THE MICHIGAN DAILY A new lot of the Cat os11 S.. 41IllckSuit', [AIJLiI'[SS F[TTNG JUSITINibriuaste. hbtCii. s nd.orseck nfd Dorothy Dodds SU1OES S tonsngleor double restd Varsity and Rtegular Sack S7 ts $.0 [R[D[ 30 *We have all sizes in stock no0w aderltyu The Clothier women--- for women. nicely. Call a$15,n$18,t ede t i+ T heol ntewol eindb 217 South iain Street. ;. AC 'C .,--SleAet JRANDALL, jtHE 4 jHOTO6RAPH~naER L21r E. Washlington St. 'Sa'a. . '~. .. .. . .. I I a H ~ iN ~l 1N + NI~O il S S 4. I 3. 4. IXX 1811SHto call youtrtattclition o Ith e tact Ctat 0ttt- en- Stre lite of SPRING WOOLE NS is ot ite tables and will futhier stale that wit arc itt a position whtcre wecant get all wottk ot prottptly. Thtesetry fittest tof tailotitig will pre- vatllis usual at ot sttctablishmet. BVK.CHF+IELD'S 'trINE TAILORING TRADE 106 Hx*rori Street ~...@.e.O.@4.S4.@4.@,@4.S.o.g~O4.O*e*O4.O4.@4.****4.W' UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY , 700 Park Ave., Now rYork . tt at workintothein t ft h r it t ntecttoon'seso ag""'at ctei ls ac tde ic;trlttmns with ti i hi i ts tewtYotk ' tivettities, ofttrtto5itr 3 SIXTY-NINTH YEAR 7 e3girrs Sept. 28, 1904 Rev, Charles Cuthbert Mall, D.D. New Brunswick Tfables} AT! REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccons JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale St., S. I hate lst reevts'ett largttestandfs t lIne ttt Turkish Cigarettes and Pipesf Fine Lunches in Connection. t'iooyttt'tig Ntttt ritd('tean. 308 S. Saie Si. R. E. JOLLY. 6RAN6[R'S ACADEMY11ORCHESTRA' Ann Arbor, Hicb. ROSS GRANGIER,HMaager I he Truest Criticism. (('otittuedtfront patte one.) it tntt htitite after tll thtat thte Iest itle istt is tttt itt aptlyitg tetarned wernttto'art.? iSytttaity, tove.- thtese ttre Ite k -ys thttttttttck the sette tt ottgrat literture atttt reseat ttttselvs i1't(tt ttrstetvts." 'Itte A; seidty t (lrauner's Acate- Actttetyst lrclwtra itttttroctl stvrit at ittetwianud ci.typieces ttf mtsic,j '.ltr. Btlttk :aut'' Wiltl Rtasiter's "Itayt tie Ch intes."''itttt "YeOleti Datys.. tuom Tte YattkeelCtotncit. PANORAMA OF FINANCE ANDTHE MARKETS. tropolitatnsnewtap eerttttinttythe facit- itiles of The Cic'tleto tltectod -erald,j thatpat irsatswtys cicverlte markets antl inancital atttlicttttmttcial lotelti-! B'ence 'itgenetaly itti scale otttxc'step stcs tn ottds, ttttnd tin at, eveyj ettcommtetcil atttfiunatcial omarket itt whlicht itt people ot't(etsothwetsstI att' (inteesled.atee Thoroutghnlly (c011- plete attd satisftactory, Sptacial cables tell (lehe t I fi oances tl itt I. 'Tte"Sptee tatit e(Jo-! ait'' Wall Streeclt'talks''"tatttLtaSalle Street Notes"'areftat toesofTtte'itC(hi-I Kaytot IF c ittd-It craldtitatktt page Ittl stottrity markts. 'lhcyrettateIerson- al gossitiofit'e ittits' inittsstwat'as lea tuutat as (lie thttttdt'ttttanrotines t art oftheil' day's st'itofattecitlat iont. Thei'Wtll Strtet letttterofJhnChlamt- tiers sttutmarizs t heit'daity hits t'yit (Gothatm's mntet' narktet in((((((t ent ertainting) andtinlstructive fasiont. !Exainthe liimnarket a tntl'fally'is- GLEE CLUB-NOTtCE. Esvcry nmetbter who extteccas to alte the' Spingstripi repurttitt Itttitui C Money Loaned Watches, Diamonds , (fie tahepersonal oirttcy of value". Watthes tid lcwnl4""Ilo- itairedd itty (Its r5in Wechae- mi no )iuuuioutts. fcer"tat ac Attne. 331 ". ib-t t 21 10 .l ,I so 3:"01pI 11).- ; to 9 ) 11 ill luss ' o ien ia. JOSIPn C. WATTS. c 1 'ITtesdayt, Martit8,.ttr7patt. N's' d4444a..,...4~~ 4i annalsot retport. 10111it+LCTC p.j t Bath supplies of all kinds at all 4. lcrcCa lgDse je pres at Cushing's Drtog store. tf. +CfCC-niit ts'e Lont'-Orsasc EtectillsTable Ltaps 1 Ls- ratprwihiitiials MT. ±+4 C'. iReturntto 427, . ls lttin. tfact, anythinga t ighti n 3 yo Chatfing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry*± store. tt. WA,5ITIINAW LlditiT & iJOB PRINTING--MEYERS, 2t PIkC15XAN. ptain St. S. Phone 281. Ctr. Wstungt's ttd 05h As.. Phtt. 273 Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Sptar' I cow's and Huyler's Chocolates atCush- loig's Pharmacy. 'Typewriting and Stenoigraphtical Work done neatly and quickly. WalterI 1 Willis, 1224 Waohtettaw Ave., Tl.} '087. Cf. IChtatfitn dishes at Hatter's Jewelry Store.t. j I AkAh, Ak AkAh-&, A,.& Ah-&Ah, AkAh, A, - - - - - - - - I ""w' 'r "r1' 1 10ALLEN'S rORl QUAL ITY." YOU CN GE A 0 $10.09 and $15S.00 SUITS AND OVEZRCOATS $io Ho Lunch , We give the Best Clothing Values, saving gou from $3.00 to $5.00 At Tuttle's, 338 S. State e balance of themotouAnalSeisnwegvyuth " N $10.09 Suits and rOvercoatshofor $8.09 24 ~ ~ $100 S[uitsa$15.00rSuits ndovrcoas8or$1.0 UNIVERSITY ACADEMY. taeStreet ' N' 4 ® O OHI CNTALLIESThe University of Chica go DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMIBUSI Law MICHIGAN .MICHIGAN M dcn .COLORS ShosM dcn LOVEL'S CRNERSofR. Theolog 'IT Nigar FllsRoue"Education THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to - I CHICAGO1 Each school has a special Circular oIsformatios which will he snt on request. BUFFALO The Corsos in Medicine ace gees is connections with the work of RUSS MEDICAL NEW YORK Clee THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, AND BOSTON SUMMER QUARTER Chicago, Illinois. with direct coosnectioss at Chicago car St. Jue8- ptm rz Lous-assas City. St. Paul and the West Js iSctmc For informsation asd through ticketsecall os oc write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ass Actor. __________ __________________ t BPACDIIN'S OFFtCIAL $ INTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL U.' Ised by all the Leading '; tColleges + Fot Bll Pants Lacie frst, Y5 ipys mtIait iiies m cliiit A. 0. 5PAL.INO & BROS. New Yorh, Chicago, D~enver Sa ldinig's M(1(51551 (ASi ail IGuide' 4 P(.a'(! 1 'tat is.4. Cleaning. Pressing. Repairing.* 336 S. STATE ST. - l-vet- Cus.Irxj''s Clothes called for and Delivered. I Phose 502 3R I QUARITFR SijrS QUlART;R EACH CLUETT, PEABOoDY & CO. mlakers of clnett and Mosarch S1hIrtl Winm. lbocbrein, steam & Gao fitter. EVbone 607. 303±Z. Mte !5t WVE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE