TIIK 151IM I IGA ANLILY , , f Ti-I MICHIGAN DAILY exists rce at the University an organi fl i a( ow Zh.. is in nowna as the "Knits *~~~ ~~ Enlii l~ l ~ stered tssecii 'on'. lnnolsmatr at, the Ann (1jud 1oik (lunb.''It is al present ('001 11 U U U 1,11 U II IPos Offiie. Iponed entirely of sopthomors and in is Publishad daily (M unteyi'si'n'tiOd daring tne, a iuie of the tint not no admit in niner coee yer, aIn .a1ir)inona .tt rs n n u ohmr.Ec y'ear a less of nihe nophlomores will he Sa eMANAGING EDTOR: innvied to(jhinaanndlthunininItires yearn Surey. in', I hiHiOnglO . 1thearclnonwi0l5c1)0ainsonhonorestun As we have too large aainOSCEs1isrgelir°1 ofnnei}'in rofinent1 stock of fancy EDITORS nIi ln I s jrno nrnnn I Atiiiine - -ih-nito' K 1. MALTON Ltcas Il( bet fsc no 9 rNes-- - - - J. S. BALOY ganiionii are many.,(nil nie innont im- SUTNi~.ADASSOCIATESi:inornantins(toiinb indte niininernsIf nine RJTNSAD Cliffrditensn. Ray Pnennes,. clasasltgether inna any nhatmoan nnn A. NM. G rarer, Hsnry ..Erwin ins tons withoutnnscn noannoianinn. TROIJSRIN OS A. C. Paonnd. A. it. (lriniyr pr Il nonnts 0oodfelloshtilpainin; JioephnY. Kerr. Stnodarcd S. Mare. (tns' onudnitscinn ainllsobe sanil ob Ida nM. Brownrig. nI. Waitr Jnynie. (in (f(i oemm 195 . Si on hand we will 'Sell ties. A. Osorn. haroldhC. Smiithi. cuo nbonnundtoiiforeninst rnil n Hlarry Hi. Andrews. Alend 1. Kochn. them at reduced prices 'rhnmas B. Rbertn. Cnyde L. Daiw. of class nspirin. The K. and F. Clnnb in prinnarily a to make room for onr BUSINESS STAFF:n social organization. It hnolnds regnilar C.A. rnftisinoln(. . Stom.If. Lod metns5n i es srad1bu Spring and Sunmm e r M. S. Kif h1(0. I. i. i~alouir(Ose. ostooadgvsnlnlnai Ths L. 'ln'ene. nnwice a montlh. nTnhese arc'reaslly nnnan- Woolens. Be snre and Editor Today-S. S. MORE. uts,and ein --ove(fllhere1''at)Annl) A'lrbrnin niearbcitli ies, form'ln le call in before yon place Subnicritption-Two Dionspergear, payablin oI (f line (esonss10i1tibwys fo~r nilpro yu re.AA,,A. j4 advannce. If denlinque (ntl ~Icte.o. 1 I)1 52.5))Jnilmotin (Ifsocllentfeeling. anlnood (,1- 1 yon o-e. Soro -in --t-i3Oaut -n3 t -030 loesiill. Nearly all(of in)e Inarge col- Office Huseg:0oo1:0ad :0li730t1 stavelordaiz/atiolns o(f tnis 01ort. TI" T nTT 2 Co ;Ulflp. m. Daily. llrvr a i'ucih)a clublni)ln st(0h1( U.1.WYILD 'UU. Address-ROOCOE B. HSTJOS Bsoiness Man- "tianly Puddinglliig (tnt" il eh hytoo G. f oger, 33i Packard Street. II(emIonl of1the(mostiimportantia)d 108 E. WASIEUNOITON SIRUIT. ~Telephone. d6t.lotsulair ill le social (iild11and (one' ol lie 11(1)0) islfnltand(1(11 ale]) ofi( h er ,1 --- - o2)rgaizions)~. 'fie "lKnifs and1( orts * f!* f!***********f~ Clubt" insIatlp'resentl illaafoor 1 Icing condtion alln s'witll y the 'f))itd ion1) iCALENDAR. Illor 111al llubihin sure1o)become Thte~ 6 ne~ marrry t't no. loer'Uresmll BIBLELECTURE. siton nd n ootlnll'hc iiII Iabny hIDri. lHu-) i()-' Ma~Ini~ro e~'trh10-'hrsdayse'eing-"The 10.iherirnal lectsuei ( frto Adans, Munseuomlec'tulre ioom, ing. ProfesIior n ill'51tolasis1 Onivenrsity. silil) II ll)e '''Conflictl'l t)i)sn 'Ill) i- _ : ORral School If 0the1Future, b ls. telnirdling the dio'ifficion Sweaters and Sweater Vests 25r/ OFF For a Short Time Only $5.50 Ones for $5.00 Ones for $4.12 $3.75 Colors White, Gray, Ma- roon and Navy. FOR K SXiKAl' Water's Book Stores. *@,@@@i_**9@.@ DO IT NOW; Ictlsc I li e: (111(' o Icl 'i(I Ppe. tretli~ n th t~ ( )1 III I co ll l l Ill° .I 1)110 i)SlIaw . Bank lDp, h coa pa e . ich d I~e e i t) a Pocket War Mraars for the [ar East, 1lSc. SHEEHAN & CO.,I University Booksellers. Sta- tioners acid Engravers. 320 South State Street. w 0 MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, ,Thke Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, lup stairs), extends spec- iat isvitation to tine ladies tocaiil li en' iar- toes to inspeet her sew tone of hnair and toilet goods. Try my Scientific Face Massage and Manicure. C. H. "AJOR e CO"rPANY Spsecialty of Fine Interior Decorating Complete new tine of Wail Papers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 2 3 E. Washington. Phone 237 Hon. Delos Fall, at TappnoBani. Marci ft-Choral Uniloconcetfby Adele Ass der Ohs. March 11-'03 Medic party at Bar- boar gymnasi. Marchi2-Adress by lion. Win. J. Bryan, in University HPli. :March 1it-First Kegiment; Mleet. 1T1 oiake ic1ihigaln's iltoor1 meet mlilo'e. 5(''05C ll iii I iiloit) '~tnsi l. it detis (tehat'ia'grositng151liibelearned )1 ln in, 11(11i entli in)1g iheio'veni'd 'Ie'll)'n01i1s 0 rain 'wour 1tip1101 10 ne- serviugno(f ci' deratl( ion1(1. Tile 1111111'(ftt'e''Yelloit' (lil 1y onntanlde till'ai'11(11er"1so~lng.As a suiltitmnl), wl o in , "A 11 ''hnAn'- hilr"' toithei'olid familiaril IunIl' (f ''il Warili O l' liii 111(1011(1muoic' not( oiily wit n 111(tbutlii)isnalotnii in~~~ ably aidapitid fur fiorcef'l tnsingingsucnh' as Mlichigan roiiierinare' wont to its( at nl athleic.'('conte sin.- Surnely 01)11')' ('lt tlsiaoiln ot (il ilble masifestei'iatitietini'1111o(r mees tand a goidso ng oughti 1tostartIlleproiie tinidcif deonstat in. It.itiighii not( lie amiss fon' tin students11to liars ''Ann nArbor"andsinit ithuma nis at inn' nmsetnext Saturday night. For siiiim lon Iti'thrc'nansiein i ln {i ;1 3 3 :I 3' r t 1 a wit h u rosilblt' oii th'l eai t e1-siim i i n w i It. ,;t n l (I rand 11ewestirniranch Ie by PIiii ii l o o fliii'h i'ffsitatthis ils W iffiitimin of 1(Pets r sisd l i .ircnul- 3; asti a"riae opo c i n inet. nicllnlow-s'(Illof Pal idm ~ iI'rn. 1) illat this oldi mu iii iciisill wii nliii ;((loves l a rY (ii y vIiI'ili . 4 1loi ii iii'1 tiiiIei 15 'n afetcl nd itsi' resin(itisin c ;ad c>i asXll o ri ate Korp Sa th iii ti nit t ie d i'oni ln t o 1 pt 'o.1ti scIe olp' All1101 "ri scodolrlso r'1a9' ('mi~ tc~ 'licnimttii.*C E ATheLLh~i will ______riday _venng. _ t "11S. St O leS. S ecctonond io. E ANOLCTE . l:: A~tS RO.MS I llioin. W.fJ.i'rya 51n wanl letiurie1on I1111gStIahoc, .5nt: i eachnni. SENIORS! SENIORS. upon liA.IPeian', i's 5S. tIngallsnotri'et.. U'. if 1. re'prsntlat in' t~i'i to'l'ach-i' irs' Agnn ,y. nV. at. o (it r «1)11 lbe fia 'ir 11 N' tlIi ;e ii C jlbanns' Sli zvs'tnt . Stick. -------- ------ THE STUDENTS' L[CTUREI ASSOCIATION 1 1 a i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i If The Next Number Will Be Announced [ater. Wednesday, March 9, land eNight : Stetson's Big Spectacular Double Unele Tome' Caibin Company Z 65--Mien, Women and Chiidren--65 20--Spsectacular and Specialty Sensations--20 9 PRICE5 :.atne Evnig,- 1c,2,l30t ad 5c.Matinlee, 330 I3 Nights, Commencing Thursday, March 10, HUNT STOCK CO. and Miss Marie Fitzgibbon' THURSDAY NIGHT--THE RANCH KING, Prices;--10, 20 and 30c. Ladies Free Thursday -Monday, March 14, THE GREAT LAF.AYETTE Z fffwwwwwwwwfwwww wwwfwowwwwf~fofffffffN9 I 1 I r i i i i i i i i Season Tickets, $1.00 A A t ingle Admission, 50c NIN iNNNf 11 TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 5, STATE ST., Phone 342-2r.