TheMichiga n al D VO L.. X IV . A N N A 1~t10) , IC . T H U R D A Y , M A RCH 10, 1904. No. 113 RYAN W ILL AT TN D, I B d" ?rr , -,1o ill run the mile fIC IO N D I [ D D DELTA CHI'S GUEST. ____with Klogg .s another veteran. Is ______ __DEFEDED First Regiment Meet Promises lob 92levns a lc nteml nEsenSotn ora xrs- Ien". William J. Bryan will e a roe at le Ctn- renot and last year 1gesi sitthe Deta Chi Law fraternity an Exciting Affair -Semi-Final wase aamemheroo the championship en Confidense in Our Sportsman- nhinth So is a memier, and neot the Class Relay Roses Arranged lent mitt relay tn like Cnduct- Prints Letters ;-igma thi, as was errneously stated -Sketch of Mihigan's Rse le shot putter, ie a resh- from Baird and Yost. iliytstewuday's Daily. 1it. Bryan will Team. mni, liaving entered .at the beginning ____reimaini in Aii Arbtr oero Sunday, et the seoindlsr . ester. He is with- TeIlsrtdSotn esi anidurng his stay will e shown e- suit dottithst ran in this event ls eksise rnsi neitr cry icotrtesy which his Fraternity Thimenwt the Firs Rogtitet ntherWn seiti ofei the socal chapter will have Saturday iight proisiso tesotiel esise iliomee nth al twe letters, uie rm toach Ys, itt the test affirs etftie kinid vrt - a -ntlthe tther from President Angell IIsisstroexnd I aig t ltmp ata ni nineech e in relation tos the Rse cuitroveersy. nsnvratie muhsuccess in We h lsssies ats'i h CASE OF MALARIA. Regiment has a stroing teamaid siss athlteitics utul this ,year, when he I hntedsuso rs ntey-__ meet will he close. Tlitto F ttta i tii oo 0icesi h n'a-l ewsitapers regadisng the nethodss Malesrsi as sate its alitsac i-ibit asesifeet peritcatlinnthe iVee t pmineatt rikand CaptaiiiKelloggttegnitt w r uatlstititesic e s seii ersuad ttglRasetocomestoiglirenesi stutitetitcsas ieing reporeletadere i lc nfl o(eti all csisfident of winninig. bn h lutae prigteam ic1 ysterisias. Te1xstecutott fitthis fii- Only fist and secointiplacisiilxii u s etnieI Nessa-tte to Yst antI Prsidtient Aun es- t sse-tinstes s count fr ipoiniits lite meet tfStst ell, reqtestiiug insrinatios on the ,rrs omdclmn eas h w is ti plt vault is a reshinan frim aiies-SipiOisiectnttieait h th ihgnMltr caemyHe I AiniArborit iltitt e at this imit is has nt beeii decididsihititrotlie r hasottissued fomGtootnlitVa. lay race will cotint to oiltsThe shtss itune is0feega1incei anepriftte adhis li-tss ilatis as folisiws: 'loa ifnsiesreac geduivetoWhere the matrwl-rbby etfrCp I list-e written tis Roise iti senid the miteoiltstoitS ~tlttp Isst prmiisig athletes in the fresh- Yiso se ft iungititmaiii ionstatd his illness is a tain Kaecke, ot the FirstStReimettietterthteas1w[otass, andior cie ts decide, to keep atcoptiyitt same, and which I _____ ______ Bryans addtress wilitoesdilistresiin itedto iihavethisle nake afidiavit t lie afternoton and useesiisingeishet UNIQUE[ CUSTOM. ni toi which I will aso sweat, andj CONI[T'IPORARV [RANC. visitor sill attensI the- s--tetsithe -- thes notv it pubulished.I, 1antstrry, evening. The 'Varsity banti will agaiiti February 29 Devoted to Labor by Stu- i did nti keept a cope of this letie, The French Women Have Always had- furnish music, It is plnnsdit ihave ti -nsof the University of Califo- ut, as 1Ilave ;just hearsd of this_ Great Influence ini Many Chan- somsesittsing singing at thst isiet and nia-IprveensMaesni'cagi I haei-ttihadt time tt get nels-At the Present Time copies of the stngs will he tistributei roeetsMadeaon es lettesr..As itoltechargs in, HrWr s ietdi at the doos, Several memberss it the Campus. ega-s o hit itu.I ci-sp~eakt positively HeWokiDrctdn tflee Cuth will Se apt' r.toits --au that ithy otto absoluelsy tiitriti'in ev- Business Lines, the singing, and every efftrt is being[ At eight siclock on the orniitig iof otway" made o get all Michigan organica- certary 29 a strange atid unusual list- out to Presidenti Angell was Yeserday afternoottiDIrs Thiemene -- tions is turn ost itsfill tiorce, sight iresensted isill oil theu. t ;aut nlstseot-si iy (has,-Baird.T,'his tt- l iviritda lettire in Tpan all on Tisines Fitzpatrick fildh the tdraw- of he tnioersity of Calitrnisa nlt' its5aisisisitesstat 'ietittioifiai le "The tPositisitiondltfiiut'itc'tofIFrenich ings for the semi-fina csss relay thoutsandl fellows wre assetmsiledl e- Pacts ini this' iase. Ili regardi toiatiy Womn" Itipeing hei sait: "Inas- racen last night. As a rest, the 14 fisethi varriots butilingvsa tiofe sate Rst' le sys: '"I sish tistchias Frttchswomeniareti~timateilsacy Laws sill meet the 1est7 Eginirs wrinig cloihes varyitig funt isadI issay t hit sfat as I tknoiw sit titers, uassociatiedwsou thii--gi-nsiral cultuitra and the 1906i IEngiteers sill contest jesi eeitig sress to katfusnsitiorm,,5 itei'itiade Rtose- io itter tMichign dvopmenssiti'uofitt1rantse, isth l e well with the 11111 Lits, Owingtig ithe - Hweer,Si-e91st-eoeratl ititit I to Uivettrsity ilose ttas5 teterffued tispsetiktofittsestrais itt French fact that sevetal mensbers oithe te the mesh ttiopliar costui me.The, aiy tositionithetsiii-liiirary aniiiusessestenti-ihlroutgh his-isthey hasveiex- ti-snsseill esompete in this-mnittiSai- ,untgiurs, lasss, ScialSienstce. n, isot tssw hotldlatny jobtramistiheis- i-scist il the bradil ueiunse iiupon es- unl ight, it as eesidecisdedto tMSiners, Agrisslture meti tittit of et sit y ie sisissifirthtst-litst in 'any ihase itt Frncihi histry" hold Ihie semi-finals nstxiWeunessday Letters mnnanti Colegeiof Commesiirc ,Poi-tt antI are alwa-ys gadttoiieuxlaini Isouts(itths position the stekerto- afiernusin at 4 oock.usThelitwtsusstis-,msen stre tilt itsseparte gangs pr-ir ac550505stishse wissae t'a right usulti tsiarte the chlaracer itt uing teams will sits fistthus-chamption- idedsveltrsbiy an elected sudest hoss,toinquuqire" the F'renchcwtosans ittwit funds- shit at the Freshmani-Di. tS.5,mii Pisiks and lshosvels, ciiitiy lihe'towsn hutcomnmesnting uplonth le tquestioni mental qiulities swhich, accoirding to a weeketroim Saturdsay tradeosseoplet, sere dtiusiouutstuteuhe SpolittigNt-wesald:Iis itliefhavei oseit-i-stinsly insto- Michigan'ssteaniin Satuirdtay'ights en situ ath gasg mstvedl totthe "The ianswers oithes twitmenmitst-tntlin ii tt temtnsthis-potwerusl meet is tie-- oh th c :.anig'st ties ever llacscitt ivoitiassignedutoiiiitProumpt-eught tou satiety any fair mintdedh ter- fahouwhihs ty hu eisen, its repiresentiedtheli-'Varsity fus an sidoor ty at :30ttettry umani sas making the soitithat le chagesnade its Califor-ts- i-tehs usitt . -1it 5 a'5- ti-utsceal meet, It will bhuedlout iatauiin "Neil'ost tuse le knes owe'of uhe inpe- nusaret- uurusu-,TheIllustrateudShiet--ile, "'lisocuial istincts redomi Kellogg, te hest udistance''runnusesiuntlprvideduheimhusMost of the work inig News-shas takesi at aggessive ual -s htints-ernch witidas butthis Michigan has ivet tutul,;hisuccssscotsistetd is laying out and construct- sandinisrigardtoiifit liprfesosial manifetstsitself in two idirections, a- as a runner is ath the sutu r ot-sssu- tg gats-h satusibeteeni uhe various vi' in clege ahetics, satu iy ltihigly i tit ntl, antI niatematial tle since he seves didi any tacit worktibuidisgessinthin camsus.stD itches caustic criiicissm has incurredh thi ill-'satusits-,it is thIis combintiontsewhich ini his ight schoolsu r tsse Ini his were tisse stlongsidie the paihesito in will oft-aiou' ahiets antI eduhcationallist glosshisher oreuir iaunantI freshman year, heireprestedtiitMiohi-wt.riwieaher ley' woulte nwll lan- stiuttis whose acts thu nt show ower ou'smns, gan in an iniootraciset met sih Chi- Ied ansd los' . grotupofsitthi n Kginers ;hipwell untdes'lineligh. In te case; ''"I;lte tiltsint ur omanuur's i sage ansu for winnitig ill(e mile run, juhl a ine sonec wall as hattit their uaf Michigan, this magazine is gladl to l utuuueuou-hist beniess felt launlueftore, CaptainIHoiwsarud Hayes goututdhim wotunthle stone beingliandup tltrosm say'thias it belieos te charges are ipossibliybec-ause hes intellct diu not Iis; "t'". Vlen the outdooltrs ortilt he- thinbesofit a cons-t by a lng line of I strite, antI thai it takes as mich ,isplay suns a uittitent,,dioriminat- gan, it wso seen ihatthets'Varsity ellouws - tlasure in defending a university or leg, situ selectie phase as in the t6th lackedula to mile runnuser andTra~inor SMarityvspectatuos ensjoyedlthe uunque! ilsiiet innocently acused asin expos- 'tusy, ntissuhi a cons ructie and Iizpatrickt uecidedl toiput1the tall sight ofi seing college meni really tug iho guilty" artistic phlase as in the 17th century. freshmans, whose endhuranice antI nerve workinsg and enscouragemsent was pen- --- itsas athser a uerioui of elargement seemed to lie unlimited, in this event ifush, Some ot the enserrising youngj 1st REGIMENT DEFEATED -ntl as iuiatlotofithestu legacies of antd ateKellougg made Cneecgood .by hswinning ladies osithle college urought. uut heir Thuesnesmie relay team itt the 1st I theupass, tience theinfsluene cotuldtnot tits a te Cisesece ee, H hs kotdastsantI secured vies itftheir Iegimuent f Chcagou met Ifet inbeofluti sit tmuichnor be sit activetas won the two mile race fits three years male friends disguisedt as latorers the ittercity reginesuis relsy aes ii listpas. %- in succession, each rear uowering his Lemonade by te urrel was furnish at thu inuttir set-t of the Nes o irt Friench literature- twists women previous record, His indiorsecoirut -ddfree ihrough theo tradetsmen o all Athletic Cub Tueday night inM-titad ve;tuallsitits caness, aiulhiere-ction sit 43025sfits the mile suadet in uhe Con-the thirsty stns,sontiSiuate auden The Thiteeth 'sisanguge In ashswomn has pou- nell meet last year is also the worlds Under the miangement of the girls tigimsen tt fnBrooklyn finishi-dlfhst. 1tutu-ed ttteptraively little, However, recuod for an indoor mile, he camaniagnton a tushltinner paili the (hicagot bys being seconud. The'l ,lie has hocnithIeoleaten in the gepr- Archie Hahn, the spriner, is Anoth- sent merrily en A al on the U, I Lie was 3.4%. aii uel's'iu nct st ofat in France; she en man who is serving his fsourth year' f C IDairv resulthedhitthun capturing' II. leetiye, a Harvard freshman, has-tut'sen -i,= sirlr std critic. sn the team.,1In.1901s and 190tti.le won it a lttuit fine cheese, and from other establishedu a new indoor recordtif01 in poiutic, the Frenci woman lost the 1005 yarsd dash at the' ( sufe ruuce ouces hbrseau, ham, coffee and hueans 16 fetss0hintches fits the shuts pittr t. infiluencu- with the divorce ot Jo- , and last year lie sellst' 220t yard were obtinused. One party scoured Ini the tious mile intercolegiate o- siphis--he change of social classes lash andu only lst the us' dredius'beh- tturtsuhlysuuand'ounudedlsp a fine atch ay race, Cornell won its the sm"itt uunuught cnsiriolist the hands of ' ration of a decisiontifit ii juduges f pieis, A flsnsl inventory revealed It mis.tt0% sc, which is uter 7 is- san. Neverthleuss a the same time shich the majority of the spctatorts lastpluitdis of estis, 110 pounds of ends eter than the previosn record, lit ste hist en controlh in politics econsidered unfair. hamss,54poundsuofit cheese, 30 pounds It is already consideably better than 'she gainedu it i cmmercia life, he It, . Sewart is a prout otthe ot tufts, 1lo uav-s of bread and 200 the time mate by Michigat's team tutu ot'sr countiry his woman show a Anti Arbor high school In 1901,,lSo isiss, out doors at the Peensylvania resy nore -markeud ability as a usiness estabulishetd a wold's interschoiltic I'lit dinner was sets-ed at noon on races last spring, This showeid that manager, enuomist and housewite rectrd itt 16/sesoonds fuss tho high St'e unnis courts and no one comn- Michigans distance men hsve no Dr, Thieme closd his lecture with hurdleos.Last year, his fist in the Un- pluanedt si any'lachk of food, After small taski beore them to win the a discussion oh the French woman ivesity, he ,run the iusrdies antI the udinnr a socislthSurt was indulged in r uns in the Ciurnell mee antI the tfus as depicted in the nvel He vigor- 1it0 yard dash sn the Varsity track I by to yung laity waiters and the I mile relay race at Phiaephia next ouusly denietd thtthe':French women team,. weary soorkers. County fair races of spring, ire orsduinarily heartless, immoral, antI This is also the last year on the 5 every description matte things lively uneuducated, Suit said they are business toadk team for "Mother" Hal. In his and interesting, varius pises being BASEBALL BATS. like, practical stund level-headed, freshman year, he won thirdl llacs at awardedt the winners, Wiok was soon Manager Hairud yesterday receiveud the Conference meet in the mile ran resumed, hoiwever, and at 4:30 theI from the Pontiac Turning Co. a ship- '06B LIT BANQUET. and last year won the halt mile stun, lash- was completed, ment of buaseball hats, which Michigan With the advent of spring and the Schule, the hurdler, was on she 1iVis- In the evening the lined bust cheer- toootetosShope will seed all opposing prospect of the spening of green pas- consin track team three years as a fuil workiers held a monster rally and- hitchers is thue uench in, disgrace. The tunes, the 1901 Lits have begun to get hurdler, Sigh jumper, and broad jump- mass meeting in the large Greek thea- hate are said to ue as fine a lot of uneasy, as though there was something en, He is generally regaruded as the toe. Each class had a sepuarate section - stickss as Stichigass ever psossessetd. gnawing at "their shumachs. To satin-, bent hurdler in the Went. assigned it. Fireworks, songs, speech-- fy this and to fill out their faces with Rtebstock, the quarter miles, is serv- es, shunts and hand music formed the The treasurer of the Iowa Oratorical! a pheasant expression they have de- ing his third year on the team, Last evenings program. It was the mo~st Association has Seen charged with - cycded to again " year, be won scond place in the quar- complete mass meeting ever hel St grafting money given in to his keep- On 'Thursday night, Starch 27, a, ter mile at the Conference meet, His the ~ttniversity and was a fitting close# ing.Msuch money has been turned in banqiuet will be given at Oyster Hay, running' mate, Norcross, earned his to the second Labor Day, the first one to him which no record can be found. The fee per plate will be 75 costs. A. St A. last year by running the being held eight. years .ago. Bin hond of $1000 ho being held till Tickets can be had of Laub, Davidson, quarter mile and the low hurdles, (Continued on' page font-.) further investigation. Barnes, Parks or Stevenson... I .