T[AM1 PICK[D. carestl lole1aclir ;le wet ev- BRYAN IU[R[ SATUJRDAY. RIVER FLOODED.
To CoptigistFrtRgm n heiniidooiiirepetdly. Hils ils pSpeasnnvesiyHalltTm y cesidealsawho hapened iear
TCoptAgisFisReiet oirnies re 1no1 as godltcely as Sek nUiesiyHl Tm het 1ur1on1yesttiiday 'winessed a
-Strong in All Departments- ie Ifact that ie has lroeiilre' Changed to 4 O'clock on Accont iiicdiniialliiis tryThe river which
First Regiment Will Bring pole, in ()Illsesoniicha s -affetedilis of Meet VWhich He WilliiAt is iof unusa~l sii- becuseiiof sprig
Noted Athletes. 1jum111.5tend. iii'li'' wasisbiiiiit l ith(I It ice itand
he____i- i iF ir. . ci 111tam 5ascrin-_____ciiul onit id au otlect ove the ca-
The team which sill oeet thetIfirt Ipted H iil., me ts t Ncmpti the announcement o the dming joining fiesThere was no little
'speech to tie deliRereis hyrtile Honk daner vlsoveil to le eihoing
Regiment athletes Saturday wacc lt. I ieSl 11s1peel'ile ~ilcto be dieslirey thiiScHon.ayI h11 1sillirli ~iit
cit by Trainer Fitzpatrick -after 1tle may 'l ilciiompetei iilil c i sirilis ii11a-iiseebitlet a Rf wii'cliere'iha isubmiige.Ditnger
ession oflt'Bodriof Cunrod i is 'I lii Ngil Itll 111arei lsoilunter cihiienaireiialttrnoon astsomptscwera
Office. Tthe tactthat the i temmutciiswallsIora dual11 11101 twithtirt'iiiii' tihainewo scnsdre naetormdyte rulebIbat
contain only tweve tmetcle-ssatilli 11 illt ii itc Apa tlach i li ii asAiteric's reteslit11i1cal spek ia I telici' ut this itis i a nec-
le h oc' hie elrwllgas wl notlel ae a it st I oreifuiiliei. Ti'eidamiage itill le con-
.li co lee ht Se .tI li i'Thie llilhi a X liiIIliIte set ior t' lictIret'wacs iieau
good hirdlerth ll ot.1Keeli s5 equial ini -_.-.',.111.i_-ci.ei.as..i-..ti.y.il
the sprint, tics licked liii 1th1'tiallas PRACICE COUJRT. avaibliltoi te lislics fhiotin-ciT R AUR[R'S RPORT.
his effors inl boteels:sill b ee-in__aratedacthFrt_ -
CapThta Kisos g ottieow itt asliSenior Laws gain Experience is Trias Reigitei'itmhell, cd oir tat reasoin The University's Economy - What
Stewtart, dash attil hrdits '-Sce i -Goc Thrugh Actuai Form of li-1111 'uetmtlCii tie Each Student Costs the State-
hude;Rstht pt ebsoli-, Civil Trial-Interesting Cases wosi aisices tii seci's 5151gRltieCotofeifeen.e
tytile;Rseso 111has iioisiiieii toi changi'heliii' o 111111' Cstlfiiffren D
qutarter; Ntorcross, qutrter;tGtodwin.sfour 111c111k1iit theiahiechioon.tic i'tiliartments.
hal; Hal, halt; Petty, tile';-KRilierTi'rctei 11ourtiiiwor1111.i theLawi itschacoueiiiilyuntbe mteitefr cue
high iump; Withley iole vaittlt. an alic en1fo111 uii-ind cimelr frigwt - raan ti oeIAcrig oterpr fTes
Stewart, Norcros hi Rebtock wil begn yeterdy, 11d1te11111t illincov 1nint ot butt s his IcTriin teso(1, 1er 1Sor i l orthliii'ear H0)'103,11tit
11111the relay. -cotei in isssionlitill n11rt1 e l oi-iise o iet1111211 Sciirtday-ater - hIIlmersit of i lit-igncan 11plrsen cc
Theindividiutal ahetes ouPheliii r'lst iof 1he1111li I iiyear.ilnoon thus giittthit i tle ini e li- t ine10'a-sItimen'lt toiIhe tax aes cit
Rtegiment.tAthletic Clitlic-il iwiill I'his el-liil of- the work 1 I i liiihe las 1 fore 1sp aing. if di - e1111icii-ei h
gymnasiumtinext Satiriday cit all ofi tare and1 iofI iiisiiierable in11ter1s51o li tGovn-etii C 111flth angit"a lar-ilhr osudiets'Th igu~res lelows
high gradle. The Relcy tectii Of Itle tise ii ii11111ii ii oxpeetli ii i i in h uue o f t ive110 r01thitiity sill b l stt owi siiittth eii u-nivesiy 1s col-
pitiarwillcnss Gi eoirge hl 0U l 11i rs ts eles , and ye1111 he - l iss iol 1110Alhieti Assciaton1 iic -id ilui'rct e m s e cnomiclbais
H-atley tKirby, XWi'liamIic ~ll't ndiiuiu it aill 0111 i- ii'it le lis kown o theI a I hli e li- ut itt'.tBryani etects 5 1to ii 11.1 tsi i ue iili cii
Rolacid tarttll All thist men1 havecii o111 in'eiti lilio he L awiIpar t ma t1111f anyslatate.liisltltu11toI inithetcain-
beenh hromintent in WXester ol egtt e sth-"-i is lihe I t iisis'iiiiiri1l iti '-sI il r i 110 11llie 'elerlttanehbythi, Aton lilto11thcsi Iitest- hi'cost
cubcth atletics anid whenthe Ioirimn-ti ici ils e1c11 iarIS toilahit as a ttey ii Sigma11 t'iih i--IlteitiyI ofiwhih hei ist t he111Satiiof ev1111stetiItwhi at-
in good cttnditicinumaike'a hretchrkailly ; 1111c11 is broug111ht lii ti til lcouttl 11111;1h-tl 1 ch-iiiiih s luh $it
tat team. wichiis poied- il 11a1 1full hc ____yea__r________
tetge Smit halis ctitttiiit t I u- ffies inriic- udgiilIi , tiiiTHE TRU EST CRTCISM. hi tl reiicils tithelihuveri-
eceiher oh, yeas atnd li on itteatw n-iitses-sh-eriff, iand ioch i it 'itit hi-
casions ttas tdeeated t'a'-t'oit Iist'uiti s liiese-te ittlei., dIireewd-ili-i ivu-il {Iyincltiudin hi eii-$59,8.""r.11:; rIecie
sin, Taylor cf ('hicago atnit iterill i li casesl i 111 Ii titwhXiich aeatd ot y aes r tng recently 1111n lihe isubje it fomtih i aletrIicasiter il-crh' $18.-
it Beloit, iho h otidis the I 11 iInteliii-{hrs ilitecl s leot1e1'shiti 15Pre1e1111lay litteatndncitii-es Pr' 8(.37 A' erXhe itpa ttiihc ge-
giate tecorid fir the 4411 tatrisHi'- 1111t111 lhs e iIs-lit Isa-it-N Dimic litofiithe i - ioal exliin1155 citdthe seitai apurte
best uedit-dis 5/ mae at thel(r- itiitne111ssesa-hse-I sppoleditohuts-c rsu i-ittofMihga has this to say lrch tnscugrandutotiallof $1915.1t0,
Iarcl Camphiontshipl Racs 5 1tl 1hs r--- ii 111 two iiyaeulls111 >f i w 1htu stitues 1theico11r111 filast Ithere iteie. $ -2,2.36 let i Ihe teas-
rgucived i 111 liui lllarc i i i tI uuiuuuttutiu shiIi--- h~l ti . - ,o,190I. -' ilt( ete ast
Wiliam ti hi l 'is oni ofthla lst- itill 111111oilt u i -hi-i-y5wort: is witutl ior! $1571 iii 891 fn theit lst fuituds itcuti-
ccc - half-siltersct in tI eshe li's11111 .1111te ed ta e f n ctuual tialuct i tiu thu i - i c lrhf11115ip" lcr iatl s, et5c'. il
a tecttd cut1.'u8 tuadeu w ilt a sd- st cvitl'-it ( is gone iiiough itn111 i' uedtou'i utuvoi hr- s itt-l acc - I'nIvlul'isit iiasuy
ent al'.NotreDtmatcite ie h ni fron1111e11 i-'litg f ile111 ti-Iito111at the. ( -is-whit-ut-all idogmaui smt andiassuimp-T heL awi dep tmetilhtis ttittinly tine
Notre tDane stoodiiihi'h iIin V sI lull ci offil , il-I he0 dci s ion oI he! -on. ispthatitutufnimtterhus it taste thaI1com11s ay h ereitit n'eu-r ipayig
tacik athletics. t-te-is alsot a vt-t! a seb it r s se lomuiroitabt~lei.' ISo-chit-ut itt-tiexpe1ns1e1 s withithieiamoutuurcceivedt'
tat quatet- iletrca it will uttutouttu- } I tril ti rnoonI judIe Bgl1 111 l riicsm e n Ihlgles tu ry iirm tdntfe.'s T hiiEi neIt eritg
INy give a gosodiaccohuitI iioif i h iimsl c' rsuiii iIided oer 1an Iirsill IcaseinteiiA 111tury5ag, JefftreyoanditIi h uhhiithuteatmethuril Iitu seacotntuhacnii te
Ann Arbort. whci (hoii touibli lt 111151 111th eiu 111 ilht u i htutst---' Itlii iiu
Harley Kitby 15 a setl11knownt iall 1shoing andu . u t n i li ofIl aii assenger 1 ,01writig Iiistin l Word sorhianti K iats Beiwtius ivent ii ecittus itt ti-c
arouned college at heei fitomth Null 1111 I 11l l ii anuCe111tr atrilbythe andilSuclltyco erig'themnisit sit-it- andth xuenuit urti :
tDaune. He hod tuis he1piii sli t t111 111110 tihill a dlscorni I liii it 1, lUvlnrit5'iii 111 t ak.uis1 ita il l ~ t' c u
the WesterntI ttiiccuieiiat retodfoiith sehu es (h at ii tuu i iuas au iisth e rsi-th vi cu- stt -andulhlii ut l 1 lIt ary .'I$r.'.80.019h5 '8'6111
the shot tutu. He s tnt ittthu btn e liitil-u-aein itiit-lullan11 sath- ies'hi lau st liii-tchlis hutthe Engineeuriuig' 6' .0'C 48,958.10
low hurdletsinte' u s i h dyIt atoarSart]o sice s slen2l91
440 yardt dash has a tretotd1oitt504cihassingui toiAXtiiArtbou andlwhenshuisith ittku luof cutorYuu iid llhilte Iiientl5.A;i0i2,i00
Kirby is a remarkiabluyifilt athlte i t o re11111 (i iiDetro1 li iitito vrl ' j stu ibe ttuiuhubbd Cotuwtus ofIts tIl Homeoaththuit...lull.0 6,600.0
for in additiontito his cabiity a ai c iiuk frail, the111 11111lii re1f11us ill fiiu' Bu l es"'" IThit hishtor fiticltiiselt wtild iPiharmacyi.ihf,27'.00 1 ,400
athlete is an excelet ftutllctplayer. ikti stoppIedit t he ain li ndil i thIthIll sho uuiuutite uuuus -exampthus o ills i ndISummer Sessions
Roanut arttcliwill huttir iitteiltereid ci ouhhiis blii I Ii 1,11 ew hiti ofiuatunuur huti tP- 111cl itt 1111 hly ce 1111', tule -I tl l ti ' ... 1,95.0011 7. 1 11110
city ot Michgan tueaccounua t f (hc 11l ln iiih i I'ss'l~'' a tuh ris 1' nr itt hiltul haifrrti uu'uut'No t uary i tca ..... ''500I) 1 1 72
giyaltre oer tudenltsutihilel t'nive~ 11i oting ilin suculeug us lie iistahed aslluli but rtt feustsinl 1 16:t5$0 95.ut
in the Westeu-tInhtueclleguc Iiate tf '111111 ii huiuuuili hl o liii'1n1 d h h Ile - iii ittths Ii asontt Iis c sIteuic - tllfvcst5i1- Pay tlh
yeats ago. h-arttll comt ed frl i etalhlhit lis ofulheIicin11 it were arg 1 ly ifilt lto idilsovte' what -itts lue i ulcetr sip -tsitah .... $1787124
Michigani ut tne yer andthast 15 hu the irhst i>1IistdIi to iiihhtlito ila boott." I ant sekig' hilt oh liii 111,11huttostl..... 47195
ini thuestcoatficodtiotlulIht sason. h ei - dii juryii thalt jugmeni t shotuuld u r hs, outisuotks oftheI mai' i ation.1
yet te rani remnarkably srn shibl given 1to 1the i r sill I ullens Siiicl u a-ttitechical bookus Icai he"TotaiIexpienidtdIftutusalails $99896.20
it beter' cotnditionut w h athha i 1 ~t - 1II a eI ee t nchil' ilat Ilhui - ! i u iiandilaeto behutdhut du oniul ii 'i Thiisututueirtsissonus ate trattical-
time. cout trining iiis ilthe.Iihst-ltivanuue , i--tlih asis iof ath and cr11111 Npah~lid fo huby III stilet fttett.5 Otter
Wsalter- Steffecc is, undubihiutedlytili!tt hit lii lucy t wers adti rt there iihas a tuucigreat en u-stuse pinil expenlt'ti'ditures1 5ere:
Premier Athete of Cook CouintyiIhghu'il-"'forIutu iiisre h he ing*.ldBut tii booiks ofithe tmagi I chrtunuy- ees ......$2202097
Schoots, anth is a mnembecrtothlii-First itutu sdingiijule will be, g1ea1helpnati i'wer1-deling itmatg5111ices - ath11,1855.u00
Regiment Athletic Asscitaion Te an ;to hus(,iwlititalit ceiv i -ts a ostle s ltS usiect' 1(11hun'e15isMiscllaneous .hI....i.1859.0
He recentlytas hbeatnt tatlin o it tuc es whe 11111n101.1(11theycm ofteacutsal lucis onctrtainyuutiiisidet olir_____
cago Friend of Chicago- anti aitiey it wher liiie ut-ittpil c'it-u- e0" does t ow use ilectii'hti s htm los Olinsyn- tt .. ......i.. $44077
the Y. M. C A. in a scratch ofit ly alhehr i thtiei,soutieas Hnce cte-fintl ThetotlulalrecIetuts cut the Uveri-
yard hurdle racelHe i onei- ou the___ such divterse pnitos aboiuut thesane ty is-rtt $88,89737 lst year as cn-
tastest starters for shrt distances.; WLL FLAY WEST VIRGINIA tmatts amotng ris tuf rat ame paredl to $7192l51.58tof the pevios
He is a cracitquateback andh was!__Goe tthe coud not he intiretel in yar. Naly $111001 less wee recei-
captain tit the famous North tivisionui Ii u I hBait hs arratged foututjlDante;Laundo ud htnt radlSpenlcI dhfromcstu'en t ees
Highu School Football Team thtnh al daes wituhi IWcs Vutrginia foriictIst;t 'lame laughedlat Miltontiauti
East and defeatedl the cttng tBriok-lI tuutti 221 and K alamiazooufoiiiOltobuhertWordsisoirth; C alye abomniuaetd CONTEMPORARY FRANCE.
tyn High IStioutlTeami 10-ti0. 8g.Buttegmsv l fcurusu hut'luy (((eorge Satiu. Is a commonplauihcte to
Otto Kaecke, the captainuadii hg h t ilrei- lsiIii utua haultii st-y say uilau ulyttyime dcll stubheesI Ih last huhthe letlues iinthc Con-'
jumper of theFirstO Regiuent Athletic -succsfusea1soii 1astyua akn g)u vcdict.Tr omnhhato al empatray Fr'ncnte series will e given
Club, is the osnet of the recciii tofittwith Iniaa O.SI I%,anl ituttitmeumysteriouus wy lbings ii(te ltda- at 5a).inilli'Thaa i-all by-
the Cetra Asociation Champiotnshtit ates outht uuclasi. id itteitcht. tund it is sumimeiuis Dr Th-mi' ithlii-suject "The Ii-
of the A. A. IT.He clearedithue ban _- lurpisting hutodicovter howsvctirrectly fluenced'andulPoitioin it'trenucthWe"
at five-eeven oeven eigts. He has CHORAL UNION UNDECIDED. litted1common1 lutotle tuaie juuuged ini the' men." Thie subtject is tut appropriate-
won the Central AssociationutC hain-iir.inst1atutc I Thu cruwttihat ifiled ! one 1~wih whiuchu toconctlde 5sucba
pionship five years in succession.i It Nu tuiiteu conclsionuuu hucs btuntuhtll IGlb'eItheatrnewtusshthaSlkes- coursesuture at all times itt Frech
Ed Hill, of North tDivision atiud -hart iteccii iby hu hol'cUncioitn iiint-egarth lu-ant's pulay5swent'suiperlatively good;i Itpolit itcl Int l iterary -history, the wo-
ry Anderson, of South Divistioti are Iothehut.SiLouistsrip11A spe-cial re-'Ithue eauto ediultions cut the PilgrinucsIten oh thut'ctuntry have exercisedi
other noteworthy nienubetrs tufthe-hit-ctsuch 5was hld yels-stu- cutera u-eig, Pugress stere all read to pieces, so ctnsideaen-iiliteuict-.
team. The ater beingundoubtedtly afthurliii'teguiltarmtinhg a-Bwichit-htat I pefci ttcoply is scarcelyitnitwnt. 'The course shich concudues witt
the tasteot miter in thetIllioisHugh thetpopstiiaonuu wat-s.cagain lustcussed.T Ihe totu:io Sciutlandt wercenot iong, the lecture htomorrowvhas beeu a suc-
Schools' jooeheal out-of- htnsot ucetiesluct'eiiintupintuho their tueart tie author ' coss ini iceny way. It has tic-ccom-
'Tom Peebles, a 44(1 yartd man, anti -shutsn ara thtsiretolitacdcmpany ;huh hue Cotter's Saturduay- Night and Iprehensive, ealing with atllItue van-
FrankHotton, a distance ruinner, haye the ('buttat l uuuuuuanduit i s certain ;ham 0'Shuanter. t ur incotuntry the i outs uhasesosftihe in iFrance, and has
repeatedly won victories for the FirthIthat here are manuy gtodiubiclstitlute s most poplular if toar poets is likley ho seemued to appueal thu a wiute audience,
Regiment Athletic Cltub. availatble ho neplcce all umembuers who take the highest rank in thse end. May as shown by the fart that the lectures
Hey Albertson was one of the me-tcrannot: matte the trill. (Continued tnipage0 three) have been uniformly well altecded,