre earty iti Or- i'rls.i i: f ttii- ctiit it is extectei tator. Mt.ttairdits5 havinig ia iiiid Ann Arbor, fel)~. 11hat twoitiiit ir tiierformancos will te tcssheintg tminor teamss fitrprat- Offsiicatthift iit duly o11i l l lni-dive.11 ltein i tii seasoni.the ment-tice ganies as liesitnors canniot see [ ht~itiIi ,te s otil lubtitiarc.att enthusiastic the advantage to giettitng defeateiii ty Ross0. 511525RtIMatage' imlti-}ilte thii eete Fraticaisivanstin- a targe nectre. lUntit severat yeatrs ago -1 ii cat'izedt t ttie btinoning of lat s matt eotteges etinsiteredt a ganie wittt ~~ ~ ~. a itiis iiiiiione of ttio largest andsit cigantasanattpporftuity to witl iicessul fii Michiteigatn's ttany fatte attdoitecoweresuiiessnfulittit YOU CAN GET A rclb. hligteWleisdonoa 0 At thetricetit aiintuat neetfittgitiiw secire. Sitice the aitvettotf Yost, 0 I167UasA rioufiiii thtict teri, were onte thin- big scores have been ittevitatbte atii At Tsttle's, 338 SS- tte A iredt andtsieenipaititsupatitiiatltmen-the tiotitleatms appteatr unwitting ao her h~iii pii)tiees. Tho inerest ttn the ristk their tiridle tti give the Wuotver- ciliibid iiitic i urtl tins tbettsteadily insnpraettce. -ir. iilliii tataliitieteeshiptillit, -____________ ---------------it i---- iiit s id- ecossideratity iniereased Just received 223 Mandolins and 1 LESSONS N bf tiie ctosseif nstioot in Jitne. Guitars that we bought at a remark- A 4I I i5expcct that a new series of ably low price and wilt sell them at """AN'-I154le mr ii li ticarrsngei tol fit its witht one-third the regular price. This is GIIVS5TTACPMT 5at nrct* itiilcourieijust fitisched yesterday. an exceptional bargain. All Instru- UNIERSTY CADMYStae Sree itis nmiuccuthItat a teaditig < pro- ments on easy payments. See our "- - . +" .-'-"" Lesso fcont Northiwcsteri to to tie ets display in window-Ann Arbor Music ie i iiitcoiatiere andt ietiver a tee- Co. 11111ion.i tiiniciofifpeccial inteOrest to m LI Q 'iiiitcistidnts. JItie iate atnd salt- Fountain pens st Cushing's. tf. 0 jlIO CE Ni AL N LiLI ofi theI lecituir-wittltie aticnn-eid -_______ DIRECT LINE bier Ticket for four shampoos-$.00. I i i-c--I. tin viewe of lie re- Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Qitar- TOED T CLM 38 mu1iltipicaitioni if clitts hcre at ry's. Pairlor.Caranall*rais Mis igti..niiitiiiiivw lhatthle Circle liii iis uiuoe iofthe first sin orgatt Pantorium, 336 S. state. Cleaning. /ii liandtheiimetults which it. gace to Pressing and Repairing. Clothes BOYS ilyoliiwntte-idesire for iorg-anizeationiatoniitailated for soil delivered. Leave or- i-I '_utiiiaslxu- iufeltvci tnrotigly ders over Cushing's Drug Store, or FINE SHOE REPAIRING il i i ,niintii-gelclt.iunutberiof stiiient 'phone 582-3 r. Go t CAT. . H.I